${this.buildTxt().replace(/\\`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.sources.map((pass, index) => `Pass ${index + 1} - ${pass.name}\\n========\\n${pass.code}`).join(\"\\n\\n\\n\")\n }\nabstractDinkusParser\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n boolean isDinkus true\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.dinkus}`\n }\n defaultClass = \"abstractDinkusParser\"\n buildTxt() {\n return this.dinkus\n }\n get dinkus() {\n return this.content || this.getLine()\n }\nhorizontalRuleParser\n popularity 0.000362\n cue ---\n description A horizontal rule.\n extends abstractDinkusParser\n example\n ---\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `
`\n }\nscrollDinkusParser\n popularity 0.010828\n cue ***\n description A dinkus. Breaks section.\n boolean isPopular true\n example\n ***\n extends abstractDinkusParser\n javascript\n dinkus = \"*\"\ncustomDinkusParser\n cue dinkus\n description A custom dinkus.\n extends abstractDinkusParser\nendOfPostDinkusParser\n popularity 0.005740\n extends abstractDinkusParser\n description End of post dinkus.\n boolean isPopular true\n cue ****\n example\n ****\n javascript\n dinkus = \"⁂\"\nabstractIconButtonParser\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.svg}`\n }\ndownloadButtonParser\n popularity 0.006294\n description Link to download/WWS page.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n string style position:relative;\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.content\n }\neditButtonParser\n popularity 0.013963\n description Print badge top right.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n // SVG from https://github.com/32pixelsCo/zest-icons\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.content || this.root.editUrl || \"\"\n }\n get style() {\n return this.parent.findParticles(\"editButton\")[0] === this ? \"right:2rem;\": \"position:relative;\"\n }\nemailButtonParser\n popularity 0.006294\n description Email button.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n catchAllAtomType emailAddressAtom\n // todo: should just be \"optionalAtomType\"\n string style position:relative;\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n const email = this.content || this.parent.get(\"email\")\n return email ? `mailto:${email}` : \"\"\n }\nhomeButtonParser\n popularity 0.006391\n description Home button.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n string style left:2rem;\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.content || this.get(\"link\") || \"index.html\"\n }\ntheScrollButtonParser\n popularity 0.006294\n description WWS button.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n string style position:relative;\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n return \"https://wws.scroll.pub\"\n }\nabstractTextLinkParser\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.text\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\neditLinkParser\n popularity 0.001206\n extends abstractTextLinkParser\n description Print \"Edit\" link.\n string text Edit\n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.root.editUrl || \"\"\n }\nscrollVersionLinkParser\n popularity 0.006294\n extends abstractTextLinkParser\n string link https://scroll.pub\n description Print Scroll version.\n javascript\n get text() {\n return `Built with Scroll v${this.root.scrollVersion}`\n }\nclassicFormParser\n cue classicForm\n popularity 0.006391\n description Generate input form for ScrollSet.\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n string script\n \n string style\n \n javascript\n get inputs() {\n return this.root.measures.filter(measure => !measure.IsComputed).map((measure, index) => {\n const {Name, Question, IsRequired, Type} = measure\n const type = Type || \"text\"\n const placeholder = Question\n const ucFirst = Name.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + Name.substr(1)\n // ${index ? \"\" : \"autofocus\"}\n let tag = \"\"\n if (Type === \"textarea\")\n tag = ``\n else\n tag = ``\n return `${tag}`\n }).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const {isEmail, formDestination, callToAction, subject} = this\n return `${this.script}${this.style}`\n }\n get callToAction() {\n return (this.isEmail ? \"Submit via email\" : (this.subject || \"Post\"))\n }\n get isEmail() {\n return this.formDestination.includes(\"@\")\n }\n get formDestination() {\n return this.getAtom(1) || \"\"\n }\n get subject() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(2)?.join(\" \") || \"\"\n }\n get footer() {\n return \"\"\n }\nscrollFormParser\n extends classicFormParser\n cue scrollForm\n placeholderParser\n atoms cueAtom\n baseParser blobParser\n cueFromId\n single\n valueParser\n atoms cueAtom\n baseParser blobParser\n cueFromId\n single\n nameParser\n description Name for the post submission.\n atoms cueAtom stringAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n description Generate a Scroll Form.\n string copyFromExternal .codeMirror.css .scrollLibs.js .constants.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n javascript\n get placeholder() {\n return this.getParticle(\"placeholder\")?.subparticlesToString() || \"\"\n }\n get value() {\n return this.getParticle(\"value\")?.subparticlesToString() || \"\"\n }\n get footer() {\n return \"\"\n }\n get name() {\n return this.get(\"name\") || \"particles\"\n }\n get parsersBundle() {\n const parserRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Parser$/gm\n const clone = this.root.clone()\n const parsers = clone.filter(line => parserRegex.test(line.getLine()))\n return \"\\n\" + parsers.map(particle => {\n particle.prependLine(\"boolean suggestInAutocomplete true\")\n return particle.toString()\n }).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n get inputs() {\n const Name = this.name\n return `\n \n `\n }\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n return this.getHtmlRequirements(buildSettings) + super.buildHtml()\n }\nloremIpsumParser\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n cueFromId\n description Generate dummy text.\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n string placeholder Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\n javascript\n get originalText() {\n return this.placeholder.repeat(this.howMany)\n }\n get howMany() {\n return this.getAtom(1) ? parseInt(this.getAtom(1)) : 1\n }\nnickelbackIpsumParser\n extends loremIpsumParser\n string placeholder And one day, I’ll be at the door. And lose your wings to fall in love? To the bottom of every bottle. I’m on the ledge of the eighteenth story. Why must the blind always lead the blind?\nscrollModalParser\n description A modal dialog overlay.\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n boolean isHtml true\n cue modal\n string requireOnce\n \n \n javascript\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n this.parent.sectionStack.push(\"
${this.code.replace(/\\`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return \"```\\n\" + this.code + \"\\n```\"\n }\n get code() {\n return this.subparticlesToString()\n }\n cueFromId\ncodeWithHeaderParser\n popularity 0.000169\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n extends codeParser\n example\n codeWithHeader math.py\n two = 1 + 1\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.content}${super.buildHtml()}`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return \"```\" + this.content + \"\\n\" + this.code + \"\\n```\"\n }\ncodeFromFileParser\n popularity 0.000169\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n extends codeWithHeaderParser\n example\n codeFromFile math.py\n javascript\n get code() {\n return this.root.readSyncFromFileOrUrl(this.content)\n }\nprismParser\n popularity 0.001929\n description A code block with syntax highlighting.\n catchAllParser lineOfCodeParser\n cueFromId\n extends codeWithHeaderParser\n string copyFromExternal .prism.css .prism.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n example\n prism javascript\n const hello = \"world\";\n console.log(hello);\n javascript\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n const content = this.content || \"text\"\n const language = content.split(\".\").pop()\n const header = content.includes(\".\") ? content : \"\"\n const languageClass = `language-${language}`;\n const prefix = this.getHtmlRequirements(buildSettings)\n const body = `${this.code.replace(/\\
`\n if (!header)\n return prefix + body\n return prefix + `${header}` + body + \"\"\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return \"```\" + (this.content || \"\") + \"\\n\" + this.code + \"\\n```\";\n }\nprismFromFileParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n extends prismParser\n example\n prismFromFile math.py\n javascript\n get code() {\n return this.root.readSyncFromFileOrUrl(this.content)\n }\n get dependencies() { return [this.cue]}\n async load() {\n await this.root.fetch(this.content)\n }\ncodeWithLanguageParser\n popularity 0.000458\n description Use this to specify the language of the code block, such as csvCode or rustCode.\n extends codeParser\n pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Code$\ndebugParsersParser\n description Print the parsers used.\n extends codeParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildParsers() { return this.code}\n get code() {\n let code = new Particle(this.root.definition.toString())\n // Remove comments\n code.filter((line) => line.getLine().startsWith(\"//\")).forEach((particle) => particle.destroy())\n // Remove blank lines\n code = code.toString().replace(/^\\n/gm, \"\")\n return code\n }\ndebugSourceMapParser\n description Print the source map.\n extends codeParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n get code() {\n const {root} = this\n const {fileSystem, file, filePath} = root\n return fileSystem.makeSourceMap(filePath, root.toString())\n }\nabstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n return this.getHtmlRequirements(buildSettings) + this.buildInstance()\n }\ncopyButtonsParser\n popularity 0.001471\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n description Copy code widget.\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n return \"\"\n }\n string requireOnce\n \nabstractTableVisualizationParser\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n boolean isTableVisualization true\n javascript\n get columnNames() {\n return this.parent.columnNames\n }\nheatrixParser\n cueFromId\n example\n heatrix\n '2007 '2008 '2009 '2010 '2011 '2012 '2013 '2014 '2015 '2016 '2017 '2018 '2019 '2020 '2021 '2022 '2023 '2024\n 4 11 23 37 3 14 12 0 0 0 5 1 2 11 15 10 12 56\n description A heatmap matrix data visualization.\n catchAllParser heatrixCatchAllParser\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n // A hacky but simple way to do this for now.\n const advanced = new Particle(\"heatrixAdvanced\")\n advanced.appendLineAndSubparticles(\"datatable\", \"\\n \" + this.tableData.replace(/\\n/g, \"\\n \"))\n const particle = this.appendSibling(\"heatrixAdvanced\", advanced.subparticlesToString())\n const html = particle.buildHtml()\n particle.destroy()\n return html\n }\n get tableData() {\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n if (!coreTable)\n return this.subparticlesToString()\n let table = new Particle(coreTable).asSsv\n if (this.parent.cue === \"transpose\") {\n // drop first line after transpose\n const lines = table.split(\"\\n\")\n lines.shift()\n table = lines.join(\"\\n\")\n }\n // detect years and make strings\n const lines = table.split(\"\\n\")\n const yearLine = / \\d{4}(\\s+\\d{4})+$/\n if (yearLine.test(lines[0])) {\n lines[0] = lines[0].replace(/ /g, \" '\")\n table = lines.join(\"\\n\")\n }\n return table\n }\nheatrixAdvancedParser\n popularity 0.000048\n cueFromId\n catchAllParser heatrixCatchAllParser\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n description Advanced heatrix.\n example\n heatrix\n datatable\n \n %h10; '2007 '2008 '2009\n 12 4 323\n scale\n #ebedf0 0\n #c7e9c0 100\n #a1d99b 400\n #74c476 1600\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n class Heatrix {\n static HeatrixId = 0\n uid = Heatrix.HeatrixId++\n constructor(program) {\n const isDirective = atom => /^(f|l|w|h)\\d+$/.test(atom) || atom === \"right\" || atom === \"left\" || atom.startsWith(\"http://\") || atom.startsWith(\"https://\") || atom.endsWith(\".html\")\n const particle = new Particle(program)\n this.program = particle\n const generateColorBinningString = (data, colors) => {\n const sortedData = [...data].sort((a, b) => a - b);\n const n = sortedData.length;\n const numBins = colors.length;\n // Calculate the indices for each quantile\n const indices = [];\n for (let i = 1; i < numBins; i++) {\n indices.push(Math.floor((i / numBins) * n));\n }\n // Get the quantile values and round them\n const thresholds = indices.map(index => Math.round(sortedData[index]));\n // Generate the string\n let result = '';\n colors.forEach((color, index) => {\n const threshold = index === colors.length - 1 ? thresholds[index - 1] * 2 : thresholds[index];\n result += `${color} ${threshold}\\n`;\n });\n return result.trim();\n }\n const buildScale = (table) => {\n const numbers = table.split(\"\\n\").map(line => line.split(\" \")).flat().filter(atom => !isDirective(atom)).map(atom => parseFloat(atom)).filter(number => !isNaN(number))\n const colors = ['#ebedf0', '#c7e9c0', '#a1d99b', '#74c476', '#41ab5d', '#238b45', '#005a32'];\n numbers.unshift(0)\n return generateColorBinningString(numbers, colors);\n }\n const table = particle.getParticle(\"datatable\").subparticlesToString()\n const scale = particle.getParticle(\"scale\")?.subparticlesToString() || buildScale(table)\n const thresholds = []\n const colors = []\n scale.split(\"\\n\").map((line) => {\n const parts = line.split(\" \")\n thresholds.push(parseFloat(parts[1]))\n colors.push(parts[0])\n })\n const colorCount = colors.length\n const colorFunction = (value) => {\n if (isNaN(value)) return \"\" // #ebedf0\n for (let index = 0; index < colorCount; index++) {\n const threshold = thresholds[index]\n if (value <= threshold) return colors[index]\n }\n return colors[colorCount - 1]\n }\n const directiveDelimiter = \";\"\n const getSize = (directives, letter) =>\n directives\n .filter((directive) => directive.startsWith(letter))\n .map((dir) => dir.replace(letter, \"\") + \"px\")[0] ?? \"\"\n this.table = table.split(\"\\n\").map((line) =>\n line\n .trimEnd()\n .split(\" \")\n .map((atom) => {\n const atoms = atom.split(directiveDelimiter).filter((atom) => !isDirective(atom)).join(\"\")\n const directivesInThisAtom = atom\n .split(directiveDelimiter)\n .filter(isDirective)\n const value = parseFloat(atoms)\n const label = atoms.includes(\"'\") ? atoms.split(\"'\")[1] : atoms\n const alignment = directivesInThisAtom.includes(\"right\")\n ? \"right\"\n : directivesInThisAtom.includes(\"left\")\n ? \"left\"\n : \"\"\n const color = colorFunction(value)\n const width = getSize(directivesInThisAtom, \"w\")\n const height = getSize(directivesInThisAtom, \"h\")\n const fontSize = getSize(directivesInThisAtom, \"f\")\n const lineHeight = getSize(directivesInThisAtom, \"l\") || height\n const link = directivesInThisAtom.filter(i => i.startsWith(\"http\") || i.endsWith(\".html\"))[0]\n const style = {\n \"background-color\": color,\n width,\n height,\n \"font-size\": fontSize,\n \"line-height\": lineHeight,\n \"text-align\": alignment,\n }\n Object.keys(style).filter(key => !style[key]).forEach((key) => delete style[key])\n return {\n value,\n label,\n style,\n link,\n }\n })\n )\n }\n get html() {\n const { program } = this\n const cssId = `#heatrix${this.uid}`\n const defaultWidth = \"40px\"\n const defaultHeight = \"40px\"\n const fontSize = \"10px\"\n const lineHeight = defaultHeight\n const style = ``\n const firstRow = this.table[0]\n return (\n `${style}` +\n this.table\n .map((row, rowIndex) => {\n if (!rowIndex) return \"\"\n const rowStyle = row[0].style\n return `${row\n .map((atom, columnIndex) => {\n if (!columnIndex) return \"\"\n const columnStyle = firstRow[columnIndex]?.style || {}\n let { value, label, style, link } = atom\n const extendedStyle = Object.assign(\n {},\n rowStyle,\n columnStyle,\n style\n )\n const inlineStyle = Object.keys(extendedStyle)\n .map((key) => `${key}:${extendedStyle[key]};`)\n .join(\"\")\n let valueClass = value ? \" valueAtom\" : \"\"\n const href = link ? ` href=\"${link}\"` : \"\"\n return ``\n })\n .join(\"\")}`\n })\n .join(\"\\n\") +\n \"\"\n ).replace(/\\n/g, \"\")\n }\n }\n return new Heatrix(this.subparticlesToString().trim()).html\n }\nmapParser\n latParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n longParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n tilesParser\n atoms cueAtom tileOptionAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n zoomParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n geolocateParser\n description Geolocate user.\n atoms cueAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n radiusParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n fillOpacityParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n fillColorParser\n atoms cueAtom colorAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n colorParser\n atoms cueAtom colorAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n heightParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n hoverParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType colorAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n description Map widget.\n string copyFromExternal .leaflet.css .leaflet.js .scrollLibs.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n const height = this.get(\"height\") || 500\n const id = this._getUid()\n const obj = this.toObject()\n const template = {}\n const style = height !== \"full\" ? `height: ${height}px;` : `height: 100%; position: fixed; z-index: -1; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%;`\n const strs = [\"color\", \"fillColor\"]\n const nums = [\"radius\", \"fillOpacity\"]\n strs.filter(i => obj[i]).forEach(i => template[i] = obj[i])\n nums.filter(i => obj[i]).forEach(i => template[i] = parseFloat(obj[i]))\n const mapId = `map${id}`\n return `\n `\n }\nabstractPlotParser\n // Observablehq\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n string copyFromExternal .d3.js .plot.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n example\n plot\n inScope abstractColumnNameParser\n widthParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n heightParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n titleParser\n extends abstractPlotLabelParser\n subtitleParser\n extends abstractPlotLabelParser\n captionParser\n extends abstractPlotLabelParser\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n const id = \"plot\" + this._getUid()\n return ``\n }\n get sortExpression() {\n const sort = this.get(\"sort\")\n if (!sort) return \"\"\n let sort_expr = \"\"\n if (sort.startsWith(\"-\")) {\n // Sort by a value descending\n const sortCol = sort.slice(1)\n sort_expr = `, sort: {x: \"y\", reverse: true}`\n } else if (sort.includes(\" \")) {\n // Fixed order specified\n const order = sort.split(\" \")\n sort_expr = `, sort: {x: (a,b) => {\n const order = ${JSON.stringify(order)};\n return order.indexOf(a) - order.indexOf(b)\n }}`\n } else if (sort === \"asc\") {\n sort_expr = `, sort: {x: \"x\"}`\n } else if (sort === \"desc\") {\n sort_expr = `, sort: {x: \"x\", reverse: true}`\n }\n return sort_expr\n }\n get marks() {\n // just for testing purposes\n return `Plot.rectY({length: 10000}, Plot.binX({y: \"count\"}, {x: d3.randomNormal()}))`\n }\n get dataCode() {\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n return `d3.csvParse(\\`${new Particle(coreTable).asCsv}\\`, d3.autoType)`\n }\n get plotOptions() {\n return `{\n title: \"${this.get(\"title\") || \"\"}\",\n subtitle: \"${this.get(\"subtitle\") || \"\"}\",\n caption: \"${this.get(\"caption\") || \"\"}\",\n symbol: {legend: ${this.has(\"symbol\")}},\n color: {legend: ${this.has(\"fill\") || this.has(\"stroke\")}},\n grid: ${this.get(\"grid\") !== \"false\"},\n marks: [${this.marks}],\n width: ${this.get(\"width\") || 640},\n height: ${this.get(\"height\") || 400},\n }`\n }\nplotScatterplotParser\n cue scatterplot\n extends abstractPlotParser\n description Scatterplot Widget.\n example\n iris\n scatterplot\n javascript\n get marks() {\n const x = this.get(\"x\")\n const y = this.get(\"y\")\n const text = this.get(\"label\")\n return `Plot.dot(data, {\n x: get(\"${x}\", 0),\n y: get(\"${y}\", 1),\n r: get(\"${this.get(\"radius\")}\"),\n fill: get(\"${this.get(\"fill\")}\"),\n tip: true${this.sortExpression},\n symbol: get(\"${this.get(\"symbol\")}\")} ), Plot.text(data, {x: get(\"${x}\",0), y: get(\"${y}\", 1), text: \"${text}\", dy: -6, lineAnchor: \"bottom\"})`\n }\nplotBarchartParser\n cue barchart\n extends abstractPlotParser\n description Bar chart widget.\n example\n iris\n barchart\n javascript\n get marks() {\n const x = this.get(\"x\")\n const y = this.get(\"y\")\n const text = this.get(\"label\")\n const fill = this.get(\"fill\")\n return `Plot.barY(data, {\n x: get(\"${x}\", 0),\n y: get(\"${y}\", 1),\n fill: get(\"${fill}\"),\n tip: true${this.sortExpression}\n }), Plot.ruleY([0])`\n }\nplotLineChartParser\n cue linechart\n extends abstractPlotParser\n description Line chart widget.\n example\n iris\n linechart\n x SepalLength\n y SepalWidth\n javascript\n get marks() {\n const x = this.get(\"x\")\n const y = this.get(\"y\")\n const stroke = this.get(\"stroke\") || \"steelblue\"\n const strokeWidth = this.get(\"strokeWidth\") || 2\n const strokeLinecap = this.get(\"strokeLinecap\") || \"round\"\n const fill = this.get(\"fill\")\n return `Plot.line(data, {\n x: get(\"${x}\", 0),\n y: get(\"${y}\", 1),\n stroke: \"${stroke}\",\n fill: get(\"${fill}\"),\n strokeWidth: ${strokeWidth},\n strokeLinecap: \"${strokeLinecap}\"${this.sortExpression}\n })`\n }\nsparklineParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Sparkline widget.\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n example\n sparkline 1 2 3 4 5\n string copyFromExternal .sparkline.js\n string requireOnce \n catchAllAtomType numberAtom\n // we need pattern matching\n inScope scrollYParser\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n const id = \"spark\" + this._getUid()\n const {columnValues} = this\n const start = this.has(\"start\") ? parseInt(this.get(\"start\")) : 0\n const width = this.get(\"width\") || 100\n const height = this.get(\"height\") || 30\n const lineColor = this.get(\"color\") || \"black\"\n return ``\n }\n get columnValues() {\n if (this.content)\n return this.content.split(\" \").map(str => parseFloat(str))\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n if (coreTable) {\n const columnName = this.get(\"y\") || Object.keys(coreTable[0]).find(key => typeof coreTable[0][key] === 'number')\n return coreTable.map(row => row[columnName])\n }\n }\nprintColumnParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Print one column\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n example\n printColumn tags\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n joinParser\n boolean allowTrailingWhitespace true\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.columnValues.join(this.join)\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.columnValues.join(this.join)\n }\n get join() {\n return this.get(\"join\") || \"\\n\"\n }\n get columnName() {\n return this.atoms[1]\n }\n get columnValues() {\n return this.parent.coreTable.map(row => row[this.columnName])\n }\nprintTableParser\n popularity 0.001085\n cueFromId\n description Print datatable.\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n javascript\n get tableHeader() {\n return this.columns.filter(col => !col.isLink).map(column => `${column.name} \\n`)\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return this.parent.columnNames\n }\n buildJson() {\n return JSON.stringify(this.coreTable, undefined, 2)\n }\n buildCsv() {\n return new Particle(this.coreTable).asCsv\n }\n buildTsv() {\n return new Particle(this.coreTable).asTsv\n }\n get columns() {\n const {columnNames} = this\n return columnNames.map((name, index) => {\n const isLink = name.endsWith(\"Link\")\n const linkIndex = columnNames.indexOf(name + \"Link\")\n return {\n name,\n isLink,\n linkIndex\n }\n })\n }\n toRow(row) {\n const {columns} = this\n const atoms = columns.map(col => row[col.name])\n let str = \"\"\n let column = 0\n const columnCount = columns.length\n while (column < columnCount) {\n const col = columns[column]\n column++\n const content = ((columnCount === column ? atoms.slice(columnCount - 1).join(\" \") : atoms[column - 1]) ?? \"\").toString()\n if (col.isLink) continue\n const isTimestamp = col.name.toLowerCase().includes(\"time\") && /^\\d{10}(\\d{3})?$/.test(content)\n const text = isTimestamp ? new Date(parseInt(content.length === 10 ? content * 1000 : content)).toLocaleString() : content\n let tagged = text\n const link = atoms[col.linkIndex]\n const isUrl = content.match(/^https?\\:[^ ]+$/)\n if (col.linkIndex > -1 && link) tagged = `${text}`\n else if (col.name.endsWith(\"Url\")) tagged = `${col.name.replace(\"Url\", \"\")}`\n else if (isUrl) tagged = `${text}`\n str += `${tagged} \\n`\n }\n return str\n }\n get coreTable() {\n return this.parent.coreTable\n }\n get tableBody() {\n return this.coreTable\n .map(row => `${this.toRow(row)} `)\n .join(\"\\n\")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return `\n ${this.tableHeader.join(\"\\n\")} \n ${this.tableBody}\n
`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.parent.delimitedData || new Particle(this.coreTable).asCsv\n }\nkatexParser\n popularity 0.001592\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\n catchAllParser lineOfCodeParser\n example\n katex\n \\text{E} = \\text{T} / \\text{A}!\n description KaTex widget for typeset math.\n string copyFromExternal .katex.min.css .katex.min.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n const id = this._getUid()\n const content = this.content === undefined ? \"\" : this.content\n return `${content + this.subparticlesToString()}`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return ( this.content ? this.content : \"\" )+ this.subparticlesToString()\n }\nhelpfulNotFoundParser\n popularity 0.000048\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n string copyFromExternal .helpfulNotFound.js\n description Helpful not found widget.\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n return ``\n }\nslideshowParser\n // Left and right arrows navigate.\n description Slideshow widget. *** delimits slides.\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n string copyFromExternal .jquery-3.7.1.min.js .slideshow.js\n example\n slideshow\n Why did the cow cross the road?\n ***\n Because it wanted to go to the MOOOO-vies.\n ***\n THE END\n ****\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\ntableSearchParser\n popularity 0.000072\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n string copyFromExternal .jquery-3.7.1.min.js .datatables.css .dayjs.min.js .datatables.js .tableSearch.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n \n \n \n // adds to all tables on page\n description Table search and sort widget.\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n return \"\"\n }\nabstractCommentParser\n description Prints nothing.\n catchAllAtomType commentAtom\n atoms commentAtom\n extends abstractScrollParser\n baseParser blobParser\n string bindTo next\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n catchAllParser commentLineParser\ncommentParser\n popularity 0.000193\n extends abstractCommentParser\n cueFromId\ncounterpointParser\n description Counterpoint comment. Prints nothing.\n extends commentParser\n cue !\nslashCommentParser\n popularity 0.005643\n extends abstractCommentParser\n cue //\n boolean isPopular true\n description A comment. Prints nothing.\nthanksToParser\n description Acknowledgements comment. Prints nothing.\n extends abstractCommentParser\n cueFromId\nscrollClearStackParser\n popularity 0.000096\n cue clearStack\n description Clear body stack.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n boolean isHtml true\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.root.clearBodyStack().trim()\n }\ncssParser\n popularity 0.007211\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description A style tag.\n example\n css\n body { color: red;}\n cueFromId\n catchAllParser cssLineParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n get css() {\n return this.content ?? this.subparticlesToString()\n }\n buildCss() {\n return this.css\n }\nscrollBackgroundColorParser\n description Quickly set CSS background.\n popularity 0.007211\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cue background\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n example\n background red\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\nscrollFontColorParser\n description Quickly set CSS font-color.\n popularity 0.007211\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cue color\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\nscrollFontParser\n description Quickly set font family.\n popularity 0.007211\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cue font\n atoms cueAtom fontFamilyAtom\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n example\n font Slim\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n const font = this.content === \"Slim\" ? \"Helvetica Neue; font-weight:100;\" : this.content\n return ``\n }\nabstractQuickIncludeParser\n popularity 0.007524\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms urlAtom\n javascript\n get dependencies() { return [this.filename]}\n get filename() {\n return this.getAtom(0)\n }\nquickCssParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description Make a CSS tag.\n extends abstractQuickIncludeParser\n example\n style.css\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(css)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\nquickIncludeHtmlParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description Include an HTML file.\n extends abstractQuickIncludeParser\n example\n body.html\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(html|htm)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.root.readFile(this.filename)\n }\nquickScriptParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description Make a Javascript tag.\n extends abstractQuickIncludeParser\n atoms urlAtom\n example\n script.js\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(js)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n javascript\n attr = \"\"\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\nquickModuleScriptParser\n description Make a Javascript module tag.\n extends quickScriptParser\n example\n script.mjs\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(mjs)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n javascript\n attr = 'type=\"module\"'\nscrollStylesParser\n cue styles\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Write CSS with Particle Syntax.\n inScope abstractCommentParser\n catchAllParser selectorParser\n javascript\n getSelector() {\n return \"\"\n }\n get css() {\n return this.topDownArray\n .filter(particle => particle.isSelectorParser)\n .map(subparticle => subparticle.compile())\n .join(\"\")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n buildCss() {\n return this.css\n }\n example\n styles\n .styleTest\n h1\n color blue\n div\n class styleTest\n h1 Hello world\n propertyParser\n catchAllAtomType cssValueAtom\n catchAllParser errorParser\n javascript\n compile(spaces) {\n return `${spaces}${this.cue}: ${this.content};`\n }\n atoms cssPropertyNameAtom\n variableParser\n extends propertyParser\n pattern --\n browserPrefixPropertyParser\n extends propertyParser\n pattern ^\\-\\w.+\n atoms cssVendorPrefixCueAtom\n selectorParser\n inScope propertyParser variableParser commentParser\n catchAllParser selectorParser\n boolean isSelectorParser true\n javascript\n getSelector() {\n const parentSelector = this.parent.getSelector()\n return this.cue\n .split(\",\")\n .map(part => {\n if (part.startsWith(\"&\")) return parentSelector + part.substr(1)\n return parentSelector ? parentSelector + \" \" + part : part\n })\n .join(\",\")\n }\n compile() {\n const propertyParsers = this.getSubparticles().filter(particle => particle.doesExtend(\"propertyParser\"))\n if (!propertyParsers.length) return \"\"\n const spaces = \" \"\n return `${this.getSelector()} {\n ${propertyParsers.map(subparticle => subparticle.compile(spaces)).join(\"\\n\")}\n }\\n`\n }\n atoms cssSelectorAtom\nscrollDashboardParser\n popularity 0.000145\n description Key stats in large font.\n catchAllParser lineOfCodeParser\n cue dashboard\n extends abstractScrollParser\n example\n dashboard\n #2 Popularity\n 30 Years Old\n $456 Revenue\n javascript\n get tableBody() {\n const items = this.topDownArray\n let str = \"\"\n for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i = i + 3) {\n str += this.makeRow(items.slice(i, i + 3))\n }\n return str\n }\n makeRow(items) {\n return `` + items.map(particle => `${particle.cue}${particle.content} `).join(\"\\n\") + ` \\n`\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.tableBody}
`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.subparticlesToString()\n }\nbelowAsCodeParser\n popularity 0.000651\n description Print code below.\n string bindTo next\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n example\n belowAsCode\n iris\n printTable\n cueFromId\n javascript\n method = \"next\"\n get selectedParticles() {\n const { method } = this\n let code = \"\"\n let particles = []\n let next = thisethod]\n let {howMany} = this\n while (howMany) {\n particles.push(next)\n next = nextethod]\n howMany--\n }\n if (this.reverse) particles.reverse()\n return particles\n }\n get code() {\n return this.selectedParticles.map(particle => particle.asString).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n reverse = false\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.code.replace(/\\`\n }\n get howMany() {\n let howMany = parseInt(this.getAtom(1))\n if (!howMany || isNaN(howMany)) howMany = 1\n return howMany\n }\ndebugBelowParser\n description Inspect particle below.\n extends belowAsCodeParser\n string copyFromExternal .debug.css\n javascript\n get code() {\n const mapFn = particle => {\n const atomTypes = particle.lineAtomTypes.split(\" \")\n return `${particle.constructor.name}${particle.atoms.map((atom, index) => `${atom}${atomTypes[index]}`).join(\" \")}${(particle.length ? `
` + particle.map(mapFn).join(\"
\") + `` : \"\")}`}\n return this.selectedParticles.map(mapFn).join(\"
\")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return `` + this.code\n }\n buildTxt() {\n const mapFn = particle => {\n const atomTypes = particle.lineAtomTypes.split(\" \")\n return `${particle.constructor.name} ${particle.atoms.map((atom, index) => `${atomTypes[index]}:${atom}`).join(\" \")}${(particle.length ? `\\n ` + particle.map(mapFn).join(\"\\n\") + `` : \"\")}`}\n return this.selectedParticles.map(mapFn).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n buildParsers() {return this.buildTxt()}\ndebugAboveParser\n description Inspect particle above.\n extends debugBelowParser\n string bindTo previous\n javascript\n method = \"previous\"\n reverse = true\ndebugAllParser\n description Inspect entire document.\n extends debugBelowParser\n javascript\n get selectedParticles() { return this.root.getSubparticles()}\nbelowAsCodeUntilParser\n description Print code above until match.\n extends belowAsCodeParser\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\n example\n belowAsCode\n counter 1 second\n javascript\n get howMany() {\n let howMany = 1\n const query = this.content\n let particle = this.next\n while (particle !== this) {\n if (particle.getLine().startsWith(query))\n return howMany\n particle = particle.next\n howMany++\n }\n return howMany\n }\naboveAsCodeParser\n popularity 0.000482\n string bindTo previous\n description Print code above.\n example\n counter 1 second\n aboveAsCode\n extends belowAsCodeParser\n javascript\n method = \"previous\"\n reverse = true\nbelowAsHtmlParser\n extends belowAsCodeParser\n description Displays html output of next particle in a code block.\n cueFromId\n example\n belowAsHtml\n # Hello world\n javascript\n get code() {\n // Todo: fix the bug where this will prevent buildRequirements from triggering. Refactor the requireOnce code.\n return this.selectedParticles.filter(p => p.buildHtml).map(p => p.buildHtml()).join(\"\\n\")\n }\naboveAsHtmlParser\n description Displays html output of previous particle in a code block.\n extends belowAsHtmlParser\n example\n # Hello world\n aboveAsHtml\n javascript\n method = \"previous\"\n reverse = true\nscrollDefParser\n popularity 0.004244\n description Parser short form.\n pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Def\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n example\n urlDef What is the URL?\n javascript\n buildParsers(index) {\n const idStuff = index ? \"\" : `boolean isMeasure true\n boolean isMeasureRequired true\n boolean isConceptDelimiter true`\n const description = this.content\n const cue = this.cue.replace(\"Def\", \"\")\n const sortIndex = 1 + index/10\n return `${cue}DefParser\n cue ${cue}\n extends abstractStringMeasureParser\n description ${description}\n float sortIndex ${sortIndex}\n ${idStuff}`.trim()\n }\nhamlParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description HTML tag via HAML syntax.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms urlAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n pattern ^%?[\\w\\.]+#[\\w\\.]+ *\n javascript\n get tag() {\n return this.atoms[0].split(/[#\\.]/).shift().replace(\"%\", \"\")\n }\n get htmlId() {\n const idMatch = this.atoms[0].match(/#([\\w-]+)/)\n return idMatch ? idMatch[1] : \"\"\n }\n get htmlClasses() {\n return this.atoms[0].match(/\\.([\\w-]+)/g)?.map(cls => cls.slice(1)) || [];\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const {htmlId, htmlClasses, content, tag} = this\n this.parent.sectionStack.unshift(`${tag}>`)\n const attrs = [htmlId ? ' id=\"' + htmlId + '\"' : \"\", htmlClasses.length ? ' class=\"' + htmlClasses.join(\" \") + '\"' : \"\"].join(\" \").trim()\n return `<${tag}${attrs ? \" \" + attrs : \"\"}>${content || \"\"}`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.content\n }\nhamlTagParser\n // Match plain tags like %h1\n extends hamlParser\n pattern ^%[^#]+$\nabstractHtmlParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllParser htmlLineParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.content ?? \"\"}${this.subparticlesToString()}`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return \"\"\n }\nhtmlParser\n popularity 0.000048\n extends abstractHtmlParser\n description HTML one liners or blocks.\n cueFromId\nhtmlInlineParser\n popularity 0.005788\n extends abstractHtmlParser\n atoms htmlAnyAtom\n boolean isHtml true\n example\n Inline HTML
\n pattern ^<\n description Inline HTML.\n boolean isPopular true\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.getLine() ?? \"\"}${this.subparticlesToString()}`\n }\nscrollBrParser\n popularity 0.000096\n cue br\n example\n br 2\n description A break.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n boolean isHtml true\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `
`.repeat(parseInt(this.getAtom(1) || 1))\n }\niframesParser\n popularity 0.000121\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description An iframe(s).\n example\n iframes frame.html\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.atoms.slice(1).map(url => ``).join(\"\\n\")\n }\nabstractCaptionedParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n inScope captionAftertextParser slashCommentParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n const caption = this.getParticle(\"caption\")\n const captionFig = caption ? `${caption.buildHtml()} ` : \"\"\n const {figureWidth} = this\n const widthStyle = figureWidth ? `width:${figureWidth}px; margin: auto;` : \"\"\n const float = this.has(\"float\") ? `margin: 20px; float: ${this.get(\"float\")};` : \"\"\n return `${this.getFigureContent(buildSettings)}${captionFig} `\n }\n get figureWidth() {\n return this.get(\"width\")\n }\nscrollImageParser\n cue image\n popularity 0.005908\n description An img tag.\n boolean isPopular true\n extends abstractCaptionedParser\n int atomIndex 1\n example\n image screenshot.png\n caption A caption.\n inScope addClassMarkupParser aftertextIdParser scrollLinkParser linkTargetParser openGraphParser\n javascript\n get dimensions() {\n const width = this.get(\"width\")\n const height = this.get(\"height\")\n if (width || height)\n return {width, height}\n if (!this.isNodeJs())\n return {}\n const src = this.filename\n // If its a local image, get the dimensions and put them in the HTML\n // to avoid flicker\n if (src.startsWith(\"http:\") || src.startsWith(\"https:\")) return {}\n if (this._dimensions)\n return this._dimensions\n try {\n const sizeOf = require(\"image-size\")\n const path = require(\"path\")\n const fullImagePath = path.join(this.root.folderPath, src)\n this._dimensions = sizeOf(fullImagePath)\n return this._dimensions\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n }\n return {}\n }\n get figureWidth() {\n return this.dimensions.width\n }\n get filename() {\n return this.getAtom(this.atomIndex)\n }\n get dependencies() { return [this.filename]}\n getFigureContent(buildSettings) {\n const linkRelativeToCompileTarget = (buildSettings ? (buildSettings.relativePath ?? \"\") : \"\") + this.filename\n const {width, height} = this.dimensions\n let dimensionAttributes = width || height ? `width=\"${width}\" height=\"${height}\" ` : \"\"\n // Todo: can we reuse more code from aftertext?\n const className = this.has(\"class\") ? ` class=\"${this.get(\"class\")}\" ` : \"\"\n const id = this.has(\"id\") ? ` id=\"${this.get(\"id\")}\" ` : \"\"\n const clickLink = this.find(particle => particle.definition.isOrExtendsAParserInScope([\"scrollLinkParser\"])) || linkRelativeToCompileTarget \n const target = this.has(\"target\") ? this.get(\"target\") : (this.has(\"link\") ? \"\" : \"_blank\")\n return `
`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n const subparticles = this.filter(particle => particle.buildTxt).map(particle => particle.buildTxt()).filter(i => i).join(\"\\n\")\n return \"[Image Omitted]\" + (subparticles ? \"\\n \" + subparticles.replace(/\\n/g, \"\\n \") : \"\")\n }\nquickImageParser\n popularity 0.005788\n extends scrollImageParser\n example\n screenshot.png\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|webp|svg|bmp)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n int atomIndex 0\nqrcodeParser\n extends abstractCaptionedParser\n description Make a QR code from a link.\n example\n qrcode https://scroll.pub\n javascript\n getFigureContent() {\n const url = this.atoms[1]\n const isNode = this.isNodeJs()\n if (isNode) {\n const {externalsPath} = this.root\n const path = require(\"path\")\n const {qrcodegen, toSvgString} = require(path.join(externalsPath, \".qrcodegen.js\"))\n const QRC = qrcodegen.QrCode;\n const qr0 = QRC.encodeText(url, QRC.Ecc.MEDIUM);\n const svg = toSvgString(qr0, 4); // See qrcodegen-input-demo\n return svg\n }\n return `Not yet supported in browser.`\n }\nyoutubeParser\n popularity 0.000121\n extends abstractCaptionedParser\n // Include the YouTube embed URL such as https://www.youtube.com/embed/CYPYZnVQoLg\n description A YouTube video widget.\n example\n youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO8blNtYYBA\n javascript\n getFigureContent() {\n const url = this.getAtom(1).replace(\"youtube.com/watch?v=\", \"youtube.com/embed/\")\n return ``\n }\nyouTubeParser\n extends youtubeParser\n tags deprecate\n // Deprecated. You youtube all lowercase.\nimportParser\n description Import a file.\n popularity 0.007524\n cueFromId\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n example\n import header.scroll\nscrollImportedParser\n description Inserted at import pass.\n boolean suggestInAutocomplete false\n cue imported\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n extends abstractScrollParser\n baseParser blobParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n getErrors() {\n if (this.has(\"circularImportError\"))\n return [this.makeError(this.get(\"circularImportError\"))]\n if (this.get(\"exists\") === \"false\" && this.previous.getLine() !== \"// optional\")\n return [this.makeError(`File '${this.atoms[1]}' does not exist.`)]\n return []\n }\nquickImportParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description Import a Scroll or Parsers file.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n boolean isPopular true\n inScope importToFooterParser abstractCommentParser\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(scroll|parsers)$\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n example\n header.scroll\nscriptParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Print script tag.\n cueFromId\n catchAllParser scriptLineParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n get scriptContent() {\n return this.content ?? this.subparticlesToString()\n }\n buildJs() {\n return this.scriptContent\n }\njsonScriptParser\n popularity 0.007524\n cueFromId\n description Include JSON and assign to window.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n const varName = this.filename.split(\"/\").pop().replace(\".json\", \"\")\n return ``\n }\n get filename() {\n return this.getAtom(1)\n }\nscrollLeftRightButtonsParser\n popularity 0.006342\n cue leftRightButtons\n description Previous and next nav buttons.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const { linkToPrevious, linkToNext } = this.root\n if (!linkToPrevious) return \"\"\n const style = `a.keyboardNav {display:block;position:absolute;top:0.25rem; color: rgba(204,204,204,.8); font-size: 1.875rem; line-height: 1.7rem;}a.keyboardNav:hover{color: #333;text-decoration: none;}`\n return `<>`\n }\nkeyboardNavParser\n popularity 0.007476\n description Make left and right navigate files.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const {root} = this\n const linkToPrevious = this.getAtom(1) ?? root.linkToPrevious\n const linkToNext = this.getAtom(2) ?? root.linkToNext\n const script = ``\n return ` `\n }\nprintUsageStatsParser\n popularity 0.000096\n // todo: if we include the atom \"Parser\" in a cue, bad things seem to happen.\n description Parser usage stats for folder.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n get stats() {\n const input = this.root.allScrollFiles.map(file => file.scrollProgram).map(program => program.parserIds.join(\"\\n\")).join(\"\\n\")\n const result = input.split('\\n').reduce((acc, atom) => (acc[atom] = (acc[atom] || 0) + 1, acc), {})\n const rows = Object.entries(result).map(([atom, count]) => { return {atom, count}})\n const sorted = this.root.lodash.sortBy(rows, \"count\").reverse()\n return \"parserId uses\\n\" + sorted.map(row => `${row.atom} ${row.count}`).join('\\n')\n }\n buildHtml() {\n // A hacky but simple way to do this for now.\n const particle = this.appendSibling(\"datatable\")\n particle.appendLine(\"delimiter \")\n particle.appendLine(\"printTable\")\n const dataParticle = particle.appendLine(\"data\")\n dataParticle.setSubparticles(this.stats)\n const html = particle.buildHtml()\n particle.destroy()\n return html\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.stats\n }\n buildCsv() {\n return this.stats.replace(/ /g, \",\")\n }\nprintScrollLeetSheetParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Print Scroll parser leet sheet.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n tags experimental\n cueFromId\n javascript\n get parsersToDocument() {\n const clone = this.root.clone()\n clone.setSubparticles(\"\")\n clone.appendLine(\"\")\n const atoms = clone.getAutocompleteResultsAt(0,0).matches.map(a => a.text)\n atoms.push(\"blankline\") // manually add blank line\n atoms.push(\"Catch All Paragraph.\") // manually add catch all paragraph\n atoms.push(\" \") // manually add html\n atoms.sort()\n clone.setSubparticles(atoms.join(\"\\n\").replace(/blankline/, \"\")) // insert blank line in right spot\n return clone\n }\n sortDocs(docs) {\n return docs.map(particle => {\n const {definition} = particle\n const {id, description, isPopular, examples, popularity} = definition\n const tags = definition.get(\"tags\") || \"\"\n if (tags.includes(\"deprecate\") || tags.includes(\"experimental\"))\n return null\n const category = this.getCategory(tags)\n const note = this.getNote(category)\n return {id: definition.cueIfAny || id, description, isPopular, examples, note, popularity: Math.ceil(parseFloat(popularity) * 100000)}\n }).filter(i => i).sort((a, b) => a.id.localeCompare(b.id))\n }\n makeLink(examples, cue) {\n // if (!examples.length) console.log(cue) // find particles that need docs\n const example = examples.length ? examples[0].subparticlesToString() : cue\n const base = `https://try.scroll.pub/`\n const particle = new Particle()\n particle.appendLineAndSubparticles(\"scroll\", \"theme gazette\\n\" + example)\n return base + \"#\" + encodeURIComponent(particle.asString)\n }\n docToHtml(doc) {\n const css = `#scrollLeetSheet {color: grey;} #scrollLeetSheet a {color: #3498db; }`\n return `` + doc.map(obj => `${obj.isPopular ? \"\" : \"\"}${obj.id} ${obj.description}${obj.isPopular ? \"\" : \"\"}${obj.note}`).join(\"\\n\") + \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.docToHtml(this.sortDocs(this.parsersToDocument))\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.sortDocs(this.parsersToDocument).map(obj => `${obj.id} - ${obj.description}`).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n getCategory(input) {\n return \"\"\n }\n getNote() {\n return \"\"\n }\n get docs() {\n const rows = this.sortDocs(this.parsersToDocument).map(obj => {\n const {id, isPopular, description, popularity, category, examples, cue} = obj\n const example = examples.length ? examples[0].subparticlesToString() : cue\n return {\n id,\n isPopular,\n description,\n popularity,\n example,\n category\n }\n })\n return this.root.lodash.sortBy(rows, \"isPopular\")\n }\n buildJson() {\n return JSON.stringify(this.docs, undefined, 2)\n }\n buildCsv() {\n return new Particle(this.docs).asCsv\n }\nprintparsersLeetSheetParser\n popularity 0.000024\n // todo: fix parse bug when atom Parser appears in parserId\n extends printScrollLeetSheetParser\n tags experimental\n description Parsers leetsheet.\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"Parser Definition Parsers define parsers that acquire, analyze and act on code.
\" + this.docToHtml(this.sortDocs(this.parsersToDocument)) + \"Atom Definition Parsers analyze the atoms in a line.
