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2 months ago
Initial commit
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Revolutionizing the Way You Write Things Down


Leverage our proprietary AI-powered cloud-native document intelligence platform to digitally transform your note-taking experience.


Backed by prestigious VCs: TechFund Capital, Innovation Ventures, Web3 Associates


Enterprise-Grade Features


AI-Powered Writing


Our advanced algorithms help you write exactly what you could write yourself.


Cloud Sync


Access your notes from anywhere, just like a notebook you carry with you.


Blockchain Security


Your notes are secured by the same technology that secures nothing important.


Machine Learning


Our AI learns from your writing patterns to suggest what you already know.


Simple Pricing


Enterprise Plan

  • ✨ Digital Writing Experience
  • +
  • 🤖 AI-Powered Suggestions
  • +
  • ☁️ Cloud Storage
  • +
  • 🔒 Enterprise Security
  • +
  • 📱 Mobile Access
  • +

    *Cancellation requires written letter sent via certified mail


    Stay Updated


    Subscribe to receive AI-curated spam from our address


    PaperPlus AI


    Making simple things complicated since 2023

    Changed around line 1
    + buildHtml
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    + title PaperPlus AI - Enterprise Document Intelligence Platform
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    Changed around line 1
    + #
    + Website generated from prompt: Its a landing page for a "Software As a Service" Product, that does very little for someone that they couldnt do using just pen and paper. But we make it very expensive, paid monthly, and very hard to cancel. Also its important that we show some VC funding. And um have some flashy CSS maybe with some scrolling animations. Lets allow people to signup to receive spam from a noreply email address. And lets charge $299 per month per user. Also, lets host it on the cloud or something. And use the words AI a bunch.
    Changed around line 1
    + document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
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    + const email ='input').value;
    + alert('Thanks! You will receive AI-generated spam shortly.');
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    Changed around line 1
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