\" + this.docToHtml(this.sortDocs(this.atomParsersToDocument))\n }\n makeLink() {\n return \"\"\n }\n categories = \"assemblePhase acquirePhase analyzePhase actPhase\".split(\" \")\n getCategory(tags) {\n return tags.split(\" \").filter(w => w.endsWith(\"Phase\"))[0]\n }\n getNote(category) {\n return ` A${category.replace(\"Phase\", \"\").substr(1)}Time.`\n }\n get atomParsersToDocument() {\n const parsersParser = require(\"scrollsdk/products/parsers.nodejs.js\")\n const clone = new parsersParser(\"anyAtom\\n \").clone()\n const parserParticle = clone.getParticle(\"anyAtom\")\n const atoms = clone.getAutocompleteResultsAt(1,1).matches.map(a => a.text)\n atoms.sort()\n parserParticle.setSubparticles(atoms.join(\"\\n\"))\n return parserParticle\n }\n get parsersToDocument() {\n const parsersParser = require(\"scrollsdk/products/parsers.nodejs.js\")\n const clone = new parsersParser(\"latinParser\\n \").clone()\n const parserParticle = clone.getParticle(\"latinParser\")\n const atoms = clone.getAutocompleteResultsAt(1,1).matches.map(a => a.text)\n atoms.sort()\n parserParticle.setSubparticles(atoms.join(\"\\n\"))\n clone.appendLine(\"myParser\")\n clone.appendLine(\"myAtom\")\n return parserParticle\n }\nabstractMeasureParser\n atoms measureNameAtom\n description Base parser all measures extend.\n cueFromId\n boolean isMeasure true\n float sortIndex 1.9\n boolean isComputed false\n string typeForWebForms text\n extends abstractScrollParser\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n get measureValue() {\n return this.content ?? \"\"\n }\n get measureName() {\n return this.getCuePath().replace(/ /g, \"_\")\n }\nabstractAtomMeasureParser\n description Contains a single word.\n atoms measureNameAtom atomAtom\n example\n nicknameParser\n extends abstractAtomMeasureParser\n id Breck\n nickname breck\n extends abstractMeasureParser\nabstractEmailMeasureParser\n description Email address.\n example\n emailParser\n extends abstractEmailMeasureParser\n id Breck\n email breck7@gmail.com\n string typeForWebForms email\n atoms measureNameAtom emailAddressAtom\n extends abstractAtomMeasureParser\nabstractUrlMeasureParser\n description A single url.\n example\n homepageParser\n extends abstractUrlMeasureParser\n id Breck\n homepage https://breckyunits.com\n string typeForWebForms url\n atoms measureNameAtom urlAtom\n extends abstractAtomMeasureParser\nabstractStringMeasureParser\n description General text data with no specific format.\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n example\n titleParser\n extends abstractStringMeasureParser\n id Breck\n title I build languages for scientists of all ages\n extends abstractMeasureParser\nabstractIdParser\n cue id\n description What is the ID of this concept?\n extends abstractStringMeasureParser\n example\n idParser\n extends abstractIdParser\n id breck\n float sortIndex 1\n boolean isMeasureRequired true\n boolean isConceptDelimiter true\n javascript\n getErrors() {\n const errors = super.getErrors()\n let requiredMeasureNames = this.root.measures.filter(measure => measure.isMeasureRequired).map(measure => measure.Name).filter(name => name !== \"id\")\n if (!requiredMeasureNames.length) return errors\n let next = this.next\n while (requiredMeasureNames.length && next.cue !== \"id\" && next.index !== 0) {\n requiredMeasureNames = requiredMeasureNames.filter(i => i !== next.cue)\n next = next.next\n }\n requiredMeasureNames.forEach(name =>\n errors.push(this.makeError(`Concept \"${this.content}\" is missing required measure \"${name}\".`))\n )\n return errors\n }\nabstractIdMeasureParser\n description Alias for abstractIdParser.\n extends abstractIdParser\nabstractTextareaMeasureParser\n string typeForWebForms textarea\n example\n bioParser\n extends abstractTextareaMeasureParser\n id Breck\n bio\n I build languages for scientists of all ages\n description Long-form text content with preserved line breaks.\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n baseParser blobParser\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n return this.subparticlesToString().replace(/\\n/g, \"\\\\n\")\n }\nabstractNumericMeasureParser\n string typeForWebForms number\n description Base number type.\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n return content === undefined ? \"\" : parseFloat(content)\n }\nabstractNumberMeasureParser\n description Alias to abstractNumericMeasureParser.\n extends abstractNumericMeasureParser\nabstractIntegerMeasureParser\n description An integer.\n example\n ageParser\n extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser\n id Breck\n age 40\n atoms measureNameAtom integerAtom\n extends abstractNumericMeasureParser\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n return content === undefined ? \"\" : parseInt(content)\n }\nabstractIntMeasureParser\n description Alias to abstractIntegerMeasureParser.\n extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser\nabstractFloatMeasureParser\n description A float.\n example\n temperatureParser\n extends abstractFloatMeasureParser\n id Breck\n temperature 31.8\n atoms measureNameAtom floatAtom\n extends abstractNumericMeasureParser\nabstractPercentageMeasureParser\n description A percentage.\n atoms measureNameAtom percentAtom\n extends abstractNumericMeasureParser\n example\n ownershipParser\n extends abstractPercentageMeasureParser\n id Breck\n ownership 31.8\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n return content === undefined ? \"\" : parseFloat(content)\n }\nabstractEnumMeasureParser\n description A single enum.\n atoms measureNameAtom enumAtom\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n example\n favoriteHtmlTagParser\n extends abstractEnumMeasureParser\n atoms measureNameAtom htmlTagAtom\n id Breck\n favoriteHtmlTag 2020\nabstractBooleanMeasureParser\n description A single boolean.\n atoms measureNameAtom booleanAtom\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n example\n hasBillOfRightsParser\n extends abstractBooleanMeasureParser\n id USA\n hasBillOfRights true\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n return content === undefined ? \"\" : content == \"true\"\n }\nabstractDateMeasureParser\n description Year/month/day in ISO 8601, US, European formats.\n atoms measureNameAtom dateAtom\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n string typeForWebForms date\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n if (!content) return \"\"\n const {dayjs} = this.root\n try {\n // First try parsing with dayjs\n const parsed = dayjs(content)\n if (parsed.isValid())\n return parsed.format(\"YYYY-MM-DD\")\n // Try parsing other common formats\n const formats = [\n \"MM/DD/YYYY\",\n \"DD/MM/YYYY\", \n \"YYYY/MM/DD\",\n \"MM-DD-YYYY\",\n \"DD-MM-YYYY\",\n \"YYYY-MM-DD\",\n \"DD.MM.YYYY\",\n \"YYYY.MM.DD\"\n ]\n for (const format of formats) {\n const attempt = dayjs(content, format)\n if (attempt.isValid())\n return attempt.format(\"YYYY-MM-DD\")\n }\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n return \"\"\n }\n return \"\"\n }\n get valueAsTimestamp() {\n const {measureValue} = this\n return measureValue ? this.root.dayjs(measureValue).unix() : \"\"\n }\nmetaTagsParser\n popularity 0.007693\n cueFromId\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Print meta tags including title.\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const {root} = this\n const { title, description, canonicalUrl, gitRepo, scrollVersion, openGraphImage, keywords, filename } = root\n const rssFeedUrl = root.get(\"rssFeedUrl\")\n const favicon = root.get(\"favicon\")\n const faviconTag = favicon ? `` : \"\"\n const keywordsTag = keywords ? `` : \"\"\n const rssTag = rssFeedUrl ? `` : \"\"\n const gitTag = gitRepo ? `` : \"\"\n return `\n \n ${title} \n \n \n \n \n \n ${keywordsTag}\n \n \n \n \n ${faviconTag}\n ${gitTag}\n ${rssTag}\n \n \n `\n }\nquoteParser\n popularity 0.001471\n cueFromId\n description A quote.\n catchAllParser quoteLineParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.subparticlesToString()}
`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.subparticlesToString()\n }\nredirectToParser\n popularity 0.000072\n description HTML redirect tag.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n cueFromId\n example\n redirectTo https://scroll.pub/releaseNotes.html\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\nabstractVariableParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n cueFromId\n javascript\n isTopMatter = true\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nreplaceParser\n description Replace this with that.\n extends abstractVariableParser\n baseParser blobParser\n example\n replace YEAR 2022\nreplaceJsParser\n description Replace this with evaled JS.\n extends replaceParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\n example\n replaceJs SUM 1+1\n * 1+1 = SUM\nreplaceNodejsParser\n description Replace with evaled Node.JS.\n extends abstractVariableParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\n baseParser blobParser\n example\n replaceNodejs\n module.exports = {SCORE : 1 + 2}\n * The score is SCORE\ntoFooterParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Experimental way to move a section to the footer.\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n cueFromId\nrunScriptParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Run script and dump stdout.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n cue run\n int filenameIndex 1\n javascript\n get dependencies() { return [this.filename]}\n results = \"Not yet run\"\n async execute() {\n if (!this.filename) return\n await this.root.fetch(this.filename)\n // todo: make async\n const { execSync } = require(\"child_process\")\n this.results = execSync(this.command)\n }\n get command() {\n const path = this.root.path\n const {filename }= this\n const fullPath = this.root.makeFullPath(filename)\n const ext = path.extname(filename).slice(1)\n const interpreterMap = {\n php: \"php\",\n py: \"python3\",\n rb: \"ruby\",\n pl: \"perl\",\n sh: \"sh\"\n }\n return [interpreterMap[ext], fullPath].join(\" \")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.buildTxt()\n }\n get filename() {\n return this.getAtom(this.filenameIndex)\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.results.toString().trim()\n }\nquickRunScriptParser\n extends runScriptParser\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(py|pl|sh|rb|php)$\n int filenameIndex 0\nendSnippetParser\n popularity 0.004293\n description Cut for snippet here.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\ntoStampParser\n description Print a directory to stamp with configurable filters.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n cueFromId\n gitOnlyParser\n description Only include git-tracked files\n atoms cueAtom\n single\n excludeParser\n description Exclude files/directories matching these glob patterns\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n maxDepthParser\n description Maximum directory depth to traverse\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n javascript\n buildTxt() {\n return this.makeStamp(this.content)\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.buildTxt()\n }\n makeStamp(dir) {\n const fs = require('fs');\n const path = require('path');\n const { execSync } = require('child_process');\n let stamp = 'stamp\\n';\n const gitOnly = this.has(\"gitOnly\");\n const excludePatterns = this.get(\"exclude\")?.split(\" \") || [\".git/**\", \"node_modules/**\"];\n const maxDepth = parseInt(this.get(\"maxDepth\")) || Infinity;\n const gitTrackedFiles = new Set(\n gitOnly ? execSync('git ls-files', { cwd: dir, encoding: 'utf-8' })\n .split('\\n')\n .filter(Boolean) \n : []\n );\n // Convert glob patterns to RegExp\n const excludeRegexes = excludePatterns.map(pattern => \n new RegExp('^' + pattern.replace(/\\*\\*/g, '.*').replace(/\\*/g, '[^/]*') + '$')\n );\n const shouldInclude = (relativePath, isDirectory) => {\n if (excludeRegexes.some(regex => regex.test(relativePath)))\n return false;\n if (isDirectory)\n return true\n if (gitOnly && !gitTrackedFiles.has(relativePath))\n return false;\n return true;\n };\n const handleFile = (indentation, relativePath, itemPath) => {\n if (!shouldInclude(relativePath)) return;\n stamp += `${indentation}${relativePath}\\n`;\n try {\n const content = fs.readFileSync(itemPath, { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'r' });\n // Skip if file appears to be binary\n if (content.includes('\\0') || /[\\x00-\\x08\\x0E-\\x1F]/.test(content)) return;\n stamp += `${indentation} ${content.replace(/\\n/g, `\\n${indentation} `)}\\n`;\n } catch (err) {\n // Skip files that can't be read as utf8\n console.error(`Error reading ${itemPath}: ${err.message}`);\n return;\n }\n };\n function processDirectory(currentPath, depth = 0) {\n if (depth > maxDepth) return;\n const items = fs.readdirSync(currentPath);\n items.forEach(item => {\n const itemPath = path.join(currentPath, item);\n const relativePath = path.relative(dir, itemPath);\n const stats = fs.statSync(itemPath);\n const isDirectory = stats.isDirectory()\n if (!shouldInclude(relativePath, isDirectory)) return;\n const indentation = ' '.repeat(depth);\n if (isDirectory) {\n stamp += `${indentation}${relativePath}/\\n`;\n processDirectory(itemPath, depth + 1);\n } else if (stats.isFile()) {\n handleFile(indentation, relativePath, itemPath);\n }\n });\n }\n const stats = fs.statSync(dir);\n if (stats.isDirectory()) {\n processDirectory(dir, 1);\n } else {\n handleFile(\" \", dir, dir);\n }\n return stamp.trim();\n }\nstampParser\n description Expand project template to disk.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n inScope stampFolderParser\n catchAllParser stampFileParser\n example\n stamp\n .gitignore\n *.html\n readme.scroll\n # Hello world\n \n scripts/\n nested/\n hello.js\n console.log(\"Hello world\")\n cueFromId\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n javascript\n execute() {\n const dir = this.root.folderPath\n this.forEach(particle => particle.execute(dir))\n }\nscrollStumpParser\n cue stump\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Compile Stump to HTML.\n catchAllParser stumpContentParser\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n const {stumpParser} = this\n return new stumpParser(this.subparticlesToString()).compile()\n }\n get stumpParser() {\n return this.isNodeJs() ? require(\"scrollsdk/products/stump.nodejs.js\") : stumpParser\n }\nstumpNoSnippetParser\n popularity 0.010177\n // todo: make noSnippets an aftertext directive?\n extends scrollStumpParser\n description Compile Stump unless snippet.\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\nplainTextParser\n description Plain text oneliner or block.\n cueFromId\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllParser plainTextLineParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.buildTxt()\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return `${this.content ?? \"\"}${this.subparticlesToString()}`\n }\nplainTextOnlyParser\n popularity 0.000072\n extends plainTextParser\n description Only print for buildTxt.\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nscrollThemeParser\n popularity 0.007524\n boolean isPopular true\n cue theme\n example\n theme gazette\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType scrollThemeAtom\n description A collection of simple themes.\n string copyFromExternal .gazette.css\n // Note this will be replaced at runtime\n javascript\n get copyFromExternal() {\n return this.files.join(\" \")\n }\n get files() {\n return this.atoms.slice(1).map(name => `.${name}.css`).concat([\".scroll.css\"])\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.files.map(name => ``).join(\"\\n\")\n }\nabstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom\n boolean isAttribute true\n description Set HTML attribute.\n javascript\n get htmlAttributes() {\n return `${this.cue}=\"${this.content}\"`\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\naftertextIdParser\n popularity 0.000145\n cue id\n description Provide an ID to be output in the generated HTML tag.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlIdAtom\n single\naftertextStyleParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue style\n description Set HTML style attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n javascript\n htmlAttributes = \"\" // special case this one\n get css() { return `${this.property}:${this.content};` }\naftertextFontParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue font\n description Set font.\n extends aftertextStyleParser\n atoms cueAtom fontFamilyAtom\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n string property font-family\n javascript\n get css() {\n if (this.content === \"Slim\") return \"font-family:Helvetica Neue; font-weight:100;\"\n return super.css\n }\naftertextColorParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue color\n description Set font color.\n extends aftertextStyleParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n string property color\n example\n color blue\naftertextHrefParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue href\n description Set HTML href attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\naftertextSrcParser\n extends aftertextHrefParser\n cue src\n description Set HTML src attribute.\naftertextOnclickParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue onclick\n description Set HTML onclick attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\naftertextHiddenParser\n cue hidden\n atoms cueAtom\n description Do not compile this particle to HTML.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextValueParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue value\n description Set HTML value attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextForParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue for\n description Set HTML for attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextPlaceholderParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue placeholder\n description Set HTML placeholder attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextRowsParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue rows\n description Set HTML rows attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextTypeParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue type\n description Set HTML type attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlTypeAtom\naftertextAltParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue alt\n description Set HTML alt attribute for images.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextTitleParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue title\n description Set HTML title attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextNameParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue name\n description Set HTML name attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextOnsubmitParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue onsubmit\n description Set HTML onsubmit attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\naftertextClassParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue class\n description Set HTML class attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType classNameAtom\naftertextMaxlengthParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue maxlength\n description Set HTML maxlength attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextPatternParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue pattern\n description Set HTML pattern attribute for input validation.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextRequiredParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue required\n description Set HTML required attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextDisabledParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue disabled\n description Set HTML disabled attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextReadonlyParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue readonly\n description Set HTML readonly attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextAriaLabelParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue aria-label\n description Set ARIA label for accessibility.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextTargetParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue target\n description Set HTML target attribute for links.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextContentParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue content\n description Set HTML content attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextMinParser\n cue min\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom numberAtom\naftertextMaxParser\n cue max\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom numberAtom\naftertextStepParser\n cue step\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom numberAtom\naftertextWidthParser\n cue width\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\naftertextHeightParser\n cue height\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\naftertextDataParser\n popularity 0.000217\n pattern ^data\\-\n description Set HTML data- attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\n example\n div My score\n data-score 100\naftertextRoleParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue role\n description Set ARIA role attribute for accessibility.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextTabindexParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue tabindex\n description Set tabindex attribute for keyboard navigation.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextColspanParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue colspan\n description Set colspan attribute for table cells.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextRowspanParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue rowspan\n description Set rowspan attribute for table cells.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextMethodParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue method\n description Set form method attribute (GET/POST).\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlMethodAtom\naftertextActionParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue action\n description Set form action URL.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\naftertextAutocompleteParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue autocomplete\n description Set form autocomplete attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextMultipleParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue multiple\n description Allow multiple selections or files.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextSelectedParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue selected\n description Set selected state for options.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextCheckedParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue checked\n description Set checked state for inputs.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextRelParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue rel\n description Set rel attribute for links.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextEnctypeParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue enctype\n description Set form enctype for file uploads.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextAcceptParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue accept\n description Set accepted file types for file inputs.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType mimeTypeAtom\naftertextTagParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlTagAtom\n description Override the HTML tag that the compiled particle will use.\n cue tag\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nabstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n javascript\n isMarkup = true\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n getErrors() {\n if (this.silenceErrors) return [] // todo: generalize this?\n const errors = super.getErrors()\n if (!this.isMarkup || this.matchWholeLine) return errors\n const inserts = this.getInserts(this.parent.originalTextPostLinkify)\n // todo: make AbstractParticleError class exported by sdk to allow Parsers to define their own error types.\n // todo: also need to be able to map lines back to their line in source (pre-imports)\n if (!inserts.length)\n errors.push(this.makeError(`No match found for \"${this.getLine()}\".`))\n return errors\n }\n get pattern() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(1).join(\" \")\n }\n get shouldMatchAll() {\n return this.has(\"matchAll\")\n }\n getMatches(text) {\n const { pattern } = this\n const escapedPattern = pattern.replace(/[-\\/\\\\^$*+?.()|[\\]{}]/g, \"\\\\$&\")\n return [...text.matchAll(new RegExp(escapedPattern, \"g\"))].map(match => {\n const { index } = match\n const endIndex = index + pattern.length\n return [\n { index, string: `<${this.openTag}${this.allAttributes}>`, endIndex },\n { index: endIndex, endIndex, string: `${this.closeTag}>` }\n ]\n })\n }\n getInserts(text) {\n const matches = this.getMatches(text)\n if (!matches.length) return false\n if (this.shouldMatchAll) return matches.flat()\n const match = this.getParticle(\"match\")\n if (match)\n return match.indexes\n .map(index => matches[index])\n .filter(i => i)\n .flat()\n return matches[0]\n }\n get allAttributes() {\n const attr = this.attributes.join(\" \")\n return attr ? \" \" + attr : \"\"\n }\n get attributes() {\n return []\n }\n get openTag() {\n return this.tag\n }\n get closeTag() {\n return this.tag\n }\nabstractMarkupParser\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n inScope abstractMarkupParameterParser\n javascript\n get matchWholeLine() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(this.patternStartsAtAtom).length === 0\n }\n get pattern() {\n return this.matchWholeLine ? this.parent.originalText : this.getAtomsFrom(this.patternStartsAtAtom).join(\" \")\n }\n patternStartsAtAtom = 1\nboldParser\n popularity 0.000096\n cueFromId\n description Bold matching text.\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"b\"\nitalicsParser\n popularity 0.000241\n cueFromId\n description Italicize matching text.\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"i\"\nunderlineParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Underline matching text.\n cueFromId\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"u\"\nafterTextCenterParser\n popularity 0.000193\n description Center paragraph.\n cue center\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"center\"\naftertextCodeParser\n popularity 0.000145\n description Wrap matching text in code span.\n cue code\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"code\"\n get allAttributes() {return `class=\"scrollInlineCode\"` }\naftertextStrikeParser\n popularity 0.000048\n description Wrap matching text in s span.\n cue strike\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"s\"\naddClassMarkupParser\n popularity 0.000772\n description Add a custom class to parent element. Provide query to add span matching text.\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n atoms cueAtom classNameAtom\n cue addClass\n javascript\n tag = \"span\"\n get applyToParentElement() {\n return this.atoms.length === 2\n }\n getInserts(text) {\n // If no select text is added, set the class on the parent element.\n if (this.applyToParentElement) return []\n return super.getInserts(text)\n }\n get className() {\n return this.getAtom(1)\n }\n get attributes() {\n return [`class=\"${this.className}\"`]\n }\n get matchWholeLine() {\n return this.applyToParentElement\n }\n get pattern() {\n return this.matchWholeLine ? this.parent.content : this.getAtomsFrom(2).join(\" \")\n }\nhoverNoteParser\n popularity 0.000265\n description Add a caveat viewable on hover on matching text. When you want to be sure you've thoroughly addressed obvious concerns but ones that don't warrant to distract from the main argument of the text.\n cueFromId\n extends addClassMarkupParser\n catchAllParser lineOfTextParser\n atoms cueAtom\n javascript\n get pattern() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(1).join(\" \")\n }\n get attributes() {\n return [`class=\"scrollHoverNote\"`, `title=\"${this.hoverNoteText}\"`]\n }\n get hoverNoteText() {\n return this.subparticlesToString().replace(/\\n/g, \" \")\n }\nscrollLinkParser\n popularity 0.008706\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n description Put the matching text in an tag.\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n inScope linkTitleParser linkTargetParser abstractCommentParser\n programParser\n description Anything here will be URI encoded and then appended to the link.\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllParser programLinkParser\n javascript\n get encoded() {\n return encodeURIComponent(this.subparticlesToString())\n }\n cue link\n javascript\n tag = \"a\"\n buildTxt() {\n return this.root.ensureAbsoluteLink(this.link) + \" \" + this.pattern\n }\n get link() {\n const {baseLink} = this\n if (this.has(\"program\"))\n return baseLink + this.getParticle(\"program\").encoded\n return baseLink\n }\n get baseLink() {\n const link = this.getAtom(1)\n const isAbsoluteLink = link.includes(\"://\")\n if (isAbsoluteLink) return link\n const relativePath = this.parent.buildSettings?.relativePath || \"\"\n return relativePath + link\n }\n get linkAttribute() {\n return \"href\"\n }\n get attributes() {\n const attrs = [`${this.linkAttribute}=\"${this.link}\"`]\n const options = [\"title\", \"target\"]\n options.forEach(option => {\n const particle = this.getParticle(option)\n if (particle) attrs.push(`${option}=\"${particle.content}\"`)\n })\n return attrs\n }\n patternStartsAtAtom = 2\nscrollClickParser\n extends scrollLinkParser\n description An a tag with an onclick.\n cue click\n javascript\n get linkAttribute() {\n return \"onclick\"\n }\nemailLinkParser\n popularity 0.000048\n description A mailto link\n cue email\n extends scrollLinkParser\n javascript\n get attributes() {\n return [`href=\"mailto:${this.link}\"`]\n }\nquickLinkParser\n popularity 0.029228\n pattern ^https?\\:\n extends scrollLinkParser\n atoms urlAtom\n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.cue\n }\n patternStartsAtAtom = 1\nquickRelativeLinkParser\n popularity 0.029228\n description Relative links.\n // note: only works if relative link ends in .html\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(html|htm)\n extends scrollLinkParser\n atoms urlAtom\n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.cue\n }\n patternStartsAtAtom = 1\ndatelineParser\n popularity 0.006005\n cueFromId\n description Gives your paragraph a dateline like \"December 15, 2021 — The...\"\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n javascript\n getInserts() {\n const {day} = this\n if (!day) return false\n return [{ index: 0, string: `${day} — ` }]\n }\n matchWholeLine = true\n get day() {\n let day = this.content || this.root.date\n if (!day) return \"\"\n return this.root.dayjs(day).format(`MMMM D, YYYY`)\n }\ndayjsParser\n description Advanced directive that evals some Javascript code in an environment including \"dayjs\".\n cueFromId\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n javascript\n getInserts() {\n const dayjs = this.root.dayjs\n const days = eval(this.content)\n const index = this.parent.originalTextPostLinkify.indexOf(\"days\")\n return [{ index, string: `${days} ` }]\n }\ninlineMarkupsOnParser\n popularity 0.000024\n cueFromId\n description Enable these inline markups only.\n example\n Hello *world*!\n inlineMarkupsOn bold\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n catchAllAtomType inlineMarkupNameAtom\n javascript\n get shouldMatchAll() {\n return true\n }\n get markups() {\n const {root} = this\n let markups = [{delimiter: \"`\", tag: \"code\", exclusive: true, name: \"code\", attributes: 'class=\"scrollInlineCode\"'},{delimiter: \"*\", tag: \"strong\", name: \"bold\"}, {delimiter: \"_\", tag: \"em\", name: \"italics\"}]\n // only add katex markup if the root doc has katex.\n if (root.has(\"katex\"))\n markups.unshift({delimiter: \"$\", tag: \"span\", attributes: ' class=\"scrollKatex\"', exclusive: true, name: \"katex\"})\n if (this.content)\n return markups.filter(markup => this.content.includes(markup.name))\n if (root.has(\"inlineMarkups\")) {\n root.getParticle(\"inlineMarkups\").forEach(markup => {\n const delimiter = markup.getAtom(0)\n const tag = markup.getAtom(1)\n // todo: add support for providing custom functions for inline markups?\n // for example, !2+2! could run eval, or :about: could search a link map.\n const attributes = markup.getAtomsFrom(2).join(\" \")\n markups = markups.filter(mu => mu.delimiter !== delimiter) // Remove any overridden markups\n if (tag)\n markups.push({delimiter, tag, attributes})\n })\n }\n return markups\n }\n matchWholeLine = true\n getMatches(text) {\n const exclusives = []\n return this.markups.map(markup => this.applyMarkup(text, markup, exclusives)).filter(i => i).flat()\n }\n applyMarkup(text, markup, exclusives = []) {\n const {delimiter, tag, attributes} = markup\n const escapedDelimiter = delimiter.replace(/[-\\/\\\\^$*+?.()|[\\]{}]/g, \"\\\\$&\")\n const pattern = new RegExp(`${escapedDelimiter}[^${escapedDelimiter}]+${escapedDelimiter}`, \"g\")\n const delimiterLength = delimiter.length\n return [...text.matchAll(pattern)].map(match => {\n const { index } = match\n const endIndex = index + match[0].length\n // I'm too lazy to clean up sdk to write a proper inline markup parser so doing this for now.\n // The exclusive idea is to not try and apply bold or italic styles inside a TeX or code inline style.\n // Note that the way this is currently implemented any TeX in an inline code will get rendered, but code\n // inline of TeX will not. Seems like an okay tradeoff until a proper refactor and cleanup can be done.\n if (exclusives.some(exclusive => index >= exclusive[0] && index <= exclusive[1]))\n return undefined\n if (markup.exclusive)\n exclusives.push([index, endIndex])\n return [\n { index, string: `<${tag + (attributes ? \" \" + attributes : \"\")}>`, endIndex, consumeStartCharacters: delimiterLength },\n { index: endIndex, endIndex, string: `${tag}>`, consumeEndCharacters: delimiterLength }\n ]\n }).filter(i => i)\n }\ninlineMarkupParser\n popularity 0.000169\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom delimiterAtom tagOrUrlAtom\n catchAllAtomType htmlAttributesAtom\n extends inlineMarkupsOnParser\n description Custom inline markup. for\n example\n @This@ will be in italics.\n inlineMarkup @ em\n javascript\n getMatches(text) {\n try {\n const delimiter = this.getAtom(1)\n const tag = this.getAtom(2)\n const attributes = this.getAtomsFrom(3).join(\" \")\n return this.applyMarkup(text, {delimiter, tag, attributes})\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n return []\n }\n // Note: doubling up doesn't work because of the consumption characters.\n }\nlinkifyParser\n description Use this to disable linkify on the text.\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom booleanAtom\nabstractMarkupParameterParser\n atoms cueAtom\n cueFromId\nmatchAllParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Use this to match all occurrences of the text.\n extends abstractMarkupParameterParser\nmatchParser\n popularity 0.000048\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n description Use this to specify which index(es) to match.\n javascript\n get indexes() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(1).map(num => parseInt(num))\n }\n example\n aftertext\n hello ello ello\n bold ello\n match 0 2\n extends abstractMarkupParameterParser\nabstractHtmlAttributeParser\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nlinkTargetParser\n popularity 0.000024\n extends abstractHtmlAttributeParser\n description If you want to set the target of the link. To \"_blank\", for example.\n cue target\n atoms cueAtom codeAtom\nblankLineParser\n popularity 0.308149\n description Print nothing. Break section.\n atoms blankAtom\n boolean isPopular true\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.parent.clearSectionStack()\n }\n pattern ^$\n tags doNotSynthesize\nscrollFileAddressParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n catchAllParser scrollFileAddressParser\nchatLineParser\n popularity 0.009887\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser chatLineParser\nlineOfCodeParser\n popularity 0.018665\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\n catchAllParser lineOfCodeParser\ncommentLineParser\n catchAllAtomType commentAtom\ncssLineParser\n popularity 0.002870\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n catchAllParser cssLineParser\nabstractTableTransformParser\n atoms cueAtom\n inScope abstractTableVisualizationParser abstractTableTransformParser h1Parser h2Parser scrollQuestionParser htmlInlineParser scrollBrParser slashCommentParser\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n return this.parent.coreTable\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return this.parent.columnNames\n }\n connectColumnNames(userColumnNames, availableColumnNames = this.parent.columnNames) {\n const result = {}\n const normalize = str => str.toLowerCase().trim()\n userColumnNames.forEach(userColumn => {\n // Strategy 1: Exact match\n const exactMatch = availableColumnNames.find(col => col === userColumn)\n if (exactMatch) {\n result[userColumn] = exactMatch\n return\n }\n // Strategy 2: Case-insensitive match\n const normalizedUserColumn = normalize(userColumn)\n const caseInsensitiveMatch = availableColumnNames.find(col => normalize(col) === normalizedUserColumn)\n if (caseInsensitiveMatch) {\n result[userColumn] = caseInsensitiveMatch\n return\n }\n // Strategy 3: Levenshtein distance match\n const THRESHOLD = 2 // Consider matches with distance <= 2 as \"very close\"\n let bestMatch = null\n let bestDistance = Infinity\n availableColumnNames.forEach(col => {\n const distance = this.root.levenshteinDistance(userColumn, col)\n if (distance < bestDistance) {\n bestDistance = distance\n bestMatch = col\n }\n })\n // Only use Levenshtein match if it's very close\n if (bestDistance <= THRESHOLD) {\n result[userColumn] = bestMatch\n return\n }\n // Strategy 4: Fallback - use original unmatched name\n result[userColumn] = userColumn\n })\n return result\n }\n connectColumnName(name) {\n return this.connectColumnNames([name])[name]\n }\n getErrors() {\n if (this.silenceErrors) return [] // todo: generalize this?\n return super.getErrors()\n }\n getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom) {\n if (atom.atomTypeId === \"columnNameAtom\")\n return this.parent.columnNames\n return super.getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom)\n }\n getRunTimeEnumOptionsForValidation(atom) {\n // Note: this will fail if the CSV file hasnt been built yet.\n if (atom.atomTypeId === \"columnNameAtom\")\n return this.parent.columnNames.concat(this.parent.columnNames.map(c => \"-\" + c)) // Add reverse names\n return super.getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom)\n }\nabstractDateSplitTransformParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const columnName = this.getAtom(1) || this.detectDateColumn()\n if (!columnName) return this.parent.coreTable\n return this.parent.coreTable.map(row => {\n const newRow = {...row}\n try {\n const date = this.root.dayjs(row[columnName])\n if (date.isValid())\n newRow[this.newColumnName] = this.transformDate(date)\n } catch (err) {}\n return newRow\n })\n }\n detectDateColumn() {\n const columns = this.parent.columnNames\n const dateColumns = ['date', 'created', 'published', 'timestamp']\n for (const col of dateColumns) {\n if (columns.includes(col)) return col\n }\n for (const col of columns) {\n const sample = this.parent.coreTable[0][col]\n if (sample && this.root.dayjs(sample).isValid())\n return col\n }\n return null\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return [...this.parent.columnNames, this.newColumnName]\n }\n transformDate(date) {\n const formatted = date.format(this.dateFormat)\n const isInt = !this.cue.includes(\"Name\")\n return isInt ? parseInt(formatted) : formatted\n }\nscrollSplitYearParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract year into new column.\n cue splitYear\n string newColumnName year\n string dateFormat YYYY\nscrollSplitDayNameParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract day name into new column.\n cue splitDayName\n string newColumnName dayName\n string dateFormat dddd\nscrollSplitMonthNameParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract month name into new column.\n cue splitMonthName\n string newColumnName monthName\n string dateFormat MMMM\nscrollSplitMonthParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract month number (1-12) into new column.\n cue splitMonth\n string newColumnName month\n string dateFormat M\nscrollSplitDayOfMonthParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract day of month (1-31) into new column.\n cue splitDayOfMonth\n string newColumnName dayOfMonth\n string dateFormat D\nscrollSplitDayOfWeekParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract day of week (0-6) into new column.\n cue splitDay\n string newColumnName day\n string dateFormat d\nscrollParseDateParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Parse dates in a column into standard format.\n cue parseDate\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom\n example\n sampleData stocks.csv\n parseDate date\n linechart\n x date\n y price\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const columnName = this.connectColumnName(this.getAtom(1))\n const formatOut = this.get(\"format\") || \"YYYY-MM-DD\"\n const {dayjs} = this.root\n return this.parent.coreTable.map(row => {\n const newRow = {...row}\n try {\n const value = row[columnName]\n if (value) {\n const date = dayjs(value)\n if (date.isValid())\n newRow[columnName] = date.format(formatOut)\n }\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(`Error parsing date in column ${columnName}:`, err)\n }\n return newRow\n })\n }\n formatParser\n description Specify output date format\n atoms cueAtom stringAtom\n cueFromId\n single\nscrollGroupByParser\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n reduceParser\n description Specify how to aggregate a column when grouping data\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom reductionTypeAtom newColumnNameAtom\n cue reduce\n example\n data.csv\n groupBy year\n reduce score sum totalScore\n reduce name concat names\n printTable\n javascript\n get reduction() {\n return {\n source: this.getAtom(1),\n reduction: this.getAtom(2),\n name: this.getAtom(3) || this.getAtomsFrom(1).join(\"_\")\n }\n }\n description Combine rows with matching values into groups.\n example\n tables posts.csv\n groupBy year\n printTable\n cue groupBy\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n if (this._coreTable) return this._coreTable\n const groupByColNames = this.getAtomsFrom(1)\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n if (!groupByColNames.length) return coreTable\n const newCols = this.findParticles(\"reduce\").map(particle => particle.reduction)\n // Pivot is shorthand for group and reduce?\n const makePivotTable = (rows, groupByColumnNames, inputColumnNames, newCols) => {\n const colMap = {}\n inputColumnNames.forEach((col) => (colMap[col] = true))\n const groupByCols = groupByColumnNames.filter((col) => colMap[col])\n return new PivotTable(rows, inputColumnNames.map(c => {return {name: c}}), newCols).getNewRows(groupByCols)\n }\n class PivotTable {\n constructor(rows, inputColumns, outputColumns) {\n this._columns = {}\n this._rows = rows\n inputColumns.forEach((col) => (this._columns[col.name] = col))\n outputColumns.forEach((col) => (this._columns[col.name] = col))\n }\n _getGroups(allRows, groupByColNames) {\n const rowsInGroups = new Map()\n allRows.forEach((row) => {\n const groupKey = groupByColNames.map((col) => row[col]?.toString().replace(/ /g, \"\") || \"\").join(\" \")\n if (!rowsInGroups.has(groupKey)) rowsInGroups.set(groupKey, [])\n rowsInGroups.get(groupKey).push(row)\n })\n return rowsInGroups\n }\n getNewRows(groupByCols) {\n // make new particles\n const rowsInGroups = this._getGroups(this._rows, groupByCols)\n // Any column in the group should be reused by the children\n const columns = [\n {\n name: \"count\",\n type: \"number\",\n min: 0,\n },\n ]\n groupByCols.forEach((colName) => columns.push(this._columns[colName]))\n const colsToReduce = Object.values(this._columns).filter((col) => !!col.reduction)\n colsToReduce.forEach((col) => columns.push(col))\n // for each group\n const rows = []\n const totalGroups = rowsInGroups.size\n for (let [groupId, group] of rowsInGroups) {\n const firstRow = group[0]\n const newRow = {}\n groupByCols.forEach((col) =>\n newRow[col] = firstRow ? firstRow[col] : 0\n )\n newRow.count = group.length\n // todo: add more reductions? count, stddev, median, variance.\n colsToReduce.forEach((col) => {\n const sourceColName = col.source\n const reduction = col.reduction\n const newColName = col.name\n if (reduction === \"concat\") {\n newRow[newColName] = group.map((row) => row[sourceColName]).join(\" \")\n return \n }\n if (reduction === \"first\") {\n newRow[newColName] = group.find((row) => row[sourceColName] !== \"\")?.[sourceColName]\n return \n }\n const values = group.map((row) => row[sourceColName]).filter((val) => typeof val === \"number\" && !isNaN(val))\n let reducedValue = firstRow[sourceColName]\n if (reduction === \"sum\") reducedValue = values.reduce((prev, current) => prev + current, 0)\n if (reduction === \"max\") reducedValue = Math.max(...values)\n if (reduction === \"min\") reducedValue = Math.min(...values)\n if (reduction === \"mean\") reducedValue = values.reduce((prev, current) => prev + current, 0) / values.length\n newRow[newColName] = reducedValue\n })\n rows.push(newRow)\n }\n // todo: add tests. figure out this api better.\n Object.values(columns).forEach((col) => {\n // For pivot columns, remove the source and reduction info for now. Treat things as immutable.\n delete col.source\n delete col.reduction\n })\n return {\n rows,\n columns,\n }\n }\n }\n const pivotTable = makePivotTable(coreTable, groupByColNames, this.parent.columnNames, newCols)\n this._coreTable = pivotTable.rows\n this._columnNames = pivotTable.columns.map(col => col.name)\n return pivotTable.rows\n }\n get columnNames() {\n const {coreTable} = this\n return this._columnNames || this.parent.columnNames\n }\nscrollWhereParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Filter rows by condition.\n cue where\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom comparisonAtom\n catchAllAtomType constantAtom\n example\n datatable iris.csv\n where Species = setosa\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n // todo: use atoms here.\n const columnName = this.connectColumnName(this.getAtom(1))\n const operator = this.getAtom(2)\n let comparisonSet\n if (operator === \"oneOf\")\n comparisonSet = new Set(this.atoms.slice(3))\n let untypedComparisonValue = this.getAtom(3)\n const typedComparisonValue = isNaN(parseFloat(untypedComparisonValue)) ? untypedComparisonValue : parseFloat(untypedComparisonValue)\n const coreTable = this.parent.coreTable\n if (!columnName || !operator || (untypedComparisonValue === undefined && !operator.includes(\"mpty\"))) return coreTable\n const filterFn = row => {\n const atom = row[columnName]\n const typedAtom = atom === null ? undefined : atom // convert nulls to undefined\n if (operator === \"=\") return typedComparisonValue === typedAtom\n else if (operator === \"!=\") return typedComparisonValue !== typedAtom\n else if (operator === \"includes\") return typedAtom !== undefined && typedAtom.includes(typedComparisonValue)\n else if (operator === \"startsWith\") return typedAtom !== undefined && typedAtom.toString().startsWith(typedComparisonValue)\n else if (operator === \"endsWith\") return typedAtom !== undefined && typedAtom.toString().endsWith(typedComparisonValue)\n else if (operator === \"doesNotInclude\") return typedAtom === undefined || !typedAtom.includes(typedComparisonValue)\n else if (operator === \"oneOf\") return typedAtom !== undefined && comparisonSet.has(typedAtom.toString())\n else if (operator === \">\") return typedAtom > typedComparisonValue\n else if (operator === \"<\") return typedAtom < typedComparisonValue\n else if (operator === \">=\") return typedAtom >= typedComparisonValue\n else if (operator === \"<=\") return typedAtom <= typedComparisonValue\n else if (operator === \"empty\") return typedAtom === \"\" || typedAtom === undefined\n else if (operator === \"notEmpty\") return typedAtom !== \"\" && typedAtom !== undefined\n }\n return coreTable.filter(filterFn)\n }\nscrollSelectParser\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Drop all columns except these.\n example\n tables\n data\n name,year,count\n index,2022,2\n about,2023,4\n select name year\n printTable\n cue select\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n const {columnNames} = this\n if (!columnNames.length) return coreTable\n return coreTable.map(row => Object.fromEntries(columnNames.map(colName => [colName, row[colName]])))\n }\n get columnNames() {\n if (!this._columnNames) {\n const names = this.getAtomsFrom(1)\n this._columnNamesMap = this.connectColumnNames(names)\n this._columnNames = names.map(name => this._columnNamesMap[name])\n }\n return this._columnNames\n }\nscrollReverseParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Reverse rows.\n cue reverse\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n return this.parent.coreTable.slice().reverse()\n }\nscrollComposeParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Add column using format string.\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\n cue compose\n atoms cueAtom newColumnNameAtom\n example\n datatable\n compose sentence My name is {name}\n printTable\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {newColumnName} = this\n const formatString = this.getAtomsFrom(2).join(\" \")\n return this.parent.coreTable.map((row, index) => {\n const newRow = Object.assign({}, row)\n newRow[newColumnName] = this.evaluate(new Particle(row).evalTemplateString(formatString), index)\n return newRow\n })\n }\n evaluate(str) {\n return str\n }\n get newColumnName() {\n return this.atoms[1]\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return this.parent.columnNames.concat(this.newColumnName)\n }\nscrollComputeParser\n extends scrollComposeParser\n description Add column by evaling format string.\n cue compute\n javascript\n evaluate(str) {\n return parseFloat(eval(str))\n }\nscrollEvalParser\n extends scrollComputeParser\n description Add column by evaling format string.\n cue eval\n javascript\n evaluate(str) {\n return eval(str)\n }\nscrollRankParser\n extends scrollComposeParser\n description Add rank column.\n atoms cueAtom\n string newColumnName rank\n cue rank\n javascript\n evaluate(str, index) { return index + 1 }\nscrollLinksParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Add column with links.\n cue links\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {newColumnName, linkColumns} = this\n return this.parent.coreTable.map(row => {\n const newRow = Object.assign({}, row)\n let newValue = []\n linkColumns.forEach(name => {\n const value = newRow[name]\n delete newRow[name]\n if (value) newValue.push(`${name}`)\n })\n newRow[newColumnName] = newValue.join(\" \")\n return newRow\n })\n }\n get newColumnName() {\n return \"links\"\n }\n get linkColumns() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(1)\n }\n get columnNames() {\n const {linkColumns} = this\n return this.parent.columnNames.filter(name => !linkColumns.includes(name)).concat(this.newColumnName)\n }\nscrollLimitParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Select a subset.\n cue limit\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom integerAtom\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n let start = this.getAtom(1)\n let end = this.getAtom(2)\n if (end === undefined) {\n end = start\n start = 0\n }\n return this.parent.coreTable.slice(parseInt(start), parseInt(end))\n }\nscrollShuffleParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Randomly reorder rows.\n cue shuffle\n example\n datatable data.csv\n shuffle\n printTable\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n // Create a copy of the datatable to avoid modifying original\n const rows = this.parent.coreTable.slice()\n // Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm\n for (let i = rows.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {\n const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1))\n ;[rows[i], rows[j]] = [rows[j], rows[i]]\n }\n return rows\n }\nscrollTransposeParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Tranpose datatable.\n cue transpose\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n // todo: we need to switch to column based coreTable, instead of row based\n const transpose = arr => Object.keys(arr[0]).map(key => [key, ...arr.map(row => row[key])]);\n return transpose(this.parent.coreTable)\n }\nscrollImputeParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Impute missing values of a columm.\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom\n cue impute\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {columnName} = this\n const sorted = this.root.lodash.orderBy(this.parent.coreTable.slice(), columnName)\n // ascending\n const imputed = []\n let lastInserted = sorted[0][columnName]\n sorted.forEach(row => {\n const measuredTime = row[columnName]\n while (measuredTime > lastInserted + 1) {\n lastInserted++\n // synthesize rows\n const imputedRow = {}\n imputedRow[columnName] = lastInserted\n imputedRow.count = 0\n imputed.push(imputedRow)\n }\n lastInserted = measuredTime\n imputed.push(row)\n })\n return imputed\n }\n get columnName() {\n return this.connectColumnName(this.getAtom(1))\n }\nscrollOrderByParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Sort rows by column(s).\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n cue orderBy\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const makeLodashOrderByParams = str => {\n const part1 = str.split(\" \")\n const part2 = part1.map(col => (col.startsWith(\"-\") ? \"desc\" : \"asc\"))\n return [part1.map(col => this.connectColumnName(col.replace(/^\\-/, \"\"))), part2]\n }\n const orderBy = makeLodashOrderByParams(this.content)\n return this.root.lodash.orderBy(this.parent.coreTable.slice(), orderBy[0], orderBy[1])\n }\nassertRowCountParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Test row count is expected value.\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n cueFromId\n javascript\n getErrors() {\n const errors = super.getErrors()\n const actualRows = this.coreTable.length\n const expectedRows = parseInt(this.content)\n if (actualRows !== expectedRows)\n return errors.concat(this.makeError(`Expected '${expectedRows}' rows but got '${actualRows}'.`))\n return errors\n }\nscrollRenameParser\n // todo: add support in Parsers for tuple catch alls\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom newColumnNameAtom\n catchAllAtomType newColumnNameAtom\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Rename columns.\n example\n tables\n data\n name,year,count\n index,2022,2\n rename name Name year Year\n printTable\n cue rename\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n const {renameMap} = this\n if (!Object.keys(renameMap).length) return coreTable\n return coreTable.map(row => {\n const newRow = {}\n Object.keys(row).forEach(key => {\n const name = renameMap[key] || key\n newRow[name] = row[key]\n })\n return newRow\n })\n }\n get renameMap() {\n const map = {}\n const pairs = this.getAtomsFrom(1)\n let oldName\n while (oldName = pairs.shift()) {\n map[oldName] = pairs.shift()\n }\n return map\n }\n _renamed\n get columnNames() {\n if (this._renamed)\n return this._renamed\n const {renameMap} = this\n this._renamed = this.parent.columnNames.map(name => renameMap[name] || name )\n return this._renamed\n }\nscrollSummarizeParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Generate summary statistics for each column.\n cue summarize\n example\n datatable data.csv\n summarize\n printTable\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {lodash} = this.root\n const sourceData = this.parent.coreTable\n if (!sourceData.length) return []\n return this.parent.columnNames.map(colName => {\n const values = sourceData.map(row => row[colName]).filter(val => val !== undefined && val !== null)\n const numericValues = values.filter(val => typeof val === \"number\" && !isNaN(val))\n const sorted = [...numericValues].sort((a, b) => a - b)\n // Calculate mode\n const frequency = {}\n values.forEach(val => {\n frequency[val] = (frequency[val] || 0) + 1\n })\n const mode = Object.entries(frequency)\n .sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])\n .map(entry => entry[0])[0]\n // Calculate median for numeric values\n const median = sorted.length ? \n sorted.length % 2 === 0 \n ? (sorted[sorted.length/2 - 1] + sorted[sorted.length/2]) / 2\n : sorted[Math.floor(sorted.length/2)]\n : null\n const sum = numericValues.length ? numericValues.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) : null\n const theType = typeof values[0]\n const count = values.length\n const mean = theType === \"number\" ? sum/count : \"\"\n return {\n name: colName,\n type: theType,\n incompleteCount: sourceData.length - values.length,\n uniqueCount: new Set(values).size,\n count,\n sum,\n median,\n mean,\n min: sorted.length ? sorted[0] : null,\n max: sorted.length ? sorted[sorted.length - 1] : null,\n mode\n }\n })\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return [\"name\", \"type\", \"incompleteCount\", \"uniqueCount\", \"count\", \"sum\", \"median\", \"mean\", \"min\", \"max\", \"mode\"]\n }\nerrorParser\n baseParser errorParser\nheatrixCatchAllParser\n popularity 0.000193\n // todo Fill this out\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\nlineOfTextParser\n popularity 0.000289\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n boolean isTextParser true\nhtmlLineParser\n popularity 0.005209\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\n catchAllParser htmlLineParser\nopenGraphParser\n // todo: fix Parsers scope issue so we can move this parser def under scrollImageParser\n description Add this line to make this the open graph image.\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom\nimportToFooterParser\n description Import to bottom of file.\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n cue footer\nscriptLineParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\n catchAllParser scriptLineParser\nlinkTitleParser\n popularity 0.000048\n description If you want to set the title of the link.\n cue title\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n example\n * This report showed the treatment had a big impact.\n https://example.com/report This report.\n title The average growth in the treatment group was 14.2x higher than the control group.\nprogramLinkParser\n popularity 0.000531\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\nscrollMediaLoopParser\n popularity 0.000048\n cue loop\n atoms cueAtom\nscrollAutoplayParser\n cue autoplay\n atoms cueAtom\nabstractCompilerRuleParser\n catchAllAtomType anyAtom\n atoms cueAtom\ncloseSubparticlesParser\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n description When compiling a parent particle to a string, this string is appended to the compiled and joined subparticles. Default is blank.\n cueFromId\nindentCharacterParser\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n description You can change the indent character for compiled subparticles. Default is a space.\n cueFromId\ncatchAllAtomDelimiterParser\n description If a particle has a catchAllAtom, this is the string delimiter that will be used to join those atoms. Default is comma.\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n cueFromId\nopenSubparticlesParser\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n description When compiling a parent particle to a string, this string is prepended to the compiled and joined subparticles. Default is blank.\n cueFromId\nstringTemplateParser\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n description This template string is used to compile this line, and accepts strings of the format: const var = {someAtomId}\n cueFromId\njoinSubparticlesWithParser\n description When compiling a parent particle to a string, subparticles are compiled to strings and joined by this character. Default is a newline.\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n cueFromId\nabstractConstantParser\n description A constant.\n atoms cueAtom\n cueFromId\n // todo: make tags inherit\n tags actPhase\nparsersBooleanParser\n cue boolean\n atoms cueAtom constantIdentifierAtom\n catchAllAtomType booleanAtom\n extends abstractConstantParser\n tags actPhase\nparsersFloatParser\n cue float\n atoms cueAtom constantIdentifierAtom\n catchAllAtomType floatAtom\n extends abstractConstantParser\n tags actPhase\nparsersIntParser\n cue int\n atoms cueAtom constantIdentifierAtom\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n tags actPhase\n extends abstractConstantParser\nparsersStringParser\n cue string\n atoms cueAtom constantIdentifierAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllMultilineStringConstantParser\n extends abstractConstantParser\n tags actPhase\nabstractParserRuleParser\n single\n atoms cueAtom\nabstractNonTerminalParserRuleParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\nparsersBaseParserParser\n atoms cueAtom baseParsersAtom\n description Set for blobs or errors. \n // In rare cases with untyped content you can use a blobParser, for now, to skip parsing for performance gains. The base errorParser will report errors when parsed. Use that if you don't want to implement your own error parser.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue baseParser\n tags analyzePhase\ncatchAllAtomTypeParser\n atoms cueAtom atomTypeIdAtom\n description Use for lists.\n // Aka 'listAtomType'. Use this when the value in a key/value pair is a list. If there are extra atoms in the particle's line, parse these atoms as this type. Often used with `listDelimiterParser`.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n tags analyzePhase\natomParserParser\n atoms cueAtom atomParserAtom\n description Set parsing strategy.\n // prefix/postfix/omnifix parsing strategy. If missing, defaults to prefix.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n tags experimental analyzePhase\ncatchAllParserParser\n description Attach this to unmatched lines.\n // If a parser is not found in the inScope list, instantiate this type of particle instead.\n atoms cueAtom parserIdAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n tags acquirePhase\nparsersAtomsParser\n catchAllAtomType atomTypeIdAtom\n description Set required atomTypes.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue atoms\n tags analyzePhase\nparsersCompilerParser\n // todo Remove this and its subparticles?\n description Deprecated. For simple compilers.\n inScope stringTemplateParser catchAllAtomDelimiterParser openSubparticlesParser closeSubparticlesParser indentCharacterParser joinSubparticlesWithParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue compiler\n tags deprecate\n boolean suggestInAutocomplete false\nparserDescriptionParser\n description Parser description.\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue description\n tags assemblePhase\nparsersExampleParser\n // todo Should this just be a \"string\" constant on particles?\n description Set example for docs and tests.\n catchAllAtomType exampleAnyAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllExampleLineParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue example\n tags assemblePhase\nextendsParserParser\n cue extends\n tags assemblePhase\n description Extend another parser.\n // todo: add a catchall that is used for mixins\n atoms cueAtom parserIdAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\nparsersPopularityParser\n // todo Remove this parser. Switch to conditional frequencies.\n description Parser popularity.\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue popularity\n tags assemblePhase\ninScopeParser\n description Parsers in scope.\n catchAllAtomType parserIdAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n tags acquirePhase\nparsersJavascriptParser\n // todo Urgently need to get submode syntax highlighting running! (And eventually LSP)\n description Javascript code for Parser Actions.\n catchAllParser catchAllJavascriptCodeLineParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n tags actPhase\n javascript\n format() {\n if (this.isNodeJs()) {\n const template = `class FOO{ ${this.subparticlesToString()}}`\n this.setSubparticles(\n require(\"prettier\")\n .format(template, { semi: false, useTabs: true, parser: \"babel\", printWidth: 240 })\n .replace(/class FOO \\{\\s+/, \"\")\n .replace(/\\s+\\}\\s+$/, \"\")\n .replace(/\\n\\t/g, \"\\n\") // drop one level of indent\n .replace(/\\t/g, \" \") // we used tabs instead of spaces to be able to dedent without breaking literals.\n )\n }\n return this\n }\n cue javascript\nabstractParseRuleParser\n // Each particle should have a pattern that it matches on unless it's a catch all particle.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\nparsersCueParser\n atoms cueAtom stringAtom\n description Attach by matching first atom.\n extends abstractParseRuleParser\n tags acquirePhase\n cue cue\ncueFromIdParser\n atoms cueAtom\n description Derive cue from parserId.\n // for example 'fooParser' would have cue of 'foo'.\n extends abstractParseRuleParser\n tags acquirePhase\nparsersPatternParser\n catchAllAtomType regexAtom\n description Attach via regex.\n extends abstractParseRuleParser\n tags acquirePhase\n cue pattern\nparsersRequiredParser\n description Assert is present at least once.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue required\n tags analyzePhase\nabstractValidationRuleParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType booleanAtom\nparsersSingleParser\n description Assert used once.\n // Can be overridden by a child class by setting to false.\n extends abstractValidationRuleParser\n tags analyzePhase\n cue single\nuniqueLineParser\n description Assert unique lines. For pattern parsers.\n // Can be overridden by a child class by setting to false.\n extends abstractValidationRuleParser\n tags analyzePhase\nuniqueCueParser\n description Assert unique first atoms. For pattern parsers.\n // For catch all parsers or pattern particles, use this to indicate the \n extends abstractValidationRuleParser\n tags analyzePhase\nlistDelimiterParser\n description Split content by this delimiter.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n tags analyzePhase\ncontentKeyParser\n description Deprecated. For to/from JSON.\n // Advanced keyword to help with isomorphic JSON serialization/deserialization. If present will serialize the particle to an object and set a property with this key and the value set to the particle's content.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n tags deprecate\n boolean suggestInAutocomplete false\nsubparticlesKeyParser\n // todo: deprecate?\n description Deprecated. For to/from JSON.\n // Advanced keyword to help with serialization/deserialization of blobs. If present will serialize the particle to an object and set a property with this key and the value set to the particle's subparticles.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n tags deprecate\n boolean suggestInAutocomplete false\nparsersTagsParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n description Custom metadata.\n cue tags\n tags assemblePhase\natomTypeDescriptionParser\n description Atom Type description.\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n cue description\n tags assemblePhase\ncatchAllErrorParser\n baseParser errorParser\ncatchAllExampleLineParser\n catchAllAtomType exampleAnyAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllExampleLineParser\n atoms exampleAnyAtom\ncatchAllJavascriptCodeLineParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptCodeAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllJavascriptCodeLineParser\ncatchAllMultilineStringConstantParser\n description String constants can span multiple lines.\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllMultilineStringConstantParser\n atoms stringAtom\natomTypeDefinitionParser\n // todo Generate a class for each atom type?\n // todo Allow abstract atom types?\n // todo Change pattern to postfix.\n pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Atom$\n inScope parsersPaintParser parsersRegexParser reservedAtomsParser enumFromAtomTypesParser atomTypeDescriptionParser parsersEnumParser slashCommentParser extendsAtomTypeParser parsersExamplesParser atomMinParser atomMaxParser\n atoms atomTypeIdAtom\n tags assemblePhase\n javascript\n buildHtml() {return \"\"}\nenumFromAtomTypesParser\n description Runtime enum options.\n catchAllAtomType atomTypeIdAtom\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n cueFromId\n tags analyzePhase\nparsersEnumParser\n description Set enum options.\n cue enum\n catchAllAtomType enumOptionAtom\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n tags analyzePhase\nparsersExamplesParser\n description Examples for documentation and tests.\n // If the domain of possible atom values is large, such as a string type, it can help certain methods—such as program synthesis—to provide a few examples.\n cue examples\n catchAllAtomType atomExampleAtom\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n tags assemblePhase\natomMinParser\n description Specify a min if numeric.\n cue min\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom numberAtom\n tags analyzePhase\natomMaxParser\n description Specify a max if numeric.\n cue max\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom numberAtom\n tags analyzePhase\nparsersPaintParser\n atoms cueAtom paintTypeAtom\n description Instructor editor how to color these.\n single\n cue paint\n tags analyzePhase\nparserDefinitionParser\n // todo Add multiple dispatch?\n pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Parser$\n description Parser types are a core unit of your language. They translate to 1 class per parser. Examples of parser would be \"header\", \"person\", \"if\", \"+\", \"define\", etc.\n catchAllParser catchAllErrorParser\n inScope abstractParserRuleParser abstractConstantParser slashCommentParser parserDefinitionParser\n atoms parserIdAtom\n tags assemblePhase\n javascript\n buildHtml() { return \"\"}\nparsersRegexParser\n catchAllAtomType regexAtom\n description Atoms must match this.\n single\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n cue regex\n tags analyzePhase\nreservedAtomsParser\n single\n description Atoms can't be any of these.\n catchAllAtomType reservedAtomAtom\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n cueFromId\n tags analyzePhase\nextendsAtomTypeParser\n cue extends\n description Extend another atomType.\n // todo Add mixin support in addition to extends?\n atoms cueAtom atomTypeIdAtom\n tags assemblePhase\n single\nabstractColumnNameParser\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom\n javascript\n getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom) {\n if (atom.atomTypeId === \"columnNameAtom\")\n return this.parent.columnNames\n return super.getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom)\n }\nscrollRadiusParser\n cue radius\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nscrollSymbolParser\n cue symbol\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nabstractColumnNameOrColorParser\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\n atoms cueAtom columnNameOrColorAtom\n javascript\n //todo: cleanup\n colorOptions = \"aliceblue antiquewhite aqua aquamarine azure beige bisque black blanchedalmond blue blueviolet brown burlywood cadetblue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflowerblue cornsilk crimson cyan darkblue darkcyan darkgoldenrod darkgray darkgreen darkkhaki darkmagenta darkolivegreen darkorange darkorchid darkred darksalmon darkseagreen darkslateblue darkslategray darkturquoise darkviolet deeppink deepskyblue dimgray dodgerblue firebrick floralwhite forestgreen fuchsia gainsboro ghostwhite gold goldenrod gray green greenyellow honeydew hotpink indianred indigo ivory khaki lavender lavenderblush lawngreen lemonchiffon lightblue lightcoral lightcyan lightgoldenrodyellow lightgray lightgreen lightpink lightsalmon lightseagreen lightskyblue lightslategray lightsteelblue lightyellow lime limegreen linen magenta maroon mediumaquamarine mediumblue mediumorchid mediumpurple mediumseagreen mediumslateblue mediumspringgreen mediumturquoise mediumvioletred midnightblue mintcream mistyrose moccasin navajowhite navy oldlace olive olivedrab orange orangered orchid palegoldenrod palegreen paleturquoise palevioletred papayawhip peachpuff peru pink plum powderblue purple rebeccapurple red rosybrown royalblue saddlebrown salmon sandybrown seagreen seashell sienna silver skyblue slateblue slategray snow springgreen steelblue tan teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat white whitesmoke yellow yellowgreen\".split(\" \")\n getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom) {\n if (atom.atomTypeId === \"columnNameOrColorAtom\")\n return this.parent.columnNames.join(this.colorOptions)\n return super.getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom)\n }\nscrollFillParser\n cue fill\n extends abstractColumnNameOrColorParser\nscrollStrokeParser\n cue stroke\n extends abstractColumnNameOrColorParser\nscrollLabelParser\n cue label\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nscrollSortParser\n cue sort\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nscrollXParser\n cue x\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nscrollYParser\n cue y\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nabstractPlotLabelParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\nquoteLineParser\n popularity 0.004172\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser quoteLineParser\nscrollParser\n description Scroll is a language for scientists of all ages. Refine, share and collaborate on ideas.\n root\n inScope abstractScrollParser blankLineParser atomTypeDefinitionParser parserDefinitionParser\n catchAllParser catchAllParagraphParser\n javascript\n setFile(file) {\n this.file = file\n const date = this.get(\"date\")\n if (date) this.file.timestamp = this.dayjs(this.get(\"date\")).unix()\n return this\n }\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n this.sectionStack = []\n return this.filter(subparticle => subparticle.buildHtml).map(subparticle => { try {return subparticle.buildHtml(buildSettings)} catch (err) {console.error(err); return \"\"} }).filter(i => i).join(\"\\n\") + this.clearSectionStack()\n }\n sectionStack = []\n clearSectionStack() {\n const result = this.sectionStack.join(\"\\n\")\n this.sectionStack = []\n return result\n }\n bodyStack = []\n clearBodyStack() {\n const result = this.bodyStack.join(\"\")\n this.bodyStack = []\n return result\n }\n readSyncFromFileOrUrl(fileOrUrl) {\n if (!this.isNodeJs()) return this.getInBrowser(fileOrUrl)\n const isUrl = fileOrUrl.match(/^https?\\:[^ ]+$/)\n if (!isUrl) return this.root.readFile(fileOrUrl)\n return this.readFile(this.makeFullPath(new URL(fileOrUrl).pathname.split('/').pop()))\n }\n getInBrowser(key) {\n return localStorage.getItem(key) || (window.inMemStorage ? window.inMemStorage[key] : \"\") || \"\"\n }\n async fetch(url, filename) {\n const isUrl = url.match(/^https?\\:[^ ]+$/)\n if (!isUrl) return\n return this.isNodeJs() ? this.fetchNode(url, filename) : this.fetchBrowser(url)\n }\n get path() {\n return require(\"path\")\n }\n makeFullPath(filename) {\n return this.path.join(this.folderPath, filename)\n }\n _nextAndPrevious(arr, index) {\n const nextIndex = index + 1\n const previousIndex = index - 1\n return {\n previous: arr[previousIndex] ?? arr[arr.length - 1],\n next: arr[nextIndex] ?? arr[0]\n }\n }\n // keyboard nav is always in the same folder. does not currently support cross folder\n _includeFileInKeyboardNav(file) {\n const { scrollProgram } = file\n return scrollProgram.buildsHtml && scrollProgram.hasKeyboardNav && scrollProgram.tags.includes(this.primaryTag)\n }\n get timeIndex() {\n return this.file.timeIndex || 0\n }\n get linkToPrevious() {\n if (!this.hasKeyboardNav)\n // Dont provide link to next unless keyboard nav is on\n return undefined\n const {allScrollFiles} = this\n let file = this._nextAndPrevious(allScrollFiles, this.timeIndex).previous\n if (!file) return undefined\n while (!this._includeFileInKeyboardNav(file)) {\n file = this._nextAndPrevious(allScrollFiles, file.timeIndex).previous\n }\n return file.scrollProgram.permalink\n }\n importRegex = /^(import |[a-zA-Z\\_\\-\\.0-9\\/]+\\.(scroll|parsers)$|https?:\\/\\/.+\\.(scroll|parsers)$)/gm\n get linkToNext() {\n if (!this.hasKeyboardNav)\n // Dont provide link to next unless keyboard nav is on\n return undefined\n const {allScrollFiles} = this\n let file = this._nextAndPrevious(allScrollFiles, this.timeIndex).next\n if (!file) return undefined\n while (!this._includeFileInKeyboardNav(file)) {\n file = this._nextAndPrevious(allScrollFiles, file.timeIndex).next\n }\n return file.scrollProgram.permalink\n }\n // todo: clean up this naming pattern and add a parser instead of special casing 404.html\n get allHtmlFiles() {\n return this.allScrollFiles.filter(file => file.scrollProgram.buildsHtml && file.scrollProgram.permalink !== \"404.html\")\n }\n parseNestedTag(tag) {\n if (!tag.includes(\"/\")) return;\n const {path} = this\n const parts = tag.split(\"/\")\n const group = parts.pop()\n const relativePath = parts.join(\"/\")\n return {\n group,\n relativePath,\n folderPath: path.join(this.folderPath, path.normalize(relativePath))\n }\n }\n getFilesByTags(tags, limit) {\n // todo: tags is currently matching partial substrings\n const getFilesWithTag = (tag, files) => files.filter(file => file.scrollProgram.buildsHtml && file.scrollProgram.tags.includes(tag))\n if (typeof tags === \"string\") tags = tags.split(\" \")\n if (!tags || !tags.length)\n return this.allHtmlFiles\n .filter(file => file !== this) // avoid infinite loops. todo: think this through better.\n .map(file => {\n return { file, relativePath: \"\" }\n })\n .slice(0, limit)\n let arr = []\n tags.forEach(tag => {\n if (!tag.includes(\"/\"))\n return (arr = arr.concat(\n getFilesWithTag(tag, this.allScrollFiles)\n .map(file => {\n return { file, relativePath: \"\" }\n })\n .slice(0, limit)\n ))\n const {folderPath, group, relativePath} = this.parseNestedTag(tag)\n let files = []\n try {\n files = this.fileSystem.getCachedLoadedFilesInFolder(folderPath, this)\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n }\n const filtered = getFilesWithTag(group, files).map(file => {\n return { file, relativePath: relativePath + \"/\" }\n })\n arr = arr.concat(filtered.slice(0, limit))\n })\n return this.lodash.sortBy(arr, file => file.file.timestamp).reverse()\n }\n async fetchNode(url, filename) {\n filename = filename || new URL(url).pathname.split('/').pop()\n const fullpath = this.makeFullPath(filename)\n if (require(\"fs\").existsSync(fullpath)) return this.readFile(fullpath)\n this.log(`🛜 fetching ${url} to ${fullpath} `)\n await this.downloadToDisk(url, fullpath)\n return this.readFile(fullpath)\n }\n log(message) {\n if (this.logger) this.logger.log(message)\n }\n async fetchBrowser(url) {\n const content = this.getInBrowser(url)\n if (content) return content\n return this.downloadToLocalStorage(url)\n }\n async downloadToDisk(url, destination) {\n const { writeFile } = require('fs').promises\n const response = await fetch(url)\n const fileBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer()\n await writeFile(destination, Buffer.from(fileBuffer))\n return this.readFile(destination)\n }\n async downloadToLocalStorage(url) {\n const response = await fetch(url)\n const blob = await response.blob()\n const text = await blob.text()\n try {\n localStorage.setItem(url, text)\n return localStorage.getItem(url)\n } catch (err) {\n if (!window.inMemStorage) window.inMemStorage = {}\n window.inMemStorage[url] = text\n console.error(err)\n return text\n }\n }\n readFile(filename) {\n const {path} = this\n const fs = require(\"fs\")\n const fullPath = path.join(this.folderPath, filename.replace(this.folderPath, \"\"))\n try {\n if (fs.existsSync(fullPath))\n return fs.readFileSync(fullPath, \"utf8\")\n console.error(`File '${filename}' not found`)\n return \"\"\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(`Error in '${this.filePath}' reading file: '${fullPath}'`)\n console.error(err)\n return \"\"\n }\n }\n alreadyRequired = new Set()\n buildHtmlSnippet(buildSettings) {\n this.sectionStack = []\n return this.map(subparticle => (subparticle.buildHtmlSnippet ? subparticle.buildHtmlSnippet(buildSettings) : subparticle.buildHtml(buildSettings)))\n .filter(i => i)\n .join(\"\\n\")\n .trim() + this.clearSectionStack()\n }\n get footnotes() {\n if (this._footnotes === undefined) this._footnotes = this.filter(particle => particle.isFootnote)\n return this._footnotes\n }\n get authors() {\n return this.get(\"authors\")\n }\n get allScrollFiles() {\n try {\n return this.fileSystem.getCachedLoadedFilesInFolder(this.folderPath, this)\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n return []\n }\n }\n async doThing(thing) {\n await Promise.all(this.filter(particle => particle[thing]).map(async particle => particle[thing]()))\n }\n async load() {\n await this.doThing(\"load\")\n }\n async execute() {\n await this.doThing(\"execute\")\n }\n file = {}\n getFromParserId(parserId) {\n return this.parserIdIndex[parserId]?.[0].content\n }\n get fileSystem() {\n return this.file.fileSystem\n }\n get filePath() {\n // Note: we currently do not support files with spaces in their filepaths\n return this.cue\n }\n get folderPath() {\n return Utils.posix.dirname(this.filePath) + \"/\"\n }\n get filename() {\n return Utils.posix.basename(this.filePath)\n }\n get hasKeyboardNav() {\n return this.has(\"keyboardNav\")\n }\n get editHtml() {\n return `Edit`\n }\n get externalsPath() {\n return this.file.EXTERNALS_PATH\n }\n get endSnippetIndex() {\n // Get the line number that the snippet should stop at.\n // First if its hard coded, use that\n if (this.has(\"endSnippet\")) return this.getParticle(\"endSnippet\").index\n // Next look for a dinkus\n const snippetBreak = this.find(particle => particle.isDinkus)\n if (snippetBreak) return snippetBreak.index\n return -1\n }\n get parserIds() {\n return this.topDownArray.map(particle => particle.definition.id)\n }\n get tags() {\n return this.get(\"tags\") || \"\"\n }\n get primaryTag() {\n return this.tags.split(\" \")[0]\n }\n get filenameNoExtension() {\n return this.filename.replace(\".scroll\", \"\")\n }\n // todo: rename publishedUrl? Or something to indicate that this is only for stuff on the web (not localhost)\n // BaseUrl must be provided for RSS Feeds and OpenGraph tags to work\n get baseUrl() {\n const baseUrl = (this.get(\"baseUrl\") || \"\").replace(/\\/$/, \"\")\n return baseUrl + \"/\"\n }\n get canonicalUrl() {\n return this.get(\"canonicalUrl\") || this.baseUrl + this.permalink\n }\n get openGraphImage() {\n const openGraphImage = this.get(\"openGraphImage\")\n if (openGraphImage !== undefined) return this.ensureAbsoluteLink(openGraphImage)\n const images = this.filter(particle => particle.doesExtend(\"scrollImageParser\"))\n const hit = images.find(particle => particle.has(\"openGraph\")) || images[0]\n if (!hit) return \"\"\n return this.ensureAbsoluteLink(hit.filename)\n }\n get absoluteLink() {\n return this.ensureAbsoluteLink(this.permalink)\n }\n ensureAbsoluteLink(link) {\n if (link.includes(\"://\")) return link\n return this.baseUrl + link.replace(/^\\//, \"\")\n }\n get editUrl() {\n const editUrl = this.get(\"editUrl\")\n if (editUrl) return editUrl\n const editBaseUrl = this.get(\"editBaseUrl\")\n return (editBaseUrl ? editBaseUrl.replace(/\\/$/, \"\") + \"/\" : \"\") + this.filename\n }\n get gitRepo() {\n // given https://github.com/breck7/breckyunits.com/blob/main/four-tips-to-improve-communication.scroll\n // return https://github.com/breck7/breckyunits.com\n return this.editUrl.split(\"/\").slice(0, 5).join(\"/\")\n }\n get scrollVersion() {\n // currently manually updated\n return \"172.0.0\"\n }\n // Use the first paragraph for the description\n // todo: add a particle method version of get that gets you the first particle. (actulaly make get return array?)\n // would speed up a lot.\n get description() {\n const description = this.getFromParserId(\"openGraphDescriptionParser\")\n if (description) return description\n return this.generatedDescription\n }\n get keywords() {\n if (this.has(\"keywords\"))\n return this.get(\"keywords\")\n const tags = this.get(\"tags\")\n if (tags)\n return tags.split(\" \").join(\", \")\n return \"\"\n }\n get generatedDescription() {\n const firstParagraph = this.find(particle => particle.isArticleContent)\n return firstParagraph ? firstParagraph.originalText.substr(0, 100).replace(/[&\"<>']/g, \"\") : \"\"\n }\n get titleFromFilename() {\n const unCamelCase = str => str.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, \"$1 $2\").replace(/^./, match => match.toUpperCase())\n return unCamelCase(this.filenameNoExtension)\n }\n get title() {\n return this.getFromParserId(\"scrollTitleParser\") || this.titleFromFilename\n }\n get linkTitle() {\n return this.getFromParserId(\"scrollLinkTitleParser\") || this.title\n }\n get permalink() {\n return this.get(\"permalink\") || (this.filename ? this.filenameNoExtension + \".html\" : \"\")\n }\n compileTo(extensionCapitalized) {\n if (extensionCapitalized === \"Txt\")\n return this.asTxt\n if (extensionCapitalized === \"Html\")\n return this.asHtml\n const methodName = \"build\" + extensionCapitalized\n return this.topDownArray\n .filter(particle => particleethodName])\n .map((particle, index) => particleethodName](index))\n .join(\"\\n\")\n .trim()\n }\n get asTxt() {\n return (\n this.map(particle => {\n const text = particle.buildTxt ? particle.buildTxt() : \"\"\n if (text) return text + \"\\n\"\n if (!particle.getLine().length) return \"\\n\"\n return \"\"\n })\n .join(\"\")\n .replace(/\\n\\n\\n+/g, \"\\n\\n\") // Maximum 2 newlines in a row\n .trim() + \"\\n\" // Always end in a newline, Posix style\n )\n }\n get dependencies() {\n const dependencies = this.file.dependencies?.slice() || []\n const files = this.topDownArray.filter(particle => particle.dependencies).map(particle => particle.dependencies).flat()\n return dependencies.concat(files)\n }\n get buildsHtml() {\n const { permalink } = this\n return !this.file.importOnly && (permalink.endsWith(\".html\") || permalink.endsWith(\".htm\"))\n }\n // Without specifying the language hyphenation will not work.\n get lang() {\n return this.get(\"htmlLang\") || \"en\"\n }\n _compiledHtml = \"\"\n get asHtml() {\n if (!this._compiledHtml) {\n const { permalink, buildsHtml } = this\n const content = (this.buildHtml() + this.clearBodyStack()).trim()\n // Don't add html tags to CSV feeds. A little hacky as calling a getter named _html_ to get _xml_ is not ideal. But\n // <1% of use case so might be good enough.\n const wrapWithHtmlTags = buildsHtml\n const bodyTag = this.has(\"metaTags\") ? \"\" : \"\\n\"\n this._compiledHtml = wrapWithHtmlTags ? `\\n\\n${bodyTag}${content}\\n\\n` : content\n }\n return this._compiledHtml\n }\n get wordCount() {\n return this.asTxt.match(/\\b\\w+\\b/g)?.length || 0\n }\n get minutes() {\n return parseFloat((this.wordCount / 200).toFixed(1))\n }\n get date() {\n const date = this.get(\"date\") || (this.file.timestamp ? this.file.timestamp : 0)\n return this.dayjs(date).format(`MM/DD/YYYY`)\n }\n get year() {\n return parseInt(this.dayjs(this.date).format(`YYYY`))\n }\n get dayjs() {\n if (!this.isNodeJs()) return dayjs\n const lib = require(\"dayjs\")\n const relativeTime = require(\"dayjs/plugin/relativeTime\")\n lib.extend(relativeTime)\n return lib\n }\n get lodash() {\n return this.isNodeJs() ? require(\"lodash\") : lodash\n }\n get d3() {\n return this.isNodeJs() ? require('d3') : d3\n }\n getConcepts(parsed) {\n const concepts = []\n let currentConcept\n parsed.forEach(particle => {\n if (particle.isConceptDelimiter) {\n if (currentConcept) concepts.push(currentConcept)\n currentConcept = []\n }\n if (currentConcept && particle.isMeasure) currentConcept.push(particle)\n })\n if (currentConcept) concepts.push(currentConcept)\n return concepts\n }\n _formatConcepts(parsed) {\n const concepts = this.getConcepts(parsed)\n if (!concepts.length) return false\n const {lodash} = this\n // does a destructive sort in place on the parsed program\n concepts.forEach(concept => {\n let currentSection\n const newCode = lodash\n .sortBy(concept, [\"sortIndex\"])\n .map(particle => {\n let newLines = \"\"\n const section = particle.sortIndex.toString().split(\".\")[0]\n if (section !== currentSection) {\n currentSection = section\n newLines = \"\\n\"\n }\n return newLines + particle.toString()\n })\n .join(\"\\n\")\n concept.forEach((particle, index) => (index ? particle.destroy() : \"\"))\n concept[0].replaceParticle(() => newCode)\n })\n }\n get formatted() {\n return this.getFormatted(this.file.codeAtStart)\n }\n get lastCommitTime() {\n // todo: speed this up and do a proper release. also could add more metrics like this.\n if (this._lastCommitTime === undefined) {\n try {\n this._lastCommitTime = require(\"child_process\").execSync(`git log -1 --format=\"%at\" -- \"${this.filePath}\"`).toString().trim()\n } catch (err) {\n this._lastCommitTime = 0\n }\n }\n return this._lastCommitTime\n }\n getFormatted(codeAtStart = this.toString()) {\n let formatted = codeAtStart.replace(/\\r/g, \"\") // remove all carriage returns if there are any\n const parsed = new this.constructor(formatted)\n parsed.topDownArray.forEach(subparticle => {\n subparticle.format()\n const original = subparticle.getLine()\n const trimmed = original.replace(/(\\S.*?)[ \\t]*$/gm, \"$1\")\n // Trim trailing whitespace unless parser allows it\n if (original !== trimmed && !subparticle.allowTrailingWhitespace) subparticle.setLine(trimmed)\n })\n this._formatConcepts(parsed)\n let importOnlys = []\n let topMatter = []\n let allElse = []\n // Create any bindings\n parsed.forEach(particle => {\n if (particle.bindTo === \"next\") particle.binding = particle.next\n if (particle.bindTo === \"previous\") particle.binding = particle.previous\n })\n parsed.forEach(particle => {\n if (particle.getLine() === \"importOnly\") importOnlys.push(particle)\n else if (particle.isTopMatter) topMatter.push(particle)\n else allElse.push(particle)\n })\n const combined = importOnlys.concat(topMatter, allElse)\n // Move any bound particles\n combined\n .filter(particle => particle.bindTo)\n .forEach(particle => {\n // First remove the particle from its current position\n const originalIndex = combined.indexOf(particle)\n combined.splice(originalIndex, 1)\n // Then insert it at the new position\n // We need to find the binding index again after removal\n const bindingIndex = combined.indexOf(particle.binding)\n if (particle.bindTo === \"next\") combined.splice(bindingIndex, 0, particle)\n else combined.splice(bindingIndex + 1, 0, particle)\n })\n const trimmed = combined\n .map(particle => particle.toString())\n .join(\"\\n\")\n .replace(/^\\n*/, \"\") // Remove leading newlines\n .replace(/\\n\\n\\n+/g, \"\\n\\n\") // Maximum 2 newlines in a row\n .replace(/\\n+$/, \"\")\n return trimmed === \"\" ? trimmed : trimmed + \"\\n\" // End non blank Scroll files in a newline character POSIX style for better working with tools like git\n }\n get parser() {\n return this.constructor\n }\n get parsersRequiringExternals() {\n const { parser } = this\n // todo: could be cleaned up a bit\n if (!parser.parsersRequiringExternals) parser.parsersRequiringExternals = parser.cachedHandParsersProgramRoot.filter(particle => particle.copyFromExternal).map(particle => particle.atoms[0])\n return parser.parsersRequiringExternals\n }\n get Disk() { return this.isNodeJs() ? require(\"scrollsdk/products/Disk.node.js\").Disk : {}}\n async buildAll(options = {}) {\n await this.load()\n await this.buildOne(options)\n await this.buildTwo(options)\n }\n async buildOne(options) {\n await this.execute()\n const toBuild = this.filter(particle => particle.buildOne)\n for (let particle of toBuild) {\n await particle.buildOne(options)\n }\n }\n async buildTwo(options) {\n const toBuild = this.filter(particle => particle.buildTwo)\n for (let particle of toBuild) {\n await particle.buildTwo(options)\n }\n }\n get outputFileNames() {\n return this.filter(p => p.outputFileNames).map(p => p.outputFileNames).flat()\n }\n _compileArray(filename, arr) {\n const removeBlanks = data => data.map(obj => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).filter(([_, value]) => value !== \"\")))\n const parts = filename.split(\".\")\n const format = parts.pop()\n if (format === \"json\") return JSON.stringify(removeBlanks(arr), null, 2)\n if (format === \"js\") return `const ${parts[0]} = ` + JSON.stringify(removeBlanks(arr), null, 2)\n if (format === \"csv\") return this.arrayToCSV(arr)\n if (format === \"tsv\") return this.arrayToCSV(arr, \"\\t\")\n if (format === \"particles\") return particles.toString()\n return particles.toString()\n }\n levenshteinDistance(a, b) {\n const m = a.length\n const n = b.length\n const dp = Array.from({ length: m + 1 }, () => Array(n + 1).fill(0))\n for (let i = 0; i <= m; i++) {\n dp[i][0] = i\n }\n for (let j = 0; j <= n; j++) {\n dp[0][j] = j\n }\n for (let i = 1; i <= m; i++) {\n for (let j = 1; j <= n; j++) {\n const cost = a[i - 1] === b[j - 1] ? 0 : 1\n dp[i][j] = Math.min(dp[i - 1][j] + 1, dp[i][j - 1] + 1, dp[i - 1][j - 1] + cost)\n }\n }\n return dp][n]\n }\n makeLodashOrderByParams(str) {\n const part1 = str.split(\" \")\n const part2 = part1.map(col => (col.startsWith(\"-\") ? \"desc\" : \"asc\"))\n return [part1.map(col => col.replace(/^\\-/, \"\")), part2]\n }\n arrayToCSV(data, delimiter = \",\") {\n if (!data.length) return \"\"\n // Extract headers\n const headers = Object.keys(data[0])\n const csv = data.map(row =>\n headers\n .map(fieldName => {\n const fieldValue = row[fieldName]\n // Escape commas if the value is a string\n if (typeof fieldValue === \"string\" && (fieldValue.includes(delimiter) || fieldValue.includes('\"'))) {\n return `\"${fieldValue.replace(/\"/g, '\"\"')}\"` // Escape double quotes and wrap in double quotes\n }\n return fieldValue\n })\n .join(delimiter)\n )\n csv.unshift(headers.join(delimiter)) // Add header row at the top\n return csv.join(\"\\n\")\n }\n compileConcepts(filename = \"csv\", sortBy = \"\") {\n const {lodash} = this\n if (!sortBy) return this._compileArray(filename, this.concepts)\n const orderBy = this.makeLodashOrderByParams(sortBy)\n return this._compileArray(filename, lodash.orderBy(this.concepts, orderBy[0], orderBy[1]))\n }\n _withStats\n get measuresWithStats() {\n if (!this._withStats) this._withStats = this.addMeasureStats(this.concepts, this.measures)\n return this._withStats\n }\n addMeasureStats(concepts, measures){\n return measures.map(measure => {\n let Type = false\n concepts.forEach(concept => {\n const value = concepteasure.Name]\n if (value === undefined || value === \"\") return\n measure.Values++\n if (!Type) {\n measure.Example = value.toString().replace(/\\n/g, \" \")\n measure.Type = typeof value\n Type = true\n }\n })\n measure.Coverage = Math.floor((100 * measure.Values) / concepts.length) + \"%\"\n return measure\n })\n }\n parseMeasures(parser) {\n if (!Particle.measureCache)\n Particle.measureCache = new Map()\n const measureCache = Particle.measureCache\n if (measureCache.get(parser)) return measureCache.get(parser)\n const {lodash} = this\n // todo: clean this up\n const getCueAtoms = rootParserProgram =>\n rootParserProgram\n .filter(particle => particle.getLine().endsWith(\"Parser\") && !particle.getLine().startsWith(\"abstract\"))\n .map(particle => particle.get(\"cue\") || particle.getLine())\n .map(line => line.replace(/Parser$/, \"\"))\n // Generate a fake program with one of every of the available parsers. Then parse it. Then we can easily access the meta data on the parsers\n const dummyProgram = new parser(\n Array.from(\n new Set(\n getCueAtoms(parser.cachedHandParsersProgramRoot) // is there a better method name than this?\n )\n ).join(\"\\n\"), this.getLine()\n )\n // Delete any particles that are not measures\n dummyProgram.filter(particle => !particle.isMeasure).forEach(particle => particle.destroy())\n dummyProgram.forEach(particle => {\n // add nested measures\n Object.keys(particle.definition.cueMapWithDefinitions).forEach(key => particle.appendLine(key))\n })\n // Delete any nested particles that are not measures\n dummyProgram.topDownArray.filter(particle => !particle.isMeasure).forEach(particle => particle.destroy())\n const measures = dummyProgram.topDownArray.map(particle => {\n return {\n Name: particle.measureName,\n Values: 0,\n Coverage: 0,\n Question: particle.definition.description,\n Example: particle.definition.getParticle(\"example\")?.subparticlesToString() || \"\",\n Type: particle.typeForWebForms,\n Source: particle.sourceDomain,\n //Definition: parsedProgram.root.filename + \":\" + particle.lineNumber\n SortIndex: particle.sortIndex,\n IsComputed: particle.isComputed,\n IsRequired: particle.isMeasureRequired,\n IsConceptDelimiter: particle.isConceptDelimiter,\n Cue: particle.definition.get(\"cue\")\n }\n })\n measureCache.set(parser, lodash.sortBy(measures, \"SortIndex\"))\n return measureCache.get(parser)\n }\n _concepts\n get concepts() {\n if (this._concepts) return this._concepts\n this._concepts = this.parseConcepts(this, this.measures)\n return this._concepts\n }\n _measures\n get measures() {\n if (this._measures) return this._measures\n this._measures = this.parseMeasures(this.parser)\n return this._measures\n }\n parseConcepts(parsedProgram, measures){\n // Todo: might be a perf/memory/simplicity win to have a \"segment\" method in ScrollSDK, where you could\n // virtually split a Particle into multiple segments, and then query on those segments.\n // So we would \"segment\" on \"id \", and then not need to create a bunch of new objects, and the original\n // already parsed lines could then learn about/access to their respective segments.\n const conceptDelimiter = measures.filter(measure => measure.IsConceptDelimiter)[0]\n if (!conceptDelimiter) return []\n const concepts = parsedProgram.split(conceptDelimiter.Cue || conceptDelimiter.Name)\n concepts.shift() // Remove the part before \"id\"\n return concepts.map(concept => {\n const row = {}\n measures.forEach(measure => {\n const measureName = measure.Name\n const measureKey = measure.Cue || measureName.replace(/_/g, \" \")\n if (!measure.IsComputed) roweasureName] = concept.getParticle(measureKey)?.measureValue ?? \"\"\n else roweasureName] = this.computeMeasure(parsedProgram, measureName, concept, concepts)\n })\n return row\n })\n }\n computeMeasure(parsedProgram, measureName, concept, concepts){\n // note that this is currently global, assuming there wont be. name conflicts in computed measures in a single scroll\n if (!Particle.measureFnCache) Particle.measureFnCache = {}\n const measureFnCache = Particle.measureFnCache\n if (!measureFnCacheeasureName]) {\n // a bit hacky but works??\n const particle = parsedProgram.appendLine(measureName)\n measureFnCacheeasureName] = particle.computeValue\n particle.destroy()\n }\n return measureFnCacheeasureName](concept, measureName, parsedProgram, concepts)\n }\n compileMeasures(filename = \"csv\", sortBy = \"\") {\n const withStats = this.measuresWithStats\n if (!sortBy) return this._compileArray(filename, withStats)\n const orderBy = this.makeLodashOrderByParams(sortBy)\n return this._compileArray(filename, this.lodash.orderBy(withStats, orderBy[0], orderBy[1]))\n }\n evalNodeJsMacros(value, macroMap, filePath) {\n const tempPath = filePath + \".js\"\n const {Disk} = this\n if (Disk.exists(tempPath)) throw new Error(`Failed to write/require replaceNodejs snippet since '${tempPath}' already exists.`)\n try {\n Disk.write(tempPath, value)\n const results = require(tempPath)\n Object.keys(results).forEach(key => (macroMap[key] = results[key]))\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(`Error in evalMacros in file '${filePath}'`)\n console.error(err)\n } finally {\n Disk.rm(tempPath)\n }\n }\n evalMacros(fusedFile) {\n const {fusedCode, codeAtStart, filePath} = fusedFile\n let code = fusedCode\n const absolutePath = filePath\n // note: the 2 params above are not used in this method, but may be used in user eval code. (todo: cleanup)\n const regex = /^(replace|toFooter$)/gm\n if (!regex.test(code)) return code\n const particle = new Particle(code) // todo: this can be faster. a more lightweight particle class?\n // Process macros\n const macroMap = {}\n particle\n .filter(particle => {\n const parserAtom = particle.cue\n return parserAtom === \"replace\" || parserAtom === \"replaceJs\" || parserAtom === \"replaceNodejs\"\n })\n .forEach(particle => {\n let value = particle.length ? particle.subparticlesToString() : particle.getAtomsFrom(2).join(\" \")\n const kind = particle.cue\n try {\n if (kind === \"replaceJs\") value = eval(value)\n if (this.isNodeJs() && kind === \"replaceNodejs\")\n this.evalNodeJsMacros(value, macroMap, absolutePath)\n else macroMap[particle.getAtom(1)] = value\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n }\n particle.destroy() // Destroy definitions after eval\n })\n if (particle.has(\"toFooter\")) {\n const pushes = particle.getParticles(\"toFooter\")\n const append = pushes.map(push => push.section.join(\"\\n\")).join(\"\\n\")\n pushes.forEach(push => {\n push.section.forEach(particle => particle.destroy())\n push.destroy()\n })\n code = particle.asString + append\n }\n const keys = Object.keys(macroMap)\n if (!keys.length) return code\n let codeAfterMacroSubstitution = particle.asString\n // Todo: speed up. build a template?\n Object.keys(macroMap).forEach(key => (codeAfterMacroSubstitution = codeAfterMacroSubstitution.replace(new RegExp(key, \"g\"), macroMap[key])))\n return codeAfterMacroSubstitution\n }\n toRss() {\n const { title, canonicalUrl } = this\n return ` - \n
${title} \n ${canonicalUrl}\n ${this.dayjs(this.timestamp * 1000).format(\"ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ\")} \n `\n }\n example\n # Hello world\n ## This is Scroll\n * It compiles to HTML.\n \n code\n // You can add code as well.\n print(\"Hello world\")\nstampFileParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n description Create a file.\n javascript\n execute(parentDir) {\n const fs = require(\"fs\")\n const path = require(\"path\")\n const fullPath = path.join(parentDir, this.getLine())\n this.root.log(`Creating file ${fullPath}`)\n fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(fullPath), {recursive: true})\n const content = this.subparticlesToString()\n fs.writeFileSync(fullPath, content, \"utf8\")\n const isExecutable = content.startsWith(\"#!\")\n if (isExecutable) fs.chmodSync(fullPath, \"755\")\n }\nstampFolderParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n description Create a folder.\n inScope stampFolderParser\n catchAllParser stampFileParser\n pattern \\/$\n javascript\n execute(parentDir) {\n const fs = require(\"fs\")\n const path = require(\"path\")\n const newPath = path.join(parentDir, this.getLine())\n this.root.log(`Creating folder ${newPath}`)\n fs.mkdirSync(newPath, {recursive: true})\n this.forEach(particle => particle.execute(newPath))\n }\nstumpContentParser\n popularity 0.102322\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\nabstractTableOptionsParser\n atoms cueAtom stringAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nscrollJsonPathParser\n popularity 0.001037\n description Specify dot path to data.\n cue path\n extends abstractTableOptionsParser\nscrollTableDelimiterParser\n popularity 0.001037\n description Set the delimiter.\n cue delimiter\n extends abstractTableOptionsParser\nscrollTableDataParser\n popularity 0.001061\n cue data\n atoms cueAtom\n description Table from inline delimited data.\n baseParser blobParser\nplainTextLineParser\n popularity 0.000121\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser plainTextLineParser\nBlobParser\n baseParser blobParser"}
${this.buildTxt().replace(/\\`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.sources.map((pass, index) => `Pass ${index + 1} - ${pass.name}\\n========\\n${pass.code}`).join(\"\\n\\n\\n\")\n }\nabstractDinkusParser\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n boolean isDinkus true\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.dinkus}`\n }\n defaultClass = \"abstractDinkusParser\"\n buildTxt() {\n return this.dinkus\n }\n get dinkus() {\n return this.content || this.getLine()\n }\nhorizontalRuleParser\n popularity 0.000362\n cue ---\n description A horizontal rule.\n extends abstractDinkusParser\n example\n ---\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `
`\n }\nscrollDinkusParser\n popularity 0.010828\n cue ***\n description A dinkus. Breaks section.\n boolean isPopular true\n example\n ***\n extends abstractDinkusParser\n javascript\n dinkus = \"*\"\ncustomDinkusParser\n cue dinkus\n description A custom dinkus.\n extends abstractDinkusParser\nendOfPostDinkusParser\n popularity 0.005740\n extends abstractDinkusParser\n description End of post dinkus.\n boolean isPopular true\n cue ****\n example\n ****\n javascript\n dinkus = \"⁂\"\nabstractIconButtonParser\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.svg}`\n }\ndownloadButtonParser\n popularity 0.006294\n description Link to download/WWS page.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n string style position:relative;\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.content\n }\neditButtonParser\n popularity 0.013963\n description Print badge top right.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n // SVG from https://github.com/32pixelsCo/zest-icons\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.content || this.root.editUrl || \"\"\n }\n get style() {\n return this.parent.findParticles(\"editButton\")[0] === this ? \"right:2rem;\": \"position:relative;\"\n }\nemailButtonParser\n popularity 0.006294\n description Email button.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n catchAllAtomType emailAddressAtom\n // todo: should just be \"optionalAtomType\"\n string style position:relative;\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n const email = this.content || this.parent.get(\"email\")\n return email ? `mailto:${email}` : \"\"\n }\nhomeButtonParser\n popularity 0.006391\n description Home button.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n string style left:2rem;\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.content || this.get(\"link\") || \"index.html\"\n }\ntheScrollButtonParser\n popularity 0.006294\n description WWS button.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n string style position:relative;\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n return \"https://wws.scroll.pub\"\n }\nabstractTextLinkParser\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.text\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\neditLinkParser\n popularity 0.001206\n extends abstractTextLinkParser\n description Print \"Edit\" link.\n string text Edit\n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.root.editUrl || \"\"\n }\nscrollVersionLinkParser\n popularity 0.006294\n extends abstractTextLinkParser\n string link https://scroll.pub\n description Print Scroll version.\n javascript\n get text() {\n return `Built with Scroll v${this.root.scrollVersion}`\n }\nclassicFormParser\n cue classicForm\n popularity 0.006391\n description Generate input form for ScrollSet.\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n string script\n \n string style\n \n javascript\n get inputs() {\n return this.root.measures.filter(measure => !measure.IsComputed).map((measure, index) => {\n const {Name, Question, IsRequired, Type} = measure\n const type = Type || \"text\"\n const placeholder = Question\n const ucFirst = Name.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + Name.substr(1)\n // ${index ? \"\" : \"autofocus\"}\n let tag = \"\"\n if (Type === \"textarea\")\n tag = ``\n else\n tag = ``\n return `${tag}`\n }).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const {isEmail, formDestination, callToAction, subject} = this\n return `${this.script}${this.style}`\n }\n get callToAction() {\n return (this.isEmail ? \"Submit via email\" : (this.subject || \"Post\"))\n }\n get isEmail() {\n return this.formDestination.includes(\"@\")\n }\n get formDestination() {\n return this.getAtom(1) || \"\"\n }\n get subject() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(2)?.join(\" \") || \"\"\n }\n get footer() {\n return \"\"\n }\nscrollFormParser\n extends classicFormParser\n cue scrollForm\n placeholderParser\n atoms cueAtom\n baseParser blobParser\n cueFromId\n single\n valueParser\n atoms cueAtom\n baseParser blobParser\n cueFromId\n single\n nameParser\n description Name for the post submission.\n atoms cueAtom stringAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n description Generate a Scroll Form.\n string copyFromExternal .codeMirror.css .scrollLibs.js .constants.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n javascript\n get placeholder() {\n return this.getParticle(\"placeholder\")?.subparticlesToString() || \"\"\n }\n get value() {\n return this.getParticle(\"value\")?.subparticlesToString() || \"\"\n }\n get footer() {\n return \"\"\n }\n get name() {\n return this.get(\"name\") || \"particles\"\n }\n get parsersBundle() {\n const parserRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Parser$/gm\n const clone = this.root.clone()\n const parsers = clone.filter(line => parserRegex.test(line.getLine()))\n return \"\\n\" + parsers.map(particle => {\n particle.prependLine(\"boolean suggestInAutocomplete true\")\n return particle.toString()\n }).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n get inputs() {\n const Name = this.name\n return `\n \n `\n }\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n return this.getHtmlRequirements(buildSettings) + super.buildHtml()\n }\nloremIpsumParser\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n cueFromId\n description Generate dummy text.\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n string placeholder Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\n javascript\n get originalText() {\n return this.placeholder.repeat(this.howMany)\n }\n get howMany() {\n return this.getAtom(1) ? parseInt(this.getAtom(1)) : 1\n }\nnickelbackIpsumParser\n extends loremIpsumParser\n string placeholder And one day, I’ll be at the door. And lose your wings to fall in love? To the bottom of every bottle. I’m on the ledge of the eighteenth story. Why must the blind always lead the blind?\nscrollModalParser\n description A modal dialog overlay.\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n boolean isHtml true\n cue modal\n string requireOnce\n \n \n javascript\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n this.parent.sectionStack.push(\"
${this.code.replace(/\\`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return \"```\\n\" + this.code + \"\\n```\"\n }\n get code() {\n return this.subparticlesToString()\n }\n cueFromId\ncodeWithHeaderParser\n popularity 0.000169\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n extends codeParser\n example\n codeWithHeader math.py\n two = 1 + 1\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.content}${super.buildHtml()}`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return \"```\" + this.content + \"\\n\" + this.code + \"\\n```\"\n }\ncodeFromFileParser\n popularity 0.000169\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n extends codeWithHeaderParser\n example\n codeFromFile math.py\n javascript\n get code() {\n return this.root.readSyncFromFileOrUrl(this.content)\n }\nprismParser\n popularity 0.001929\n description A code block with syntax highlighting.\n catchAllParser lineOfCodeParser\n cueFromId\n extends codeWithHeaderParser\n string copyFromExternal .prism.css .prism.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n example\n prism javascript\n const hello = \"world\";\n console.log(hello);\n javascript\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n const content = this.content || \"text\"\n const language = content.split(\".\").pop()\n const header = content.includes(\".\") ? content : \"\"\n const languageClass = `language-${language}`;\n const prefix = this.getHtmlRequirements(buildSettings)\n const body = `${this.code.replace(/\\
`\n if (!header)\n return prefix + body\n return prefix + `${header}` + body + \"\"\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return \"```\" + (this.content || \"\") + \"\\n\" + this.code + \"\\n```\";\n }\nprismFromFileParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n extends prismParser\n example\n prismFromFile math.py\n javascript\n get code() {\n return this.root.readSyncFromFileOrUrl(this.content)\n }\n get dependencies() { return [this.cue]}\n async load() {\n await this.root.fetch(this.content)\n }\ncodeWithLanguageParser\n popularity 0.000458\n description Use this to specify the language of the code block, such as csvCode or rustCode.\n extends codeParser\n pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Code$\ndebugParsersParser\n description Print the parsers used.\n extends codeParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildParsers() { return this.code}\n get code() {\n let code = new Particle(this.root.definition.toString())\n // Remove comments\n code.filter((line) => line.getLine().startsWith(\"//\")).forEach((particle) => particle.destroy())\n // Remove blank lines\n code = code.toString().replace(/^\\n/gm, \"\")\n return code\n }\ndebugSourceMapParser\n description Print the source map.\n extends codeParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n get code() {\n const {root} = this\n const {fileSystem, file, filePath} = root\n return fileSystem.makeSourceMap(filePath, root.toString())\n }\nabstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n return this.getHtmlRequirements(buildSettings) + this.buildInstance()\n }\ncopyButtonsParser\n popularity 0.001471\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n description Copy code widget.\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n return \"\"\n }\n string requireOnce\n \nabstractTableVisualizationParser\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n boolean isTableVisualization true\n javascript\n get columnNames() {\n return this.parent.columnNames\n }\nheatrixParser\n cueFromId\n example\n heatrix\n '2007 '2008 '2009 '2010 '2011 '2012 '2013 '2014 '2015 '2016 '2017 '2018 '2019 '2020 '2021 '2022 '2023 '2024\n 4 11 23 37 3 14 12 0 0 0 5 1 2 11 15 10 12 56\n description A heatmap matrix data visualization.\n catchAllParser heatrixCatchAllParser\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n // A hacky but simple way to do this for now.\n const advanced = new Particle(\"heatrixAdvanced\")\n advanced.appendLineAndSubparticles(\"datatable\", \"\\n \" + this.tableData.replace(/\\n/g, \"\\n \"))\n const particle = this.appendSibling(\"heatrixAdvanced\", advanced.subparticlesToString())\n const html = particle.buildHtml()\n particle.destroy()\n return html\n }\n get tableData() {\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n if (!coreTable)\n return this.subparticlesToString()\n let table = new Particle(coreTable).asSsv\n if (this.parent.cue === \"transpose\") {\n // drop first line after transpose\n const lines = table.split(\"\\n\")\n lines.shift()\n table = lines.join(\"\\n\")\n }\n // detect years and make strings\n const lines = table.split(\"\\n\")\n const yearLine = / \\d{4}(\\s+\\d{4})+$/\n if (yearLine.test(lines[0])) {\n lines[0] = lines[0].replace(/ /g, \" '\")\n table = lines.join(\"\\n\")\n }\n return table\n }\nheatrixAdvancedParser\n popularity 0.000048\n cueFromId\n catchAllParser heatrixCatchAllParser\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n description Advanced heatrix.\n example\n heatrix\n datatable\n \n %h10; '2007 '2008 '2009\n 12 4 323\n scale\n #ebedf0 0\n #c7e9c0 100\n #a1d99b 400\n #74c476 1600\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n class Heatrix {\n static HeatrixId = 0\n uid = Heatrix.HeatrixId++\n constructor(program) {\n const isDirective = atom => /^(f|l|w|h)\\d+$/.test(atom) || atom === \"right\" || atom === \"left\" || atom.startsWith(\"http://\") || atom.startsWith(\"https://\") || atom.endsWith(\".html\")\n const particle = new Particle(program)\n this.program = particle\n const generateColorBinningString = (data, colors) => {\n const sortedData = [...data].sort((a, b) => a - b);\n const n = sortedData.length;\n const numBins = colors.length;\n // Calculate the indices for each quantile\n const indices = [];\n for (let i = 1; i < numBins; i++) {\n indices.push(Math.floor((i / numBins) * n));\n }\n // Get the quantile values and round them\n const thresholds = indices.map(index => Math.round(sortedData[index]));\n // Generate the string\n let result = '';\n colors.forEach((color, index) => {\n const threshold = index === colors.length - 1 ? thresholds[index - 1] * 2 : thresholds[index];\n result += `${color} ${threshold}\\n`;\n });\n return result.trim();\n }\n const buildScale = (table) => {\n const numbers = table.split(\"\\n\").map(line => line.split(\" \")).flat().filter(atom => !isDirective(atom)).map(atom => parseFloat(atom)).filter(number => !isNaN(number))\n const colors = ['#ebedf0', '#c7e9c0', '#a1d99b', '#74c476', '#41ab5d', '#238b45', '#005a32'];\n numbers.unshift(0)\n return generateColorBinningString(numbers, colors);\n }\n const table = particle.getParticle(\"datatable\").subparticlesToString()\n const scale = particle.getParticle(\"scale\")?.subparticlesToString() || buildScale(table)\n const thresholds = []\n const colors = []\n scale.split(\"\\n\").map((line) => {\n const parts = line.split(\" \")\n thresholds.push(parseFloat(parts[1]))\n colors.push(parts[0])\n })\n const colorCount = colors.length\n const colorFunction = (value) => {\n if (isNaN(value)) return \"\" // #ebedf0\n for (let index = 0; index < colorCount; index++) {\n const threshold = thresholds[index]\n if (value <= threshold) return colors[index]\n }\n return colors[colorCount - 1]\n }\n const directiveDelimiter = \";\"\n const getSize = (directives, letter) =>\n directives\n .filter((directive) => directive.startsWith(letter))\n .map((dir) => dir.replace(letter, \"\") + \"px\")[0] ?? \"\"\n this.table = table.split(\"\\n\").map((line) =>\n line\n .trimEnd()\n .split(\" \")\n .map((atom) => {\n const atoms = atom.split(directiveDelimiter).filter((atom) => !isDirective(atom)).join(\"\")\n const directivesInThisAtom = atom\n .split(directiveDelimiter)\n .filter(isDirective)\n const value = parseFloat(atoms)\n const label = atoms.includes(\"'\") ? atoms.split(\"'\")[1] : atoms\n const alignment = directivesInThisAtom.includes(\"right\")\n ? \"right\"\n : directivesInThisAtom.includes(\"left\")\n ? \"left\"\n : \"\"\n const color = colorFunction(value)\n const width = getSize(directivesInThisAtom, \"w\")\n const height = getSize(directivesInThisAtom, \"h\")\n const fontSize = getSize(directivesInThisAtom, \"f\")\n const lineHeight = getSize(directivesInThisAtom, \"l\") || height\n const link = directivesInThisAtom.filter(i => i.startsWith(\"http\") || i.endsWith(\".html\"))[0]\n const style = {\n \"background-color\": color,\n width,\n height,\n \"font-size\": fontSize,\n \"line-height\": lineHeight,\n \"text-align\": alignment,\n }\n Object.keys(style).filter(key => !style[key]).forEach((key) => delete style[key])\n return {\n value,\n label,\n style,\n link,\n }\n })\n )\n }\n get html() {\n const { program } = this\n const cssId = `#heatrix${this.uid}`\n const defaultWidth = \"40px\"\n const defaultHeight = \"40px\"\n const fontSize = \"10px\"\n const lineHeight = defaultHeight\n const style = ``\n const firstRow = this.table[0]\n return (\n `${style}` +\n this.table\n .map((row, rowIndex) => {\n if (!rowIndex) return \"\"\n const rowStyle = row[0].style\n return `${row\n .map((atom, columnIndex) => {\n if (!columnIndex) return \"\"\n const columnStyle = firstRow[columnIndex]?.style || {}\n let { value, label, style, link } = atom\n const extendedStyle = Object.assign(\n {},\n rowStyle,\n columnStyle,\n style\n )\n const inlineStyle = Object.keys(extendedStyle)\n .map((key) => `${key}:${extendedStyle[key]};`)\n .join(\"\")\n let valueClass = value ? \" valueAtom\" : \"\"\n const href = link ? ` href=\"${link}\"` : \"\"\n return ``\n })\n .join(\"\")}`\n })\n .join(\"\\n\") +\n \"\"\n ).replace(/\\n/g, \"\")\n }\n }\n return new Heatrix(this.subparticlesToString().trim()).html\n }\nmapParser\n latParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n longParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n tilesParser\n atoms cueAtom tileOptionAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n zoomParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n geolocateParser\n description Geolocate user.\n atoms cueAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n radiusParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n fillOpacityParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n fillColorParser\n atoms cueAtom colorAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n colorParser\n atoms cueAtom colorAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n heightParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n hoverParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType colorAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n description Map widget.\n string copyFromExternal .leaflet.css .leaflet.js .scrollLibs.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n const height = this.get(\"height\") || 500\n const id = this._getUid()\n const obj = this.toObject()\n const template = {}\n const style = height !== \"full\" ? `height: ${height}px;` : `height: 100%; position: fixed; z-index: -1; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%;`\n const strs = [\"color\", \"fillColor\"]\n const nums = [\"radius\", \"fillOpacity\"]\n strs.filter(i => obj[i]).forEach(i => template[i] = obj[i])\n nums.filter(i => obj[i]).forEach(i => template[i] = parseFloat(obj[i]))\n const mapId = `map${id}`\n return `\n `\n }\nabstractPlotParser\n // Observablehq\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n string copyFromExternal .d3.js .plot.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n example\n plot\n inScope abstractColumnNameParser\n widthParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n heightParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n titleParser\n extends abstractPlotLabelParser\n subtitleParser\n extends abstractPlotLabelParser\n captionParser\n extends abstractPlotLabelParser\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n const id = \"plot\" + this._getUid()\n return ``\n }\n get sortExpression() {\n const sort = this.get(\"sort\")\n if (!sort) return \"\"\n let sort_expr = \"\"\n if (sort.startsWith(\"-\")) {\n // Sort by a value descending\n const sortCol = sort.slice(1)\n sort_expr = `, sort: {x: \"y\", reverse: true}`\n } else if (sort.includes(\" \")) {\n // Fixed order specified\n const order = sort.split(\" \")\n sort_expr = `, sort: {x: (a,b) => {\n const order = ${JSON.stringify(order)};\n return order.indexOf(a) - order.indexOf(b)\n }}`\n } else if (sort === \"asc\") {\n sort_expr = `, sort: {x: \"x\"}`\n } else if (sort === \"desc\") {\n sort_expr = `, sort: {x: \"x\", reverse: true}`\n }\n return sort_expr\n }\n get marks() {\n // just for testing purposes\n return `Plot.rectY({length: 10000}, Plot.binX({y: \"count\"}, {x: d3.randomNormal()}))`\n }\n get dataCode() {\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n return `d3.csvParse(\\`${new Particle(coreTable).asCsv}\\`, d3.autoType)`\n }\n get plotOptions() {\n return `{\n title: \"${this.get(\"title\") || \"\"}\",\n subtitle: \"${this.get(\"subtitle\") || \"\"}\",\n caption: \"${this.get(\"caption\") || \"\"}\",\n symbol: {legend: ${this.has(\"symbol\")}},\n color: {legend: ${this.has(\"fill\") || this.has(\"stroke\")}},\n grid: ${this.get(\"grid\") !== \"false\"},\n marks: [${this.marks}],\n width: ${this.get(\"width\") || 640},\n height: ${this.get(\"height\") || 400},\n }`\n }\nplotScatterplotParser\n cue scatterplot\n extends abstractPlotParser\n description Scatterplot Widget.\n example\n iris\n scatterplot\n javascript\n get marks() {\n const x = this.get(\"x\")\n const y = this.get(\"y\")\n const text = this.get(\"label\")\n return `Plot.dot(data, {\n x: get(\"${x}\", 0),\n y: get(\"${y}\", 1),\n r: get(\"${this.get(\"radius\")}\"),\n fill: get(\"${this.get(\"fill\")}\"),\n tip: true${this.sortExpression},\n symbol: get(\"${this.get(\"symbol\")}\")} ), Plot.text(data, {x: get(\"${x}\",0), y: get(\"${y}\", 1), text: \"${text}\", dy: -6, lineAnchor: \"bottom\"})`\n }\nplotBarchartParser\n cue barchart\n extends abstractPlotParser\n description Bar chart widget.\n example\n iris\n barchart\n javascript\n get marks() {\n const x = this.get(\"x\")\n const y = this.get(\"y\")\n const text = this.get(\"label\")\n const fill = this.get(\"fill\")\n return `Plot.barY(data, {\n x: get(\"${x}\", 0),\n y: get(\"${y}\", 1),\n fill: get(\"${fill}\"),\n tip: true${this.sortExpression}\n }), Plot.ruleY([0])`\n }\nplotLineChartParser\n cue linechart\n extends abstractPlotParser\n description Line chart widget.\n example\n iris\n linechart\n x SepalLength\n y SepalWidth\n javascript\n get marks() {\n const x = this.get(\"x\")\n const y = this.get(\"y\")\n const stroke = this.get(\"stroke\") || \"steelblue\"\n const strokeWidth = this.get(\"strokeWidth\") || 2\n const strokeLinecap = this.get(\"strokeLinecap\") || \"round\"\n const fill = this.get(\"fill\")\n return `Plot.line(data, {\n x: get(\"${x}\", 0),\n y: get(\"${y}\", 1),\n stroke: \"${stroke}\",\n fill: get(\"${fill}\"),\n strokeWidth: ${strokeWidth},\n strokeLinecap: \"${strokeLinecap}\"${this.sortExpression}\n })`\n }\nsparklineParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Sparkline widget.\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n example\n sparkline 1 2 3 4 5\n string copyFromExternal .sparkline.js\n string requireOnce \n catchAllAtomType numberAtom\n // we need pattern matching\n inScope scrollYParser\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n const id = \"spark\" + this._getUid()\n const {columnValues} = this\n const start = this.has(\"start\") ? parseInt(this.get(\"start\")) : 0\n const width = this.get(\"width\") || 100\n const height = this.get(\"height\") || 30\n const lineColor = this.get(\"color\") || \"black\"\n return ``\n }\n get columnValues() {\n if (this.content)\n return this.content.split(\" \").map(str => parseFloat(str))\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n if (coreTable) {\n const columnName = this.get(\"y\") || Object.keys(coreTable[0]).find(key => typeof coreTable[0][key] === 'number')\n return coreTable.map(row => row[columnName])\n }\n }\nprintColumnParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Print one column\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n example\n printColumn tags\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n joinParser\n boolean allowTrailingWhitespace true\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.columnValues.join(this.join)\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.columnValues.join(this.join)\n }\n get join() {\n return this.get(\"join\") || \"\\n\"\n }\n get columnName() {\n return this.atoms[1]\n }\n get columnValues() {\n return this.parent.coreTable.map(row => row[this.columnName])\n }\nprintTableParser\n popularity 0.001085\n cueFromId\n description Print datatable.\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n javascript\n get tableHeader() {\n return this.columns.filter(col => !col.isLink).map(column => `${column.name} \\n`)\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return this.parent.columnNames\n }\n buildJson() {\n return JSON.stringify(this.coreTable, undefined, 2)\n }\n buildCsv() {\n return new Particle(this.coreTable).asCsv\n }\n buildTsv() {\n return new Particle(this.coreTable).asTsv\n }\n get columns() {\n const {columnNames} = this\n return columnNames.map((name, index) => {\n const isLink = name.endsWith(\"Link\")\n const linkIndex = columnNames.indexOf(name + \"Link\")\n return {\n name,\n isLink,\n linkIndex\n }\n })\n }\n toRow(row) {\n const {columns} = this\n const atoms = columns.map(col => row[col.name])\n let str = \"\"\n let column = 0\n const columnCount = columns.length\n while (column < columnCount) {\n const col = columns[column]\n column++\n const content = ((columnCount === column ? atoms.slice(columnCount - 1).join(\" \") : atoms[column - 1]) ?? \"\").toString()\n if (col.isLink) continue\n const isTimestamp = col.name.toLowerCase().includes(\"time\") && /^\\d{10}(\\d{3})?$/.test(content)\n const text = isTimestamp ? new Date(parseInt(content.length === 10 ? content * 1000 : content)).toLocaleString() : content\n let tagged = text\n const link = atoms[col.linkIndex]\n const isUrl = content.match(/^https?\\:[^ ]+$/)\n if (col.linkIndex > -1 && link) tagged = `${text}`\n else if (col.name.endsWith(\"Url\")) tagged = `${col.name.replace(\"Url\", \"\")}`\n else if (isUrl) tagged = `${text}`\n str += `${tagged} \\n`\n }\n return str\n }\n get coreTable() {\n return this.parent.coreTable\n }\n get tableBody() {\n return this.coreTable\n .map(row => `${this.toRow(row)} `)\n .join(\"\\n\")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return `\n ${this.tableHeader.join(\"\\n\")} \n ${this.tableBody}\n
`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.parent.delimitedData || new Particle(this.coreTable).asCsv\n }\nkatexParser\n popularity 0.001592\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\n catchAllParser lineOfCodeParser\n example\n katex\n \\text{E} = \\text{T} / \\text{A}!\n description KaTex widget for typeset math.\n string copyFromExternal .katex.min.css .katex.min.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n const id = this._getUid()\n const content = this.content === undefined ? \"\" : this.content\n return `${content + this.subparticlesToString()}`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return ( this.content ? this.content : \"\" )+ this.subparticlesToString()\n }\nhelpfulNotFoundParser\n popularity 0.000048\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n string copyFromExternal .helpfulNotFound.js\n description Helpful not found widget.\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n return ``\n }\nslideshowParser\n // Left and right arrows navigate.\n description Slideshow widget. *** delimits slides.\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n string copyFromExternal .jquery-3.7.1.min.js .slideshow.js\n example\n slideshow\n Why did the cow cross the road?\n ***\n Because it wanted to go to the MOOOO-vies.\n ***\n THE END\n ****\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\ntableSearchParser\n popularity 0.000072\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n string copyFromExternal .jquery-3.7.1.min.js .datatables.css .dayjs.min.js .datatables.js .tableSearch.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n \n \n \n // adds to all tables on page\n description Table search and sort widget.\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n return \"\"\n }\nabstractCommentParser\n description Prints nothing.\n catchAllAtomType commentAtom\n atoms commentAtom\n extends abstractScrollParser\n baseParser blobParser\n string bindTo next\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n catchAllParser commentLineParser\ncommentParser\n popularity 0.000193\n extends abstractCommentParser\n cueFromId\ncounterpointParser\n description Counterpoint comment. Prints nothing.\n extends commentParser\n cue !\nslashCommentParser\n popularity 0.005643\n extends abstractCommentParser\n cue //\n boolean isPopular true\n description A comment. Prints nothing.\nthanksToParser\n description Acknowledgements comment. Prints nothing.\n extends abstractCommentParser\n cueFromId\nscrollClearStackParser\n popularity 0.000096\n cue clearStack\n description Clear body stack.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n boolean isHtml true\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.root.clearBodyStack().trim()\n }\ncssParser\n popularity 0.007211\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description A style tag.\n example\n css\n body { color: red;}\n cueFromId\n catchAllParser cssLineParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n get css() {\n return this.content ?? this.subparticlesToString()\n }\n buildCss() {\n return this.css\n }\nscrollBackgroundColorParser\n description Quickly set CSS background.\n popularity 0.007211\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cue background\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n example\n background red\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\nscrollFontColorParser\n description Quickly set CSS font-color.\n popularity 0.007211\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cue color\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\nscrollFontParser\n description Quickly set font family.\n popularity 0.007211\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cue font\n atoms cueAtom fontFamilyAtom\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n example\n font Slim\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n const font = this.content === \"Slim\" ? \"Helvetica Neue; font-weight:100;\" : this.content\n return ``\n }\nabstractQuickIncludeParser\n popularity 0.007524\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms urlAtom\n javascript\n get dependencies() { return [this.filename]}\n get filename() {\n return this.getAtom(0)\n }\nquickCssParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description Make a CSS tag.\n extends abstractQuickIncludeParser\n example\n style.css\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(css)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\nquickIncludeHtmlParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description Include an HTML file.\n extends abstractQuickIncludeParser\n example\n body.html\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(html|htm)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.root.readFile(this.filename)\n }\nquickScriptParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description Make a Javascript tag.\n extends abstractQuickIncludeParser\n atoms urlAtom\n example\n script.js\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(js)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n javascript\n attr = \"\"\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\nquickModuleScriptParser\n description Make a Javascript module tag.\n extends quickScriptParser\n example\n script.mjs\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(mjs)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n javascript\n attr = 'type=\"module\"'\nscrollStylesParser\n cue styles\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Write CSS with Particle Syntax.\n inScope abstractCommentParser\n catchAllParser selectorParser\n javascript\n getSelector() {\n return \"\"\n }\n get css() {\n return this.topDownArray\n .filter(particle => particle.isSelectorParser)\n .map(subparticle => subparticle.compile())\n .join(\"\")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n buildCss() {\n return this.css\n }\n example\n styles\n .styleTest\n h1\n color blue\n div\n class styleTest\n h1 Hello world\n propertyParser\n catchAllAtomType cssValueAtom\n catchAllParser errorParser\n javascript\n compile(spaces) {\n return `${spaces}${this.cue}: ${this.content};`\n }\n atoms cssPropertyNameAtom\n variableParser\n extends propertyParser\n pattern --\n browserPrefixPropertyParser\n extends propertyParser\n pattern ^\\-\\w.+\n atoms cssVendorPrefixCueAtom\n selectorParser\n inScope propertyParser variableParser commentParser\n catchAllParser selectorParser\n boolean isSelectorParser true\n javascript\n getSelector() {\n const parentSelector = this.parent.getSelector()\n return this.cue\n .split(\",\")\n .map(part => {\n if (part.startsWith(\"&\")) return parentSelector + part.substr(1)\n return parentSelector ? parentSelector + \" \" + part : part\n })\n .join(\",\")\n }\n compile() {\n const propertyParsers = this.getSubparticles().filter(particle => particle.doesExtend(\"propertyParser\"))\n if (!propertyParsers.length) return \"\"\n const spaces = \" \"\n return `${this.getSelector()} {\n ${propertyParsers.map(subparticle => subparticle.compile(spaces)).join(\"\\n\")}\n }\\n`\n }\n atoms cssSelectorAtom\nscrollDashboardParser\n popularity 0.000145\n description Key stats in large font.\n catchAllParser lineOfCodeParser\n cue dashboard\n extends abstractScrollParser\n example\n dashboard\n #2 Popularity\n 30 Years Old\n $456 Revenue\n javascript\n get tableBody() {\n const items = this.topDownArray\n let str = \"\"\n for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i = i + 3) {\n str += this.makeRow(items.slice(i, i + 3))\n }\n return str\n }\n makeRow(items) {\n return `` + items.map(particle => `${particle.cue}${particle.content} `).join(\"\\n\") + ` \\n`\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.tableBody}
`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.subparticlesToString()\n }\nbelowAsCodeParser\n popularity 0.000651\n description Print code below.\n string bindTo next\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n example\n belowAsCode\n iris\n printTable\n cueFromId\n javascript\n method = \"next\"\n get selectedParticles() {\n const { method } = this\n let code = \"\"\n let particles = []\n let next = thisethod]\n let {howMany} = this\n while (howMany) {\n particles.push(next)\n next = nextethod]\n howMany--\n }\n if (this.reverse) particles.reverse()\n return particles\n }\n get code() {\n return this.selectedParticles.map(particle => particle.asString).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n reverse = false\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.code.replace(/\\`\n }\n get howMany() {\n let howMany = parseInt(this.getAtom(1))\n if (!howMany || isNaN(howMany)) howMany = 1\n return howMany\n }\ndebugBelowParser\n description Inspect particle below.\n extends belowAsCodeParser\n string copyFromExternal .debug.css\n javascript\n get code() {\n const mapFn = particle => {\n const atomTypes = particle.lineAtomTypes.split(\" \")\n return `${particle.constructor.name}${particle.atoms.map((atom, index) => `${atom}${atomTypes[index]}`).join(\" \")}${(particle.length ? `
` + particle.map(mapFn).join(\"
\") + `` : \"\")}`}\n return this.selectedParticles.map(mapFn).join(\"
\")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return `` + this.code\n }\n buildTxt() {\n const mapFn = particle => {\n const atomTypes = particle.lineAtomTypes.split(\" \")\n return `${particle.constructor.name} ${particle.atoms.map((atom, index) => `${atomTypes[index]}:${atom}`).join(\" \")}${(particle.length ? `\\n ` + particle.map(mapFn).join(\"\\n\") + `` : \"\")}`}\n return this.selectedParticles.map(mapFn).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n buildParsers() {return this.buildTxt()}\ndebugAboveParser\n description Inspect particle above.\n extends debugBelowParser\n string bindTo previous\n javascript\n method = \"previous\"\n reverse = true\ndebugAllParser\n description Inspect entire document.\n extends debugBelowParser\n javascript\n get selectedParticles() { return this.root.getSubparticles()}\nbelowAsCodeUntilParser\n description Print code above until match.\n extends belowAsCodeParser\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\n example\n belowAsCode\n counter 1 second\n javascript\n get howMany() {\n let howMany = 1\n const query = this.content\n let particle = this.next\n while (particle !== this) {\n if (particle.getLine().startsWith(query))\n return howMany\n particle = particle.next\n howMany++\n }\n return howMany\n }\naboveAsCodeParser\n popularity 0.000482\n string bindTo previous\n description Print code above.\n example\n counter 1 second\n aboveAsCode\n extends belowAsCodeParser\n javascript\n method = \"previous\"\n reverse = true\nbelowAsHtmlParser\n extends belowAsCodeParser\n description Displays html output of next particle in a code block.\n cueFromId\n example\n belowAsHtml\n # Hello world\n javascript\n get code() {\n // Todo: fix the bug where this will prevent buildRequirements from triggering. Refactor the requireOnce code.\n return this.selectedParticles.filter(p => p.buildHtml).map(p => p.buildHtml()).join(\"\\n\")\n }\naboveAsHtmlParser\n description Displays html output of previous particle in a code block.\n extends belowAsHtmlParser\n example\n # Hello world\n aboveAsHtml\n javascript\n method = \"previous\"\n reverse = true\nscrollDefParser\n popularity 0.004244\n description Parser short form.\n pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Def\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n example\n urlDef What is the URL?\n javascript\n buildParsers(index) {\n const idStuff = index ? \"\" : `boolean isMeasure true\n boolean isMeasureRequired true\n boolean isConceptDelimiter true`\n const description = this.content\n const cue = this.cue.replace(\"Def\", \"\")\n const sortIndex = 1 + index/10\n return `${cue}DefParser\n cue ${cue}\n extends abstractStringMeasureParser\n description ${description}\n float sortIndex ${sortIndex}\n ${idStuff}`.trim()\n }\nhamlParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description HTML tag via HAML syntax.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms urlAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n pattern ^%?[\\w\\.]+#[\\w\\.]+ *\n javascript\n get tag() {\n return this.atoms[0].split(/[#\\.]/).shift().replace(\"%\", \"\")\n }\n get htmlId() {\n const idMatch = this.atoms[0].match(/#([\\w-]+)/)\n return idMatch ? idMatch[1] : \"\"\n }\n get htmlClasses() {\n return this.atoms[0].match(/\\.([\\w-]+)/g)?.map(cls => cls.slice(1)) || [];\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const {htmlId, htmlClasses, content, tag} = this\n this.parent.sectionStack.unshift(`${tag}>`)\n const attrs = [htmlId ? ' id=\"' + htmlId + '\"' : \"\", htmlClasses.length ? ' class=\"' + htmlClasses.join(\" \") + '\"' : \"\"].join(\" \").trim()\n return `<${tag}${attrs ? \" \" + attrs : \"\"}>${content || \"\"}`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.content\n }\nhamlTagParser\n // Match plain tags like %h1\n extends hamlParser\n pattern ^%[^#]+$\nabstractHtmlParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllParser htmlLineParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.content ?? \"\"}${this.subparticlesToString()}`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return \"\"\n }\nhtmlParser\n popularity 0.000048\n extends abstractHtmlParser\n description HTML one liners or blocks.\n cueFromId\nhtmlInlineParser\n popularity 0.005788\n extends abstractHtmlParser\n atoms htmlAnyAtom\n boolean isHtml true\n example\n Inline HTML
\n pattern ^<\n description Inline HTML.\n boolean isPopular true\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.getLine() ?? \"\"}${this.subparticlesToString()}`\n }\nscrollBrParser\n popularity 0.000096\n cue br\n example\n br 2\n description A break.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n boolean isHtml true\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `
`.repeat(parseInt(this.getAtom(1) || 1))\n }\niframesParser\n popularity 0.000121\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description An iframe(s).\n example\n iframes frame.html\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.atoms.slice(1).map(url => ``).join(\"\\n\")\n }\nabstractCaptionedParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n inScope captionAftertextParser slashCommentParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n const caption = this.getParticle(\"caption\")\n const captionFig = caption ? `${caption.buildHtml()} ` : \"\"\n const {figureWidth} = this\n const widthStyle = figureWidth ? `width:${figureWidth}px; margin: auto;` : \"\"\n const float = this.has(\"float\") ? `margin: 20px; float: ${this.get(\"float\")};` : \"\"\n return `${this.getFigureContent(buildSettings)}${captionFig} `\n }\n get figureWidth() {\n return this.get(\"width\")\n }\nscrollImageParser\n cue image\n popularity 0.005908\n description An img tag.\n boolean isPopular true\n extends abstractCaptionedParser\n int atomIndex 1\n example\n image screenshot.png\n caption A caption.\n inScope addClassMarkupParser aftertextIdParser scrollLinkParser linkTargetParser openGraphParser\n javascript\n get dimensions() {\n const width = this.get(\"width\")\n const height = this.get(\"height\")\n if (width || height)\n return {width, height}\n if (!this.isNodeJs())\n return {}\n const src = this.filename\n // If its a local image, get the dimensions and put them in the HTML\n // to avoid flicker\n if (src.startsWith(\"http:\") || src.startsWith(\"https:\")) return {}\n if (this._dimensions)\n return this._dimensions\n try {\n const sizeOf = require(\"image-size\")\n const path = require(\"path\")\n const fullImagePath = path.join(this.root.folderPath, src)\n this._dimensions = sizeOf(fullImagePath)\n return this._dimensions\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n }\n return {}\n }\n get figureWidth() {\n return this.dimensions.width\n }\n get filename() {\n return this.getAtom(this.atomIndex)\n }\n get dependencies() { return [this.filename]}\n getFigureContent(buildSettings) {\n const linkRelativeToCompileTarget = (buildSettings ? (buildSettings.relativePath ?? \"\") : \"\") + this.filename\n const {width, height} = this.dimensions\n let dimensionAttributes = width || height ? `width=\"${width}\" height=\"${height}\" ` : \"\"\n // Todo: can we reuse more code from aftertext?\n const className = this.has(\"class\") ? ` class=\"${this.get(\"class\")}\" ` : \"\"\n const id = this.has(\"id\") ? ` id=\"${this.get(\"id\")}\" ` : \"\"\n const clickLink = this.find(particle => particle.definition.isOrExtendsAParserInScope([\"scrollLinkParser\"])) || linkRelativeToCompileTarget \n const target = this.has(\"target\") ? this.get(\"target\") : (this.has(\"link\") ? \"\" : \"_blank\")\n return `
`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n const subparticles = this.filter(particle => particle.buildTxt).map(particle => particle.buildTxt()).filter(i => i).join(\"\\n\")\n return \"[Image Omitted]\" + (subparticles ? \"\\n \" + subparticles.replace(/\\n/g, \"\\n \") : \"\")\n }\nquickImageParser\n popularity 0.005788\n extends scrollImageParser\n example\n screenshot.png\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|webp|svg|bmp)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n int atomIndex 0\nqrcodeParser\n extends abstractCaptionedParser\n description Make a QR code from a link.\n example\n qrcode https://scroll.pub\n javascript\n getFigureContent() {\n const url = this.atoms[1]\n const isNode = this.isNodeJs()\n if (isNode) {\n const {externalsPath} = this.root\n const path = require(\"path\")\n const {qrcodegen, toSvgString} = require(path.join(externalsPath, \".qrcodegen.js\"))\n const QRC = qrcodegen.QrCode;\n const qr0 = QRC.encodeText(url, QRC.Ecc.MEDIUM);\n const svg = toSvgString(qr0, 4); // See qrcodegen-input-demo\n return svg\n }\n return `Not yet supported in browser.`\n }\nyoutubeParser\n popularity 0.000121\n extends abstractCaptionedParser\n // Include the YouTube embed URL such as https://www.youtube.com/embed/CYPYZnVQoLg\n description A YouTube video widget.\n example\n youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO8blNtYYBA\n javascript\n getFigureContent() {\n const url = this.getAtom(1).replace(\"youtube.com/watch?v=\", \"youtube.com/embed/\")\n return ``\n }\nyouTubeParser\n extends youtubeParser\n tags deprecate\n // Deprecated. You youtube all lowercase.\nimportParser\n description Import a file.\n popularity 0.007524\n cueFromId\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n example\n import header.scroll\nscrollImportedParser\n description Inserted at import pass.\n boolean suggestInAutocomplete false\n cue imported\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n extends abstractScrollParser\n baseParser blobParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n getErrors() {\n if (this.has(\"circularImportError\"))\n return [this.makeError(this.get(\"circularImportError\"))]\n if (this.get(\"exists\") === \"false\" && this.previous.getLine() !== \"// optional\")\n return [this.makeError(`File '${this.atoms[1]}' does not exist.`)]\n return []\n }\nquickImportParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description Import a Scroll or Parsers file.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n boolean isPopular true\n inScope importToFooterParser abstractCommentParser\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(scroll|parsers)$\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n example\n header.scroll\nscriptParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Print script tag.\n cueFromId\n catchAllParser scriptLineParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n get scriptContent() {\n return this.content ?? this.subparticlesToString()\n }\n buildJs() {\n return this.scriptContent\n }\njsonScriptParser\n popularity 0.007524\n cueFromId\n description Include JSON and assign to window.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n const varName = this.filename.split(\"/\").pop().replace(\".json\", \"\")\n return ``\n }\n get filename() {\n return this.getAtom(1)\n }\nscrollLeftRightButtonsParser\n popularity 0.006342\n cue leftRightButtons\n description Previous and next nav buttons.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const { linkToPrevious, linkToNext } = this.root\n if (!linkToPrevious) return \"\"\n const style = `a.keyboardNav {display:block;position:absolute;top:0.25rem; color: rgba(204,204,204,.8); font-size: 1.875rem; line-height: 1.7rem;}a.keyboardNav:hover{color: #333;text-decoration: none;}`\n return `<>`\n }\nkeyboardNavParser\n popularity 0.007476\n description Make left and right navigate files.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const {root} = this\n const linkToPrevious = this.getAtom(1) ?? root.linkToPrevious\n const linkToNext = this.getAtom(2) ?? root.linkToNext\n const script = ``\n return ` `\n }\nprintUsageStatsParser\n popularity 0.000096\n // todo: if we include the atom \"Parser\" in a cue, bad things seem to happen.\n description Parser usage stats for folder.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n get stats() {\n const input = this.root.allScrollFiles.map(file => file.scrollProgram).map(program => program.parserIds.join(\"\\n\")).join(\"\\n\")\n const result = input.split('\\n').reduce((acc, atom) => (acc[atom] = (acc[atom] || 0) + 1, acc), {})\n const rows = Object.entries(result).map(([atom, count]) => { return {atom, count}})\n const sorted = this.root.lodash.sortBy(rows, \"count\").reverse()\n return \"parserId uses\\n\" + sorted.map(row => `${row.atom} ${row.count}`).join('\\n')\n }\n buildHtml() {\n // A hacky but simple way to do this for now.\n const particle = this.appendSibling(\"datatable\")\n particle.appendLine(\"delimiter \")\n particle.appendLine(\"printTable\")\n const dataParticle = particle.appendLine(\"data\")\n dataParticle.setSubparticles(this.stats)\n const html = particle.buildHtml()\n particle.destroy()\n return html\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.stats\n }\n buildCsv() {\n return this.stats.replace(/ /g, \",\")\n }\nprintScrollLeetSheetParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Print Scroll parser leet sheet.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n tags experimental\n cueFromId\n javascript\n get parsersToDocument() {\n const clone = this.root.clone()\n clone.setSubparticles(\"\")\n clone.appendLine(\"\")\n const atoms = clone.getAutocompleteResultsAt(0,0).matches.map(a => a.text)\n atoms.push(\"blankline\") // manually add blank line\n atoms.push(\"Catch All Paragraph.\") // manually add catch all paragraph\n atoms.push(\" \") // manually add html\n atoms.sort()\n clone.setSubparticles(atoms.join(\"\\n\").replace(/blankline/, \"\")) // insert blank line in right spot\n return clone\n }\n sortDocs(docs) {\n return docs.map(particle => {\n const {definition} = particle\n const {id, description, isPopular, examples, popularity} = definition\n const tags = definition.get(\"tags\") || \"\"\n if (tags.includes(\"deprecate\") || tags.includes(\"experimental\"))\n return null\n const category = this.getCategory(tags)\n const note = this.getNote(category)\n return {id: definition.cueIfAny || id, description, isPopular, examples, note, popularity: Math.ceil(parseFloat(popularity) * 100000)}\n }).filter(i => i).sort((a, b) => a.id.localeCompare(b.id))\n }\n makeLink(examples, cue) {\n // if (!examples.length) console.log(cue) // find particles that need docs\n const example = examples.length ? examples[0].subparticlesToString() : cue\n const base = `https://try.scroll.pub/`\n const particle = new Particle()\n particle.appendLineAndSubparticles(\"scroll\", \"theme gazette\\n\" + example)\n return base + \"#\" + encodeURIComponent(particle.asString)\n }\n docToHtml(doc) {\n const css = `#scrollLeetSheet {color: grey;} #scrollLeetSheet a {color: #3498db; }`\n return `` + doc.map(obj => `${obj.isPopular ? \"\" : \"\"}${obj.id} ${obj.description}${obj.isPopular ? \"\" : \"\"}${obj.note}`).join(\"\\n\") + \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.docToHtml(this.sortDocs(this.parsersToDocument))\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.sortDocs(this.parsersToDocument).map(obj => `${obj.id} - ${obj.description}`).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n getCategory(input) {\n return \"\"\n }\n getNote() {\n return \"\"\n }\n get docs() {\n const rows = this.sortDocs(this.parsersToDocument).map(obj => {\n const {id, isPopular, description, popularity, category, examples, cue} = obj\n const example = examples.length ? examples[0].subparticlesToString() : cue\n return {\n id,\n isPopular,\n description,\n popularity,\n example,\n category\n }\n })\n return this.root.lodash.sortBy(rows, \"isPopular\")\n }\n buildJson() {\n return JSON.stringify(this.docs, undefined, 2)\n }\n buildCsv() {\n return new Particle(this.docs).asCsv\n }\nprintparsersLeetSheetParser\n popularity 0.000024\n // todo: fix parse bug when atom Parser appears in parserId\n extends printScrollLeetSheetParser\n tags experimental\n description Parsers leetsheet.\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"Parser Definition Parsers define parsers that acquire, analyze and act on code.
\" + this.docToHtml(this.sortDocs(this.parsersToDocument)) + \"Atom Definition Parsers analyze the atoms in a line.
\" + this.docToHtml(this.sortDocs(this.atomParsersToDocument))\n }\n makeLink() {\n return \"\"\n }\n categories = \"assemblePhase acquirePhase analyzePhase actPhase\".split(\" \")\n getCategory(tags) {\n return tags.split(\" \").filter(w => w.endsWith(\"Phase\"))[0]\n }\n getNote(category) {\n return ` A${category.replace(\"Phase\", \"\").substr(1)}Time.`\n }\n get atomParsersToDocument() {\n const parsersParser = require(\"scrollsdk/products/parsers.nodejs.js\")\n const clone = new parsersParser(\"anyAtom\\n \").clone()\n const parserParticle = clone.getParticle(\"anyAtom\")\n const atoms = clone.getAutocompleteResultsAt(1,1).matches.map(a => a.text)\n atoms.sort()\n parserParticle.setSubparticles(atoms.join(\"\\n\"))\n return parserParticle\n }\n get parsersToDocument() {\n const parsersParser = require(\"scrollsdk/products/parsers.nodejs.js\")\n const clone = new parsersParser(\"latinParser\\n \").clone()\n const parserParticle = clone.getParticle(\"latinParser\")\n const atoms = clone.getAutocompleteResultsAt(1,1).matches.map(a => a.text)\n atoms.sort()\n parserParticle.setSubparticles(atoms.join(\"\\n\"))\n clone.appendLine(\"myParser\")\n clone.appendLine(\"myAtom\")\n return parserParticle\n }\nabstractMeasureParser\n atoms measureNameAtom\n description Base parser all measures extend.\n cueFromId\n boolean isMeasure true\n float sortIndex 1.9\n boolean isComputed false\n string typeForWebForms text\n extends abstractScrollParser\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n get measureValue() {\n return this.content ?? \"\"\n }\n get measureName() {\n return this.getCuePath().replace(/ /g, \"_\")\n }\nabstractAtomMeasureParser\n description Contains a single word.\n atoms measureNameAtom atomAtom\n example\n nicknameParser\n extends abstractAtomMeasureParser\n id Breck\n nickname breck\n extends abstractMeasureParser\nabstractEmailMeasureParser\n description Email address.\n example\n emailParser\n extends abstractEmailMeasureParser\n id Breck\n email breck7@gmail.com\n string typeForWebForms email\n atoms measureNameAtom emailAddressAtom\n extends abstractAtomMeasureParser\nabstractUrlMeasureParser\n description A single url.\n example\n homepageParser\n extends abstractUrlMeasureParser\n id Breck\n homepage https://breckyunits.com\n string typeForWebForms url\n atoms measureNameAtom urlAtom\n extends abstractAtomMeasureParser\nabstractStringMeasureParser\n description General text data with no specific format.\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n example\n titleParser\n extends abstractStringMeasureParser\n id Breck\n title I build languages for scientists of all ages\n extends abstractMeasureParser\nabstractIdParser\n cue id\n description What is the ID of this concept?\n extends abstractStringMeasureParser\n example\n idParser\n extends abstractIdParser\n id breck\n float sortIndex 1\n boolean isMeasureRequired true\n boolean isConceptDelimiter true\n javascript\n getErrors() {\n const errors = super.getErrors()\n let requiredMeasureNames = this.root.measures.filter(measure => measure.isMeasureRequired).map(measure => measure.Name).filter(name => name !== \"id\")\n if (!requiredMeasureNames.length) return errors\n let next = this.next\n while (requiredMeasureNames.length && next.cue !== \"id\" && next.index !== 0) {\n requiredMeasureNames = requiredMeasureNames.filter(i => i !== next.cue)\n next = next.next\n }\n requiredMeasureNames.forEach(name =>\n errors.push(this.makeError(`Concept \"${this.content}\" is missing required measure \"${name}\".`))\n )\n return errors\n }\nabstractIdMeasureParser\n description Alias for abstractIdParser.\n extends abstractIdParser\nabstractTextareaMeasureParser\n string typeForWebForms textarea\n example\n bioParser\n extends abstractTextareaMeasureParser\n id Breck\n bio\n I build languages for scientists of all ages\n description Long-form text content with preserved line breaks.\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n baseParser blobParser\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n return this.subparticlesToString().replace(/\\n/g, \"\\\\n\")\n }\nabstractNumericMeasureParser\n string typeForWebForms number\n description Base number type.\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n return content === undefined ? \"\" : parseFloat(content)\n }\nabstractNumberMeasureParser\n description Alias to abstractNumericMeasureParser.\n extends abstractNumericMeasureParser\nabstractIntegerMeasureParser\n description An integer.\n example\n ageParser\n extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser\n id Breck\n age 40\n atoms measureNameAtom integerAtom\n extends abstractNumericMeasureParser\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n return content === undefined ? \"\" : parseInt(content)\n }\nabstractIntMeasureParser\n description Alias to abstractIntegerMeasureParser.\n extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser\nabstractFloatMeasureParser\n description A float.\n example\n temperatureParser\n extends abstractFloatMeasureParser\n id Breck\n temperature 31.8\n atoms measureNameAtom floatAtom\n extends abstractNumericMeasureParser\nabstractPercentageMeasureParser\n description A percentage.\n atoms measureNameAtom percentAtom\n extends abstractNumericMeasureParser\n example\n ownershipParser\n extends abstractPercentageMeasureParser\n id Breck\n ownership 31.8\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n return content === undefined ? \"\" : parseFloat(content)\n }\nabstractEnumMeasureParser\n description A single enum.\n atoms measureNameAtom enumAtom\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n example\n favoriteHtmlTagParser\n extends abstractEnumMeasureParser\n atoms measureNameAtom htmlTagAtom\n id Breck\n favoriteHtmlTag 2020\nabstractBooleanMeasureParser\n description A single boolean.\n atoms measureNameAtom booleanAtom\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n example\n hasBillOfRightsParser\n extends abstractBooleanMeasureParser\n id USA\n hasBillOfRights true\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n return content === undefined ? \"\" : content == \"true\"\n }\nabstractDateMeasureParser\n description Year/month/day in ISO 8601, US, European formats.\n atoms measureNameAtom dateAtom\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n string typeForWebForms date\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n if (!content) return \"\"\n const {dayjs} = this.root\n try {\n // First try parsing with dayjs\n const parsed = dayjs(content)\n if (parsed.isValid())\n return parsed.format(\"YYYY-MM-DD\")\n // Try parsing other common formats\n const formats = [\n \"MM/DD/YYYY\",\n \"DD/MM/YYYY\", \n \"YYYY/MM/DD\",\n \"MM-DD-YYYY\",\n \"DD-MM-YYYY\",\n \"YYYY-MM-DD\",\n \"DD.MM.YYYY\",\n \"YYYY.MM.DD\"\n ]\n for (const format of formats) {\n const attempt = dayjs(content, format)\n if (attempt.isValid())\n return attempt.format(\"YYYY-MM-DD\")\n }\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n return \"\"\n }\n return \"\"\n }\n get valueAsTimestamp() {\n const {measureValue} = this\n return measureValue ? this.root.dayjs(measureValue).unix() : \"\"\n }\nmetaTagsParser\n popularity 0.007693\n cueFromId\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Print meta tags including title.\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const {root} = this\n const { title, description, canonicalUrl, gitRepo, scrollVersion, openGraphImage, keywords, filename } = root\n const rssFeedUrl = root.get(\"rssFeedUrl\")\n const favicon = root.get(\"favicon\")\n const faviconTag = favicon ? `` : \"\"\n const keywordsTag = keywords ? `` : \"\"\n const rssTag = rssFeedUrl ? `` : \"\"\n const gitTag = gitRepo ? `` : \"\"\n return `\n \n ${title} \n \n \n \n \n \n ${keywordsTag}\n \n \n \n \n ${faviconTag}\n ${gitTag}\n ${rssTag}\n \n \n `\n }\nquoteParser\n popularity 0.001471\n cueFromId\n description A quote.\n catchAllParser quoteLineParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.subparticlesToString()}
`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.subparticlesToString()\n }\nredirectToParser\n popularity 0.000072\n description HTML redirect tag.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n cueFromId\n example\n redirectTo https://scroll.pub/releaseNotes.html\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\nabstractVariableParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n cueFromId\n javascript\n isTopMatter = true\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nreplaceParser\n description Replace this with that.\n extends abstractVariableParser\n baseParser blobParser\n example\n replace YEAR 2022\nreplaceJsParser\n description Replace this with evaled JS.\n extends replaceParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\n example\n replaceJs SUM 1+1\n * 1+1 = SUM\nreplaceNodejsParser\n description Replace with evaled Node.JS.\n extends abstractVariableParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\n baseParser blobParser\n example\n replaceNodejs\n module.exports = {SCORE : 1 + 2}\n * The score is SCORE\ntoFooterParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Experimental way to move a section to the footer.\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n cueFromId\nrunScriptParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Run script and dump stdout.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n cue run\n int filenameIndex 1\n javascript\n get dependencies() { return [this.filename]}\n results = \"Not yet run\"\n async execute() {\n if (!this.filename) return\n await this.root.fetch(this.filename)\n // todo: make async\n const { execSync } = require(\"child_process\")\n this.results = execSync(this.command)\n }\n get command() {\n const path = this.root.path\n const {filename }= this\n const fullPath = this.root.makeFullPath(filename)\n const ext = path.extname(filename).slice(1)\n const interpreterMap = {\n php: \"php\",\n py: \"python3\",\n rb: \"ruby\",\n pl: \"perl\",\n sh: \"sh\"\n }\n return [interpreterMap[ext], fullPath].join(\" \")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.buildTxt()\n }\n get filename() {\n return this.getAtom(this.filenameIndex)\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.results.toString().trim()\n }\nquickRunScriptParser\n extends runScriptParser\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(py|pl|sh|rb|php)$\n int filenameIndex 0\nendSnippetParser\n popularity 0.004293\n description Cut for snippet here.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\ntoStampParser\n description Print a directory to stamp with configurable filters.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n cueFromId\n gitOnlyParser\n description Only include git-tracked files\n atoms cueAtom\n single\n excludeParser\n description Exclude files/directories matching these glob patterns\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n maxDepthParser\n description Maximum directory depth to traverse\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n javascript\n buildTxt() {\n return this.makeStamp(this.content)\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.buildTxt()\n }\n makeStamp(dir) {\n const fs = require('fs');\n const path = require('path');\n const { execSync } = require('child_process');\n let stamp = 'stamp\\n';\n const gitOnly = this.has(\"gitOnly\");\n const excludePatterns = this.get(\"exclude\")?.split(\" \") || [\".git/**\", \"node_modules/**\"];\n const maxDepth = parseInt(this.get(\"maxDepth\")) || Infinity;\n const gitTrackedFiles = new Set(\n gitOnly ? execSync('git ls-files', { cwd: dir, encoding: 'utf-8' })\n .split('\\n')\n .filter(Boolean) \n : []\n );\n // Convert glob patterns to RegExp\n const excludeRegexes = excludePatterns.map(pattern => \n new RegExp('^' + pattern.replace(/\\*\\*/g, '.*').replace(/\\*/g, '[^/]*') + '$')\n );\n const shouldInclude = (relativePath, isDirectory) => {\n if (excludeRegexes.some(regex => regex.test(relativePath)))\n return false;\n if (isDirectory)\n return true\n if (gitOnly && !gitTrackedFiles.has(relativePath))\n return false;\n return true;\n };\n const handleFile = (indentation, relativePath, itemPath) => {\n if (!shouldInclude(relativePath)) return;\n stamp += `${indentation}${relativePath}\\n`;\n try {\n const content = fs.readFileSync(itemPath, { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'r' });\n // Skip if file appears to be binary\n if (content.includes('\\0') || /[\\x00-\\x08\\x0E-\\x1F]/.test(content)) return;\n stamp += `${indentation} ${content.replace(/\\n/g, `\\n${indentation} `)}\\n`;\n } catch (err) {\n // Skip files that can't be read as utf8\n console.error(`Error reading ${itemPath}: ${err.message}`);\n return;\n }\n };\n function processDirectory(currentPath, depth = 0) {\n if (depth > maxDepth) return;\n const items = fs.readdirSync(currentPath);\n items.forEach(item => {\n const itemPath = path.join(currentPath, item);\n const relativePath = path.relative(dir, itemPath);\n const stats = fs.statSync(itemPath);\n const isDirectory = stats.isDirectory()\n if (!shouldInclude(relativePath, isDirectory)) return;\n const indentation = ' '.repeat(depth);\n if (isDirectory) {\n stamp += `${indentation}${relativePath}/\\n`;\n processDirectory(itemPath, depth + 1);\n } else if (stats.isFile()) {\n handleFile(indentation, relativePath, itemPath);\n }\n });\n }\n const stats = fs.statSync(dir);\n if (stats.isDirectory()) {\n processDirectory(dir, 1);\n } else {\n handleFile(\" \", dir, dir);\n }\n return stamp.trim();\n }\nstampParser\n description Expand project template to disk.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n inScope stampFolderParser\n catchAllParser stampFileParser\n example\n stamp\n .gitignore\n *.html\n readme.scroll\n # Hello world\n \n scripts/\n nested/\n hello.js\n console.log(\"Hello world\")\n cueFromId\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n javascript\n execute() {\n const dir = this.root.folderPath\n this.forEach(particle => particle.execute(dir))\n }\nplainTextParser\n description Plain text oneliner or block.\n cueFromId\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllParser plainTextLineParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.buildTxt()\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return `${this.content ?? \"\"}${this.subparticlesToString()}`\n }\nplainTextOnlyParser\n popularity 0.000072\n extends plainTextParser\n description Only print for buildTxt.\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nscrollThemeParser\n popularity 0.007524\n boolean isPopular true\n cue theme\n example\n theme gazette\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType scrollThemeAtom\n description A collection of simple themes.\n string copyFromExternal .gazette.css\n // Note this will be replaced at runtime\n javascript\n get copyFromExternal() {\n return this.files.join(\" \")\n }\n get files() {\n return this.atoms.slice(1).map(name => `.${name}.css`).concat([\".scroll.css\"])\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.files.map(name => ``).join(\"\\n\")\n }\nabstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom\n boolean isAttribute true\n description Set HTML attribute.\n javascript\n get htmlAttributes() {\n return `${this.cue}=\"${this.content}\"`\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\naftertextIdParser\n popularity 0.000145\n cue id\n description Provide an ID to be output in the generated HTML tag.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlIdAtom\n single\naftertextStyleParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue style\n description Set HTML style attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n javascript\n htmlAttributes = \"\" // special case this one\n get css() { return `${this.property}:${this.content};` }\naftertextFontParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue font\n description Set font.\n extends aftertextStyleParser\n atoms cueAtom fontFamilyAtom\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n string property font-family\n javascript\n get css() {\n if (this.content === \"Slim\") return \"font-family:Helvetica Neue; font-weight:100;\"\n return super.css\n }\naftertextColorParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue color\n description Set font color.\n extends aftertextStyleParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n string property color\n example\n color blue\naftertextHrefParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue href\n description Set HTML href attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\naftertextSrcParser\n extends aftertextHrefParser\n cue src\n description Set HTML src attribute.\naftertextOnclickParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue onclick\n description Set HTML onclick attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\naftertextHiddenParser\n cue hidden\n atoms cueAtom\n description Do not compile this particle to HTML.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextValueParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue value\n description Set HTML value attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextForParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue for\n description Set HTML for attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextPlaceholderParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue placeholder\n description Set HTML placeholder attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextRowsParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue rows\n description Set HTML rows attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextTypeParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue type\n description Set HTML type attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlTypeAtom\naftertextAltParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue alt\n description Set HTML alt attribute for images.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextTitleParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue title\n description Set HTML title attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextNameParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue name\n description Set HTML name attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextOnsubmitParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue onsubmit\n description Set HTML onsubmit attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\naftertextClassParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue class\n description Set HTML class attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType classNameAtom\naftertextMaxlengthParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue maxlength\n description Set HTML maxlength attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextPatternParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue pattern\n description Set HTML pattern attribute for input validation.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextRequiredParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue required\n description Set HTML required attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextDisabledParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue disabled\n description Set HTML disabled attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextReadonlyParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue readonly\n description Set HTML readonly attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextNoSnippetParser\n cue noSnippet\n description Generate no HTML snippet.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextAriaLabelParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue aria-label\n description Set ARIA label for accessibility.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextTargetParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue target\n description Set HTML target attribute for links.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextContentParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue content\n description Set HTML content attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextMinParser\n cue min\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom numberAtom\naftertextMaxParser\n cue max\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom numberAtom\naftertextStepParser\n cue step\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom numberAtom\naftertextWidthParser\n cue width\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\naftertextHeightParser\n cue height\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\naftertextDataParser\n popularity 0.000217\n pattern ^data\\-\n description Set HTML data- attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\n example\n div My score\n data-score 100\naftertextRoleParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue role\n description Set ARIA role attribute for accessibility.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextTabindexParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue tabindex\n description Set tabindex attribute for keyboard navigation.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextColspanParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue colspan\n description Set colspan attribute for table cells.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextRowspanParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue rowspan\n description Set rowspan attribute for table cells.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextMethodParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue method\n description Set form method attribute (GET/POST).\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlMethodAtom\naftertextActionParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue action\n description Set form action URL.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\naftertextAutocompleteParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue autocomplete\n description Set form autocomplete attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextMultipleParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue multiple\n description Allow multiple selections or files.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextSelectedParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue selected\n description Set selected state for options.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextCheckedParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue checked\n description Set checked state for inputs.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextRelParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue rel\n description Set rel attribute for links.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextEnctypeParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue enctype\n description Set form enctype for file uploads.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextAcceptParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue accept\n description Set accepted file types for file inputs.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType mimeTypeAtom\naftertextTagParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlTagAtom\n description Override the HTML tag that the compiled particle will use.\n cue tag\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nabstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n javascript\n isMarkup = true\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n getErrors() {\n if (this.silenceErrors) return [] // todo: generalize this?\n const errors = super.getErrors()\n if (!this.isMarkup || this.matchWholeLine) return errors\n const inserts = this.getInserts(this.parent.originalTextPostLinkify)\n // todo: make AbstractParticleError class exported by sdk to allow Parsers to define their own error types.\n // todo: also need to be able to map lines back to their line in source (pre-imports)\n if (!inserts.length)\n errors.push(this.makeError(`No match found for \"${this.getLine()}\".`))\n return errors\n }\n get pattern() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(1).join(\" \")\n }\n get shouldMatchAll() {\n return this.has(\"matchAll\")\n }\n getMatches(text) {\n const { pattern } = this\n const escapedPattern = pattern.replace(/[-\\/\\\\^$*+?.()|[\\]{}]/g, \"\\\\$&\")\n return [...text.matchAll(new RegExp(escapedPattern, \"g\"))].map(match => {\n const { index } = match\n const endIndex = index + pattern.length\n return [\n { index, string: `<${this.openTag}${this.allAttributes}>`, endIndex },\n { index: endIndex, endIndex, string: `${this.closeTag}>` }\n ]\n })\n }\n getInserts(text) {\n const matches = this.getMatches(text)\n if (!matches.length) return false\n if (this.shouldMatchAll) return matches.flat()\n const match = this.getParticle(\"match\")\n if (match)\n return match.indexes\n .map(index => matches[index])\n .filter(i => i)\n .flat()\n return matches[0]\n }\n get allAttributes() {\n const attr = this.attributes.join(\" \")\n return attr ? \" \" + attr : \"\"\n }\n get attributes() {\n return []\n }\n get openTag() {\n return this.tag\n }\n get closeTag() {\n return this.tag\n }\nabstractMarkupParser\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n inScope abstractMarkupParameterParser\n javascript\n get matchWholeLine() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(this.patternStartsAtAtom).length === 0\n }\n get pattern() {\n return this.matchWholeLine ? this.parent.originalText : this.getAtomsFrom(this.patternStartsAtAtom).join(\" \")\n }\n patternStartsAtAtom = 1\nboldParser\n popularity 0.000096\n cueFromId\n description Bold matching text.\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"b\"\nitalicsParser\n popularity 0.000241\n cueFromId\n description Italicize matching text.\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"i\"\nunderlineParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Underline matching text.\n cueFromId\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"u\"\nafterTextCenterParser\n popularity 0.000193\n description Center paragraph.\n cue center\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"center\"\naftertextCodeParser\n popularity 0.000145\n description Wrap matching text in code span.\n cue code\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"code\"\n get allAttributes() {return `class=\"scrollInlineCode\"` }\naftertextStrikeParser\n popularity 0.000048\n description Wrap matching text in s span.\n cue strike\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"s\"\naddClassMarkupParser\n popularity 0.000772\n description Add a custom class to parent element. Provide query to add span matching text.\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n atoms cueAtom classNameAtom\n cue addClass\n javascript\n tag = \"span\"\n get applyToParentElement() {\n return this.atoms.length === 2\n }\n getInserts(text) {\n // If no select text is added, set the class on the parent element.\n if (this.applyToParentElement) return []\n return super.getInserts(text)\n }\n get className() {\n return this.getAtom(1)\n }\n get attributes() {\n return [`class=\"${this.className}\"`]\n }\n get matchWholeLine() {\n return this.applyToParentElement\n }\n get pattern() {\n return this.matchWholeLine ? this.parent.content : this.getAtomsFrom(2).join(\" \")\n }\nhoverNoteParser\n popularity 0.000265\n description Add a caveat viewable on hover on matching text. When you want to be sure you've thoroughly addressed obvious concerns but ones that don't warrant to distract from the main argument of the text.\n cueFromId\n extends addClassMarkupParser\n catchAllParser lineOfTextParser\n atoms cueAtom\n javascript\n get pattern() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(1).join(\" \")\n }\n get attributes() {\n return [`class=\"scrollHoverNote\"`, `title=\"${this.hoverNoteText}\"`]\n }\n get hoverNoteText() {\n return this.subparticlesToString().replace(/\\n/g, \" \")\n }\nscrollLinkParser\n popularity 0.008706\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n description Put the matching text in an tag.\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n inScope linkTitleParser linkTargetParser abstractCommentParser\n programParser\n description Anything here will be URI encoded and then appended to the link.\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllParser programLinkParser\n javascript\n get encoded() {\n return encodeURIComponent(this.subparticlesToString())\n }\n cue link\n javascript\n tag = \"a\"\n buildTxt() {\n return this.root.ensureAbsoluteLink(this.link) + \" \" + this.pattern\n }\n get link() {\n const {baseLink} = this\n if (this.has(\"program\"))\n return baseLink + this.getParticle(\"program\").encoded\n return baseLink\n }\n get baseLink() {\n const link = this.getAtom(1)\n const isAbsoluteLink = link.includes(\"://\")\n if (isAbsoluteLink) return link\n const relativePath = this.parent.buildSettings?.relativePath || \"\"\n return relativePath + link\n }\n get linkAttribute() {\n return \"href\"\n }\n get attributes() {\n const attrs = [`${this.linkAttribute}=\"${this.link}\"`]\n const options = [\"title\", \"target\"]\n options.forEach(option => {\n const particle = this.getParticle(option)\n if (particle) attrs.push(`${option}=\"${particle.content}\"`)\n })\n return attrs\n }\n patternStartsAtAtom = 2\nscrollClickParser\n extends scrollLinkParser\n description An a tag with an onclick.\n cue click\n javascript\n get linkAttribute() {\n return \"onclick\"\n }\nemailLinkParser\n popularity 0.000048\n description A mailto link\n cue email\n extends scrollLinkParser\n javascript\n get attributes() {\n return [`href=\"mailto:${this.link}\"`]\n }\nquickLinkParser\n popularity 0.029228\n pattern ^https?\\:\n extends scrollLinkParser\n atoms urlAtom\n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.cue\n }\n patternStartsAtAtom = 1\nquickRelativeLinkParser\n popularity 0.029228\n description Relative links.\n // note: only works if relative link ends in .html\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(html|htm)\n extends scrollLinkParser\n atoms urlAtom\n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.cue\n }\n patternStartsAtAtom = 1\ndatelineParser\n popularity 0.006005\n cueFromId\n description Gives your paragraph a dateline like \"December 15, 2021 — The...\"\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n javascript\n getInserts() {\n const {day} = this\n if (!day) return false\n return [{ index: 0, string: `${day} — ` }]\n }\n matchWholeLine = true\n get day() {\n let day = this.content || this.root.date\n if (!day) return \"\"\n return this.root.dayjs(day).format(`MMMM D, YYYY`)\n }\ndayjsParser\n description Advanced directive that evals some Javascript code in an environment including \"dayjs\".\n cueFromId\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n javascript\n getInserts() {\n const dayjs = this.root.dayjs\n const days = eval(this.content)\n const index = this.parent.originalTextPostLinkify.indexOf(\"days\")\n return [{ index, string: `${days} ` }]\n }\ninlineMarkupsOnParser\n popularity 0.000024\n cueFromId\n description Enable these inline markups only.\n example\n Hello *world*!\n inlineMarkupsOn bold\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n catchAllAtomType inlineMarkupNameAtom\n javascript\n get shouldMatchAll() {\n return true\n }\n get markups() {\n const {root} = this\n let markups = [{delimiter: \"`\", tag: \"code\", exclusive: true, name: \"code\", attributes: 'class=\"scrollInlineCode\"'},{delimiter: \"*\", tag: \"strong\", name: \"bold\"}, {delimiter: \"_\", tag: \"em\", name: \"italics\"}]\n // only add katex markup if the root doc has katex.\n if (root.has(\"katex\"))\n markups.unshift({delimiter: \"$\", tag: \"span\", attributes: ' class=\"scrollKatex\"', exclusive: true, name: \"katex\"})\n if (this.content)\n return markups.filter(markup => this.content.includes(markup.name))\n if (root.has(\"inlineMarkups\")) {\n root.getParticle(\"inlineMarkups\").forEach(markup => {\n const delimiter = markup.getAtom(0)\n const tag = markup.getAtom(1)\n // todo: add support for providing custom functions for inline markups?\n // for example, !2+2! could run eval, or :about: could search a link map.\n const attributes = markup.getAtomsFrom(2).join(\" \")\n markups = markups.filter(mu => mu.delimiter !== delimiter) // Remove any overridden markups\n if (tag)\n markups.push({delimiter, tag, attributes})\n })\n }\n return markups\n }\n matchWholeLine = true\n getMatches(text) {\n const exclusives = []\n return this.markups.map(markup => this.applyMarkup(text, markup, exclusives)).filter(i => i).flat()\n }\n applyMarkup(text, markup, exclusives = []) {\n const {delimiter, tag, attributes} = markup\n const escapedDelimiter = delimiter.replace(/[-\\/\\\\^$*+?.()|[\\]{}]/g, \"\\\\$&\")\n const pattern = new RegExp(`${escapedDelimiter}[^${escapedDelimiter}]+${escapedDelimiter}`, \"g\")\n const delimiterLength = delimiter.length\n return [...text.matchAll(pattern)].map(match => {\n const { index } = match\n const endIndex = index + match[0].length\n // I'm too lazy to clean up sdk to write a proper inline markup parser so doing this for now.\n // The exclusive idea is to not try and apply bold or italic styles inside a TeX or code inline style.\n // Note that the way this is currently implemented any TeX in an inline code will get rendered, but code\n // inline of TeX will not. Seems like an okay tradeoff until a proper refactor and cleanup can be done.\n if (exclusives.some(exclusive => index >= exclusive[0] && index <= exclusive[1]))\n return undefined\n if (markup.exclusive)\n exclusives.push([index, endIndex])\n return [\n { index, string: `<${tag + (attributes ? \" \" + attributes : \"\")}>`, endIndex, consumeStartCharacters: delimiterLength },\n { index: endIndex, endIndex, string: `${tag}>`, consumeEndCharacters: delimiterLength }\n ]\n }).filter(i => i)\n }\ninlineMarkupParser\n popularity 0.000169\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom delimiterAtom tagOrUrlAtom\n catchAllAtomType htmlAttributesAtom\n extends inlineMarkupsOnParser\n description Custom inline markup. for\n example\n @This@ will be in italics.\n inlineMarkup @ em\n javascript\n getMatches(text) {\n try {\n const delimiter = this.getAtom(1)\n const tag = this.getAtom(2)\n const attributes = this.getAtomsFrom(3).join(\" \")\n return this.applyMarkup(text, {delimiter, tag, attributes})\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n return []\n }\n // Note: doubling up doesn't work because of the consumption characters.\n }\nlinkifyParser\n description Use this to disable linkify on the text.\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom booleanAtom\nabstractMarkupParameterParser\n atoms cueAtom\n cueFromId\nmatchAllParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Use this to match all occurrences of the text.\n extends abstractMarkupParameterParser\nmatchParser\n popularity 0.000048\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n description Use this to specify which index(es) to match.\n javascript\n get indexes() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(1).map(num => parseInt(num))\n }\n example\n aftertext\n hello ello ello\n bold ello\n match 0 2\n extends abstractMarkupParameterParser\nabstractHtmlAttributeParser\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nlinkTargetParser\n popularity 0.000024\n extends abstractHtmlAttributeParser\n description If you want to set the target of the link. To \"_blank\", for example.\n cue target\n atoms cueAtom codeAtom\nblankLineParser\n popularity 0.308149\n description Print nothing. Break section.\n atoms blankAtom\n boolean isPopular true\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.parent.clearSectionStack()\n }\n pattern ^$\n tags doNotSynthesize\nscrollFileAddressParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n catchAllParser scrollFileAddressParser\nchatLineParser\n popularity 0.009887\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser chatLineParser\nlineOfCodeParser\n popularity 0.018665\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\n catchAllParser lineOfCodeParser\ncommentLineParser\n catchAllAtomType commentAtom\ncssLineParser\n popularity 0.002870\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n catchAllParser cssLineParser\nabstractTableTransformParser\n atoms cueAtom\n inScope abstractTableVisualizationParser abstractTableTransformParser h1Parser h2Parser scrollQuestionParser htmlInlineParser scrollBrParser slashCommentParser\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n return this.parent.coreTable\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return this.parent.columnNames\n }\n connectColumnNames(userColumnNames, availableColumnNames = this.parent.columnNames) {\n const result = {}\n const normalize = str => str.toLowerCase().trim()\n userColumnNames.forEach(userColumn => {\n // Strategy 1: Exact match\n const exactMatch = availableColumnNames.find(col => col === userColumn)\n if (exactMatch) {\n result[userColumn] = exactMatch\n return\n }\n // Strategy 2: Case-insensitive match\n const normalizedUserColumn = normalize(userColumn)\n const caseInsensitiveMatch = availableColumnNames.find(col => normalize(col) === normalizedUserColumn)\n if (caseInsensitiveMatch) {\n result[userColumn] = caseInsensitiveMatch\n return\n }\n // Strategy 3: Levenshtein distance match\n const THRESHOLD = 2 // Consider matches with distance <= 2 as \"very close\"\n let bestMatch = null\n let bestDistance = Infinity\n availableColumnNames.forEach(col => {\n const distance = this.root.levenshteinDistance(userColumn, col)\n if (distance < bestDistance) {\n bestDistance = distance\n bestMatch = col\n }\n })\n // Only use Levenshtein match if it's very close\n if (bestDistance <= THRESHOLD) {\n result[userColumn] = bestMatch\n return\n }\n // Strategy 4: Fallback - use original unmatched name\n result[userColumn] = userColumn\n })\n return result\n }\n connectColumnName(name) {\n return this.connectColumnNames([name])[name]\n }\n getErrors() {\n if (this.silenceErrors) return [] // todo: generalize this?\n return super.getErrors()\n }\n getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom) {\n if (atom.atomTypeId === \"columnNameAtom\")\n return this.parent.columnNames\n return super.getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom)\n }\n getRunTimeEnumOptionsForValidation(atom) {\n // Note: this will fail if the CSV file hasnt been built yet.\n if (atom.atomTypeId === \"columnNameAtom\")\n return this.parent.columnNames.concat(this.parent.columnNames.map(c => \"-\" + c)) // Add reverse names\n return super.getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom)\n }\nabstractDateSplitTransformParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const columnName = this.getAtom(1) || this.detectDateColumn()\n if (!columnName) return this.parent.coreTable\n return this.parent.coreTable.map(row => {\n const newRow = {...row}\n try {\n const date = this.root.dayjs(row[columnName])\n if (date.isValid())\n newRow[this.newColumnName] = this.transformDate(date)\n } catch (err) {}\n return newRow\n })\n }\n detectDateColumn() {\n const columns = this.parent.columnNames\n const dateColumns = ['date', 'created', 'published', 'timestamp']\n for (const col of dateColumns) {\n if (columns.includes(col)) return col\n }\n for (const col of columns) {\n const sample = this.parent.coreTable[0][col]\n if (sample && this.root.dayjs(sample).isValid())\n return col\n }\n return null\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return [...this.parent.columnNames, this.newColumnName]\n }\n transformDate(date) {\n const formatted = date.format(this.dateFormat)\n const isInt = !this.cue.includes(\"Name\")\n return isInt ? parseInt(formatted) : formatted\n }\nscrollSplitYearParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract year into new column.\n cue splitYear\n string newColumnName year\n string dateFormat YYYY\nscrollSplitDayNameParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract day name into new column.\n cue splitDayName\n string newColumnName dayName\n string dateFormat dddd\nscrollSplitMonthNameParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract month name into new column.\n cue splitMonthName\n string newColumnName monthName\n string dateFormat MMMM\nscrollSplitMonthParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract month number (1-12) into new column.\n cue splitMonth\n string newColumnName month\n string dateFormat M\nscrollSplitDayOfMonthParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract day of month (1-31) into new column.\n cue splitDayOfMonth\n string newColumnName dayOfMonth\n string dateFormat D\nscrollSplitDayOfWeekParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract day of week (0-6) into new column.\n cue splitDay\n string newColumnName day\n string dateFormat d\nscrollParseDateParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Parse dates in a column into standard format.\n cue parseDate\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom\n example\n sampleData stocks.csv\n parseDate date\n linechart\n x date\n y price\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const columnName = this.connectColumnName(this.getAtom(1))\n const formatOut = this.get(\"format\") || \"YYYY-MM-DD\"\n const {dayjs} = this.root\n return this.parent.coreTable.map(row => {\n const newRow = {...row}\n try {\n const value = row[columnName]\n if (value) {\n const date = dayjs(value)\n if (date.isValid())\n newRow[columnName] = date.format(formatOut)\n }\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(`Error parsing date in column ${columnName}:`, err)\n }\n return newRow\n })\n }\n formatParser\n description Specify output date format\n atoms cueAtom stringAtom\n cueFromId\n single\nscrollGroupByParser\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n reduceParser\n description Specify how to aggregate a column when grouping data\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom reductionTypeAtom newColumnNameAtom\n cue reduce\n example\n data.csv\n groupBy year\n reduce score sum totalScore\n reduce name concat names\n printTable\n javascript\n get reduction() {\n return {\n source: this.getAtom(1),\n reduction: this.getAtom(2),\n name: this.getAtom(3) || this.getAtomsFrom(1).join(\"_\")\n }\n }\n description Combine rows with matching values into groups.\n example\n tables posts.csv\n groupBy year\n printTable\n cue groupBy\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n if (this._coreTable) return this._coreTable\n const groupByColNames = this.getAtomsFrom(1)\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n if (!groupByColNames.length) return coreTable\n const newCols = this.findParticles(\"reduce\").map(particle => particle.reduction)\n // Pivot is shorthand for group and reduce?\n const makePivotTable = (rows, groupByColumnNames, inputColumnNames, newCols) => {\n const colMap = {}\n inputColumnNames.forEach((col) => (colMap[col] = true))\n const groupByCols = groupByColumnNames.filter((col) => colMap[col])\n return new PivotTable(rows, inputColumnNames.map(c => {return {name: c}}), newCols).getNewRows(groupByCols)\n }\n class PivotTable {\n constructor(rows, inputColumns, outputColumns) {\n this._columns = {}\n this._rows = rows\n inputColumns.forEach((col) => (this._columns[col.name] = col))\n outputColumns.forEach((col) => (this._columns[col.name] = col))\n }\n _getGroups(allRows, groupByColNames) {\n const rowsInGroups = new Map()\n allRows.forEach((row) => {\n const groupKey = groupByColNames.map((col) => row[col]?.toString().replace(/ /g, \"\") || \"\").join(\" \")\n if (!rowsInGroups.has(groupKey)) rowsInGroups.set(groupKey, [])\n rowsInGroups.get(groupKey).push(row)\n })\n return rowsInGroups\n }\n getNewRows(groupByCols) {\n // make new particles\n const rowsInGroups = this._getGroups(this._rows, groupByCols)\n // Any column in the group should be reused by the children\n const columns = [\n {\n name: \"count\",\n type: \"number\",\n min: 0,\n },\n ]\n groupByCols.forEach((colName) => columns.push(this._columns[colName]))\n const colsToReduce = Object.values(this._columns).filter((col) => !!col.reduction)\n colsToReduce.forEach((col) => columns.push(col))\n // for each group\n const rows = []\n const totalGroups = rowsInGroups.size\n for (let [groupId, group] of rowsInGroups) {\n const firstRow = group[0]\n const newRow = {}\n groupByCols.forEach((col) =>\n newRow[col] = firstRow ? firstRow[col] : 0\n )\n newRow.count = group.length\n // todo: add more reductions? count, stddev, median, variance.\n colsToReduce.forEach((col) => {\n const sourceColName = col.source\n const reduction = col.reduction\n const newColName = col.name\n if (reduction === \"concat\") {\n newRow[newColName] = group.map((row) => row[sourceColName]).join(\" \")\n return \n }\n if (reduction === \"first\") {\n newRow[newColName] = group.find((row) => row[sourceColName] !== \"\")?.[sourceColName]\n return \n }\n const values = group.map((row) => row[sourceColName]).filter((val) => typeof val === \"number\" && !isNaN(val))\n let reducedValue = firstRow[sourceColName]\n if (reduction === \"sum\") reducedValue = values.reduce((prev, current) => prev + current, 0)\n if (reduction === \"max\") reducedValue = Math.max(...values)\n if (reduction === \"min\") reducedValue = Math.min(...values)\n if (reduction === \"mean\") reducedValue = values.reduce((prev, current) => prev + current, 0) / values.length\n newRow[newColName] = reducedValue\n })\n rows.push(newRow)\n }\n // todo: add tests. figure out this api better.\n Object.values(columns).forEach((col) => {\n // For pivot columns, remove the source and reduction info for now. Treat things as immutable.\n delete col.source\n delete col.reduction\n })\n return {\n rows,\n columns,\n }\n }\n }\n const pivotTable = makePivotTable(coreTable, groupByColNames, this.parent.columnNames, newCols)\n this._coreTable = pivotTable.rows\n this._columnNames = pivotTable.columns.map(col => col.name)\n return pivotTable.rows\n }\n get columnNames() {\n const {coreTable} = this\n return this._columnNames || this.parent.columnNames\n }\nscrollWhereParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Filter rows by condition.\n cue where\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom comparisonAtom\n catchAllAtomType constantAtom\n example\n datatable iris.csv\n where Species = setosa\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n // todo: use atoms here.\n const columnName = this.connectColumnName(this.getAtom(1))\n const operator = this.getAtom(2)\n let comparisonSet\n if (operator === \"oneOf\")\n comparisonSet = new Set(this.atoms.slice(3))\n let untypedComparisonValue = this.getAtom(3)\n const typedComparisonValue = isNaN(parseFloat(untypedComparisonValue)) ? untypedComparisonValue : parseFloat(untypedComparisonValue)\n const coreTable = this.parent.coreTable\n if (!columnName || !operator || (untypedComparisonValue === undefined && !operator.includes(\"mpty\"))) return coreTable\n const filterFn = row => {\n const atom = row[columnName]\n const typedAtom = atom === null ? undefined : atom // convert nulls to undefined\n if (operator === \"=\") return typedComparisonValue === typedAtom\n else if (operator === \"!=\") return typedComparisonValue !== typedAtom\n else if (operator === \"includes\") return typedAtom !== undefined && typedAtom.includes(typedComparisonValue)\n else if (operator === \"startsWith\") return typedAtom !== undefined && typedAtom.toString().startsWith(typedComparisonValue)\n else if (operator === \"endsWith\") return typedAtom !== undefined && typedAtom.toString().endsWith(typedComparisonValue)\n else if (operator === \"doesNotInclude\") return typedAtom === undefined || !typedAtom.includes(typedComparisonValue)\n else if (operator === \"oneOf\") return typedAtom !== undefined && comparisonSet.has(typedAtom.toString())\n else if (operator === \">\") return typedAtom > typedComparisonValue\n else if (operator === \"<\") return typedAtom < typedComparisonValue\n else if (operator === \">=\") return typedAtom >= typedComparisonValue\n else if (operator === \"<=\") return typedAtom <= typedComparisonValue\n else if (operator === \"empty\") return typedAtom === \"\" || typedAtom === undefined\n else if (operator === \"notEmpty\") return typedAtom !== \"\" && typedAtom !== undefined\n }\n return coreTable.filter(filterFn)\n }\nscrollSelectParser\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Drop all columns except these.\n example\n tables\n data\n name,year,count\n index,2022,2\n about,2023,4\n select name year\n printTable\n cue select\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n const {columnNames} = this\n if (!columnNames.length) return coreTable\n return coreTable.map(row => Object.fromEntries(columnNames.map(colName => [colName, row[colName]])))\n }\n get columnNames() {\n if (!this._columnNames) {\n const names = this.getAtomsFrom(1)\n this._columnNamesMap = this.connectColumnNames(names)\n this._columnNames = names.map(name => this._columnNamesMap[name])\n }\n return this._columnNames\n }\nscrollReverseParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Reverse rows.\n cue reverse\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n return this.parent.coreTable.slice().reverse()\n }\nscrollComposeParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Add column using format string.\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\n cue compose\n atoms cueAtom newColumnNameAtom\n example\n datatable\n compose sentence My name is {name}\n printTable\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {newColumnName} = this\n const formatString = this.getAtomsFrom(2).join(\" \")\n return this.parent.coreTable.map((row, index) => {\n const newRow = Object.assign({}, row)\n newRow[newColumnName] = this.evaluate(new Particle(row).evalTemplateString(formatString), index)\n return newRow\n })\n }\n evaluate(str) {\n return str\n }\n get newColumnName() {\n return this.atoms[1]\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return this.parent.columnNames.concat(this.newColumnName)\n }\nscrollComputeParser\n extends scrollComposeParser\n description Add column by evaling format string.\n cue compute\n javascript\n evaluate(str) {\n return parseFloat(eval(str))\n }\nscrollEvalParser\n extends scrollComputeParser\n description Add column by evaling format string.\n cue eval\n javascript\n evaluate(str) {\n return eval(str)\n }\nscrollRankParser\n extends scrollComposeParser\n description Add rank column.\n atoms cueAtom\n string newColumnName rank\n cue rank\n javascript\n evaluate(str, index) { return index + 1 }\nscrollLinksParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Add column with links.\n cue links\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {newColumnName, linkColumns} = this\n return this.parent.coreTable.map(row => {\n const newRow = Object.assign({}, row)\n let newValue = []\n linkColumns.forEach(name => {\n const value = newRow[name]\n delete newRow[name]\n if (value) newValue.push(`${name}`)\n })\n newRow[newColumnName] = newValue.join(\" \")\n return newRow\n })\n }\n get newColumnName() {\n return \"links\"\n }\n get linkColumns() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(1)\n }\n get columnNames() {\n const {linkColumns} = this\n return this.parent.columnNames.filter(name => !linkColumns.includes(name)).concat(this.newColumnName)\n }\nscrollLimitParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Select a subset.\n cue limit\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom integerAtom\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n let start = this.getAtom(1)\n let end = this.getAtom(2)\n if (end === undefined) {\n end = start\n start = 0\n }\n return this.parent.coreTable.slice(parseInt(start), parseInt(end))\n }\nscrollShuffleParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Randomly reorder rows.\n cue shuffle\n example\n datatable data.csv\n shuffle\n printTable\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n // Create a copy of the datatable to avoid modifying original\n const rows = this.parent.coreTable.slice()\n // Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm\n for (let i = rows.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {\n const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1))\n ;[rows[i], rows[j]] = [rows[j], rows[i]]\n }\n return rows\n }\nscrollTransposeParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Tranpose datatable.\n cue transpose\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n // todo: we need to switch to column based coreTable, instead of row based\n const transpose = arr => Object.keys(arr[0]).map(key => [key, ...arr.map(row => row[key])]);\n return transpose(this.parent.coreTable)\n }\nscrollImputeParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Impute missing values of a columm.\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom\n cue impute\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {columnName} = this\n const sorted = this.root.lodash.orderBy(this.parent.coreTable.slice(), columnName)\n // ascending\n const imputed = []\n let lastInserted = sorted[0][columnName]\n sorted.forEach(row => {\n const measuredTime = row[columnName]\n while (measuredTime > lastInserted + 1) {\n lastInserted++\n // synthesize rows\n const imputedRow = {}\n imputedRow[columnName] = lastInserted\n imputedRow.count = 0\n imputed.push(imputedRow)\n }\n lastInserted = measuredTime\n imputed.push(row)\n })\n return imputed\n }\n get columnName() {\n return this.connectColumnName(this.getAtom(1))\n }\nscrollOrderByParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Sort rows by column(s).\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n cue orderBy\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const makeLodashOrderByParams = str => {\n const part1 = str.split(\" \")\n const part2 = part1.map(col => (col.startsWith(\"-\") ? \"desc\" : \"asc\"))\n return [part1.map(col => this.connectColumnName(col.replace(/^\\-/, \"\"))), part2]\n }\n const orderBy = makeLodashOrderByParams(this.content)\n return this.root.lodash.orderBy(this.parent.coreTable.slice(), orderBy[0], orderBy[1])\n }\nassertRowCountParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Test row count is expected value.\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n cueFromId\n javascript\n getErrors() {\n const errors = super.getErrors()\n const actualRows = this.coreTable.length\n const expectedRows = parseInt(this.content)\n if (actualRows !== expectedRows)\n return errors.concat(this.makeError(`Expected '${expectedRows}' rows but got '${actualRows}'.`))\n return errors\n }\nscrollRenameParser\n // todo: add support in Parsers for tuple catch alls\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom newColumnNameAtom\n catchAllAtomType newColumnNameAtom\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Rename columns.\n example\n tables\n data\n name,year,count\n index,2022,2\n rename name Name year Year\n printTable\n cue rename\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n const {renameMap} = this\n if (!Object.keys(renameMap).length) return coreTable\n return coreTable.map(row => {\n const newRow = {}\n Object.keys(row).forEach(key => {\n const name = renameMap[key] || key\n newRow[name] = row[key]\n })\n return newRow\n })\n }\n get renameMap() {\n const map = {}\n const pairs = this.getAtomsFrom(1)\n let oldName\n while (oldName = pairs.shift()) {\n map[oldName] = pairs.shift()\n }\n return map\n }\n _renamed\n get columnNames() {\n if (this._renamed)\n return this._renamed\n const {renameMap} = this\n this._renamed = this.parent.columnNames.map(name => renameMap[name] || name )\n return this._renamed\n }\nscrollSummarizeParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Generate summary statistics for each column.\n cue summarize\n example\n datatable data.csv\n summarize\n printTable\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {lodash} = this.root\n const sourceData = this.parent.coreTable\n if (!sourceData.length) return []\n return this.parent.columnNames.map(colName => {\n const values = sourceData.map(row => row[colName]).filter(val => val !== undefined && val !== null)\n const numericValues = values.filter(val => typeof val === \"number\" && !isNaN(val))\n const sorted = [...numericValues].sort((a, b) => a - b)\n // Calculate mode\n const frequency = {}\n values.forEach(val => {\n frequency[val] = (frequency[val] || 0) + 1\n })\n const mode = Object.entries(frequency)\n .sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])\n .map(entry => entry[0])[0]\n // Calculate median for numeric values\n const median = sorted.length ? \n sorted.length % 2 === 0 \n ? (sorted[sorted.length/2 - 1] + sorted[sorted.length/2]) / 2\n : sorted[Math.floor(sorted.length/2)]\n : null\n const sum = numericValues.length ? numericValues.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) : null\n const theType = typeof values[0]\n const count = values.length\n const mean = theType === \"number\" ? sum/count : \"\"\n return {\n name: colName,\n type: theType,\n incompleteCount: sourceData.length - values.length,\n uniqueCount: new Set(values).size,\n count,\n sum,\n median,\n mean,\n min: sorted.length ? sorted[0] : null,\n max: sorted.length ? sorted[sorted.length - 1] : null,\n mode\n }\n })\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return [\"name\", \"type\", \"incompleteCount\", \"uniqueCount\", \"count\", \"sum\", \"median\", \"mean\", \"min\", \"max\", \"mode\"]\n }\nerrorParser\n baseParser errorParser\nheatrixCatchAllParser\n popularity 0.000193\n // todo Fill this out\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\nlineOfTextParser\n popularity 0.000289\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n boolean isTextParser true\nhtmlLineParser\n popularity 0.005209\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\n catchAllParser htmlLineParser\nopenGraphParser\n // todo: fix Parsers scope issue so we can move this parser def under scrollImageParser\n description Add this line to make this the open graph image.\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom\nimportToFooterParser\n description Import to bottom of file.\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n cue footer\nscriptLineParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\n catchAllParser scriptLineParser\nlinkTitleParser\n popularity 0.000048\n description If you want to set the title of the link.\n cue title\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n example\n * This report showed the treatment had a big impact.\n https://example.com/report This report.\n title The average growth in the treatment group was 14.2x higher than the control group.\nprogramLinkParser\n popularity 0.000531\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\nscrollMediaLoopParser\n popularity 0.000048\n cue loop\n atoms cueAtom\nscrollAutoplayParser\n cue autoplay\n atoms cueAtom\nabstractCompilerRuleParser\n catchAllAtomType anyAtom\n atoms cueAtom\ncloseSubparticlesParser\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n description When compiling a parent particle to a string, this string is appended to the compiled and joined subparticles. Default is blank.\n cueFromId\nindentCharacterParser\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n description You can change the indent character for compiled subparticles. Default is a space.\n cueFromId\ncatchAllAtomDelimiterParser\n description If a particle has a catchAllAtom, this is the string delimiter that will be used to join those atoms. Default is comma.\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n cueFromId\nopenSubparticlesParser\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n description When compiling a parent particle to a string, this string is prepended to the compiled and joined subparticles. Default is blank.\n cueFromId\nstringTemplateParser\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n description This template string is used to compile this line, and accepts strings of the format: const var = {someAtomId}\n cueFromId\njoinSubparticlesWithParser\n description When compiling a parent particle to a string, subparticles are compiled to strings and joined by this character. Default is a newline.\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n cueFromId\nabstractConstantParser\n description A constant.\n atoms cueAtom\n cueFromId\n // todo: make tags inherit\n tags actPhase\nparsersBooleanParser\n cue boolean\n atoms cueAtom constantIdentifierAtom\n catchAllAtomType booleanAtom\n extends abstractConstantParser\n tags actPhase\nparsersFloatParser\n cue float\n atoms cueAtom constantIdentifierAtom\n catchAllAtomType floatAtom\n extends abstractConstantParser\n tags actPhase\nparsersIntParser\n cue int\n atoms cueAtom constantIdentifierAtom\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n tags actPhase\n extends abstractConstantParser\nparsersStringParser\n cue string\n atoms cueAtom constantIdentifierAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllMultilineStringConstantParser\n extends abstractConstantParser\n tags actPhase\nabstractParserRuleParser\n single\n atoms cueAtom\nabstractNonTerminalParserRuleParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\nparsersBaseParserParser\n atoms cueAtom baseParsersAtom\n description Set for blobs or errors. \n // In rare cases with untyped content you can use a blobParser, for now, to skip parsing for performance gains. The base errorParser will report errors when parsed. Use that if you don't want to implement your own error parser.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue baseParser\n tags analyzePhase\ncatchAllAtomTypeParser\n atoms cueAtom atomTypeIdAtom\n description Use for lists.\n // Aka 'listAtomType'. Use this when the value in a key/value pair is a list. If there are extra atoms in the particle's line, parse these atoms as this type. Often used with `listDelimiterParser`.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n tags analyzePhase\natomParserParser\n atoms cueAtom atomParserAtom\n description Set parsing strategy.\n // prefix/postfix/omnifix parsing strategy. If missing, defaults to prefix.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n tags experimental analyzePhase\ncatchAllParserParser\n description Attach this to unmatched lines.\n // If a parser is not found in the inScope list, instantiate this type of particle instead.\n atoms cueAtom parserIdAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n tags acquirePhase\nparsersAtomsParser\n catchAllAtomType atomTypeIdAtom\n description Set required atomTypes.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue atoms\n tags analyzePhase\nparsersCompilerParser\n // todo Remove this and its subparticles?\n description Deprecated. For simple compilers.\n inScope stringTemplateParser catchAllAtomDelimiterParser openSubparticlesParser closeSubparticlesParser indentCharacterParser joinSubparticlesWithParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue compiler\n tags deprecate\n boolean suggestInAutocomplete false\nparserDescriptionParser\n description Parser description.\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue description\n tags assemblePhase\nparsersExampleParser\n // todo Should this just be a \"string\" constant on particles?\n description Set example for docs and tests.\n catchAllAtomType exampleAnyAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllExampleLineParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue example\n tags assemblePhase\nextendsParserParser\n cue extends\n tags assemblePhase\n description Extend another parser.\n // todo: add a catchall that is used for mixins\n atoms cueAtom parserIdAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\nparsersPopularityParser\n // todo Remove this parser. Switch to conditional frequencies.\n description Parser popularity.\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue popularity\n tags assemblePhase\ninScopeParser\n description Parsers in scope.\n catchAllAtomType parserIdAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n tags acquirePhase\nparsersJavascriptParser\n // todo Urgently need to get submode syntax highlighting running! (And eventually LSP)\n description Javascript code for Parser Actions.\n catchAllParser catchAllJavascriptCodeLineParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n tags actPhase\n javascript\n format() {\n if (this.isNodeJs()) {\n const template = `class FOO{ ${this.subparticlesToString()}}`\n this.setSubparticles(\n require(\"prettier\")\n .format(template, { semi: false, useTabs: true, parser: \"babel\", printWidth: 240 })\n .replace(/class FOO \\{\\s+/, \"\")\n .replace(/\\s+\\}\\s+$/, \"\")\n .replace(/\\n\\t/g, \"\\n\") // drop one level of indent\n .replace(/\\t/g, \" \") // we used tabs instead of spaces to be able to dedent without breaking literals.\n )\n }\n return this\n }\n cue javascript\nabstractParseRuleParser\n // Each particle should have a pattern that it matches on unless it's a catch all particle.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\nparsersCueParser\n atoms cueAtom stringAtom\n description Attach by matching first atom.\n extends abstractParseRuleParser\n tags acquirePhase\n cue cue\ncueFromIdParser\n atoms cueAtom\n description Derive cue from parserId.\n // for example 'fooParser' would have cue of 'foo'.\n extends abstractParseRuleParser\n tags acquirePhase\nparsersPatternParser\n catchAllAtomType regexAtom\n description Attach via regex.\n extends abstractParseRuleParser\n tags acquirePhase\n cue pattern\nparsersRequiredParser\n description Assert is present at least once.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue required\n tags analyzePhase\nabstractValidationRuleParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType booleanAtom\nparsersSingleParser\n description Assert used once.\n // Can be overridden by a child class by setting to false.\n extends abstractValidationRuleParser\n tags analyzePhase\n cue single\nuniqueLineParser\n description Assert unique lines. For pattern parsers.\n // Can be overridden by a child class by setting to false.\n extends abstractValidationRuleParser\n tags analyzePhase\nuniqueCueParser\n description Assert unique first atoms. For pattern parsers.\n // For catch all parsers or pattern particles, use this to indicate the \n extends abstractValidationRuleParser\n tags analyzePhase\nlistDelimiterParser\n description Split content by this delimiter.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n tags analyzePhase\ncontentKeyParser\n description Deprecated. For to/from JSON.\n // Advanced keyword to help with isomorphic JSON serialization/deserialization. If present will serialize the particle to an object and set a property with this key and the value set to the particle's content.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n tags deprecate\n boolean suggestInAutocomplete false\nsubparticlesKeyParser\n // todo: deprecate?\n description Deprecated. For to/from JSON.\n // Advanced keyword to help with serialization/deserialization of blobs. If present will serialize the particle to an object and set a property with this key and the value set to the particle's subparticles.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n tags deprecate\n boolean suggestInAutocomplete false\nparsersTagsParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n description Custom metadata.\n cue tags\n tags assemblePhase\natomTypeDescriptionParser\n description Atom Type description.\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n cue description\n tags assemblePhase\ncatchAllErrorParser\n baseParser errorParser\ncatchAllExampleLineParser\n catchAllAtomType exampleAnyAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllExampleLineParser\n atoms exampleAnyAtom\ncatchAllJavascriptCodeLineParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptCodeAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllJavascriptCodeLineParser\ncatchAllMultilineStringConstantParser\n description String constants can span multiple lines.\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllMultilineStringConstantParser\n atoms stringAtom\natomTypeDefinitionParser\n // todo Generate a class for each atom type?\n // todo Allow abstract atom types?\n // todo Change pattern to postfix.\n pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Atom$\n inScope parsersPaintParser parsersRegexParser reservedAtomsParser enumFromAtomTypesParser atomTypeDescriptionParser parsersEnumParser slashCommentParser extendsAtomTypeParser parsersExamplesParser atomMinParser atomMaxParser\n atoms atomTypeIdAtom\n tags assemblePhase\n javascript\n buildHtml() {return \"\"}\nenumFromAtomTypesParser\n description Runtime enum options.\n catchAllAtomType atomTypeIdAtom\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n cueFromId\n tags analyzePhase\nparsersEnumParser\n description Set enum options.\n cue enum\n catchAllAtomType enumOptionAtom\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n tags analyzePhase\nparsersExamplesParser\n description Examples for documentation and tests.\n // If the domain of possible atom values is large, such as a string type, it can help certain methods—such as program synthesis—to provide a few examples.\n cue examples\n catchAllAtomType atomExampleAtom\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n tags assemblePhase\natomMinParser\n description Specify a min if numeric.\n cue min\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom numberAtom\n tags analyzePhase\natomMaxParser\n description Specify a max if numeric.\n cue max\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom numberAtom\n tags analyzePhase\nparsersPaintParser\n atoms cueAtom paintTypeAtom\n description Instructor editor how to color these.\n single\n cue paint\n tags analyzePhase\nparserDefinitionParser\n // todo Add multiple dispatch?\n pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Parser$\n description Parser types are a core unit of your language. They translate to 1 class per parser. Examples of parser would be \"header\", \"person\", \"if\", \"+\", \"define\", etc.\n catchAllParser catchAllErrorParser\n inScope abstractParserRuleParser abstractConstantParser slashCommentParser parserDefinitionParser\n atoms parserIdAtom\n tags assemblePhase\n javascript\n buildHtml() { return \"\"}\nparsersRegexParser\n catchAllAtomType regexAtom\n description Atoms must match this.\n single\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n cue regex\n tags analyzePhase\nreservedAtomsParser\n single\n description Atoms can't be any of these.\n catchAllAtomType reservedAtomAtom\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n cueFromId\n tags analyzePhase\nextendsAtomTypeParser\n cue extends\n description Extend another atomType.\n // todo Add mixin support in addition to extends?\n atoms cueAtom atomTypeIdAtom\n tags assemblePhase\n single\nabstractColumnNameParser\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom\n javascript\n getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom) {\n if (atom.atomTypeId === \"columnNameAtom\")\n return this.parent.columnNames\n return super.getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom)\n }\nscrollRadiusParser\n cue radius\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nscrollSymbolParser\n cue symbol\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nabstractColumnNameOrColorParser\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\n atoms cueAtom columnNameOrColorAtom\n javascript\n //todo: cleanup\n colorOptions = \"aliceblue antiquewhite aqua aquamarine azure beige bisque black blanchedalmond blue blueviolet brown burlywood cadetblue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflowerblue cornsilk crimson cyan darkblue darkcyan darkgoldenrod darkgray darkgreen darkkhaki darkmagenta darkolivegreen darkorange darkorchid darkred darksalmon darkseagreen darkslateblue darkslategray darkturquoise darkviolet deeppink deepskyblue dimgray dodgerblue firebrick floralwhite forestgreen fuchsia gainsboro ghostwhite gold goldenrod gray green greenyellow honeydew hotpink indianred indigo ivory khaki lavender lavenderblush lawngreen lemonchiffon lightblue lightcoral lightcyan lightgoldenrodyellow lightgray lightgreen lightpink lightsalmon lightseagreen lightskyblue lightslategray lightsteelblue lightyellow lime limegreen linen magenta maroon mediumaquamarine mediumblue mediumorchid mediumpurple mediumseagreen mediumslateblue mediumspringgreen mediumturquoise mediumvioletred midnightblue mintcream mistyrose moccasin navajowhite navy oldlace olive olivedrab orange orangered orchid palegoldenrod palegreen paleturquoise palevioletred papayawhip peachpuff peru pink plum powderblue purple rebeccapurple red rosybrown royalblue saddlebrown salmon sandybrown seagreen seashell sienna silver skyblue slateblue slategray snow springgreen steelblue tan teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat white whitesmoke yellow yellowgreen\".split(\" \")\n getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom) {\n if (atom.atomTypeId === \"columnNameOrColorAtom\")\n return this.parent.columnNames.join(this.colorOptions)\n return super.getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom)\n }\nscrollFillParser\n cue fill\n extends abstractColumnNameOrColorParser\nscrollStrokeParser\n cue stroke\n extends abstractColumnNameOrColorParser\nscrollLabelParser\n cue label\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nscrollSortParser\n cue sort\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nscrollXParser\n cue x\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nscrollYParser\n cue y\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nabstractPlotLabelParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\nquoteLineParser\n popularity 0.004172\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser quoteLineParser\nscrollParser\n description Scroll is a language for scientists of all ages. Refine, share and collaborate on ideas.\n root\n inScope abstractScrollParser blankLineParser atomTypeDefinitionParser parserDefinitionParser\n catchAllParser catchAllParagraphParser\n javascript\n setFile(file) {\n this.file = file\n const date = this.get(\"date\")\n if (date) this.file.timestamp = this.dayjs(this.get(\"date\")).unix()\n return this\n }\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n this.sectionStack = []\n return this.filter(subparticle => subparticle.buildHtml).map(subparticle => { try {return subparticle.buildHtml(buildSettings)} catch (err) {console.error(err); return \"\"} }).filter(i => i).join(\"\\n\") + this.clearSectionStack()\n }\n sectionStack = []\n clearSectionStack() {\n const result = this.sectionStack.join(\"\\n\")\n this.sectionStack = []\n return result\n }\n bodyStack = []\n clearBodyStack() {\n const result = this.bodyStack.join(\"\")\n this.bodyStack = []\n return result\n }\n readSyncFromFileOrUrl(fileOrUrl) {\n if (!this.isNodeJs()) return this.getInBrowser(fileOrUrl)\n const isUrl = fileOrUrl.match(/^https?\\:[^ ]+$/)\n if (!isUrl) return this.root.readFile(fileOrUrl)\n return this.readFile(this.makeFullPath(new URL(fileOrUrl).pathname.split('/').pop()))\n }\n getInBrowser(key) {\n return localStorage.getItem(key) || (window.inMemStorage ? window.inMemStorage[key] : \"\") || \"\"\n }\n async fetch(url, filename) {\n const isUrl = url.match(/^https?\\:[^ ]+$/)\n if (!isUrl) return\n return this.isNodeJs() ? this.fetchNode(url, filename) : this.fetchBrowser(url)\n }\n get path() {\n return require(\"path\")\n }\n makeFullPath(filename) {\n return this.path.join(this.folderPath, filename)\n }\n _nextAndPrevious(arr, index) {\n const nextIndex = index + 1\n const previousIndex = index - 1\n return {\n previous: arr[previousIndex] ?? arr[arr.length - 1],\n next: arr[nextIndex] ?? arr[0]\n }\n }\n // keyboard nav is always in the same folder. does not currently support cross folder\n _includeFileInKeyboardNav(file) {\n const { scrollProgram } = file\n return scrollProgram.buildsHtml && scrollProgram.hasKeyboardNav && scrollProgram.tags.includes(this.primaryTag)\n }\n get timeIndex() {\n return this.file.timeIndex || 0\n }\n get linkToPrevious() {\n if (!this.hasKeyboardNav)\n // Dont provide link to next unless keyboard nav is on\n return undefined\n const {allScrollFiles} = this\n let file = this._nextAndPrevious(allScrollFiles, this.timeIndex).previous\n if (!file) return undefined\n while (!this._includeFileInKeyboardNav(file)) {\n file = this._nextAndPrevious(allScrollFiles, file.timeIndex).previous\n }\n return file.scrollProgram.permalink\n }\n importRegex = /^(import |[a-zA-Z\\_\\-\\.0-9\\/]+\\.(scroll|parsers)$|https?:\\/\\/.+\\.(scroll|parsers)$)/gm\n get linkToNext() {\n if (!this.hasKeyboardNav)\n // Dont provide link to next unless keyboard nav is on\n return undefined\n const {allScrollFiles} = this\n let file = this._nextAndPrevious(allScrollFiles, this.timeIndex).next\n if (!file) return undefined\n while (!this._includeFileInKeyboardNav(file)) {\n file = this._nextAndPrevious(allScrollFiles, file.timeIndex).next\n }\n return file.scrollProgram.permalink\n }\n // todo: clean up this naming pattern and add a parser instead of special casing 404.html\n get allHtmlFiles() {\n return this.allScrollFiles.filter(file => file.scrollProgram.buildsHtml && file.scrollProgram.permalink !== \"404.html\")\n }\n parseNestedTag(tag) {\n if (!tag.includes(\"/\")) return;\n const {path} = this\n const parts = tag.split(\"/\")\n const group = parts.pop()\n const relativePath = parts.join(\"/\")\n return {\n group,\n relativePath,\n folderPath: path.join(this.folderPath, path.normalize(relativePath))\n }\n }\n getFilesByTags(tags, limit) {\n // todo: tags is currently matching partial substrings\n const getFilesWithTag = (tag, files) => files.filter(file => file.scrollProgram.buildsHtml && file.scrollProgram.tags.includes(tag))\n if (typeof tags === \"string\") tags = tags.split(\" \")\n if (!tags || !tags.length)\n return this.allHtmlFiles\n .filter(file => file !== this) // avoid infinite loops. todo: think this through better.\n .map(file => {\n return { file, relativePath: \"\" }\n })\n .slice(0, limit)\n let arr = []\n tags.forEach(tag => {\n if (!tag.includes(\"/\"))\n return (arr = arr.concat(\n getFilesWithTag(tag, this.allScrollFiles)\n .map(file => {\n return { file, relativePath: \"\" }\n })\n .slice(0, limit)\n ))\n const {folderPath, group, relativePath} = this.parseNestedTag(tag)\n let files = []\n try {\n files = this.fileSystem.getCachedLoadedFilesInFolder(folderPath, this)\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n }\n const filtered = getFilesWithTag(group, files).map(file => {\n return { file, relativePath: relativePath + \"/\" }\n })\n arr = arr.concat(filtered.slice(0, limit))\n })\n return this.lodash.sortBy(arr, file => file.file.timestamp).reverse()\n }\n async fetchNode(url, filename) {\n filename = filename || new URL(url).pathname.split('/').pop()\n const fullpath = this.makeFullPath(filename)\n if (require(\"fs\").existsSync(fullpath)) return this.readFile(fullpath)\n this.log(`🛜 fetching ${url} to ${fullpath} `)\n await this.downloadToDisk(url, fullpath)\n return this.readFile(fullpath)\n }\n log(message) {\n if (this.logger) this.logger.log(message)\n }\n async fetchBrowser(url) {\n const content = this.getInBrowser(url)\n if (content) return content\n return this.downloadToLocalStorage(url)\n }\n async downloadToDisk(url, destination) {\n const { writeFile } = require('fs').promises\n const response = await fetch(url)\n const fileBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer()\n await writeFile(destination, Buffer.from(fileBuffer))\n return this.readFile(destination)\n }\n async downloadToLocalStorage(url) {\n const response = await fetch(url)\n const blob = await response.blob()\n const text = await blob.text()\n try {\n localStorage.setItem(url, text)\n return localStorage.getItem(url)\n } catch (err) {\n if (!window.inMemStorage) window.inMemStorage = {}\n window.inMemStorage[url] = text\n console.error(err)\n return text\n }\n }\n readFile(filename) {\n const {path} = this\n const fs = require(\"fs\")\n const fullPath = path.join(this.folderPath, filename.replace(this.folderPath, \"\"))\n try {\n if (fs.existsSync(fullPath))\n return fs.readFileSync(fullPath, \"utf8\")\n console.error(`File '${filename}' not found`)\n return \"\"\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(`Error in '${this.filePath}' reading file: '${fullPath}'`)\n console.error(err)\n return \"\"\n }\n }\n alreadyRequired = new Set()\n buildHtmlSnippet(buildSettings) {\n this.sectionStack = []\n return this.map(subparticle => (subparticle.buildHtmlSnippet ? subparticle.buildHtmlSnippet(buildSettings) : subparticle.buildHtml(buildSettings)))\n .filter(i => i)\n .join(\"\\n\")\n .trim() + this.clearSectionStack()\n }\n get footnotes() {\n if (this._footnotes === undefined) this._footnotes = this.filter(particle => particle.isFootnote)\n return this._footnotes\n }\n get authors() {\n return this.get(\"authors\")\n }\n get allScrollFiles() {\n try {\n return this.fileSystem.getCachedLoadedFilesInFolder(this.folderPath, this)\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n return []\n }\n }\n async doThing(thing) {\n await Promise.all(this.filter(particle => particle[thing]).map(async particle => particle[thing]()))\n }\n async load() {\n await this.doThing(\"load\")\n }\n async execute() {\n await this.doThing(\"execute\")\n }\n file = {}\n getFromParserId(parserId) {\n return this.parserIdIndex[parserId]?.[0].content\n }\n get fileSystem() {\n return this.file.fileSystem\n }\n get filePath() {\n // Note: we currently do not support files with spaces in their filepaths\n return this.cue\n }\n get folderPath() {\n return Utils.posix.dirname(this.filePath) + \"/\"\n }\n get filename() {\n return Utils.posix.basename(this.filePath)\n }\n get hasKeyboardNav() {\n return this.has(\"keyboardNav\")\n }\n get editHtml() {\n return `Edit`\n }\n get externalsPath() {\n return this.file.EXTERNALS_PATH\n }\n get endSnippetIndex() {\n // Get the line number that the snippet should stop at.\n // First if its hard coded, use that\n if (this.has(\"endSnippet\")) return this.getParticle(\"endSnippet\").index\n // Next look for a dinkus\n const snippetBreak = this.find(particle => particle.isDinkus)\n if (snippetBreak) return snippetBreak.index\n return -1\n }\n get parserIds() {\n return this.topDownArray.map(particle => particle.definition.id)\n }\n get tags() {\n return this.get(\"tags\") || \"\"\n }\n get primaryTag() {\n return this.tags.split(\" \")[0]\n }\n get filenameNoExtension() {\n return this.filename.replace(\".scroll\", \"\")\n }\n // todo: rename publishedUrl? Or something to indicate that this is only for stuff on the web (not localhost)\n // BaseUrl must be provided for RSS Feeds and OpenGraph tags to work\n get baseUrl() {\n const baseUrl = (this.get(\"baseUrl\") || \"\").replace(/\\/$/, \"\")\n return baseUrl + \"/\"\n }\n get canonicalUrl() {\n return this.get(\"canonicalUrl\") || this.baseUrl + this.permalink\n }\n get openGraphImage() {\n const openGraphImage = this.get(\"openGraphImage\")\n if (openGraphImage !== undefined) return this.ensureAbsoluteLink(openGraphImage)\n const images = this.filter(particle => particle.doesExtend(\"scrollImageParser\"))\n const hit = images.find(particle => particle.has(\"openGraph\")) || images[0]\n if (!hit) return \"\"\n return this.ensureAbsoluteLink(hit.filename)\n }\n get absoluteLink() {\n return this.ensureAbsoluteLink(this.permalink)\n }\n ensureAbsoluteLink(link) {\n if (link.includes(\"://\")) return link\n return this.baseUrl + link.replace(/^\\//, \"\")\n }\n get editUrl() {\n const editUrl = this.get(\"editUrl\")\n if (editUrl) return editUrl\n const editBaseUrl = this.get(\"editBaseUrl\")\n return (editBaseUrl ? editBaseUrl.replace(/\\/$/, \"\") + \"/\" : \"\") + this.filename\n }\n get gitRepo() {\n // given https://github.com/breck7/breckyunits.com/blob/main/four-tips-to-improve-communication.scroll\n // return https://github.com/breck7/breckyunits.com\n return this.editUrl.split(\"/\").slice(0, 5).join(\"/\")\n }\n get scrollVersion() {\n // currently manually updated\n return \"173.0.0\"\n }\n // Use the first paragraph for the description\n // todo: add a particle method version of get that gets you the first particle. (actulaly make get return array?)\n // would speed up a lot.\n get description() {\n const description = this.getFromParserId(\"openGraphDescriptionParser\")\n if (description) return description\n return this.generatedDescription\n }\n get keywords() {\n if (this.has(\"keywords\"))\n return this.get(\"keywords\")\n const tags = this.get(\"tags\")\n if (tags)\n return tags.split(\" \").join(\", \")\n return \"\"\n }\n get generatedDescription() {\n const firstParagraph = this.find(particle => particle.isArticleContent)\n return firstParagraph ? firstParagraph.originalText.substr(0, 100).replace(/[&\"<>']/g, \"\") : \"\"\n }\n get titleFromFilename() {\n const unCamelCase = str => str.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, \"$1 $2\").replace(/^./, match => match.toUpperCase())\n return unCamelCase(this.filenameNoExtension)\n }\n get title() {\n return this.getFromParserId(\"scrollTitleParser\") || this.titleFromFilename\n }\n get linkTitle() {\n return this.getFromParserId(\"scrollLinkTitleParser\") || this.title\n }\n get permalink() {\n return this.get(\"permalink\") || (this.filename ? this.filenameNoExtension + \".html\" : \"\")\n }\n compileTo(extensionCapitalized) {\n if (extensionCapitalized === \"Txt\")\n return this.asTxt\n if (extensionCapitalized === \"Html\")\n return this.asHtml\n const methodName = \"build\" + extensionCapitalized\n return this.topDownArray\n .filter(particle => particleethodName])\n .map((particle, index) => particleethodName](index))\n .join(\"\\n\")\n .trim()\n }\n get asTxt() {\n return (\n this.map(particle => {\n const text = particle.buildTxt ? particle.buildTxt() : \"\"\n if (text) return text + \"\\n\"\n if (!particle.getLine().length) return \"\\n\"\n return \"\"\n })\n .join(\"\")\n .replace(/\\n\\n\\n+/g, \"\\n\\n\") // Maximum 2 newlines in a row\n .trim() + \"\\n\" // Always end in a newline, Posix style\n )\n }\n get dependencies() {\n const dependencies = this.file.dependencies?.slice() || []\n const files = this.topDownArray.filter(particle => particle.dependencies).map(particle => particle.dependencies).flat()\n return dependencies.concat(files)\n }\n get buildsHtml() {\n const { permalink } = this\n return !this.file.importOnly && (permalink.endsWith(\".html\") || permalink.endsWith(\".htm\"))\n }\n // Without specifying the language hyphenation will not work.\n get lang() {\n return this.get(\"htmlLang\") || \"en\"\n }\n _compiledHtml = \"\"\n get asHtml() {\n if (!this._compiledHtml) {\n const { permalink, buildsHtml } = this\n const content = (this.buildHtml() + this.clearBodyStack()).trim()\n // Don't add html tags to CSV feeds. A little hacky as calling a getter named _html_ to get _xml_ is not ideal. But\n // <1% of use case so might be good enough.\n const wrapWithHtmlTags = buildsHtml\n const bodyTag = this.has(\"metaTags\") ? \"\" : \"\\n\"\n this._compiledHtml = wrapWithHtmlTags ? `\\n\\n${bodyTag}${content}\\n\\n` : content\n }\n return this._compiledHtml\n }\n get wordCount() {\n return this.asTxt.match(/\\b\\w+\\b/g)?.length || 0\n }\n get minutes() {\n return parseFloat((this.wordCount / 200).toFixed(1))\n }\n get date() {\n return this.dateObject.format(`MM/DD/YYYY`)\n }\n get dateObject() {\n const date = this.get(\"date\") || (this.file.timestamp ? this.file.timestamp : 0)\n return this.dayjs(date)\n }\n get year() {\n return parseInt(this.dayjs(this.date).format(`YYYY`))\n }\n get dayjs() {\n if (!this.isNodeJs()) return dayjs\n const lib = require(\"dayjs\")\n const relativeTime = require(\"dayjs/plugin/relativeTime\")\n lib.extend(relativeTime)\n return lib\n }\n get lodash() {\n return this.isNodeJs() ? require(\"lodash\") : lodash\n }\n get d3() {\n return this.isNodeJs() ? require('d3') : d3\n }\n getConcepts(parsed) {\n const concepts = []\n let currentConcept\n parsed.forEach(particle => {\n if (particle.isConceptDelimiter) {\n if (currentConcept) concepts.push(currentConcept)\n currentConcept = []\n }\n if (currentConcept && particle.isMeasure) currentConcept.push(particle)\n })\n if (currentConcept) concepts.push(currentConcept)\n return concepts\n }\n _formatConcepts(parsed) {\n const concepts = this.getConcepts(parsed)\n if (!concepts.length) return false\n const {lodash} = this\n // does a destructive sort in place on the parsed program\n concepts.forEach(concept => {\n let currentSection\n const newCode = lodash\n .sortBy(concept, [\"sortIndex\"])\n .map(particle => {\n let newLines = \"\"\n const section = particle.sortIndex.toString().split(\".\")[0]\n if (section !== currentSection) {\n currentSection = section\n newLines = \"\\n\"\n }\n return newLines + particle.toString()\n })\n .join(\"\\n\")\n concept.forEach((particle, index) => (index ? particle.destroy() : \"\"))\n concept[0].replaceParticle(() => newCode)\n })\n }\n get formatted() {\n return this.getFormatted(this.file.codeAtStart)\n }\n get lastCommitTime() {\n // todo: speed this up and do a proper release. also could add more metrics like this.\n if (this._lastCommitTime === undefined) {\n try {\n this._lastCommitTime = require(\"child_process\").execSync(`git log -1 --format=\"%at\" -- \"${this.filePath}\"`).toString().trim()\n } catch (err) {\n this._lastCommitTime = 0\n }\n }\n return this._lastCommitTime\n }\n getFormatted(codeAtStart = this.toString()) {\n let formatted = codeAtStart.replace(/\\r/g, \"\") // remove all carriage returns if there are any\n const parsed = new this.constructor(formatted)\n parsed.topDownArray.forEach(subparticle => {\n subparticle.format()\n const original = subparticle.getLine()\n const trimmed = original.replace(/(\\S.*?)[ \\t]*$/gm, \"$1\")\n // Trim trailing whitespace unless parser allows it\n if (original !== trimmed && !subparticle.allowTrailingWhitespace) subparticle.setLine(trimmed)\n })\n this._formatConcepts(parsed)\n let importOnlys = []\n let topMatter = []\n let allElse = []\n // Create any bindings\n parsed.forEach(particle => {\n if (particle.bindTo === \"next\") particle.binding = particle.next\n if (particle.bindTo === \"previous\") particle.binding = particle.previous\n })\n parsed.forEach(particle => {\n if (particle.getLine() === \"importOnly\") importOnlys.push(particle)\n else if (particle.isTopMatter) topMatter.push(particle)\n else allElse.push(particle)\n })\n const combined = importOnlys.concat(topMatter, allElse)\n // Move any bound particles\n combined\n .filter(particle => particle.bindTo)\n .forEach(particle => {\n // First remove the particle from its current position\n const originalIndex = combined.indexOf(particle)\n combined.splice(originalIndex, 1)\n // Then insert it at the new position\n // We need to find the binding index again after removal\n const bindingIndex = combined.indexOf(particle.binding)\n if (particle.bindTo === \"next\") combined.splice(bindingIndex, 0, particle)\n else combined.splice(bindingIndex + 1, 0, particle)\n })\n const trimmed = combined\n .map(particle => particle.toString())\n .join(\"\\n\")\n .replace(/^\\n*/, \"\") // Remove leading newlines\n .replace(/\\n\\n\\n+/g, \"\\n\\n\") // Maximum 2 newlines in a row\n .replace(/\\n+$/, \"\")\n return trimmed === \"\" ? trimmed : trimmed + \"\\n\" // End non blank Scroll files in a newline character POSIX style for better working with tools like git\n }\n get parser() {\n return this.constructor\n }\n get parsersRequiringExternals() {\n const { parser } = this\n // todo: could be cleaned up a bit\n if (!parser.parsersRequiringExternals) parser.parsersRequiringExternals = parser.cachedHandParsersProgramRoot.filter(particle => particle.copyFromExternal).map(particle => particle.atoms[0])\n return parser.parsersRequiringExternals\n }\n get Disk() { return this.isNodeJs() ? require(\"scrollsdk/products/Disk.node.js\").Disk : {}}\n async buildAll(options = {}) {\n await this.load()\n await this.buildOne(options)\n await this.buildTwo(options)\n }\n async buildOne(options) {\n await this.execute()\n const toBuild = this.filter(particle => particle.buildOne)\n for (let particle of toBuild) {\n await particle.buildOne(options)\n }\n }\n async buildTwo(options) {\n const toBuild = this.filter(particle => particle.buildTwo)\n for (let particle of toBuild) {\n await particle.buildTwo(options)\n }\n }\n get outputFileNames() {\n return this.filter(p => p.outputFileNames).map(p => p.outputFileNames).flat()\n }\n _compileArray(filename, arr) {\n const removeBlanks = data => data.map(obj => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).filter(([_, value]) => value !== \"\")))\n const parts = filename.split(\".\")\n const format = parts.pop()\n if (format === \"json\") return JSON.stringify(removeBlanks(arr), null, 2)\n if (format === \"js\") return `const ${parts[0]} = ` + JSON.stringify(removeBlanks(arr), null, 2)\n if (format === \"csv\") return this.arrayToCSV(arr)\n if (format === \"tsv\") return this.arrayToCSV(arr, \"\\t\")\n if (format === \"particles\") return particles.toString()\n return particles.toString()\n }\n levenshteinDistance(a, b) {\n const m = a.length\n const n = b.length\n const dp = Array.from({ length: m + 1 }, () => Array(n + 1).fill(0))\n for (let i = 0; i <= m; i++) {\n dp[i][0] = i\n }\n for (let j = 0; j <= n; j++) {\n dp[0][j] = j\n }\n for (let i = 1; i <= m; i++) {\n for (let j = 1; j <= n; j++) {\n const cost = a[i - 1] === b[j - 1] ? 0 : 1\n dp[i][j] = Math.min(dp[i - 1][j] + 1, dp[i][j - 1] + 1, dp[i - 1][j - 1] + cost)\n }\n }\n return dp][n]\n }\n makeLodashOrderByParams(str) {\n const part1 = str.split(\" \")\n const part2 = part1.map(col => (col.startsWith(\"-\") ? \"desc\" : \"asc\"))\n return [part1.map(col => col.replace(/^\\-/, \"\")), part2]\n }\n arrayToCSV(data, delimiter = \",\") {\n if (!data.length) return \"\"\n // Extract headers\n const headers = Object.keys(data[0])\n const csv = data.map(row =>\n headers\n .map(fieldName => {\n const fieldValue = row[fieldName]\n // Escape commas if the value is a string\n if (typeof fieldValue === \"string\" && (fieldValue.includes(delimiter) || fieldValue.includes('\"'))) {\n return `\"${fieldValue.replace(/\"/g, '\"\"')}\"` // Escape double quotes and wrap in double quotes\n }\n return fieldValue\n })\n .join(delimiter)\n )\n csv.unshift(headers.join(delimiter)) // Add header row at the top\n return csv.join(\"\\n\")\n }\n compileConcepts(filename = \"csv\", sortBy = \"\") {\n const {lodash} = this\n if (!sortBy) return this._compileArray(filename, this.concepts)\n const orderBy = this.makeLodashOrderByParams(sortBy)\n return this._compileArray(filename, lodash.orderBy(this.concepts, orderBy[0], orderBy[1]))\n }\n _withStats\n get measuresWithStats() {\n if (!this._withStats) this._withStats = this.addMeasureStats(this.concepts, this.measures)\n return this._withStats\n }\n addMeasureStats(concepts, measures){\n return measures.map(measure => {\n let Type = false\n concepts.forEach(concept => {\n const value = concepteasure.Name]\n if (value === undefined || value === \"\") return\n measure.Values++\n if (!Type) {\n measure.Example = value.toString().replace(/\\n/g, \" \")\n measure.Type = typeof value\n Type = true\n }\n })\n measure.Coverage = Math.floor((100 * measure.Values) / concepts.length) + \"%\"\n return measure\n })\n }\n parseMeasures(parser) {\n if (!Particle.measureCache)\n Particle.measureCache = new Map()\n const measureCache = Particle.measureCache\n if (measureCache.get(parser)) return measureCache.get(parser)\n const {lodash} = this\n // todo: clean this up\n const getCueAtoms = rootParserProgram =>\n rootParserProgram\n .filter(particle => particle.getLine().endsWith(\"Parser\") && !particle.getLine().startsWith(\"abstract\"))\n .map(particle => particle.get(\"cue\") || particle.getLine())\n .map(line => line.replace(/Parser$/, \"\"))\n // Generate a fake program with one of every of the available parsers. Then parse it. Then we can easily access the meta data on the parsers\n const dummyProgram = new parser(\n Array.from(\n new Set(\n getCueAtoms(parser.cachedHandParsersProgramRoot) // is there a better method name than this?\n )\n ).join(\"\\n\"), this.getLine()\n )\n // Delete any particles that are not measures\n dummyProgram.filter(particle => !particle.isMeasure).forEach(particle => particle.destroy())\n dummyProgram.forEach(particle => {\n // add nested measures\n Object.keys(particle.definition.cueMapWithDefinitions).forEach(key => particle.appendLine(key))\n })\n // Delete any nested particles that are not measures\n dummyProgram.topDownArray.filter(particle => !particle.isMeasure).forEach(particle => particle.destroy())\n const measures = dummyProgram.topDownArray.map(particle => {\n return {\n Name: particle.measureName,\n Values: 0,\n Coverage: 0,\n Question: particle.definition.description,\n Example: particle.definition.getParticle(\"example\")?.subparticlesToString() || \"\",\n Type: particle.typeForWebForms,\n Source: particle.sourceDomain,\n //Definition: parsedProgram.root.filename + \":\" + particle.lineNumber\n SortIndex: particle.sortIndex,\n IsComputed: particle.isComputed,\n IsRequired: particle.isMeasureRequired,\n IsConceptDelimiter: particle.isConceptDelimiter,\n Cue: particle.definition.get(\"cue\")\n }\n })\n measureCache.set(parser, lodash.sortBy(measures, \"SortIndex\"))\n return measureCache.get(parser)\n }\n _concepts\n get concepts() {\n if (this._concepts) return this._concepts\n this._concepts = this.parseConcepts(this, this.measures)\n return this._concepts\n }\n _measures\n get measures() {\n if (this._measures) return this._measures\n this._measures = this.parseMeasures(this.parser)\n return this._measures\n }\n parseConcepts(parsedProgram, measures){\n // Todo: might be a perf/memory/simplicity win to have a \"segment\" method in ScrollSDK, where you could\n // virtually split a Particle into multiple segments, and then query on those segments.\n // So we would \"segment\" on \"id \", and then not need to create a bunch of new objects, and the original\n // already parsed lines could then learn about/access to their respective segments.\n const conceptDelimiter = measures.filter(measure => measure.IsConceptDelimiter)[0]\n if (!conceptDelimiter) return []\n const concepts = parsedProgram.split(conceptDelimiter.Cue || conceptDelimiter.Name)\n concepts.shift() // Remove the part before \"id\"\n return concepts.map(concept => {\n const row = {}\n measures.forEach(measure => {\n const measureName = measure.Name\n const measureKey = measure.Cue || measureName.replace(/_/g, \" \")\n if (!measure.IsComputed) roweasureName] = concept.getParticle(measureKey)?.measureValue ?? \"\"\n else roweasureName] = this.computeMeasure(parsedProgram, measureName, concept, concepts)\n })\n return row\n })\n }\n computeMeasure(parsedProgram, measureName, concept, concepts){\n // note that this is currently global, assuming there wont be. name conflicts in computed measures in a single scroll\n if (!Particle.measureFnCache) Particle.measureFnCache = {}\n const measureFnCache = Particle.measureFnCache\n if (!measureFnCacheeasureName]) {\n // a bit hacky but works??\n const particle = parsedProgram.appendLine(measureName)\n measureFnCacheeasureName] = particle.computeValue\n particle.destroy()\n }\n return measureFnCacheeasureName](concept, measureName, parsedProgram, concepts)\n }\n compileMeasures(filename = \"csv\", sortBy = \"\") {\n const withStats = this.measuresWithStats\n if (!sortBy) return this._compileArray(filename, withStats)\n const orderBy = this.makeLodashOrderByParams(sortBy)\n return this._compileArray(filename, this.lodash.orderBy(withStats, orderBy[0], orderBy[1]))\n }\n evalNodeJsMacros(value, macroMap, filePath) {\n const tempPath = filePath + \".js\"\n const {Disk} = this\n if (Disk.exists(tempPath)) throw new Error(`Failed to write/require replaceNodejs snippet since '${tempPath}' already exists.`)\n try {\n Disk.write(tempPath, value)\n const results = require(tempPath)\n Object.keys(results).forEach(key => (macroMap[key] = results[key]))\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(`Error in evalMacros in file '${filePath}'`)\n console.error(err)\n } finally {\n Disk.rm(tempPath)\n }\n }\n evalMacros(fusedFile) {\n const {fusedCode, codeAtStart, filePath} = fusedFile\n let code = fusedCode\n const absolutePath = filePath\n // note: the 2 params above are not used in this method, but may be used in user eval code. (todo: cleanup)\n const regex = /^(replace|toFooter$)/gm\n if (!regex.test(code)) return code\n const particle = new Particle(code) // todo: this can be faster. a more lightweight particle class?\n // Process macros\n const macroMap = {}\n particle\n .filter(particle => {\n const parserAtom = particle.cue\n return parserAtom === \"replace\" || parserAtom === \"replaceJs\" || parserAtom === \"replaceNodejs\"\n })\n .forEach(particle => {\n let value = particle.length ? particle.subparticlesToString() : particle.getAtomsFrom(2).join(\" \")\n const kind = particle.cue\n try {\n if (kind === \"replaceJs\") value = eval(value)\n if (this.isNodeJs() && kind === \"replaceNodejs\")\n this.evalNodeJsMacros(value, macroMap, absolutePath)\n else macroMap[particle.getAtom(1)] = value\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n }\n particle.destroy() // Destroy definitions after eval\n })\n if (particle.has(\"toFooter\")) {\n const pushes = particle.getParticles(\"toFooter\")\n const append = pushes.map(push => push.section.join(\"\\n\")).join(\"\\n\")\n pushes.forEach(push => {\n push.section.forEach(particle => particle.destroy())\n push.destroy()\n })\n code = particle.asString + append\n }\n const keys = Object.keys(macroMap)\n if (!keys.length) return code\n let codeAfterMacroSubstitution = particle.asString\n // Todo: speed up. build a template?\n Object.keys(macroMap).forEach(key => (codeAfterMacroSubstitution = codeAfterMacroSubstitution.replace(new RegExp(key, \"g\"), macroMap[key])))\n return codeAfterMacroSubstitution\n }\n toRss() {\n const { title, canonicalUrl } = this\n return ` - \n
${title} \n ${canonicalUrl}\n ${this.dayjs(this.timestamp * 1000).format(\"ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ\")} \n `\n }\n example\n # Hello world\n ## This is Scroll\n * It compiles to HTML.\n \n code\n // You can add code as well.\n print(\"Hello world\")\nstampFileParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n description Create a file.\n javascript\n execute(parentDir) {\n const fs = require(\"fs\")\n const path = require(\"path\")\n const fullPath = path.join(parentDir, this.getLine())\n this.root.log(`Creating file ${fullPath}`)\n fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(fullPath), {recursive: true})\n const content = this.subparticlesToString()\n fs.writeFileSync(fullPath, content, \"utf8\")\n const isExecutable = content.startsWith(\"#!\")\n if (isExecutable) fs.chmodSync(fullPath, \"755\")\n }\nstampFolderParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n description Create a folder.\n inScope stampFolderParser\n catchAllParser stampFileParser\n pattern \\/$\n javascript\n execute(parentDir) {\n const fs = require(\"fs\")\n const path = require(\"path\")\n const newPath = path.join(parentDir, this.getLine())\n this.root.log(`Creating folder ${newPath}`)\n fs.mkdirSync(newPath, {recursive: true})\n this.forEach(particle => particle.execute(newPath))\n }\nabstractTableOptionsParser\n atoms cueAtom stringAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nscrollJsonPathParser\n popularity 0.001037\n description Specify dot path to data.\n cue path\n extends abstractTableOptionsParser\nscrollTableDelimiterParser\n popularity 0.001037\n description Set the delimiter.\n cue delimiter\n extends abstractTableOptionsParser\nscrollTableDataParser\n popularity 0.001061\n cue data\n atoms cueAtom\n description Table from inline delimited data.\n baseParser blobParser\nplainTextLineParser\n popularity 0.000121\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser plainTextLineParser\nBlobParser\n baseParser blobParser"}
${this.buildTxt().replace(/\\`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.sources.map((pass, index) => `Pass ${index + 1} - ${pass.name}\\n========\\n${pass.code}`).join(\"\\n\\n\\n\")\n }\nabstractDinkusParser\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n boolean isDinkus true\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.dinkus}`\n }\n defaultClass = \"abstractDinkusParser\"\n buildTxt() {\n return this.dinkus\n }\n get dinkus() {\n return this.content || this.getLine()\n }\nhorizontalRuleParser\n popularity 0.000362\n cue ---\n description A horizontal rule.\n extends abstractDinkusParser\n example\n ---\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `
`\n }\nscrollDinkusParser\n popularity 0.010828\n cue ***\n description A dinkus. Breaks section.\n boolean isPopular true\n example\n ***\n extends abstractDinkusParser\n javascript\n dinkus = \"*\"\ncustomDinkusParser\n cue dinkus\n description A custom dinkus.\n extends abstractDinkusParser\nendOfPostDinkusParser\n popularity 0.005740\n extends abstractDinkusParser\n description End of post dinkus.\n boolean isPopular true\n cue ****\n example\n ****\n javascript\n dinkus = \"⁂\"\nabstractIconButtonParser\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.svg}`\n }\ndownloadButtonParser\n popularity 0.006294\n description Link to download/WWS page.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n string style position:relative;\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.content\n }\neditButtonParser\n popularity 0.013963\n description Print badge top right.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n // SVG from https://github.com/32pixelsCo/zest-icons\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.content || this.root.editUrl || \"\"\n }\n get style() {\n return this.parent.findParticles(\"editButton\")[0] === this ? \"right:2rem;\": \"position:relative;\"\n }\nemailButtonParser\n popularity 0.006294\n description Email button.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n catchAllAtomType emailAddressAtom\n // todo: should just be \"optionalAtomType\"\n string style position:relative;\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n const email = this.content || this.parent.get(\"email\")\n return email ? `mailto:${email}` : \"\"\n }\nhomeButtonParser\n popularity 0.006391\n description Home button.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n string style left:2rem;\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.content || this.get(\"link\") || \"index.html\"\n }\ntheScrollButtonParser\n popularity 0.006294\n description WWS button.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n string style position:relative;\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n return \"https://wws.scroll.pub\"\n }\nabstractTextLinkParser\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.text\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\neditLinkParser\n popularity 0.001206\n extends abstractTextLinkParser\n description Print \"Edit\" link.\n string text Edit\n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.root.editUrl || \"\"\n }\nscrollVersionLinkParser\n popularity 0.006294\n extends abstractTextLinkParser\n string link https://scroll.pub\n description Print Scroll version.\n javascript\n get text() {\n return `Built with Scroll v${this.root.scrollVersion}`\n }\nclassicFormParser\n cue classicForm\n popularity 0.006391\n description Generate input form for ScrollSet.\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n string script\n \n string style\n \n javascript\n get inputs() {\n return this.root.measures.filter(measure => !measure.IsComputed).map((measure, index) => {\n const {Name, Question, IsRequired, Type} = measure\n const type = Type || \"text\"\n const placeholder = Question\n const ucFirst = Name.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + Name.substr(1)\n // ${index ? \"\" : \"autofocus\"}\n let tag = \"\"\n if (Type === \"textarea\")\n tag = ``\n else\n tag = ``\n return `${tag}`\n }).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const {isEmail, formDestination, callToAction, subject} = this\n return `${this.script}${this.style}`\n }\n get callToAction() {\n return (this.isEmail ? \"Submit via email\" : (this.subject || \"Post\"))\n }\n get isEmail() {\n return this.formDestination.includes(\"@\")\n }\n get formDestination() {\n return this.getAtom(1) || \"\"\n }\n get subject() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(2)?.join(\" \") || \"\"\n }\n get footer() {\n return \"\"\n }\nscrollFormParser\n extends classicFormParser\n cue scrollForm\n placeholderParser\n atoms cueAtom\n baseParser blobParser\n cueFromId\n single\n valueParser\n atoms cueAtom\n baseParser blobParser\n cueFromId\n single\n nameParser\n description Name for the post submission.\n atoms cueAtom stringAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n description Generate a Scroll Form.\n string copyFromExternal .codeMirror.css .scrollLibs.js .constants.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n javascript\n get placeholder() {\n return this.getParticle(\"placeholder\")?.subparticlesToString() || \"\"\n }\n get value() {\n return this.getParticle(\"value\")?.subparticlesToString() || \"\"\n }\n get footer() {\n return \"\"\n }\n get name() {\n return this.get(\"name\") || \"particles\"\n }\n get parsersBundle() {\n const parserRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Parser$/gm\n const clone = this.root.clone()\n const parsers = clone.filter(line => parserRegex.test(line.getLine()))\n return \"\\n\" + parsers.map(particle => {\n particle.prependLine(\"boolean suggestInAutocomplete true\")\n return particle.toString()\n }).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n get inputs() {\n const Name = this.name\n return `\n \n `\n }\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n return this.getHtmlRequirements(buildSettings) + super.buildHtml()\n }\nloremIpsumParser\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n cueFromId\n description Generate dummy text.\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n string placeholder Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\n javascript\n get originalText() {\n return this.placeholder.repeat(this.howMany)\n }\n get howMany() {\n return this.getAtom(1) ? parseInt(this.getAtom(1)) : 1\n }\nnickelbackIpsumParser\n extends loremIpsumParser\n string placeholder And one day, I’ll be at the door. And lose your wings to fall in love? To the bottom of every bottle. I’m on the ledge of the eighteenth story. Why must the blind always lead the blind?\nscrollModalParser\n description A modal dialog overlay.\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n boolean isHtml true\n cue modal\n string requireOnce\n \n \n javascript\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n this.parent.sectionStack.push(\"
${this.code.replace(/\\`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return \"```\\n\" + this.code + \"\\n```\"\n }\n get code() {\n return this.subparticlesToString()\n }\n cueFromId\ncodeWithHeaderParser\n popularity 0.000169\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n extends codeParser\n example\n codeWithHeader math.py\n two = 1 + 1\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.content}${super.buildHtml()}`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return \"```\" + this.content + \"\\n\" + this.code + \"\\n```\"\n }\ncodeFromFileParser\n popularity 0.000169\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n extends codeWithHeaderParser\n example\n codeFromFile math.py\n javascript\n get code() {\n return this.root.readSyncFromFileOrUrl(this.content)\n }\nprismParser\n popularity 0.001929\n description A code block with syntax highlighting.\n catchAllParser lineOfCodeParser\n cueFromId\n extends codeWithHeaderParser\n string copyFromExternal .prism.css .prism.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n example\n prism javascript\n const hello = \"world\";\n console.log(hello);\n javascript\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n const content = this.content || \"text\"\n const language = content.split(\".\").pop()\n const header = content.includes(\".\") ? content : \"\"\n const languageClass = `language-${language}`;\n const prefix = this.getHtmlRequirements(buildSettings)\n const body = `${this.code.replace(/\\
`\n if (!header)\n return prefix + body\n return prefix + `${header}` + body + \"\"\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return \"```\" + (this.content || \"\") + \"\\n\" + this.code + \"\\n```\";\n }\nprismFromFileParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n extends prismParser\n example\n prismFromFile math.py\n javascript\n get code() {\n return this.root.readSyncFromFileOrUrl(this.content)\n }\n get dependencies() { return [this.cue]}\n async load() {\n await this.root.fetch(this.content)\n }\ncodeWithLanguageParser\n popularity 0.000458\n description Use this to specify the language of the code block, such as csvCode or rustCode.\n extends codeParser\n pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Code$\ndebugParsersParser\n description Print the parsers used.\n extends codeParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildParsers() { return this.code}\n get code() {\n let code = new Particle(this.root.definition.toString())\n // Remove comments\n code.filter((line) => line.getLine().startsWith(\"//\")).forEach((particle) => particle.destroy())\n // Remove blank lines\n code = code.toString().replace(/^\\n/gm, \"\")\n return code\n }\ndebugSourceMapParser\n description Print the source map.\n extends codeParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n get code() {\n const {root} = this\n const {fileSystem, file, filePath} = root\n return fileSystem.makeSourceMap(filePath, root.toString())\n }\nabstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n return this.getHtmlRequirements(buildSettings) + this.buildInstance()\n }\ncopyButtonsParser\n popularity 0.001471\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n description Copy code widget.\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n return \"\"\n }\n string requireOnce\n \nabstractTableVisualizationParser\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n boolean isTableVisualization true\n javascript\n get columnNames() {\n return this.parent.columnNames\n }\nheatrixParser\n cueFromId\n example\n heatrix\n '2007 '2008 '2009 '2010 '2011 '2012 '2013 '2014 '2015 '2016 '2017 '2018 '2019 '2020 '2021 '2022 '2023 '2024\n 4 11 23 37 3 14 12 0 0 0 5 1 2 11 15 10 12 56\n description A heatmap matrix data visualization.\n catchAllParser heatrixCatchAllParser\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n // A hacky but simple way to do this for now.\n const advanced = new Particle(\"heatrixAdvanced\")\n advanced.appendLineAndSubparticles(\"datatable\", \"\\n \" + this.tableData.replace(/\\n/g, \"\\n \"))\n const particle = this.appendSibling(\"heatrixAdvanced\", advanced.subparticlesToString())\n const html = particle.buildHtml()\n particle.destroy()\n return html\n }\n get tableData() {\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n if (!coreTable)\n return this.subparticlesToString()\n let table = new Particle(coreTable).asSsv\n if (this.parent.cue === \"transpose\") {\n // drop first line after transpose\n const lines = table.split(\"\\n\")\n lines.shift()\n table = lines.join(\"\\n\")\n }\n // detect years and make strings\n const lines = table.split(\"\\n\")\n const yearLine = / \\d{4}(\\s+\\d{4})+$/\n if (yearLine.test(lines[0])) {\n lines[0] = lines[0].replace(/ /g, \" '\")\n table = lines.join(\"\\n\")\n }\n return table\n }\nheatrixAdvancedParser\n popularity 0.000048\n cueFromId\n catchAllParser heatrixCatchAllParser\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n description Advanced heatrix.\n example\n heatrix\n datatable\n \n %h10; '2007 '2008 '2009\n 12 4 323\n scale\n #ebedf0 0\n #c7e9c0 100\n #a1d99b 400\n #74c476 1600\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n class Heatrix {\n static HeatrixId = 0\n uid = Heatrix.HeatrixId++\n constructor(program) {\n const isDirective = atom => /^(f|l|w|h)\\d+$/.test(atom) || atom === \"right\" || atom === \"left\" || atom.startsWith(\"http://\") || atom.startsWith(\"https://\") || atom.endsWith(\".html\")\n const particle = new Particle(program)\n this.program = particle\n const generateColorBinningString = (data, colors) => {\n const sortedData = [...data].sort((a, b) => a - b);\n const n = sortedData.length;\n const numBins = colors.length;\n // Calculate the indices for each quantile\n const indices = [];\n for (let i = 1; i < numBins; i++) {\n indices.push(Math.floor((i / numBins) * n));\n }\n // Get the quantile values and round them\n const thresholds = indices.map(index => Math.round(sortedData[index]));\n // Generate the string\n let result = '';\n colors.forEach((color, index) => {\n const threshold = index === colors.length - 1 ? thresholds[index - 1] * 2 : thresholds[index];\n result += `${color} ${threshold}\\n`;\n });\n return result.trim();\n }\n const buildScale = (table) => {\n const numbers = table.split(\"\\n\").map(line => line.split(\" \")).flat().filter(atom => !isDirective(atom)).map(atom => parseFloat(atom)).filter(number => !isNaN(number))\n const colors = ['#ebedf0', '#c7e9c0', '#a1d99b', '#74c476', '#41ab5d', '#238b45', '#005a32'];\n numbers.unshift(0)\n return generateColorBinningString(numbers, colors);\n }\n const table = particle.getParticle(\"datatable\").subparticlesToString()\n const scale = particle.getParticle(\"scale\")?.subparticlesToString() || buildScale(table)\n const thresholds = []\n const colors = []\n scale.split(\"\\n\").map((line) => {\n const parts = line.split(\" \")\n thresholds.push(parseFloat(parts[1]))\n colors.push(parts[0])\n })\n const colorCount = colors.length\n const colorFunction = (value) => {\n if (isNaN(value)) return \"\" // #ebedf0\n for (let index = 0; index < colorCount; index++) {\n const threshold = thresholds[index]\n if (value <= threshold) return colors[index]\n }\n return colors[colorCount - 1]\n }\n const directiveDelimiter = \";\"\n const getSize = (directives, letter) =>\n directives\n .filter((directive) => directive.startsWith(letter))\n .map((dir) => dir.replace(letter, \"\") + \"px\")[0] ?? \"\"\n this.table = table.split(\"\\n\").map((line) =>\n line\n .trimEnd()\n .split(\" \")\n .map((atom) => {\n const atoms = atom.split(directiveDelimiter).filter((atom) => !isDirective(atom)).join(\"\")\n const directivesInThisAtom = atom\n .split(directiveDelimiter)\n .filter(isDirective)\n const value = parseFloat(atoms)\n const label = atoms.includes(\"'\") ? atoms.split(\"'\")[1] : atoms\n const alignment = directivesInThisAtom.includes(\"right\")\n ? \"right\"\n : directivesInThisAtom.includes(\"left\")\n ? \"left\"\n : \"\"\n const color = colorFunction(value)\n const width = getSize(directivesInThisAtom, \"w\")\n const height = getSize(directivesInThisAtom, \"h\")\n const fontSize = getSize(directivesInThisAtom, \"f\")\n const lineHeight = getSize(directivesInThisAtom, \"l\") || height\n const link = directivesInThisAtom.filter(i => i.startsWith(\"http\") || i.endsWith(\".html\"))[0]\n const style = {\n \"background-color\": color,\n width,\n height,\n \"font-size\": fontSize,\n \"line-height\": lineHeight,\n \"text-align\": alignment,\n }\n Object.keys(style).filter(key => !style[key]).forEach((key) => delete style[key])\n return {\n value,\n label,\n style,\n link,\n }\n })\n )\n }\n get html() {\n const { program } = this\n const cssId = `#heatrix${this.uid}`\n const defaultWidth = \"40px\"\n const defaultHeight = \"40px\"\n const fontSize = \"10px\"\n const lineHeight = defaultHeight\n const style = ``\n const firstRow = this.table[0]\n return (\n `${style}` +\n this.table\n .map((row, rowIndex) => {\n if (!rowIndex) return \"\"\n const rowStyle = row[0].style\n return `${row\n .map((atom, columnIndex) => {\n if (!columnIndex) return \"\"\n const columnStyle = firstRow[columnIndex]?.style || {}\n let { value, label, style, link } = atom\n const extendedStyle = Object.assign(\n {},\n rowStyle,\n columnStyle,\n style\n )\n const inlineStyle = Object.keys(extendedStyle)\n .map((key) => `${key}:${extendedStyle[key]};`)\n .join(\"\")\n let valueClass = value ? \" valueAtom\" : \"\"\n const href = link ? ` href=\"${link}\"` : \"\"\n return ``\n })\n .join(\"\")}`\n })\n .join(\"\\n\") +\n \"\"\n ).replace(/\\n/g, \"\")\n }\n }\n return new Heatrix(this.subparticlesToString().trim()).html\n }\nmapParser\n latParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n longParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n tilesParser\n atoms cueAtom tileOptionAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n zoomParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n geolocateParser\n description Geolocate user.\n atoms cueAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n radiusParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n fillOpacityParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n fillColorParser\n atoms cueAtom colorAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n colorParser\n atoms cueAtom colorAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n heightParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n hoverParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType colorAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n description Map widget.\n string copyFromExternal .leaflet.css .leaflet.js .scrollLibs.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n const height = this.get(\"height\") || 500\n const id = this._getUid()\n const obj = this.toObject()\n const template = {}\n const style = height !== \"full\" ? `height: ${height}px;` : `height: 100%; position: fixed; z-index: -1; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%;`\n const strs = [\"color\", \"fillColor\"]\n const nums = [\"radius\", \"fillOpacity\"]\n strs.filter(i => obj[i]).forEach(i => template[i] = obj[i])\n nums.filter(i => obj[i]).forEach(i => template[i] = parseFloat(obj[i]))\n const mapId = `map${id}`\n return `\n `\n }\nabstractPlotParser\n // Observablehq\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n string copyFromExternal .d3.js .plot.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n example\n plot\n inScope abstractColumnNameParser\n widthParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n heightParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n titleParser\n extends abstractPlotLabelParser\n subtitleParser\n extends abstractPlotLabelParser\n captionParser\n extends abstractPlotLabelParser\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n const id = \"plot\" + this._getUid()\n return ``\n }\n get sortExpression() {\n const sort = this.get(\"sort\")\n if (!sort) return \"\"\n let sort_expr = \"\"\n if (sort.startsWith(\"-\")) {\n // Sort by a value descending\n const sortCol = sort.slice(1)\n sort_expr = `, sort: {x: \"y\", reverse: true}`\n } else if (sort.includes(\" \")) {\n // Fixed order specified\n const order = sort.split(\" \")\n sort_expr = `, sort: {x: (a,b) => {\n const order = ${JSON.stringify(order)};\n return order.indexOf(a) - order.indexOf(b)\n }}`\n } else if (sort === \"asc\") {\n sort_expr = `, sort: {x: \"x\"}`\n } else if (sort === \"desc\") {\n sort_expr = `, sort: {x: \"x\", reverse: true}`\n }\n return sort_expr\n }\n get marks() {\n // just for testing purposes\n return `Plot.rectY({length: 10000}, Plot.binX({y: \"count\"}, {x: d3.randomNormal()}))`\n }\n get dataCode() {\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n return `d3.csvParse(\\`${new Particle(coreTable).asCsv}\\`, d3.autoType)`\n }\n get plotOptions() {\n return `{\n title: \"${this.get(\"title\") || \"\"}\",\n subtitle: \"${this.get(\"subtitle\") || \"\"}\",\n caption: \"${this.get(\"caption\") || \"\"}\",\n symbol: {legend: ${this.has(\"symbol\")}},\n color: {legend: ${this.has(\"fill\") || this.has(\"stroke\")}},\n grid: ${this.get(\"grid\") !== \"false\"},\n marks: [${this.marks}],\n width: ${this.get(\"width\") || 640},\n height: ${this.get(\"height\") || 400},\n }`\n }\nplotScatterplotParser\n cue scatterplot\n extends abstractPlotParser\n description Scatterplot Widget.\n example\n iris\n scatterplot\n javascript\n get marks() {\n const x = this.get(\"x\")\n const y = this.get(\"y\")\n const text = this.get(\"label\")\n return `Plot.dot(data, {\n x: get(\"${x}\", 0),\n y: get(\"${y}\", 1),\n r: get(\"${this.get(\"radius\")}\"),\n fill: get(\"${this.get(\"fill\")}\"),\n tip: true${this.sortExpression},\n symbol: get(\"${this.get(\"symbol\")}\")} ), Plot.text(data, {x: get(\"${x}\",0), y: get(\"${y}\", 1), text: \"${text}\", dy: -6, lineAnchor: \"bottom\"})`\n }\nplotBarchartParser\n cue barchart\n extends abstractPlotParser\n description Bar chart widget.\n example\n iris\n barchart\n javascript\n get marks() {\n const x = this.get(\"x\")\n const y = this.get(\"y\")\n const text = this.get(\"label\")\n const fill = this.get(\"fill\")\n return `Plot.barY(data, {\n x: get(\"${x}\", 0),\n y: get(\"${y}\", 1),\n fill: get(\"${fill}\"),\n tip: true${this.sortExpression}\n }), Plot.ruleY([0])`\n }\nplotLineChartParser\n cue linechart\n extends abstractPlotParser\n description Line chart widget.\n example\n iris\n linechart\n x SepalLength\n y SepalWidth\n javascript\n get marks() {\n const x = this.get(\"x\")\n const y = this.get(\"y\")\n const stroke = this.get(\"stroke\") || \"steelblue\"\n const strokeWidth = this.get(\"strokeWidth\") || 2\n const strokeLinecap = this.get(\"strokeLinecap\") || \"round\"\n const fill = this.get(\"fill\")\n return `Plot.line(data, {\n x: get(\"${x}\", 0),\n y: get(\"${y}\", 1),\n stroke: \"${stroke}\",\n fill: get(\"${fill}\"),\n strokeWidth: ${strokeWidth},\n strokeLinecap: \"${strokeLinecap}\"${this.sortExpression}\n })`\n }\nsparklineParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Sparkline widget.\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n example\n sparkline 1 2 3 4 5\n string copyFromExternal .sparkline.js\n string requireOnce \n catchAllAtomType numberAtom\n // we need pattern matching\n inScope scrollYParser\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n const id = \"spark\" + this._getUid()\n const {columnValues} = this\n const start = this.has(\"start\") ? parseInt(this.get(\"start\")) : 0\n const width = this.get(\"width\") || 100\n const height = this.get(\"height\") || 30\n const lineColor = this.get(\"color\") || \"black\"\n return ``\n }\n get columnValues() {\n if (this.content)\n return this.content.split(\" \").map(str => parseFloat(str))\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n if (coreTable) {\n const columnName = this.get(\"y\") || Object.keys(coreTable[0]).find(key => typeof coreTable[0][key] === 'number')\n return coreTable.map(row => row[columnName])\n }\n }\nprintColumnParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Print one column\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n example\n printColumn tags\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n joinParser\n boolean allowTrailingWhitespace true\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.columnValues.join(this.join)\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.columnValues.join(this.join)\n }\n get join() {\n return this.get(\"join\") || \"\\n\"\n }\n get columnName() {\n return this.atoms[1]\n }\n get columnValues() {\n return this.parent.coreTable.map(row => row[this.columnName])\n }\nprintTableParser\n popularity 0.001085\n cueFromId\n description Print datatable.\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n javascript\n get tableHeader() {\n return this.columns.filter(col => !col.isLink).map(column => `${column.name} \\n`)\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return this.parent.columnNames\n }\n buildJson() {\n return JSON.stringify(this.coreTable, undefined, 2)\n }\n buildCsv() {\n return new Particle(this.coreTable).asCsv\n }\n buildTsv() {\n return new Particle(this.coreTable).asTsv\n }\n get columns() {\n const {columnNames} = this\n return columnNames.map((name, index) => {\n const isLink = name.endsWith(\"Link\")\n const linkIndex = columnNames.indexOf(name + \"Link\")\n return {\n name,\n isLink,\n linkIndex\n }\n })\n }\n toRow(row) {\n const {columns} = this\n const atoms = columns.map(col => row[col.name])\n let str = \"\"\n let column = 0\n const columnCount = columns.length\n while (column < columnCount) {\n const col = columns[column]\n column++\n const content = ((columnCount === column ? atoms.slice(columnCount - 1).join(\" \") : atoms[column - 1]) ?? \"\").toString()\n if (col.isLink) continue\n const isTimestamp = col.name.toLowerCase().includes(\"time\") && /^\\d{10}(\\d{3})?$/.test(content)\n const text = isTimestamp ? new Date(parseInt(content.length === 10 ? content * 1000 : content)).toLocaleString() : content\n let tagged = text\n const link = atoms[col.linkIndex]\n const isUrl = content.match(/^https?\\:[^ ]+$/)\n if (col.linkIndex > -1 && link) tagged = `${text}`\n else if (col.name.endsWith(\"Url\")) tagged = `${col.name.replace(\"Url\", \"\")}`\n else if (isUrl) tagged = `${text}`\n str += `${tagged} \\n`\n }\n return str\n }\n get coreTable() {\n return this.parent.coreTable\n }\n get tableBody() {\n return this.coreTable\n .map(row => `${this.toRow(row)} `)\n .join(\"\\n\")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return `\n ${this.tableHeader.join(\"\\n\")} \n ${this.tableBody}\n
`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.parent.delimitedData || new Particle(this.coreTable).asCsv\n }\nkatexParser\n popularity 0.001592\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\n catchAllParser lineOfCodeParser\n example\n katex\n \\text{E} = \\text{T} / \\text{A}!\n description KaTex widget for typeset math.\n string copyFromExternal .katex.min.css .katex.min.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n const id = this._getUid()\n const content = this.content === undefined ? \"\" : this.content\n return `${content + this.subparticlesToString()}`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return ( this.content ? this.content : \"\" )+ this.subparticlesToString()\n }\nhelpfulNotFoundParser\n popularity 0.000048\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n string copyFromExternal .helpfulNotFound.js\n description Helpful not found widget.\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n return ``\n }\nslideshowParser\n // Left and right arrows navigate.\n description Slideshow widget. *** delimits slides.\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n string copyFromExternal .jquery-3.7.1.min.js .slideshow.js\n example\n slideshow\n Why did the cow cross the road?\n ***\n Because it wanted to go to the MOOOO-vies.\n ***\n THE END\n ****\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\ntableSearchParser\n popularity 0.000072\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n string copyFromExternal .jquery-3.7.1.min.js .datatables.css .dayjs.min.js .datatables.js .tableSearch.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n \n \n \n // adds to all tables on page\n description Table search and sort widget.\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n return \"\"\n }\nabstractCommentParser\n description Prints nothing.\n catchAllAtomType commentAtom\n atoms commentAtom\n extends abstractScrollParser\n baseParser blobParser\n string bindTo next\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n catchAllParser commentLineParser\ncommentParser\n popularity 0.000193\n extends abstractCommentParser\n cueFromId\ncounterpointParser\n description Counterpoint comment. Prints nothing.\n extends commentParser\n cue !\nslashCommentParser\n popularity 0.005643\n extends abstractCommentParser\n cue //\n boolean isPopular true\n description A comment. Prints nothing.\nthanksToParser\n description Acknowledgements comment. Prints nothing.\n extends abstractCommentParser\n cueFromId\nscrollClearStackParser\n popularity 0.000096\n cue clearStack\n description Clear body stack.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n boolean isHtml true\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.root.clearBodyStack().trim()\n }\ncssParser\n popularity 0.007211\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description A style tag.\n example\n css\n body { color: red;}\n cueFromId\n catchAllParser cssLineParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n get css() {\n return this.content ?? this.subparticlesToString()\n }\n buildCss() {\n return this.css\n }\nscrollBackgroundColorParser\n description Quickly set CSS background.\n popularity 0.007211\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cue background\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n example\n background red\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\nscrollFontColorParser\n description Quickly set CSS font-color.\n popularity 0.007211\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cue color\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\nscrollFontParser\n description Quickly set font family.\n popularity 0.007211\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cue font\n atoms cueAtom fontFamilyAtom\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n example\n font Slim\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n const font = this.content === \"Slim\" ? \"Helvetica Neue; font-weight:100;\" : this.content\n return ``\n }\nabstractQuickIncludeParser\n popularity 0.007524\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms urlAtom\n javascript\n get dependencies() { return [this.filename]}\n get filename() {\n return this.getAtom(0)\n }\nquickCssParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description Make a CSS tag.\n extends abstractQuickIncludeParser\n example\n style.css\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(css)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\nquickIncludeHtmlParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description Include an HTML file.\n extends abstractQuickIncludeParser\n example\n body.html\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(html|htm)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.root.readFile(this.filename)\n }\nquickScriptParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description Make a Javascript tag.\n extends abstractQuickIncludeParser\n atoms urlAtom\n example\n script.js\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(js)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n javascript\n attr = \"\"\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\nquickModuleScriptParser\n description Make a Javascript module tag.\n extends quickScriptParser\n example\n script.mjs\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(mjs)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n javascript\n attr = 'type=\"module\"'\nscrollDashboardParser\n popularity 0.000145\n description Key stats in large font.\n catchAllParser lineOfCodeParser\n cue dashboard\n extends abstractScrollParser\n example\n dashboard\n #2 Popularity\n 30 Years Old\n $456 Revenue\n javascript\n get tableBody() {\n const items = this.topDownArray\n let str = \"\"\n for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i = i + 3) {\n str += this.makeRow(items.slice(i, i + 3))\n }\n return str\n }\n makeRow(items) {\n return `` + items.map(particle => `${particle.cue}${particle.content} `).join(\"\\n\") + ` \\n`\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.tableBody}
`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.subparticlesToString()\n }\nbelowAsCodeParser\n popularity 0.000651\n description Print code below.\n string bindTo next\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n example\n belowAsCode\n iris\n printTable\n cueFromId\n javascript\n method = \"next\"\n get selectedParticles() {\n const { method } = this\n let code = \"\"\n let particles = []\n let next = thisethod]\n let {howMany} = this\n while (howMany) {\n particles.push(next)\n next = nextethod]\n howMany--\n }\n if (this.reverse) particles.reverse()\n return particles\n }\n get code() {\n return this.selectedParticles.map(particle => particle.asString).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n reverse = false\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.code.replace(/\\`\n }\n get howMany() {\n let howMany = parseInt(this.getAtom(1))\n if (!howMany || isNaN(howMany)) howMany = 1\n return howMany\n }\ndebugBelowParser\n description Inspect particle below.\n extends belowAsCodeParser\n string copyFromExternal .debug.css\n javascript\n get code() {\n const mapFn = particle => {\n const atomTypes = particle.lineAtomTypes.split(\" \")\n return `${particle.constructor.name}${particle.atoms.map((atom, index) => `${atom}${atomTypes[index]}`).join(\" \")}${(particle.length ? `
` + particle.map(mapFn).join(\"
\") + `` : \"\")}`}\n return this.selectedParticles.map(mapFn).join(\"
\")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return `` + this.code\n }\n buildTxt() {\n const mapFn = particle => {\n const atomTypes = particle.lineAtomTypes.split(\" \")\n return `${particle.constructor.name} ${particle.atoms.map((atom, index) => `${atomTypes[index]}:${atom}`).join(\" \")}${(particle.length ? `\\n ` + particle.map(mapFn).join(\"\\n\") + `` : \"\")}`}\n return this.selectedParticles.map(mapFn).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n buildParsers() {return this.buildTxt()}\ndebugAboveParser\n description Inspect particle above.\n extends debugBelowParser\n string bindTo previous\n javascript\n method = \"previous\"\n reverse = true\ndebugAllParser\n description Inspect entire document.\n extends debugBelowParser\n javascript\n get selectedParticles() { return this.root.getSubparticles()}\nbelowAsCodeUntilParser\n description Print code above until match.\n extends belowAsCodeParser\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\n example\n belowAsCode\n counter 1 second\n javascript\n get howMany() {\n let howMany = 1\n const query = this.content\n let particle = this.next\n while (particle !== this) {\n if (particle.getLine().startsWith(query))\n return howMany\n particle = particle.next\n howMany++\n }\n return howMany\n }\naboveAsCodeParser\n popularity 0.000482\n string bindTo previous\n description Print code above.\n example\n counter 1 second\n aboveAsCode\n extends belowAsCodeParser\n javascript\n method = \"previous\"\n reverse = true\nbelowAsHtmlParser\n extends belowAsCodeParser\n description Displays html output of next particle in a code block.\n cueFromId\n example\n belowAsHtml\n # Hello world\n javascript\n get code() {\n // Todo: fix the bug where this will prevent buildRequirements from triggering. Refactor the requireOnce code.\n return this.selectedParticles.filter(p => p.buildHtml).map(p => p.buildHtml()).join(\"\\n\")\n }\naboveAsHtmlParser\n description Displays html output of previous particle in a code block.\n extends belowAsHtmlParser\n example\n # Hello world\n aboveAsHtml\n javascript\n method = \"previous\"\n reverse = true\nscrollDefParser\n popularity 0.004244\n description Parser short form.\n pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Def\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n example\n urlDef What is the URL?\n javascript\n buildParsers(index) {\n const idStuff = index ? \"\" : `boolean isMeasure true\n boolean isMeasureRequired true\n boolean isConceptDelimiter true`\n const description = this.content\n const cue = this.cue.replace(\"Def\", \"\")\n const sortIndex = 1 + index/10\n return `${cue}DefParser\n cue ${cue}\n extends abstractStringMeasureParser\n description ${description}\n float sortIndex ${sortIndex}\n ${idStuff}`.trim()\n }\nhakonParser\n cueFromId\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Compile Hakon to CSS.\n catchAllParser hakonContentParser\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n get css() {\n const {hakonParser} = this.root\n return new hakonParser(this.subparticlesToString()).compile()\n }\n buildCss() {\n return this.css\n }\nhamlParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description HTML tag via HAML syntax.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms urlAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n pattern ^%?[\\w\\.]+#[\\w\\.]+ *\n javascript\n get tag() {\n return this.atoms[0].split(/[#\\.]/).shift().replace(\"%\", \"\")\n }\n get htmlId() {\n const idMatch = this.atoms[0].match(/#([\\w-]+)/)\n return idMatch ? idMatch[1] : \"\"\n }\n get htmlClasses() {\n return this.atoms[0].match(/\\.([\\w-]+)/g)?.map(cls => cls.slice(1)) || [];\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const {htmlId, htmlClasses, content, tag} = this\n this.parent.sectionStack.unshift(`${tag}>`)\n const attrs = [htmlId ? ' id=\"' + htmlId + '\"' : \"\", htmlClasses.length ? ' class=\"' + htmlClasses.join(\" \") + '\"' : \"\"].join(\" \").trim()\n return `<${tag}${attrs ? \" \" + attrs : \"\"}>${content || \"\"}`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.content\n }\nhamlTagParser\n // Match plain tags like %h1\n extends hamlParser\n pattern ^%[^#]+$\nabstractHtmlParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllParser htmlLineParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.content ?? \"\"}${this.subparticlesToString()}`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return \"\"\n }\nhtmlParser\n popularity 0.000048\n extends abstractHtmlParser\n description HTML one liners or blocks.\n cueFromId\nhtmlInlineParser\n popularity 0.005788\n extends abstractHtmlParser\n atoms htmlAnyAtom\n boolean isHtml true\n example\n Inline HTML
\n pattern ^<\n description Inline HTML.\n boolean isPopular true\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.getLine() ?? \"\"}${this.subparticlesToString()}`\n }\nscrollBrParser\n popularity 0.000096\n cue br\n example\n br 2\n description A break.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n boolean isHtml true\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `
`.repeat(parseInt(this.getAtom(1) || 1))\n }\niframesParser\n popularity 0.000121\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description An iframe(s).\n example\n iframes frame.html\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.atoms.slice(1).map(url => ``).join(\"\\n\")\n }\nabstractCaptionedParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n inScope captionAftertextParser slashCommentParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n const caption = this.getParticle(\"caption\")\n const captionFig = caption ? `${caption.buildHtml()} ` : \"\"\n const {figureWidth} = this\n const widthStyle = figureWidth ? `width:${figureWidth}px; margin: auto;` : \"\"\n const float = this.has(\"float\") ? `margin: 20px; float: ${this.get(\"float\")};` : \"\"\n return `${this.getFigureContent(buildSettings)}${captionFig} `\n }\n get figureWidth() {\n return this.get(\"width\")\n }\nscrollImageParser\n cue image\n popularity 0.005908\n description An img tag.\n boolean isPopular true\n extends abstractCaptionedParser\n int atomIndex 1\n example\n image screenshot.png\n caption A caption.\n inScope addClassMarkupParser aftertextIdParser scrollLinkParser linkTargetParser openGraphParser\n javascript\n get dimensions() {\n const width = this.get(\"width\")\n const height = this.get(\"height\")\n if (width || height)\n return {width, height}\n if (!this.isNodeJs())\n return {}\n const src = this.filename\n // If its a local image, get the dimensions and put them in the HTML\n // to avoid flicker\n if (src.startsWith(\"http:\") || src.startsWith(\"https:\")) return {}\n if (this._dimensions)\n return this._dimensions\n try {\n const sizeOf = require(\"image-size\")\n const path = require(\"path\")\n const fullImagePath = path.join(this.root.folderPath, src)\n this._dimensions = sizeOf(fullImagePath)\n return this._dimensions\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n }\n return {}\n }\n get figureWidth() {\n return this.dimensions.width\n }\n get filename() {\n return this.getAtom(this.atomIndex)\n }\n get dependencies() { return [this.filename]}\n getFigureContent(buildSettings) {\n const linkRelativeToCompileTarget = (buildSettings ? (buildSettings.relativePath ?? \"\") : \"\") + this.filename\n const {width, height} = this.dimensions\n let dimensionAttributes = width || height ? `width=\"${width}\" height=\"${height}\" ` : \"\"\n // Todo: can we reuse more code from aftertext?\n const className = this.has(\"class\") ? ` class=\"${this.get(\"class\")}\" ` : \"\"\n const id = this.has(\"id\") ? ` id=\"${this.get(\"id\")}\" ` : \"\"\n const clickLink = this.find(particle => particle.definition.isOrExtendsAParserInScope([\"scrollLinkParser\"])) || linkRelativeToCompileTarget \n const target = this.has(\"target\") ? this.get(\"target\") : (this.has(\"link\") ? \"\" : \"_blank\")\n return `
`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n const subparticles = this.filter(particle => particle.buildTxt).map(particle => particle.buildTxt()).filter(i => i).join(\"\\n\")\n return \"[Image Omitted]\" + (subparticles ? \"\\n \" + subparticles.replace(/\\n/g, \"\\n \") : \"\")\n }\nquickImageParser\n popularity 0.005788\n extends scrollImageParser\n example\n screenshot.png\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|webp|svg|bmp)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n int atomIndex 0\nqrcodeParser\n extends abstractCaptionedParser\n description Make a QR code from a link.\n example\n qrcode https://scroll.pub\n javascript\n getFigureContent() {\n const url = this.atoms[1]\n const isNode = this.isNodeJs()\n if (isNode) {\n const {externalsPath} = this.root\n const path = require(\"path\")\n const {qrcodegen, toSvgString} = require(path.join(externalsPath, \".qrcodegen.js\"))\n const QRC = qrcodegen.QrCode;\n const qr0 = QRC.encodeText(url, QRC.Ecc.MEDIUM);\n const svg = toSvgString(qr0, 4); // See qrcodegen-input-demo\n return svg\n }\n return `Not yet supported in browser.`\n }\nyoutubeParser\n popularity 0.000121\n extends abstractCaptionedParser\n // Include the YouTube embed URL such as https://www.youtube.com/embed/CYPYZnVQoLg\n description A YouTube video widget.\n example\n youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO8blNtYYBA\n javascript\n getFigureContent() {\n const url = this.getAtom(1).replace(\"youtube.com/watch?v=\", \"youtube.com/embed/\")\n return ``\n }\nyouTubeParser\n extends youtubeParser\n tags deprecate\n // Deprecated. You youtube all lowercase.\nimportParser\n description Import a file.\n popularity 0.007524\n cueFromId\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n example\n import header.scroll\nscrollImportedParser\n description Inserted at import pass.\n boolean suggestInAutocomplete false\n cue imported\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n extends abstractScrollParser\n baseParser blobParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n getErrors() {\n if (this.has(\"circularImportError\"))\n return [this.makeError(this.get(\"circularImportError\"))]\n if (this.get(\"exists\") === \"false\" && this.previous.getLine() !== \"// optional\")\n return [this.makeError(`File '${this.atoms[1]}' does not exist.`)]\n return []\n }\nquickImportParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description Import a Scroll or Parsers file.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n boolean isPopular true\n inScope importToFooterParser abstractCommentParser\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(scroll|parsers)$\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n example\n header.scroll\nscriptParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Print script tag.\n cueFromId\n catchAllParser scriptLineParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n get scriptContent() {\n return this.content ?? this.subparticlesToString()\n }\n buildJs() {\n return this.scriptContent\n }\njsonScriptParser\n popularity 0.007524\n cueFromId\n description Include JSON and assign to window.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n const varName = this.filename.split(\"/\").pop().replace(\".json\", \"\")\n return ``\n }\n get filename() {\n return this.getAtom(1)\n }\nscrollLeftRightButtonsParser\n popularity 0.006342\n cue leftRightButtons\n description Previous and next nav buttons.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const { linkToPrevious, linkToNext } = this.root\n if (!linkToPrevious) return \"\"\n const style = `a.keyboardNav {display:block;position:absolute;top:0.25rem; color: rgba(204,204,204,.8); font-size: 1.875rem; line-height: 1.7rem;}a.keyboardNav:hover{color: #333;text-decoration: none;}`\n return `<>`\n }\nkeyboardNavParser\n popularity 0.007476\n description Make left and right navigate files.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const {root} = this\n const linkToPrevious = this.getAtom(1) ?? root.linkToPrevious\n const linkToNext = this.getAtom(2) ?? root.linkToNext\n const script = ``\n return ` `\n }\nprintUsageStatsParser\n popularity 0.000096\n // todo: if we include the atom \"Parser\" in a cue, bad things seem to happen.\n description Parser usage stats for folder.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n get stats() {\n const input = this.root.allScrollFiles.map(file => file.scrollProgram).map(program => program.parserIds.join(\"\\n\")).join(\"\\n\")\n const result = input.split('\\n').reduce((acc, atom) => (acc[atom] = (acc[atom] || 0) + 1, acc), {})\n const rows = Object.entries(result).map(([atom, count]) => { return {atom, count}})\n const sorted = this.root.lodash.sortBy(rows, \"count\").reverse()\n return \"parserId uses\\n\" + sorted.map(row => `${row.atom} ${row.count}`).join('\\n')\n }\n buildHtml() {\n // A hacky but simple way to do this for now.\n const particle = this.appendSibling(\"datatable\")\n particle.appendLine(\"delimiter \")\n particle.appendLine(\"printTable\")\n const dataParticle = particle.appendLine(\"data\")\n dataParticle.setSubparticles(this.stats)\n const html = particle.buildHtml()\n particle.destroy()\n return html\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.stats\n }\n buildCsv() {\n return this.stats.replace(/ /g, \",\")\n }\nprintScrollLeetSheetParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Print Scroll parser leet sheet.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n tags experimental\n cueFromId\n javascript\n get parsersToDocument() {\n const clone = this.root.clone()\n clone.setSubparticles(\"\")\n const atoms = clone.getAutocompleteResultsAt(0,0).matches.map(a => a.text)\n atoms.push(\"blankline\") // manually add blank line\n atoms.push(\"Catch All Paragraph.\") // manually add catch all paragraph\n atoms.push(\" \") // manually add html\n atoms.sort()\n clone.setSubparticles(atoms.join(\"\\n\").replace(/blankline/, \"\")) // insert blank line in right spot\n return clone\n }\n sortDocs(docs) {\n return docs.map(particle => {\n const {definition} = particle\n const {id, description, isPopular, examples, popularity} = definition\n const tags = definition.get(\"tags\") || \"\"\n if (tags.includes(\"deprecate\") || tags.includes(\"experimental\"))\n return null\n const category = this.getCategory(tags)\n const note = this.getNote(category)\n return {id: definition.cueIfAny || id, description, isPopular, examples, note, popularity: Math.ceil(parseFloat(popularity) * 100000)}\n }).filter(i => i).sort((a, b) => a.id.localeCompare(b.id))\n }\n makeLink(examples, cue) {\n // if (!examples.length) console.log(cue) // find particles that need docs\n const example = examples.length ? examples[0].subparticlesToString() : cue\n const base = `https://try.scroll.pub/`\n const particle = new Particle()\n particle.appendLineAndSubparticles(\"scroll\", \"theme gazette\\n\" + example)\n return base + \"#\" + encodeURIComponent(particle.asString)\n }\n docToHtml(doc) {\n const css = `#scrollLeetSheet {color: grey;} #scrollLeetSheet a {color: #3498db; }`\n return `` + doc.map(obj => `${obj.isPopular ? \"\" : \"\"}${obj.id} ${obj.description}${obj.isPopular ? \"\" : \"\"}${obj.note}`).join(\"\\n\") + \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.docToHtml(this.sortDocs(this.parsersToDocument))\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.sortDocs(this.parsersToDocument).map(obj => `${obj.id} - ${obj.description}`).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n getCategory(input) {\n return \"\"\n }\n getNote() {\n return \"\"\n }\n get docs() {\n const rows = this.sortDocs(this.parsersToDocument).map(obj => {\n const {id, isPopular, description, popularity, category, examples, cue} = obj\n const example = examples.length ? examples[0].subparticlesToString() : cue\n return {\n id,\n isPopular,\n description,\n popularity,\n example,\n category\n }\n })\n return this.root.lodash.sortBy(rows, \"isPopular\")\n }\n buildJson() {\n return JSON.stringify(this.docs, undefined, 2)\n }\n buildCsv() {\n return new Particle(this.docs).asCsv\n }\nprintparsersLeetSheetParser\n popularity 0.000024\n // todo: fix parse bug when atom Parser appears in parserId\n extends printScrollLeetSheetParser\n tags experimental\n description Parsers leetsheet.\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"Parser Definition Parsers define parsers that acquire, analyze and act on code.
\" + this.docToHtml(this.sortDocs(this.parsersToDocument)) + \"Atom Definition Parsers analyze the atoms in a line.
\" + this.docToHtml(this.sortDocs(this.atomParsersToDocument))\n }\n makeLink() {\n return \"\"\n }\n categories = \"assemblePhase acquirePhase analyzePhase actPhase\".split(\" \")\n getCategory(tags) {\n return tags.split(\" \").filter(w => w.endsWith(\"Phase\"))[0]\n }\n getNote(category) {\n return ` A${category.replace(\"Phase\", \"\").substr(1)}Time.`\n }\n get atomParsersToDocument() {\n const parsersParser = require(\"scrollsdk/products/parsers.nodejs.js\")\n const clone = new parsersParser(\"anyAtom\\n \").clone()\n const parserParticle = clone.getParticle(\"anyAtom\")\n const atoms = clone.getAutocompleteResultsAt(1,1).matches.map(a => a.text)\n atoms.sort()\n parserParticle.setSubparticles(atoms.join(\"\\n\"))\n return parserParticle\n }\n get parsersToDocument() {\n const parsersParser = require(\"scrollsdk/products/parsers.nodejs.js\")\n const clone = new parsersParser(\"latinParser\\n \").clone()\n const parserParticle = clone.getParticle(\"latinParser\")\n const atoms = clone.getAutocompleteResultsAt(1,1).matches.map(a => a.text)\n atoms.sort()\n parserParticle.setSubparticles(atoms.join(\"\\n\"))\n clone.appendLine(\"myParser\")\n clone.appendLine(\"myAtom\")\n return parserParticle\n }\nabstractMeasureParser\n atoms measureNameAtom\n description Base parser all measures extend.\n cueFromId\n boolean isMeasure true\n float sortIndex 1.9\n boolean isComputed false\n string typeForWebForms text\n extends abstractScrollParser\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n get measureValue() {\n return this.content ?? \"\"\n }\n get measureName() {\n return this.getCuePath().replace(/ /g, \"_\")\n }\nabstractAtomMeasureParser\n description Contains a single word.\n atoms measureNameAtom atomAtom\n example\n nicknameParser\n extends abstractAtomMeasureParser\n id Breck\n nickname breck\n extends abstractMeasureParser\nabstractEmailMeasureParser\n description Email address.\n example\n emailParser\n extends abstractEmailMeasureParser\n id Breck\n email breck7@gmail.com\n string typeForWebForms email\n atoms measureNameAtom emailAddressAtom\n extends abstractAtomMeasureParser\nabstractUrlMeasureParser\n description A single url.\n example\n homepageParser\n extends abstractUrlMeasureParser\n id Breck\n homepage https://breckyunits.com\n string typeForWebForms url\n atoms measureNameAtom urlAtom\n extends abstractAtomMeasureParser\nabstractStringMeasureParser\n description General text data with no specific format.\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n example\n titleParser\n extends abstractStringMeasureParser\n id Breck\n title I build languages for scientists of all ages\n extends abstractMeasureParser\nabstractIdParser\n cue id\n description What is the ID of this concept?\n extends abstractStringMeasureParser\n example\n idParser\n extends abstractIdParser\n id breck\n float sortIndex 1\n boolean isMeasureRequired true\n boolean isConceptDelimiter true\n javascript\n getErrors() {\n const errors = super.getErrors()\n let requiredMeasureNames = this.root.measures.filter(measure => measure.isMeasureRequired).map(measure => measure.Name).filter(name => name !== \"id\")\n if (!requiredMeasureNames.length) return errors\n let next = this.next\n while (requiredMeasureNames.length && next.cue !== \"id\" && next.index !== 0) {\n requiredMeasureNames = requiredMeasureNames.filter(i => i !== next.cue)\n next = next.next\n }\n requiredMeasureNames.forEach(name =>\n errors.push(this.makeError(`Concept \"${this.content}\" is missing required measure \"${name}\".`))\n )\n return errors\n }\nabstractIdMeasureParser\n description Alias for abstractIdParser.\n extends abstractIdParser\nabstractTextareaMeasureParser\n string typeForWebForms textarea\n example\n bioParser\n extends abstractTextareaMeasureParser\n id Breck\n bio\n I build languages for scientists of all ages\n description Long-form text content with preserved line breaks.\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n baseParser blobParser\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n return this.subparticlesToString().replace(/\\n/g, \"\\\\n\")\n }\nabstractNumericMeasureParser\n string typeForWebForms number\n description Base number type.\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n return content === undefined ? \"\" : parseFloat(content)\n }\nabstractNumberMeasureParser\n description Alias to abstractNumericMeasureParser.\n extends abstractNumericMeasureParser\nabstractIntegerMeasureParser\n description An integer.\n example\n ageParser\n extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser\n id Breck\n age 40\n atoms measureNameAtom integerAtom\n extends abstractNumericMeasureParser\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n return content === undefined ? \"\" : parseInt(content)\n }\nabstractIntMeasureParser\n description Alias to abstractIntegerMeasureParser.\n extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser\nabstractFloatMeasureParser\n description A float.\n example\n temperatureParser\n extends abstractFloatMeasureParser\n id Breck\n temperature 31.8\n atoms measureNameAtom floatAtom\n extends abstractNumericMeasureParser\nabstractPercentageMeasureParser\n description A percentage.\n atoms measureNameAtom percentAtom\n extends abstractNumericMeasureParser\n example\n ownershipParser\n extends abstractPercentageMeasureParser\n id Breck\n ownership 31.8\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n return content === undefined ? \"\" : parseFloat(content)\n }\nabstractEnumMeasureParser\n description A single enum.\n atoms measureNameAtom enumAtom\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n example\n favoriteHtmlTagParser\n extends abstractEnumMeasureParser\n atoms measureNameAtom htmlTagAtom\n id Breck\n favoriteHtmlTag 2020\nabstractBooleanMeasureParser\n description A single boolean.\n atoms measureNameAtom booleanAtom\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n example\n hasBillOfRightsParser\n extends abstractBooleanMeasureParser\n id USA\n hasBillOfRights true\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n return content === undefined ? \"\" : content == \"true\"\n }\nabstractDateMeasureParser\n description Year/month/day in ISO 8601, US, European formats.\n atoms measureNameAtom dateAtom\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n string typeForWebForms date\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n if (!content) return \"\"\n const {dayjs} = this.root\n try {\n // First try parsing with dayjs\n const parsed = dayjs(content)\n if (parsed.isValid())\n return parsed.format(\"YYYY-MM-DD\")\n // Try parsing other common formats\n const formats = [\n \"MM/DD/YYYY\",\n \"DD/MM/YYYY\", \n \"YYYY/MM/DD\",\n \"MM-DD-YYYY\",\n \"DD-MM-YYYY\",\n \"YYYY-MM-DD\",\n \"DD.MM.YYYY\",\n \"YYYY.MM.DD\"\n ]\n for (const format of formats) {\n const attempt = dayjs(content, format)\n if (attempt.isValid())\n return attempt.format(\"YYYY-MM-DD\")\n }\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n return \"\"\n }\n return \"\"\n }\n get valueAsTimestamp() {\n const {measureValue} = this\n return measureValue ? this.root.dayjs(measureValue).unix() : \"\"\n }\nmetaTagsParser\n popularity 0.007693\n cueFromId\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Print meta tags including title.\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const {root} = this\n const { title, description, canonicalUrl, gitRepo, scrollVersion, openGraphImage, keywords, filename } = root\n const rssFeedUrl = root.get(\"rssFeedUrl\")\n const favicon = root.get(\"favicon\")\n const faviconTag = favicon ? `` : \"\"\n const keywordsTag = keywords ? `` : \"\"\n const rssTag = rssFeedUrl ? `` : \"\"\n const gitTag = gitRepo ? `` : \"\"\n return `\n \n ${title} \n \n \n \n \n \n ${keywordsTag}\n \n \n \n \n ${faviconTag}\n ${gitTag}\n ${rssTag}\n \n \n `\n }\nquoteParser\n popularity 0.001471\n cueFromId\n description A quote.\n catchAllParser quoteLineParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.subparticlesToString()}
`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.subparticlesToString()\n }\nredirectToParser\n popularity 0.000072\n description HTML redirect tag.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n cueFromId\n example\n redirectTo https://scroll.pub/releaseNotes.html\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\nabstractVariableParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n cueFromId\n javascript\n isTopMatter = true\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nreplaceParser\n description Replace this with that.\n extends abstractVariableParser\n baseParser blobParser\n example\n replace YEAR 2022\nreplaceJsParser\n description Replace this with evaled JS.\n extends replaceParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\n example\n replaceJs SUM 1+1\n * 1+1 = SUM\nreplaceNodejsParser\n description Replace with evaled Node.JS.\n extends abstractVariableParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\n baseParser blobParser\n example\n replaceNodejs\n module.exports = {SCORE : 1 + 2}\n * The score is SCORE\ntoFooterParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Experimental way to move a section to the footer.\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n cueFromId\nrunScriptParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Run script and dump stdout.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n cue run\n int filenameIndex 1\n javascript\n get dependencies() { return [this.filename]}\n results = \"Not yet run\"\n async execute() {\n if (!this.filename) return\n await this.root.fetch(this.filename)\n // todo: make async\n const { execSync } = require(\"child_process\")\n this.results = execSync(this.command)\n }\n get command() {\n const path = this.root.path\n const {filename }= this\n const fullPath = this.root.makeFullPath(filename)\n const ext = path.extname(filename).slice(1)\n const interpreterMap = {\n php: \"php\",\n py: \"python3\",\n rb: \"ruby\",\n pl: \"perl\",\n sh: \"sh\"\n }\n return [interpreterMap[ext], fullPath].join(\" \")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.buildTxt()\n }\n get filename() {\n return this.getAtom(this.filenameIndex)\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.results.toString().trim()\n }\nquickRunScriptParser\n extends runScriptParser\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(py|pl|sh|rb|php)$\n int filenameIndex 0\nendSnippetParser\n popularity 0.004293\n description Cut for snippet here.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\ntoStampParser\n description Print a directory to stamp with configurable filters.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n cueFromId\n gitOnlyParser\n description Only include git-tracked files\n atoms cueAtom\n single\n excludeParser\n description Exclude files/directories matching these glob patterns\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n maxDepthParser\n description Maximum directory depth to traverse\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n javascript\n buildTxt() {\n return this.makeStamp(this.content)\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.buildTxt()\n }\n makeStamp(dir) {\n const fs = require('fs');\n const path = require('path');\n const { execSync } = require('child_process');\n let stamp = 'stamp\\n';\n const gitOnly = this.has(\"gitOnly\");\n const excludePatterns = this.get(\"exclude\")?.split(\" \") || [\".git/**\", \"node_modules/**\"];\n const maxDepth = parseInt(this.get(\"maxDepth\")) || Infinity;\n const gitTrackedFiles = new Set(\n gitOnly ? execSync('git ls-files', { cwd: dir, encoding: 'utf-8' })\n .split('\\n')\n .filter(Boolean) \n : []\n );\n // Convert glob patterns to RegExp\n const excludeRegexes = excludePatterns.map(pattern => \n new RegExp('^' + pattern.replace(/\\*\\*/g, '.*').replace(/\\*/g, '[^/]*') + '$')\n );\n const shouldInclude = (relativePath, isDirectory) => {\n if (excludeRegexes.some(regex => regex.test(relativePath)))\n return false;\n if (isDirectory)\n return true\n if (gitOnly && !gitTrackedFiles.has(relativePath))\n return false;\n return true;\n };\n const handleFile = (indentation, relativePath, itemPath) => {\n if (!shouldInclude(relativePath)) return;\n stamp += `${indentation}${relativePath}\\n`;\n try {\n const content = fs.readFileSync(itemPath, { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'r' });\n // Skip if file appears to be binary\n if (content.includes('\\0') || /[\\x00-\\x08\\x0E-\\x1F]/.test(content)) return;\n stamp += `${indentation} ${content.replace(/\\n/g, `\\n${indentation} `)}\\n`;\n } catch (err) {\n // Skip files that can't be read as utf8\n console.error(`Error reading ${itemPath}: ${err.message}`);\n return;\n }\n };\n function processDirectory(currentPath, depth = 0) {\n if (depth > maxDepth) return;\n const items = fs.readdirSync(currentPath);\n items.forEach(item => {\n const itemPath = path.join(currentPath, item);\n const relativePath = path.relative(dir, itemPath);\n const stats = fs.statSync(itemPath);\n const isDirectory = stats.isDirectory()\n if (!shouldInclude(relativePath, isDirectory)) return;\n const indentation = ' '.repeat(depth);\n if (isDirectory) {\n stamp += `${indentation}${relativePath}/\\n`;\n processDirectory(itemPath, depth + 1);\n } else if (stats.isFile()) {\n handleFile(indentation, relativePath, itemPath);\n }\n });\n }\n const stats = fs.statSync(dir);\n if (stats.isDirectory()) {\n processDirectory(dir, 1);\n } else {\n handleFile(\" \", dir, dir);\n }\n return stamp.trim();\n }\nstampParser\n description Expand project template to disk.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n inScope stampFolderParser\n catchAllParser stampFileParser\n example\n stamp\n .gitignore\n *.html\n readme.scroll\n # Hello world\n \n scripts/\n nested/\n hello.js\n console.log(\"Hello world\")\n cueFromId\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n javascript\n execute() {\n const dir = this.root.folderPath\n this.forEach(particle => particle.execute(dir))\n }\nscrollStumpParser\n cue stump\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Compile Stump to HTML.\n catchAllParser stumpContentParser\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n const {stumpParser} = this\n return new stumpParser(this.subparticlesToString()).compile()\n }\n get stumpParser() {\n return this.isNodeJs() ? require(\"scrollsdk/products/stump.nodejs.js\") : stumpParser\n }\nstumpNoSnippetParser\n popularity 0.010177\n // todo: make noSnippets an aftertext directive?\n extends scrollStumpParser\n description Compile Stump unless snippet.\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\nplainTextParser\n description Plain text oneliner or block.\n cueFromId\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllParser plainTextLineParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.buildTxt()\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return `${this.content ?? \"\"}${this.subparticlesToString()}`\n }\nplainTextOnlyParser\n popularity 0.000072\n extends plainTextParser\n description Only print for buildTxt.\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nscrollThemeParser\n popularity 0.007524\n boolean isPopular true\n cue theme\n example\n theme gazette\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType scrollThemeAtom\n description A collection of simple themes.\n string copyFromExternal .gazette.css\n // Note this will be replaced at runtime\n javascript\n get copyFromExternal() {\n return this.files.join(\" \")\n }\n get files() {\n return this.atoms.slice(1).map(name => `.${name}.css`).concat([\".scroll.css\"])\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.files.map(name => ``).join(\"\\n\")\n }\nabstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom\n boolean isAttribute true\n description Set HTML attribute.\n javascript\n get htmlAttributes() {\n return `${this.cue}=\"${this.content}\"`\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\naftertextIdParser\n popularity 0.000145\n cue id\n description Provide an ID to be output in the generated HTML tag.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlIdAtom\n single\naftertextStyleParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue style\n description Set HTML style attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n javascript\n htmlAttributes = \"\" // special case this one\n get css() { return `${this.property}:${this.content};` }\naftertextFontParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue font\n description Set font.\n extends aftertextStyleParser\n atoms cueAtom fontFamilyAtom\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n string property font-family\n javascript\n get css() {\n if (this.content === \"Slim\") return \"font-family:Helvetica Neue; font-weight:100;\"\n return super.css\n }\naftertextColorParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue color\n description Set font color.\n extends aftertextStyleParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n string property color\n example\n color blue\naftertextHrefParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue href\n description Set HTML href attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\naftertextSrcParser\n extends aftertextHrefParser\n cue src\n description Set HTML src attribute.\naftertextOnclickParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue onclick\n description Set HTML onclick attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\naftertextHiddenParser\n cue hidden\n atoms cueAtom\n description Do not compile this particle to HTML.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextValueParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue value\n description Set HTML value attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextForParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue for\n description Set HTML for attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextPlaceholderParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue placeholder\n description Set HTML placeholder attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextRowsParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue rows\n description Set HTML rows attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextTypeParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue type\n description Set HTML type attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlTypeAtom\naftertextAltParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue alt\n description Set HTML alt attribute for images.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextTitleParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue title\n description Set HTML title attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextNameParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue name\n description Set HTML name attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextOnsubmitParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue onsubmit\n description Set HTML onsubmit attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\naftertextClassParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue class\n description Set HTML class attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType classNameAtom\naftertextMaxlengthParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue maxlength\n description Set HTML maxlength attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextPatternParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue pattern\n description Set HTML pattern attribute for input validation.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextRequiredParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue required\n description Set HTML required attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextDisabledParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue disabled\n description Set HTML disabled attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextReadonlyParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue readonly\n description Set HTML readonly attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextAriaLabelParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue aria-label\n description Set ARIA label for accessibility.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextTargetParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue target\n description Set HTML target attribute for links.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextContentParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue content\n description Set HTML content attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextMinParser\n cue min\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom numberAtom\naftertextMaxParser\n cue max\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom numberAtom\naftertextStepParser\n cue step\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom numberAtom\naftertextWidthParser\n cue width\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\naftertextHeightParser\n cue height\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\naftertextDataParser\n popularity 0.000217\n pattern ^data\\-\n description Set HTML data- attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\n example\n div My score\n data-score 100\naftertextRoleParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue role\n description Set ARIA role attribute for accessibility.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextTabindexParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue tabindex\n description Set tabindex attribute for keyboard navigation.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextColspanParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue colspan\n description Set colspan attribute for table cells.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextRowspanParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue rowspan\n description Set rowspan attribute for table cells.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextMethodParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue method\n description Set form method attribute (GET/POST).\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlMethodAtom\naftertextActionParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue action\n description Set form action URL.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\naftertextAutocompleteParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue autocomplete\n description Set form autocomplete attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextMultipleParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue multiple\n description Allow multiple selections or files.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextSelectedParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue selected\n description Set selected state for options.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextCheckedParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue checked\n description Set checked state for inputs.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextRelParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue rel\n description Set rel attribute for links.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextEnctypeParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue enctype\n description Set form enctype for file uploads.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextAcceptParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue accept\n description Set accepted file types for file inputs.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType mimeTypeAtom\naftertextTagParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlTagAtom\n description Override the HTML tag that the compiled particle will use.\n cue tag\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nabstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n javascript\n isMarkup = true\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n getErrors() {\n if (this.silenceErrors) return [] // todo: generalize this?\n const errors = super.getErrors()\n if (!this.isMarkup || this.matchWholeLine) return errors\n const inserts = this.getInserts(this.parent.originalTextPostLinkify)\n // todo: make AbstractParticleError class exported by sdk to allow Parsers to define their own error types.\n // todo: also need to be able to map lines back to their line in source (pre-imports)\n if (!inserts.length)\n errors.push(this.makeError(`No match found for \"${this.getLine()}\".`))\n return errors\n }\n get pattern() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(1).join(\" \")\n }\n get shouldMatchAll() {\n return this.has(\"matchAll\")\n }\n getMatches(text) {\n const { pattern } = this\n const escapedPattern = pattern.replace(/[-\\/\\\\^$*+?.()|[\\]{}]/g, \"\\\\$&\")\n return [...text.matchAll(new RegExp(escapedPattern, \"g\"))].map(match => {\n const { index } = match\n const endIndex = index + pattern.length\n return [\n { index, string: `<${this.openTag}${this.allAttributes}>`, endIndex },\n { index: endIndex, endIndex, string: `${this.closeTag}>` }\n ]\n })\n }\n getInserts(text) {\n const matches = this.getMatches(text)\n if (!matches.length) return false\n if (this.shouldMatchAll) return matches.flat()\n const match = this.getParticle(\"match\")\n if (match)\n return match.indexes\n .map(index => matches[index])\n .filter(i => i)\n .flat()\n return matches[0]\n }\n get allAttributes() {\n const attr = this.attributes.join(\" \")\n return attr ? \" \" + attr : \"\"\n }\n get attributes() {\n return []\n }\n get openTag() {\n return this.tag\n }\n get closeTag() {\n return this.tag\n }\nabstractMarkupParser\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n inScope abstractMarkupParameterParser\n javascript\n get matchWholeLine() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(this.patternStartsAtAtom).length === 0\n }\n get pattern() {\n return this.matchWholeLine ? this.parent.originalText : this.getAtomsFrom(this.patternStartsAtAtom).join(\" \")\n }\n patternStartsAtAtom = 1\nboldParser\n popularity 0.000096\n cueFromId\n description Bold matching text.\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"b\"\nitalicsParser\n popularity 0.000241\n cueFromId\n description Italicize matching text.\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"i\"\nunderlineParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Underline matching text.\n cueFromId\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"u\"\nafterTextCenterParser\n popularity 0.000193\n description Center paragraph.\n cue center\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"center\"\naftertextCodeParser\n popularity 0.000145\n description Wrap matching text in code span.\n cue code\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"code\"\n get allAttributes() {return `class=\"scrollInlineCode\"` }\naftertextStrikeParser\n popularity 0.000048\n description Wrap matching text in s span.\n cue strike\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"s\"\naddClassMarkupParser\n popularity 0.000772\n description Add a custom class to parent element. Provide query to add span matching text.\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n atoms cueAtom classNameAtom\n cue addClass\n javascript\n tag = \"span\"\n get applyToParentElement() {\n return this.atoms.length === 2\n }\n getInserts(text) {\n // If no select text is added, set the class on the parent element.\n if (this.applyToParentElement) return []\n return super.getInserts(text)\n }\n get className() {\n return this.getAtom(1)\n }\n get attributes() {\n return [`class=\"${this.className}\"`]\n }\n get matchWholeLine() {\n return this.applyToParentElement\n }\n get pattern() {\n return this.matchWholeLine ? this.parent.content : this.getAtomsFrom(2).join(\" \")\n }\nhoverNoteParser\n popularity 0.000265\n description Add a caveat viewable on hover on matching text. When you want to be sure you've thoroughly addressed obvious concerns but ones that don't warrant to distract from the main argument of the text.\n cueFromId\n extends addClassMarkupParser\n catchAllParser lineOfTextParser\n atoms cueAtom\n javascript\n get pattern() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(1).join(\" \")\n }\n get attributes() {\n return [`class=\"scrollHoverNote\"`, `title=\"${this.hoverNoteText}\"`]\n }\n get hoverNoteText() {\n return this.subparticlesToString().replace(/\\n/g, \" \")\n }\nscrollLinkParser\n popularity 0.008706\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n description Put the matching text in an tag.\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n inScope linkTitleParser linkTargetParser abstractCommentParser\n programParser\n description Anything here will be URI encoded and then appended to the link.\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllParser programLinkParser\n javascript\n get encoded() {\n return encodeURIComponent(this.subparticlesToString())\n }\n cue link\n javascript\n tag = \"a\"\n buildTxt() {\n return this.root.ensureAbsoluteLink(this.link) + \" \" + this.pattern\n }\n get link() {\n const {baseLink} = this\n if (this.has(\"program\"))\n return baseLink + this.getParticle(\"program\").encoded\n return baseLink\n }\n get baseLink() {\n const link = this.getAtom(1)\n const isAbsoluteLink = link.includes(\"://\")\n if (isAbsoluteLink) return link\n const relativePath = this.parent.buildSettings?.relativePath || \"\"\n return relativePath + link\n }\n get linkAttribute() {\n return \"href\"\n }\n get attributes() {\n const attrs = [`${this.linkAttribute}=\"${this.link}\"`]\n const options = [\"title\", \"target\"]\n options.forEach(option => {\n const particle = this.getParticle(option)\n if (particle) attrs.push(`${option}=\"${particle.content}\"`)\n })\n return attrs\n }\n patternStartsAtAtom = 2\nscrollClickParser\n extends scrollLinkParser\n description An a tag with an onclick.\n cue click\n javascript\n get linkAttribute() {\n return \"onclick\"\n }\nemailLinkParser\n popularity 0.000048\n description A mailto link\n cue email\n extends scrollLinkParser\n javascript\n get attributes() {\n return [`href=\"mailto:${this.link}\"`]\n }\nquickLinkParser\n popularity 0.029228\n pattern ^https?\\:\n extends scrollLinkParser\n atoms urlAtom\n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.cue\n }\n patternStartsAtAtom = 1\nquickRelativeLinkParser\n popularity 0.029228\n description Relative links.\n // note: only works if relative link ends in .html\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(html|htm)\n extends scrollLinkParser\n atoms urlAtom\n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.cue\n }\n patternStartsAtAtom = 1\ndatelineParser\n popularity 0.006005\n cueFromId\n description Gives your paragraph a dateline like \"December 15, 2021 — The...\"\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n javascript\n getInserts() {\n const {day} = this\n if (!day) return false\n return [{ index: 0, string: `${day} — ` }]\n }\n matchWholeLine = true\n get day() {\n let day = this.content || this.root.date\n if (!day) return \"\"\n return this.root.dayjs(day).format(`MMMM D, YYYY`)\n }\ndayjsParser\n description Advanced directive that evals some Javascript code in an environment including \"dayjs\".\n cueFromId\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n javascript\n getInserts() {\n const dayjs = this.root.dayjs\n const days = eval(this.content)\n const index = this.parent.originalTextPostLinkify.indexOf(\"days\")\n return [{ index, string: `${days} ` }]\n }\ninlineMarkupsOnParser\n popularity 0.000024\n cueFromId\n description Enable these inline markups only.\n example\n Hello *world*!\n inlineMarkupsOn bold\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n catchAllAtomType inlineMarkupNameAtom\n javascript\n get shouldMatchAll() {\n return true\n }\n get markups() {\n const {root} = this\n let markups = [{delimiter: \"`\", tag: \"code\", exclusive: true, name: \"code\", attributes: 'class=\"scrollInlineCode\"'},{delimiter: \"*\", tag: \"strong\", name: \"bold\"}, {delimiter: \"_\", tag: \"em\", name: \"italics\"}]\n // only add katex markup if the root doc has katex.\n if (root.has(\"katex\"))\n markups.unshift({delimiter: \"$\", tag: \"span\", attributes: ' class=\"scrollKatex\"', exclusive: true, name: \"katex\"})\n if (this.content)\n return markups.filter(markup => this.content.includes(markup.name))\n if (root.has(\"inlineMarkups\")) {\n root.getParticle(\"inlineMarkups\").forEach(markup => {\n const delimiter = markup.getAtom(0)\n const tag = markup.getAtom(1)\n // todo: add support for providing custom functions for inline markups?\n // for example, !2+2! could run eval, or :about: could search a link map.\n const attributes = markup.getAtomsFrom(2).join(\" \")\n markups = markups.filter(mu => mu.delimiter !== delimiter) // Remove any overridden markups\n if (tag)\n markups.push({delimiter, tag, attributes})\n })\n }\n return markups\n }\n matchWholeLine = true\n getMatches(text) {\n const exclusives = []\n return this.markups.map(markup => this.applyMarkup(text, markup, exclusives)).filter(i => i).flat()\n }\n applyMarkup(text, markup, exclusives = []) {\n const {delimiter, tag, attributes} = markup\n const escapedDelimiter = delimiter.replace(/[-\\/\\\\^$*+?.()|[\\]{}]/g, \"\\\\$&\")\n const pattern = new RegExp(`${escapedDelimiter}[^${escapedDelimiter}]+${escapedDelimiter}`, \"g\")\n const delimiterLength = delimiter.length\n return [...text.matchAll(pattern)].map(match => {\n const { index } = match\n const endIndex = index + match[0].length\n // I'm too lazy to clean up sdk to write a proper inline markup parser so doing this for now.\n // The exclusive idea is to not try and apply bold or italic styles inside a TeX or code inline style.\n // Note that the way this is currently implemented any TeX in an inline code will get rendered, but code\n // inline of TeX will not. Seems like an okay tradeoff until a proper refactor and cleanup can be done.\n if (exclusives.some(exclusive => index >= exclusive[0] && index <= exclusive[1]))\n return undefined\n if (markup.exclusive)\n exclusives.push([index, endIndex])\n return [\n { index, string: `<${tag + (attributes ? \" \" + attributes : \"\")}>`, endIndex, consumeStartCharacters: delimiterLength },\n { index: endIndex, endIndex, string: `${tag}>`, consumeEndCharacters: delimiterLength }\n ]\n }).filter(i => i)\n }\ninlineMarkupParser\n popularity 0.000169\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom delimiterAtom tagOrUrlAtom\n catchAllAtomType htmlAttributesAtom\n extends inlineMarkupsOnParser\n description Custom inline markup. for\n example\n @This@ will be in italics.\n inlineMarkup @ em\n javascript\n getMatches(text) {\n try {\n const delimiter = this.getAtom(1)\n const tag = this.getAtom(2)\n const attributes = this.getAtomsFrom(3).join(\" \")\n return this.applyMarkup(text, {delimiter, tag, attributes})\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n return []\n }\n // Note: doubling up doesn't work because of the consumption characters.\n }\nlinkifyParser\n description Use this to disable linkify on the text.\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom booleanAtom\nabstractMarkupParameterParser\n atoms cueAtom\n cueFromId\nmatchAllParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Use this to match all occurrences of the text.\n extends abstractMarkupParameterParser\nmatchParser\n popularity 0.000048\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n description Use this to specify which index(es) to match.\n javascript\n get indexes() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(1).map(num => parseInt(num))\n }\n example\n aftertext\n hello ello ello\n bold ello\n match 0 2\n extends abstractMarkupParameterParser\nabstractHtmlAttributeParser\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nlinkTargetParser\n popularity 0.000024\n extends abstractHtmlAttributeParser\n description If you want to set the target of the link. To \"_blank\", for example.\n cue target\n atoms cueAtom codeAtom\nblankLineParser\n popularity 0.308149\n description Print nothing. Break section.\n atoms blankAtom\n boolean isPopular true\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.parent.clearSectionStack()\n }\n pattern ^$\n tags doNotSynthesize\nscrollFileAddressParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n catchAllParser scrollFileAddressParser\nchatLineParser\n popularity 0.009887\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser chatLineParser\nlineOfCodeParser\n popularity 0.018665\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\n catchAllParser lineOfCodeParser\ncommentLineParser\n catchAllAtomType commentAtom\ncssLineParser\n popularity 0.002870\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n catchAllParser cssLineParser\nabstractTableTransformParser\n atoms cueAtom\n inScope abstractTableVisualizationParser abstractTableTransformParser h1Parser h2Parser scrollQuestionParser htmlInlineParser scrollBrParser slashCommentParser\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n return this.parent.coreTable\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return this.parent.columnNames\n }\n connectColumnNames(userColumnNames, availableColumnNames = this.parent.columnNames) {\n const result = {}\n const normalize = str => str.toLowerCase().trim()\n userColumnNames.forEach(userColumn => {\n // Strategy 1: Exact match\n const exactMatch = availableColumnNames.find(col => col === userColumn)\n if (exactMatch) {\n result[userColumn] = exactMatch\n return\n }\n // Strategy 2: Case-insensitive match\n const normalizedUserColumn = normalize(userColumn)\n const caseInsensitiveMatch = availableColumnNames.find(col => normalize(col) === normalizedUserColumn)\n if (caseInsensitiveMatch) {\n result[userColumn] = caseInsensitiveMatch\n return\n }\n // Strategy 3: Levenshtein distance match\n const THRESHOLD = 2 // Consider matches with distance <= 2 as \"very close\"\n let bestMatch = null\n let bestDistance = Infinity\n availableColumnNames.forEach(col => {\n const distance = this.root.levenshteinDistance(userColumn, col)\n if (distance < bestDistance) {\n bestDistance = distance\n bestMatch = col\n }\n })\n // Only use Levenshtein match if it's very close\n if (bestDistance <= THRESHOLD) {\n result[userColumn] = bestMatch\n return\n }\n // Strategy 4: Fallback - use original unmatched name\n result[userColumn] = userColumn\n })\n return result\n }\n connectColumnName(name) {\n return this.connectColumnNames([name])[name]\n }\n getErrors() {\n if (this.silenceErrors) return [] // todo: generalize this?\n return super.getErrors()\n }\n getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom) {\n if (atom.atomTypeId === \"columnNameAtom\")\n return this.parent.columnNames\n return super.getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom)\n }\n getRunTimeEnumOptionsForValidation(atom) {\n // Note: this will fail if the CSV file hasnt been built yet.\n if (atom.atomTypeId === \"columnNameAtom\")\n return this.parent.columnNames.concat(this.parent.columnNames.map(c => \"-\" + c)) // Add reverse names\n return super.getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom)\n }\nabstractDateSplitTransformParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const columnName = this.getAtom(1) || this.detectDateColumn()\n if (!columnName) return this.parent.coreTable\n return this.parent.coreTable.map(row => {\n const newRow = {...row}\n try {\n const date = this.root.dayjs(row[columnName])\n if (date.isValid())\n newRow[this.newColumnName] = this.transformDate(date)\n } catch (err) {}\n return newRow\n })\n }\n detectDateColumn() {\n const columns = this.parent.columnNames\n const dateColumns = ['date', 'created', 'published', 'timestamp']\n for (const col of dateColumns) {\n if (columns.includes(col)) return col\n }\n for (const col of columns) {\n const sample = this.parent.coreTable[0][col]\n if (sample && this.root.dayjs(sample).isValid())\n return col\n }\n return null\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return [...this.parent.columnNames, this.newColumnName]\n }\n transformDate(date) {\n const formatted = date.format(this.dateFormat)\n const isInt = !this.cue.includes(\"Name\")\n return isInt ? parseInt(formatted) : formatted\n }\nscrollSplitYearParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract year into new column.\n cue splitYear\n string newColumnName year\n string dateFormat YYYY\nscrollSplitDayNameParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract day name into new column.\n cue splitDayName\n string newColumnName dayName\n string dateFormat dddd\nscrollSplitMonthNameParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract month name into new column.\n cue splitMonthName\n string newColumnName monthName\n string dateFormat MMMM\nscrollSplitMonthParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract month number (1-12) into new column.\n cue splitMonth\n string newColumnName month\n string dateFormat M\nscrollSplitDayOfMonthParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract day of month (1-31) into new column.\n cue splitDayOfMonth\n string newColumnName dayOfMonth\n string dateFormat D\nscrollSplitDayOfWeekParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract day of week (0-6) into new column.\n cue splitDay\n string newColumnName day\n string dateFormat d\nscrollParseDateParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Parse dates in a column into standard format.\n cue parseDate\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom\n example\n sampleData stocks.csv\n parseDate date\n linechart\n x date\n y price\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const columnName = this.connectColumnName(this.getAtom(1))\n const formatOut = this.get(\"format\") || \"YYYY-MM-DD\"\n const {dayjs} = this.root\n return this.parent.coreTable.map(row => {\n const newRow = {...row}\n try {\n const value = row[columnName]\n if (value) {\n const date = dayjs(value)\n if (date.isValid())\n newRow[columnName] = date.format(formatOut)\n }\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(`Error parsing date in column ${columnName}:`, err)\n }\n return newRow\n })\n }\n formatParser\n description Specify output date format\n atoms cueAtom stringAtom\n cueFromId\n single\nscrollGroupByParser\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n reduceParser\n description Specify how to aggregate a column when grouping data\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom reductionTypeAtom newColumnNameAtom\n cue reduce\n example\n data.csv\n groupBy year\n reduce score sum totalScore\n reduce name concat names\n printTable\n javascript\n get reduction() {\n return {\n source: this.getAtom(1),\n reduction: this.getAtom(2),\n name: this.getAtom(3) || this.getAtomsFrom(1).join(\"_\")\n }\n }\n description Combine rows with matching values into groups.\n example\n tables posts.csv\n groupBy year\n printTable\n cue groupBy\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n if (this._coreTable) return this._coreTable\n const groupByColNames = this.getAtomsFrom(1)\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n if (!groupByColNames.length) return coreTable\n const newCols = this.findParticles(\"reduce\").map(particle => particle.reduction)\n // Pivot is shorthand for group and reduce?\n const makePivotTable = (rows, groupByColumnNames, inputColumnNames, newCols) => {\n const colMap = {}\n inputColumnNames.forEach((col) => (colMap[col] = true))\n const groupByCols = groupByColumnNames.filter((col) => colMap[col])\n return new PivotTable(rows, inputColumnNames.map(c => {return {name: c}}), newCols).getNewRows(groupByCols)\n }\n class PivotTable {\n constructor(rows, inputColumns, outputColumns) {\n this._columns = {}\n this._rows = rows\n inputColumns.forEach((col) => (this._columns[col.name] = col))\n outputColumns.forEach((col) => (this._columns[col.name] = col))\n }\n _getGroups(allRows, groupByColNames) {\n const rowsInGroups = new Map()\n allRows.forEach((row) => {\n const groupKey = groupByColNames.map((col) => row[col]?.toString().replace(/ /g, \"\") || \"\").join(\" \")\n if (!rowsInGroups.has(groupKey)) rowsInGroups.set(groupKey, [])\n rowsInGroups.get(groupKey).push(row)\n })\n return rowsInGroups\n }\n getNewRows(groupByCols) {\n // make new particles\n const rowsInGroups = this._getGroups(this._rows, groupByCols)\n // Any column in the group should be reused by the children\n const columns = [\n {\n name: \"count\",\n type: \"number\",\n min: 0,\n },\n ]\n groupByCols.forEach((colName) => columns.push(this._columns[colName]))\n const colsToReduce = Object.values(this._columns).filter((col) => !!col.reduction)\n colsToReduce.forEach((col) => columns.push(col))\n // for each group\n const rows = []\n const totalGroups = rowsInGroups.size\n for (let [groupId, group] of rowsInGroups) {\n const firstRow = group[0]\n const newRow = {}\n groupByCols.forEach((col) =>\n newRow[col] = firstRow ? firstRow[col] : 0\n )\n newRow.count = group.length\n // todo: add more reductions? count, stddev, median, variance.\n colsToReduce.forEach((col) => {\n const sourceColName = col.source\n const reduction = col.reduction\n const newColName = col.name\n if (reduction === \"concat\") {\n newRow[newColName] = group.map((row) => row[sourceColName]).join(\" \")\n return \n }\n if (reduction === \"first\") {\n newRow[newColName] = group.find((row) => row[sourceColName] !== \"\")?.[sourceColName]\n return \n }\n const values = group.map((row) => row[sourceColName]).filter((val) => typeof val === \"number\" && !isNaN(val))\n let reducedValue = firstRow[sourceColName]\n if (reduction === \"sum\") reducedValue = values.reduce((prev, current) => prev + current, 0)\n if (reduction === \"max\") reducedValue = Math.max(...values)\n if (reduction === \"min\") reducedValue = Math.min(...values)\n if (reduction === \"mean\") reducedValue = values.reduce((prev, current) => prev + current, 0) / values.length\n newRow[newColName] = reducedValue\n })\n rows.push(newRow)\n }\n // todo: add tests. figure out this api better.\n Object.values(columns).forEach((col) => {\n // For pivot columns, remove the source and reduction info for now. Treat things as immutable.\n delete col.source\n delete col.reduction\n })\n return {\n rows,\n columns,\n }\n }\n }\n const pivotTable = makePivotTable(coreTable, groupByColNames, this.parent.columnNames, newCols)\n this._coreTable = pivotTable.rows\n this._columnNames = pivotTable.columns.map(col => col.name)\n return pivotTable.rows\n }\n get columnNames() {\n const {coreTable} = this\n return this._columnNames || this.parent.columnNames\n }\nscrollWhereParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Filter rows by condition.\n cue where\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom comparisonAtom\n catchAllAtomType constantAtom\n example\n datatable iris.csv\n where Species = setosa\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n // todo: use atoms here.\n const columnName = this.connectColumnName(this.getAtom(1))\n const operator = this.getAtom(2)\n let comparisonSet\n if (operator === \"oneOf\")\n comparisonSet = new Set(this.atoms.slice(3))\n let untypedComparisonValue = this.getAtom(3)\n const typedComparisonValue = isNaN(parseFloat(untypedComparisonValue)) ? untypedComparisonValue : parseFloat(untypedComparisonValue)\n const coreTable = this.parent.coreTable\n if (!columnName || !operator || (untypedComparisonValue === undefined && !operator.includes(\"mpty\"))) return coreTable\n const filterFn = row => {\n const atom = row[columnName]\n const typedAtom = atom === null ? undefined : atom // convert nulls to undefined\n if (operator === \"=\") return typedComparisonValue === typedAtom\n else if (operator === \"!=\") return typedComparisonValue !== typedAtom\n else if (operator === \"includes\") return typedAtom !== undefined && typedAtom.includes(typedComparisonValue)\n else if (operator === \"startsWith\") return typedAtom !== undefined && typedAtom.toString().startsWith(typedComparisonValue)\n else if (operator === \"endsWith\") return typedAtom !== undefined && typedAtom.toString().endsWith(typedComparisonValue)\n else if (operator === \"doesNotInclude\") return typedAtom === undefined || !typedAtom.includes(typedComparisonValue)\n else if (operator === \"oneOf\") return typedAtom !== undefined && comparisonSet.has(typedAtom.toString())\n else if (operator === \">\") return typedAtom > typedComparisonValue\n else if (operator === \"<\") return typedAtom < typedComparisonValue\n else if (operator === \">=\") return typedAtom >= typedComparisonValue\n else if (operator === \"<=\") return typedAtom <= typedComparisonValue\n else if (operator === \"empty\") return typedAtom === \"\" || typedAtom === undefined\n else if (operator === \"notEmpty\") return typedAtom !== \"\" && typedAtom !== undefined\n }\n return coreTable.filter(filterFn)\n }\nscrollSelectParser\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Drop all columns except these.\n example\n tables\n data\n name,year,count\n index,2022,2\n about,2023,4\n select name year\n printTable\n cue select\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n const {columnNames} = this\n if (!columnNames.length) return coreTable\n return coreTable.map(row => Object.fromEntries(columnNames.map(colName => [colName, row[colName]])))\n }\n get columnNames() {\n if (!this._columnNames) {\n const names = this.getAtomsFrom(1)\n this._columnNamesMap = this.connectColumnNames(names)\n this._columnNames = names.map(name => this._columnNamesMap[name])\n }\n return this._columnNames\n }\nscrollReverseParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Reverse rows.\n cue reverse\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n return this.parent.coreTable.slice().reverse()\n }\nscrollComposeParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Add column using format string.\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\n cue compose\n atoms cueAtom newColumnNameAtom\n example\n datatable\n compose sentence My name is {name}\n printTable\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {newColumnName} = this\n const formatString = this.getAtomsFrom(2).join(\" \")\n return this.parent.coreTable.map((row, index) => {\n const newRow = Object.assign({}, row)\n newRow[newColumnName] = this.evaluate(new Particle(row).evalTemplateString(formatString), index)\n return newRow\n })\n }\n evaluate(str) {\n return str\n }\n get newColumnName() {\n return this.atoms[1]\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return this.parent.columnNames.concat(this.newColumnName)\n }\nscrollComputeParser\n extends scrollComposeParser\n description Add column by evaling format string.\n cue compute\n javascript\n evaluate(str) {\n return parseFloat(eval(str))\n }\nscrollEvalParser\n extends scrollComputeParser\n description Add column by evaling format string.\n cue eval\n javascript\n evaluate(str) {\n return eval(str)\n }\nscrollRankParser\n extends scrollComposeParser\n description Add rank column.\n atoms cueAtom\n string newColumnName rank\n cue rank\n javascript\n evaluate(str, index) { return index + 1 }\nscrollLinksParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Add column with links.\n cue links\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {newColumnName, linkColumns} = this\n return this.parent.coreTable.map(row => {\n const newRow = Object.assign({}, row)\n let newValue = []\n linkColumns.forEach(name => {\n const value = newRow[name]\n delete newRow[name]\n if (value) newValue.push(`${name}`)\n })\n newRow[newColumnName] = newValue.join(\" \")\n return newRow\n })\n }\n get newColumnName() {\n return \"links\"\n }\n get linkColumns() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(1)\n }\n get columnNames() {\n const {linkColumns} = this\n return this.parent.columnNames.filter(name => !linkColumns.includes(name)).concat(this.newColumnName)\n }\nscrollLimitParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Select a subset.\n cue limit\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom integerAtom\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n let start = this.getAtom(1)\n let end = this.getAtom(2)\n if (end === undefined) {\n end = start\n start = 0\n }\n return this.parent.coreTable.slice(parseInt(start), parseInt(end))\n }\nscrollShuffleParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Randomly reorder rows.\n cue shuffle\n example\n datatable data.csv\n shuffle\n printTable\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n // Create a copy of the datatable to avoid modifying original\n const rows = this.parent.coreTable.slice()\n // Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm\n for (let i = rows.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {\n const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1))\n ;[rows[i], rows[j]] = [rows[j], rows[i]]\n }\n return rows\n }\nscrollTransposeParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Tranpose datatable.\n cue transpose\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n // todo: we need to switch to column based coreTable, instead of row based\n const transpose = arr => Object.keys(arr[0]).map(key => [key, ...arr.map(row => row[key])]);\n return transpose(this.parent.coreTable)\n }\nscrollImputeParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Impute missing values of a columm.\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom\n cue impute\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {columnName} = this\n const sorted = this.root.lodash.orderBy(this.parent.coreTable.slice(), columnName)\n // ascending\n const imputed = []\n let lastInserted = sorted[0][columnName]\n sorted.forEach(row => {\n const measuredTime = row[columnName]\n while (measuredTime > lastInserted + 1) {\n lastInserted++\n // synthesize rows\n const imputedRow = {}\n imputedRow[columnName] = lastInserted\n imputedRow.count = 0\n imputed.push(imputedRow)\n }\n lastInserted = measuredTime\n imputed.push(row)\n })\n return imputed\n }\n get columnName() {\n return this.connectColumnName(this.getAtom(1))\n }\nscrollOrderByParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Sort rows by column(s).\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n cue orderBy\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const makeLodashOrderByParams = str => {\n const part1 = str.split(\" \")\n const part2 = part1.map(col => (col.startsWith(\"-\") ? \"desc\" : \"asc\"))\n return [part1.map(col => this.connectColumnName(col.replace(/^\\-/, \"\"))), part2]\n }\n const orderBy = makeLodashOrderByParams(this.content)\n return this.root.lodash.orderBy(this.parent.coreTable.slice(), orderBy[0], orderBy[1])\n }\nassertRowCountParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Test row count is expected value.\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n cueFromId\n javascript\n getErrors() {\n const errors = super.getErrors()\n const actualRows = this.coreTable.length\n const expectedRows = parseInt(this.content)\n if (actualRows !== expectedRows)\n return errors.concat(this.makeError(`Expected '${expectedRows}' rows but got '${actualRows}'.`))\n return errors\n }\nscrollRenameParser\n // todo: add support in Parsers for tuple catch alls\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom newColumnNameAtom\n catchAllAtomType newColumnNameAtom\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Rename columns.\n example\n tables\n data\n name,year,count\n index,2022,2\n rename name Name year Year\n printTable\n cue rename\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n const {renameMap} = this\n if (!Object.keys(renameMap).length) return coreTable\n return coreTable.map(row => {\n const newRow = {}\n Object.keys(row).forEach(key => {\n const name = renameMap[key] || key\n newRow[name] = row[key]\n })\n return newRow\n })\n }\n get renameMap() {\n const map = {}\n const pairs = this.getAtomsFrom(1)\n let oldName\n while (oldName = pairs.shift()) {\n map[oldName] = pairs.shift()\n }\n return map\n }\n _renamed\n get columnNames() {\n if (this._renamed)\n return this._renamed\n const {renameMap} = this\n this._renamed = this.parent.columnNames.map(name => renameMap[name] || name )\n return this._renamed\n }\nscrollSummarizeParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Generate summary statistics for each column.\n cue summarize\n example\n datatable data.csv\n summarize\n printTable\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {lodash} = this.root\n const sourceData = this.parent.coreTable\n if (!sourceData.length) return []\n return this.parent.columnNames.map(colName => {\n const values = sourceData.map(row => row[colName]).filter(val => val !== undefined && val !== null)\n const numericValues = values.filter(val => typeof val === \"number\" && !isNaN(val))\n const sorted = [...numericValues].sort((a, b) => a - b)\n // Calculate mode\n const frequency = {}\n values.forEach(val => {\n frequency[val] = (frequency[val] || 0) + 1\n })\n const mode = Object.entries(frequency)\n .sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])\n .map(entry => entry[0])[0]\n // Calculate median for numeric values\n const median = sorted.length ? \n sorted.length % 2 === 0 \n ? (sorted[sorted.length/2 - 1] + sorted[sorted.length/2]) / 2\n : sorted[Math.floor(sorted.length/2)]\n : null\n const sum = numericValues.length ? numericValues.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) : null\n const theType = typeof values[0]\n const count = values.length\n const mean = theType === \"number\" ? sum/count : \"\"\n return {\n name: colName,\n type: theType,\n incompleteCount: sourceData.length - values.length,\n uniqueCount: new Set(values).size,\n count,\n sum,\n median,\n mean,\n min: sorted.length ? sorted[0] : null,\n max: sorted.length ? sorted[sorted.length - 1] : null,\n mode\n }\n })\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return [\"name\", \"type\", \"incompleteCount\", \"uniqueCount\", \"count\", \"sum\", \"median\", \"mean\", \"min\", \"max\", \"mode\"]\n }\nerrorParser\n baseParser errorParser\nhakonContentParser\n popularity 0.102322\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\nheatrixCatchAllParser\n popularity 0.000193\n // todo Fill this out\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\nlineOfTextParser\n popularity 0.000289\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n boolean isTextParser true\nhtmlLineParser\n popularity 0.005209\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\n catchAllParser htmlLineParser\nopenGraphParser\n // todo: fix Parsers scope issue so we can move this parser def under scrollImageParser\n description Add this line to make this the open graph image.\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom\nimportToFooterParser\n description Import to bottom of file.\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n cue footer\nscriptLineParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\n catchAllParser scriptLineParser\nlinkTitleParser\n popularity 0.000048\n description If you want to set the title of the link.\n cue title\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n example\n * This report showed the treatment had a big impact.\n https://example.com/report This report.\n title The average growth in the treatment group was 14.2x higher than the control group.\nprogramLinkParser\n popularity 0.000531\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\nscrollMediaLoopParser\n popularity 0.000048\n cue loop\n atoms cueAtom\nscrollAutoplayParser\n cue autoplay\n atoms cueAtom\nabstractCompilerRuleParser\n catchAllAtomType anyAtom\n atoms cueAtom\ncloseSubparticlesParser\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n description When compiling a parent particle to a string, this string is appended to the compiled and joined subparticles. Default is blank.\n cueFromId\nindentCharacterParser\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n description You can change the indent character for compiled subparticles. Default is a space.\n cueFromId\ncatchAllAtomDelimiterParser\n description If a particle has a catchAllAtom, this is the string delimiter that will be used to join those atoms. Default is comma.\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n cueFromId\nopenSubparticlesParser\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n description When compiling a parent particle to a string, this string is prepended to the compiled and joined subparticles. Default is blank.\n cueFromId\nstringTemplateParser\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n description This template string is used to compile this line, and accepts strings of the format: const var = {someAtomId}\n cueFromId\njoinSubparticlesWithParser\n description When compiling a parent particle to a string, subparticles are compiled to strings and joined by this character. Default is a newline.\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n cueFromId\nabstractConstantParser\n description A constant.\n atoms cueAtom\n cueFromId\n // todo: make tags inherit\n tags actPhase\nparsersBooleanParser\n cue boolean\n atoms cueAtom constantIdentifierAtom\n catchAllAtomType booleanAtom\n extends abstractConstantParser\n tags actPhase\nparsersFloatParser\n cue float\n atoms cueAtom constantIdentifierAtom\n catchAllAtomType floatAtom\n extends abstractConstantParser\n tags actPhase\nparsersIntParser\n cue int\n atoms cueAtom constantIdentifierAtom\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n tags actPhase\n extends abstractConstantParser\nparsersStringParser\n cue string\n atoms cueAtom constantIdentifierAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllMultilineStringConstantParser\n extends abstractConstantParser\n tags actPhase\nabstractParserRuleParser\n single\n atoms cueAtom\nabstractNonTerminalParserRuleParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\nparsersBaseParserParser\n atoms cueAtom baseParsersAtom\n description Set for blobs or errors. \n // In rare cases with untyped content you can use a blobParser, for now, to skip parsing for performance gains. The base errorParser will report errors when parsed. Use that if you don't want to implement your own error parser.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue baseParser\n tags analyzePhase\ncatchAllAtomTypeParser\n atoms cueAtom atomTypeIdAtom\n description Use for lists.\n // Aka 'listAtomType'. Use this when the value in a key/value pair is a list. If there are extra atoms in the particle's line, parse these atoms as this type. Often used with `listDelimiterParser`.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n tags analyzePhase\natomParserParser\n atoms cueAtom atomParserAtom\n description Set parsing strategy.\n // prefix/postfix/omnifix parsing strategy. If missing, defaults to prefix.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n tags experimental analyzePhase\ncatchAllParserParser\n description Attach this to unmatched lines.\n // If a parser is not found in the inScope list, instantiate this type of particle instead.\n atoms cueAtom parserIdAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n tags acquirePhase\nparsersAtomsParser\n catchAllAtomType atomTypeIdAtom\n description Set required atomTypes.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue atoms\n tags analyzePhase\nparsersCompilerParser\n // todo Remove this and its subparticles?\n description Deprecated. For simple compilers.\n inScope stringTemplateParser catchAllAtomDelimiterParser openSubparticlesParser closeSubparticlesParser indentCharacterParser joinSubparticlesWithParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue compiler\n tags deprecate\n boolean suggestInAutocomplete false\nparserDescriptionParser\n description Parser description.\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue description\n tags assemblePhase\nparsersExampleParser\n // todo Should this just be a \"string\" constant on particles?\n description Set example for docs and tests.\n catchAllAtomType exampleAnyAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllExampleLineParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue example\n tags assemblePhase\nextendsParserParser\n cue extends\n tags assemblePhase\n description Extend another parser.\n // todo: add a catchall that is used for mixins\n atoms cueAtom parserIdAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\nparsersPopularityParser\n // todo Remove this parser. Switch to conditional frequencies.\n description Parser popularity.\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue popularity\n tags assemblePhase\ninScopeParser\n description Parsers in scope.\n catchAllAtomType parserIdAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n tags acquirePhase\nparsersJavascriptParser\n // todo Urgently need to get submode syntax highlighting running! (And eventually LSP)\n description Javascript code for Parser Actions.\n catchAllParser catchAllJavascriptCodeLineParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n tags actPhase\n javascript\n format() {\n if (this.isNodeJs()) {\n const template = `class FOO{ ${this.subparticlesToString()}}`\n this.setSubparticles(\n require(\"prettier\")\n .format(template, { semi: false, useTabs: true, parser: \"babel\", printWidth: 240 })\n .replace(/class FOO \\{\\s+/, \"\")\n .replace(/\\s+\\}\\s+$/, \"\")\n .replace(/\\n\\t/g, \"\\n\") // drop one level of indent\n .replace(/\\t/g, \" \") // we used tabs instead of spaces to be able to dedent without breaking literals.\n )\n }\n return this\n }\n cue javascript\nabstractParseRuleParser\n // Each particle should have a pattern that it matches on unless it's a catch all particle.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\nparsersCueParser\n atoms cueAtom stringAtom\n description Attach by matching first atom.\n extends abstractParseRuleParser\n tags acquirePhase\n cue cue\ncueFromIdParser\n atoms cueAtom\n description Derive cue from parserId.\n // for example 'fooParser' would have cue of 'foo'.\n extends abstractParseRuleParser\n tags acquirePhase\nparsersPatternParser\n catchAllAtomType regexAtom\n description Attach via regex.\n extends abstractParseRuleParser\n tags acquirePhase\n cue pattern\nparsersRequiredParser\n description Assert is present at least once.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue required\n tags analyzePhase\nabstractValidationRuleParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType booleanAtom\nparsersSingleParser\n description Assert used once.\n // Can be overridden by a child class by setting to false.\n extends abstractValidationRuleParser\n tags analyzePhase\n cue single\nuniqueLineParser\n description Assert unique lines. For pattern parsers.\n // Can be overridden by a child class by setting to false.\n extends abstractValidationRuleParser\n tags analyzePhase\nuniqueCueParser\n description Assert unique first atoms. For pattern parsers.\n // For catch all parsers or pattern particles, use this to indicate the \n extends abstractValidationRuleParser\n tags analyzePhase\nlistDelimiterParser\n description Split content by this delimiter.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n tags analyzePhase\ncontentKeyParser\n description Deprecated. For to/from JSON.\n // Advanced keyword to help with isomorphic JSON serialization/deserialization. If present will serialize the particle to an object and set a property with this key and the value set to the particle's content.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n tags deprecate\n boolean suggestInAutocomplete false\nsubparticlesKeyParser\n // todo: deprecate?\n description Deprecated. For to/from JSON.\n // Advanced keyword to help with serialization/deserialization of blobs. If present will serialize the particle to an object and set a property with this key and the value set to the particle's subparticles.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n tags deprecate\n boolean suggestInAutocomplete false\nparsersTagsParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n description Custom metadata.\n cue tags\n tags assemblePhase\natomTypeDescriptionParser\n description Atom Type description.\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n cue description\n tags assemblePhase\ncatchAllErrorParser\n baseParser errorParser\ncatchAllExampleLineParser\n catchAllAtomType exampleAnyAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllExampleLineParser\n atoms exampleAnyAtom\ncatchAllJavascriptCodeLineParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptCodeAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllJavascriptCodeLineParser\ncatchAllMultilineStringConstantParser\n description String constants can span multiple lines.\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllMultilineStringConstantParser\n atoms stringAtom\natomTypeDefinitionParser\n // todo Generate a class for each atom type?\n // todo Allow abstract atom types?\n // todo Change pattern to postfix.\n pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Atom$\n inScope parsersPaintParser parsersRegexParser reservedAtomsParser enumFromAtomTypesParser atomTypeDescriptionParser parsersEnumParser slashCommentParser extendsAtomTypeParser parsersExamplesParser atomMinParser atomMaxParser\n atoms atomTypeIdAtom\n tags assemblePhase\n javascript\n buildHtml() {return \"\"}\nenumFromAtomTypesParser\n description Runtime enum options.\n catchAllAtomType atomTypeIdAtom\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n cueFromId\n tags analyzePhase\nparsersEnumParser\n description Set enum options.\n cue enum\n catchAllAtomType enumOptionAtom\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n tags analyzePhase\nparsersExamplesParser\n description Examples for documentation and tests.\n // If the domain of possible atom values is large, such as a string type, it can help certain methods—such as program synthesis—to provide a few examples.\n cue examples\n catchAllAtomType atomExampleAtom\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n tags assemblePhase\natomMinParser\n description Specify a min if numeric.\n cue min\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom numberAtom\n tags analyzePhase\natomMaxParser\n description Specify a max if numeric.\n cue max\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom numberAtom\n tags analyzePhase\nparsersPaintParser\n atoms cueAtom paintTypeAtom\n description Instructor editor how to color these.\n single\n cue paint\n tags analyzePhase\nparserDefinitionParser\n // todo Add multiple dispatch?\n pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Parser$\n description Parser types are a core unit of your language. They translate to 1 class per parser. Examples of parser would be \"header\", \"person\", \"if\", \"+\", \"define\", etc.\n catchAllParser catchAllErrorParser\n inScope abstractParserRuleParser abstractConstantParser slashCommentParser parserDefinitionParser\n atoms parserIdAtom\n tags assemblePhase\n javascript\n buildHtml() { return \"\"}\nparsersRegexParser\n catchAllAtomType regexAtom\n description Atoms must match this.\n single\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n cue regex\n tags analyzePhase\nreservedAtomsParser\n single\n description Atoms can't be any of these.\n catchAllAtomType reservedAtomAtom\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n cueFromId\n tags analyzePhase\nextendsAtomTypeParser\n cue extends\n description Extend another atomType.\n // todo Add mixin support in addition to extends?\n atoms cueAtom atomTypeIdAtom\n tags assemblePhase\n single\nabstractColumnNameParser\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom\n javascript\n getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom) {\n if (atom.atomTypeId === \"columnNameAtom\")\n return this.parent.columnNames\n return super.getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom)\n }\nscrollRadiusParser\n cue radius\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nscrollSymbolParser\n cue symbol\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nabstractColumnNameOrColorParser\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\n atoms cueAtom columnNameOrColorAtom\n javascript\n //todo: cleanup\n colorOptions = \"aliceblue antiquewhite aqua aquamarine azure beige bisque black blanchedalmond blue blueviolet brown burlywood cadetblue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflowerblue cornsilk crimson cyan darkblue darkcyan darkgoldenrod darkgray darkgreen darkkhaki darkmagenta darkolivegreen darkorange darkorchid darkred darksalmon darkseagreen darkslateblue darkslategray darkturquoise darkviolet deeppink deepskyblue dimgray dodgerblue firebrick floralwhite forestgreen fuchsia gainsboro ghostwhite gold goldenrod gray green greenyellow honeydew hotpink indianred indigo ivory khaki lavender lavenderblush lawngreen lemonchiffon lightblue lightcoral lightcyan lightgoldenrodyellow lightgray lightgreen lightpink lightsalmon lightseagreen lightskyblue lightslategray lightsteelblue lightyellow lime limegreen linen magenta maroon mediumaquamarine mediumblue mediumorchid mediumpurple mediumseagreen mediumslateblue mediumspringgreen mediumturquoise mediumvioletred midnightblue mintcream mistyrose moccasin navajowhite navy oldlace olive olivedrab orange orangered orchid palegoldenrod palegreen paleturquoise palevioletred papayawhip peachpuff peru pink plum powderblue purple rebeccapurple red rosybrown royalblue saddlebrown salmon sandybrown seagreen seashell sienna silver skyblue slateblue slategray snow springgreen steelblue tan teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat white whitesmoke yellow yellowgreen\".split(\" \")\n getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom) {\n if (atom.atomTypeId === \"columnNameOrColorAtom\")\n return this.parent.columnNames.join(this.colorOptions)\n return super.getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom)\n }\nscrollFillParser\n cue fill\n extends abstractColumnNameOrColorParser\nscrollStrokeParser\n cue stroke\n extends abstractColumnNameOrColorParser\nscrollLabelParser\n cue label\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nscrollSortParser\n cue sort\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nscrollXParser\n cue x\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nscrollYParser\n cue y\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nabstractPlotLabelParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\nquoteLineParser\n popularity 0.004172\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser quoteLineParser\nscrollParser\n description Scroll is a language for scientists of all ages. Refine, share and collaborate on ideas.\n root\n inScope abstractScrollParser blankLineParser atomTypeDefinitionParser parserDefinitionParser\n catchAllParser catchAllParagraphParser\n javascript\n setFile(file) {\n this.file = file\n const date = this.get(\"date\")\n if (date) this.file.timestamp = this.dayjs(this.get(\"date\")).unix()\n return this\n }\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n this.sectionStack = []\n return this.filter(subparticle => subparticle.buildHtml).map(subparticle => { try {return subparticle.buildHtml(buildSettings)} catch (err) {console.error(err); return \"\"} }).filter(i => i).join(\"\\n\") + this.clearSectionStack()\n }\n sectionStack = []\n clearSectionStack() {\n const result = this.sectionStack.join(\"\\n\")\n this.sectionStack = []\n return result\n }\n bodyStack = []\n clearBodyStack() {\n const result = this.bodyStack.join(\"\")\n this.bodyStack = []\n return result\n }\n get hakonParser() {\n if (this.isNodeJs())\n return require(\"scrollsdk/products/hakon.nodejs.js\")\n return hakonParser\n }\n readSyncFromFileOrUrl(fileOrUrl) {\n if (!this.isNodeJs()) return this.getInBrowser(fileOrUrl)\n const isUrl = fileOrUrl.match(/^https?\\:[^ ]+$/)\n if (!isUrl) return this.root.readFile(fileOrUrl)\n return this.readFile(this.makeFullPath(new URL(fileOrUrl).pathname.split('/').pop()))\n }\n getInBrowser(key) {\n return localStorage.getItem(key) || (window.inMemStorage ? window.inMemStorage[key] : \"\") || \"\"\n }\n async fetch(url, filename) {\n const isUrl = url.match(/^https?\\:[^ ]+$/)\n if (!isUrl) return\n return this.isNodeJs() ? this.fetchNode(url, filename) : this.fetchBrowser(url)\n }\n get path() {\n return require(\"path\")\n }\n makeFullPath(filename) {\n return this.path.join(this.folderPath, filename)\n }\n _nextAndPrevious(arr, index) {\n const nextIndex = index + 1\n const previousIndex = index - 1\n return {\n previous: arr[previousIndex] ?? arr[arr.length - 1],\n next: arr[nextIndex] ?? arr[0]\n }\n }\n // keyboard nav is always in the same folder. does not currently support cross folder\n includeFileInKeyboardNav(file) {\n const { scrollProgram } = file\n return scrollProgram.buildsHtml && scrollProgram.hasKeyboardNav && scrollProgram.tags.includes(this.primaryTag)\n }\n get timeIndex() {\n return this.file.timeIndex || 0\n }\n get linkToPrevious() {\n if (!this.hasKeyboardNav)\n // Dont provide link to next unless keyboard nav is on\n return undefined\n const {allScrollFiles} = this\n let file = this._nextAndPrevious(allScrollFiles, this.timeIndex).previous\n while (!this.includeFileInKeyboardNav(file)) {\n file = this._nextAndPrevious(allScrollFiles, file.timeIndex).previous\n }\n return file.scrollProgram.permalink\n }\n importRegex = /^(import |[a-zA-Z\\_\\-\\.0-9\\/]+\\.(scroll|parsers)$|https?:\\/\\/.+\\.(scroll|parsers)$)/gm\n get linkToNext() {\n if (!this.hasKeyboardNav)\n // Dont provide link to next unless keyboard nav is on\n return undefined\n const {allScrollFiles} = this\n let file = this._nextAndPrevious(allScrollFiles, this.timeIndex).next\n while (!this.includeFileInKeyboardNav(file)) {\n file = this._nextAndPrevious(allScrollFiles, file.timeIndex).next\n }\n return file.scrollProgram.permalink\n }\n // todo: clean up this naming pattern and add a parser instead of special casing 404.html\n get allHtmlFiles() {\n return this.allScrollFiles.filter(file => file.scrollProgram.buildsHtml && file.scrollProgram.permalink !== \"404.html\")\n }\n parseNestedTag(tag) {\n if (!tag.includes(\"/\")) return;\n const {path} = this\n const parts = tag.split(\"/\")\n const group = parts.pop()\n const relativePath = parts.join(\"/\")\n return {\n group,\n relativePath,\n folderPath: path.join(this.folderPath, path.normalize(relativePath))\n }\n }\n getFilesByTags(tags, limit) {\n // todo: tags is currently matching partial substrings\n const getFilesWithTag = (tag, files) => files.filter(file => file.scrollProgram.buildsHtml && file.scrollProgram.tags.includes(tag))\n if (typeof tags === \"string\") tags = tags.split(\" \")\n if (!tags || !tags.length)\n return this.allHtmlFiles\n .filter(file => file !== this) // avoid infinite loops. todo: think this through better.\n .map(file => {\n return { file, relativePath: \"\" }\n })\n .slice(0, limit)\n let arr = []\n tags.forEach(tag => {\n if (!tag.includes(\"/\"))\n return (arr = arr.concat(\n getFilesWithTag(tag, this.allScrollFiles)\n .map(file => {\n return { file, relativePath: \"\" }\n })\n .slice(0, limit)\n ))\n const {folderPath, group, relativePath} = this.parseNestedTag(tag)\n let files = []\n try {\n files = this.fileSystem.getCachedLoadedFilesInFolder(folderPath, this)\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n }\n const filtered = getFilesWithTag(group, files).map(file => {\n return { file, relativePath: relativePath + \"/\" }\n })\n arr = arr.concat(filtered.slice(0, limit))\n })\n return this.lodash.sortBy(arr, file => file.file.timestamp).reverse()\n }\n async fetchNode(url, filename) {\n filename = filename || new URL(url).pathname.split('/').pop()\n const fullpath = this.makeFullPath(filename)\n if (require(\"fs\").existsSync(fullpath)) return this.readFile(fullpath)\n this.log(`🛜 fetching ${url} to ${fullpath} `)\n await this.downloadToDisk(url, fullpath)\n return this.readFile(fullpath)\n }\n log(message) {\n if (this.logger) this.logger.log(message)\n }\n async fetchBrowser(url) {\n const content = this.getInBrowser(url)\n if (content) return content\n return this.downloadToLocalStorage(url)\n }\n async downloadToDisk(url, destination) {\n const { writeFile } = require('fs').promises\n const response = await fetch(url)\n const fileBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer()\n await writeFile(destination, Buffer.from(fileBuffer))\n return this.readFile(destination)\n }\n async downloadToLocalStorage(url) {\n const response = await fetch(url)\n const blob = await response.blob()\n const text = await blob.text()\n try {\n localStorage.setItem(url, text)\n return localStorage.getItem(url)\n } catch (err) {\n if (!window.inMemStorage) window.inMemStorage = {}\n window.inMemStorage[url] = text\n console.error(err)\n return text\n }\n }\n readFile(filename) {\n const {path} = this\n const fs = require(\"fs\")\n const fullPath = path.join(this.folderPath, filename.replace(this.folderPath, \"\"))\n try {\n if (fs.existsSync(fullPath))\n return fs.readFileSync(fullPath, \"utf8\")\n console.error(`File '${filename}' not found`)\n return \"\"\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(`Error in '${this.filePath}' reading file: '${fullPath}'`)\n console.error(err)\n return \"\"\n }\n }\n alreadyRequired = new Set()\n buildHtmlSnippet(buildSettings) {\n this.sectionStack = []\n return this.map(subparticle => (subparticle.buildHtmlSnippet ? subparticle.buildHtmlSnippet(buildSettings) : subparticle.buildHtml(buildSettings)))\n .filter(i => i)\n .join(\"\\n\")\n .trim() + this.clearSectionStack()\n }\n get footnotes() {\n if (this._footnotes === undefined) this._footnotes = this.filter(particle => particle.isFootnote)\n return this._footnotes\n }\n get authors() {\n return this.get(\"authors\")\n }\n get allScrollFiles() {\n try {\n return this.fileSystem.getCachedLoadedFilesInFolder(this.folderPath, this)\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n return []\n }\n }\n async doThing(thing) {\n await Promise.all(this.filter(particle => particle[thing]).map(async particle => particle[thing]()))\n }\n async load() {\n await this.doThing(\"load\")\n }\n async execute() {\n await this.doThing(\"execute\")\n }\n file = {}\n getFromParserId(parserId) {\n return this.parserIdIndex[parserId]?.[0].content\n }\n get fileSystem() {\n return this.file.fileSystem\n }\n get filePath() {\n // Note: we currently do not support files with spaces in their filepaths\n return this.cue\n }\n get folderPath() {\n return Utils.posix.dirname(this.filePath) + \"/\"\n }\n get filename() {\n return Utils.posix.basename(this.filePath)\n }\n get hasKeyboardNav() {\n return this.has(\"keyboardNav\")\n }\n get editHtml() {\n return `Edit`\n }\n get externalsPath() {\n return this.file.EXTERNALS_PATH\n }\n get endSnippetIndex() {\n // Get the line number that the snippet should stop at.\n // First if its hard coded, use that\n if (this.has(\"endSnippet\")) return this.getParticle(\"endSnippet\").index\n // Next look for a dinkus\n const snippetBreak = this.find(particle => particle.isDinkus)\n if (snippetBreak) return snippetBreak.index\n return -1\n }\n get parserIds() {\n return this.topDownArray.map(particle => particle.definition.id)\n }\n get tags() {\n return this.get(\"tags\") || \"\"\n }\n get primaryTag() {\n return this.tags.split(\" \")[0]\n }\n get filenameNoExtension() {\n return this.filename.replace(\".scroll\", \"\")\n }\n // todo: rename publishedUrl? Or something to indicate that this is only for stuff on the web (not localhost)\n // BaseUrl must be provided for RSS Feeds and OpenGraph tags to work\n get baseUrl() {\n const baseUrl = (this.get(\"baseUrl\") || \"\").replace(/\\/$/, \"\")\n return baseUrl + \"/\"\n }\n get canonicalUrl() {\n return this.get(\"canonicalUrl\") || this.baseUrl + this.permalink\n }\n get openGraphImage() {\n const openGraphImage = this.get(\"openGraphImage\")\n if (openGraphImage !== undefined) return this.ensureAbsoluteLink(openGraphImage)\n const images = this.filter(particle => particle.doesExtend(\"scrollImageParser\"))\n const hit = images.find(particle => particle.has(\"openGraph\")) || images[0]\n if (!hit) return \"\"\n return this.ensureAbsoluteLink(hit.filename)\n }\n get absoluteLink() {\n return this.ensureAbsoluteLink(this.permalink)\n }\n ensureAbsoluteLink(link) {\n if (link.includes(\"://\")) return link\n return this.baseUrl + link.replace(/^\\//, \"\")\n }\n get editUrl() {\n const editUrl = this.get(\"editUrl\")\n if (editUrl) return editUrl\n const editBaseUrl = this.get(\"editBaseUrl\")\n return (editBaseUrl ? editBaseUrl.replace(/\\/$/, \"\") + \"/\" : \"\") + this.filename\n }\n get gitRepo() {\n // given https://github.com/breck7/breckyunits.com/blob/main/four-tips-to-improve-communication.scroll\n // return https://github.com/breck7/breckyunits.com\n return this.editUrl.split(\"/\").slice(0, 5).join(\"/\")\n }\n get scrollVersion() {\n // currently manually updated\n return \"170.5.0\"\n }\n // Use the first paragraph for the description\n // todo: add a particle method version of get that gets you the first particle. (actulaly make get return array?)\n // would speed up a lot.\n get description() {\n const description = this.getFromParserId(\"openGraphDescriptionParser\")\n if (description) return description\n return this.generatedDescription\n }\n get keywords() {\n if (this.has(\"keywords\"))\n return this.get(\"keywords\")\n const tags = this.get(\"tags\")\n if (tags)\n return tags.split(\" \").join(\", \")\n return \"\"\n }\n get generatedDescription() {\n const firstParagraph = this.find(particle => particle.isArticleContent)\n return firstParagraph ? firstParagraph.originalText.substr(0, 100).replace(/[&\"<>']/g, \"\") : \"\"\n }\n get titleFromFilename() {\n const unCamelCase = str => str.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, \"$1 $2\").replace(/^./, match => match.toUpperCase())\n return unCamelCase(this.filenameNoExtension)\n }\n get title() {\n return this.getFromParserId(\"scrollTitleParser\") || this.titleFromFilename\n }\n get linkTitle() {\n return this.getFromParserId(\"scrollLinkTitleParser\") || this.title\n }\n get permalink() {\n return this.get(\"permalink\") || (this.filename ? this.filenameNoExtension + \".html\" : \"\")\n }\n compileTo(extensionCapitalized) {\n if (extensionCapitalized === \"Txt\")\n return this.asTxt\n if (extensionCapitalized === \"Html\")\n return this.asHtml\n const methodName = \"build\" + extensionCapitalized\n return this.topDownArray\n .filter(particle => particleethodName])\n .map((particle, index) => particleethodName](index))\n .join(\"\\n\")\n .trim()\n }\n get asTxt() {\n return (\n this.map(particle => {\n const text = particle.buildTxt ? particle.buildTxt() : \"\"\n if (text) return text + \"\\n\"\n if (!particle.getLine().length) return \"\\n\"\n return \"\"\n })\n .join(\"\")\n .replace(/\\n\\n\\n+/g, \"\\n\\n\") // Maximum 2 newlines in a row\n .trim() + \"\\n\" // Always end in a newline, Posix style\n )\n }\n get dependencies() {\n const dependencies = this.file.dependencies?.slice() || []\n const files = this.topDownArray.filter(particle => particle.dependencies).map(particle => particle.dependencies).flat()\n return dependencies.concat(files)\n }\n get buildsHtml() {\n const { permalink } = this\n return !this.file.importOnly && (permalink.endsWith(\".html\") || permalink.endsWith(\".htm\"))\n }\n // Without specifying the language hyphenation will not work.\n get lang() {\n return this.get(\"htmlLang\") || \"en\"\n }\n _compiledHtml = \"\"\n get asHtml() {\n if (!this._compiledHtml) {\n const { permalink, buildsHtml } = this\n const content = (this.buildHtml() + this.clearBodyStack()).trim()\n // Don't add html tags to CSV feeds. A little hacky as calling a getter named _html_ to get _xml_ is not ideal. But\n // <1% of use case so might be good enough.\n const wrapWithHtmlTags = buildsHtml\n const bodyTag = this.has(\"metaTags\") ? \"\" : \"\\n\"\n this._compiledHtml = wrapWithHtmlTags ? `\\n\\n${bodyTag}${content}\\n\\n` : content\n }\n return this._compiledHtml\n }\n get wordCount() {\n return this.asTxt.match(/\\b\\w+\\b/g)?.length || 0\n }\n get minutes() {\n return parseFloat((this.wordCount / 200).toFixed(1))\n }\n get date() {\n const date = this.get(\"date\") || (this.file.timestamp ? this.file.timestamp : 0)\n return this.dayjs(date).format(`MM/DD/YYYY`)\n }\n get year() {\n return parseInt(this.dayjs(this.date).format(`YYYY`))\n }\n get dayjs() {\n if (!this.isNodeJs()) return dayjs\n const lib = require(\"dayjs\")\n const relativeTime = require(\"dayjs/plugin/relativeTime\")\n lib.extend(relativeTime)\n return lib\n }\n get lodash() {\n return this.isNodeJs() ? require(\"lodash\") : lodash\n }\n get d3() {\n return this.isNodeJs() ? require('d3') : d3\n }\n getConcepts(parsed) {\n const concepts = []\n let currentConcept\n parsed.forEach(particle => {\n if (particle.isConceptDelimiter) {\n if (currentConcept) concepts.push(currentConcept)\n currentConcept = []\n }\n if (currentConcept && particle.isMeasure) currentConcept.push(particle)\n })\n if (currentConcept) concepts.push(currentConcept)\n return concepts\n }\n _formatConcepts(parsed) {\n const concepts = this.getConcepts(parsed)\n if (!concepts.length) return false\n const {lodash} = this\n // does a destructive sort in place on the parsed program\n concepts.forEach(concept => {\n let currentSection\n const newCode = lodash\n .sortBy(concept, [\"sortIndex\"])\n .map(particle => {\n let newLines = \"\"\n const section = particle.sortIndex.toString().split(\".\")[0]\n if (section !== currentSection) {\n currentSection = section\n newLines = \"\\n\"\n }\n return newLines + particle.toString()\n })\n .join(\"\\n\")\n concept.forEach((particle, index) => (index ? particle.destroy() : \"\"))\n concept[0].replaceParticle(() => newCode)\n })\n }\n get formatted() {\n return this.getFormatted(this.file.codeAtStart)\n }\n get lastCommitTime() {\n // todo: speed this up and do a proper release. also could add more metrics like this.\n if (this._lastCommitTime === undefined) {\n try {\n this._lastCommitTime = require(\"child_process\").execSync(`git log -1 --format=\"%at\" -- \"${this.filePath}\"`).toString().trim()\n } catch (err) {\n this._lastCommitTime = 0\n }\n }\n return this._lastCommitTime\n }\n getFormatted(codeAtStart = this.toString()) {\n let formatted = codeAtStart.replace(/\\r/g, \"\") // remove all carriage returns if there are any\n const parsed = new this.constructor(formatted)\n parsed.topDownArray.forEach(subparticle => {\n subparticle.format()\n const original = subparticle.getLine()\n const trimmed = original.replace(/(\\S.*?)[ \\t]*$/gm, \"$1\")\n // Trim trailing whitespace unless parser allows it\n if (original !== trimmed && !subparticle.allowTrailingWhitespace) subparticle.setLine(trimmed)\n })\n this._formatConcepts(parsed)\n let importOnlys = []\n let topMatter = []\n let allElse = []\n // Create any bindings\n parsed.forEach(particle => {\n if (particle.bindTo === \"next\") particle.binding = particle.next\n if (particle.bindTo === \"previous\") particle.binding = particle.previous\n })\n parsed.forEach(particle => {\n if (particle.getLine() === \"importOnly\") importOnlys.push(particle)\n else if (particle.isTopMatter) topMatter.push(particle)\n else allElse.push(particle)\n })\n const combined = importOnlys.concat(topMatter, allElse)\n // Move any bound particles\n combined\n .filter(particle => particle.bindTo)\n .forEach(particle => {\n // First remove the particle from its current position\n const originalIndex = combined.indexOf(particle)\n combined.splice(originalIndex, 1)\n // Then insert it at the new position\n // We need to find the binding index again after removal\n const bindingIndex = combined.indexOf(particle.binding)\n if (particle.bindTo === \"next\") combined.splice(bindingIndex, 0, particle)\n else combined.splice(bindingIndex + 1, 0, particle)\n })\n const trimmed = combined\n .map(particle => particle.toString())\n .join(\"\\n\")\n .replace(/^\\n*/, \"\") // Remove leading newlines\n .replace(/\\n\\n\\n+/g, \"\\n\\n\") // Maximum 2 newlines in a row\n .replace(/\\n+$/, \"\")\n return trimmed === \"\" ? trimmed : trimmed + \"\\n\" // End non blank Scroll files in a newline character POSIX style for better working with tools like git\n }\n get parser() {\n return this.constructor\n }\n get parsersRequiringExternals() {\n const { parser } = this\n // todo: could be cleaned up a bit\n if (!parser.parsersRequiringExternals) parser.parsersRequiringExternals = parser.cachedHandParsersProgramRoot.filter(particle => particle.copyFromExternal).map(particle => particle.atoms[0])\n return parser.parsersRequiringExternals\n }\n get Disk() { return this.isNodeJs() ? require(\"scrollsdk/products/Disk.node.js\").Disk : {}}\n async buildAll(options = {}) {\n await this.load()\n await this.buildOne(options)\n await this.buildTwo(options)\n }\n async buildOne(options) {\n await this.execute()\n const toBuild = this.filter(particle => particle.buildOne)\n for (let particle of toBuild) {\n await particle.buildOne(options)\n }\n }\n async buildTwo(options) {\n const toBuild = this.filter(particle => particle.buildTwo)\n for (let particle of toBuild) {\n await particle.buildTwo(options)\n }\n }\n get outputFileNames() {\n return this.filter(p => p.outputFileNames).map(p => p.outputFileNames).flat()\n }\n _compileArray(filename, arr) {\n const removeBlanks = data => data.map(obj => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).filter(([_, value]) => value !== \"\")))\n const parts = filename.split(\".\")\n const format = parts.pop()\n if (format === \"json\") return JSON.stringify(removeBlanks(arr), null, 2)\n if (format === \"js\") return `const ${parts[0]} = ` + JSON.stringify(removeBlanks(arr), null, 2)\n if (format === \"csv\") return this.arrayToCSV(arr)\n if (format === \"tsv\") return this.arrayToCSV(arr, \"\\t\")\n if (format === \"particles\") return particles.toString()\n return particles.toString()\n }\n levenshteinDistance(a, b) {\n const m = a.length\n const n = b.length\n const dp = Array.from({ length: m + 1 }, () => Array(n + 1).fill(0))\n for (let i = 0; i <= m; i++) {\n dp[i][0] = i\n }\n for (let j = 0; j <= n; j++) {\n dp[0][j] = j\n }\n for (let i = 1; i <= m; i++) {\n for (let j = 1; j <= n; j++) {\n const cost = a[i - 1] === b[j - 1] ? 0 : 1\n dp[i][j] = Math.min(dp[i - 1][j] + 1, dp[i][j - 1] + 1, dp[i - 1][j - 1] + cost)\n }\n }\n return dp][n]\n }\n makeLodashOrderByParams(str) {\n const part1 = str.split(\" \")\n const part2 = part1.map(col => (col.startsWith(\"-\") ? \"desc\" : \"asc\"))\n return [part1.map(col => col.replace(/^\\-/, \"\")), part2]\n }\n arrayToCSV(data, delimiter = \",\") {\n if (!data.length) return \"\"\n // Extract headers\n const headers = Object.keys(data[0])\n const csv = data.map(row =>\n headers\n .map(fieldName => {\n const fieldValue = row[fieldName]\n // Escape commas if the value is a string\n if (typeof fieldValue === \"string\" && (fieldValue.includes(delimiter) || fieldValue.includes('\"'))) {\n return `\"${fieldValue.replace(/\"/g, '\"\"')}\"` // Escape double quotes and wrap in double quotes\n }\n return fieldValue\n })\n .join(delimiter)\n )\n csv.unshift(headers.join(delimiter)) // Add header row at the top\n return csv.join(\"\\n\")\n }\n compileConcepts(filename = \"csv\", sortBy = \"\") {\n const {lodash} = this\n if (!sortBy) return this._compileArray(filename, this.concepts)\n const orderBy = this.makeLodashOrderByParams(sortBy)\n return this._compileArray(filename, lodash.orderBy(this.concepts, orderBy[0], orderBy[1]))\n }\n _withStats\n get measuresWithStats() {\n if (!this._withStats) this._withStats = this.addMeasureStats(this.concepts, this.measures)\n return this._withStats\n }\n addMeasureStats(concepts, measures){\n return measures.map(measure => {\n let Type = false\n concepts.forEach(concept => {\n const value = concepteasure.Name]\n if (value === undefined || value === \"\") return\n measure.Values++\n if (!Type) {\n measure.Example = value.toString().replace(/\\n/g, \" \")\n measure.Type = typeof value\n Type = true\n }\n })\n measure.Coverage = Math.floor((100 * measure.Values) / concepts.length) + \"%\"\n return measure\n })\n }\n parseMeasures(parser) {\n if (!Particle.measureCache)\n Particle.measureCache = new Map()\n const measureCache = Particle.measureCache\n if (measureCache.get(parser)) return measureCache.get(parser)\n const {lodash} = this\n // todo: clean this up\n const getCueAtoms = rootParserProgram =>\n rootParserProgram\n .filter(particle => particle.getLine().endsWith(\"Parser\") && !particle.getLine().startsWith(\"abstract\"))\n .map(particle => particle.get(\"cue\") || particle.getLine())\n .map(line => line.replace(/Parser$/, \"\"))\n // Generate a fake program with one of every of the available parsers. Then parse it. Then we can easily access the meta data on the parsers\n const dummyProgram = new parser(\n Array.from(\n new Set(\n getCueAtoms(parser.cachedHandParsersProgramRoot) // is there a better method name than this?\n )\n ).join(\"\\n\"), this.getLine()\n )\n // Delete any particles that are not measures\n dummyProgram.filter(particle => !particle.isMeasure).forEach(particle => particle.destroy())\n dummyProgram.forEach(particle => {\n // add nested measures\n Object.keys(particle.definition.cueMapWithDefinitions).forEach(key => particle.appendLine(key))\n })\n // Delete any nested particles that are not measures\n dummyProgram.topDownArray.filter(particle => !particle.isMeasure).forEach(particle => particle.destroy())\n const measures = dummyProgram.topDownArray.map(particle => {\n return {\n Name: particle.measureName,\n Values: 0,\n Coverage: 0,\n Question: particle.definition.description,\n Example: particle.definition.getParticle(\"example\")?.subparticlesToString() || \"\",\n Type: particle.typeForWebForms,\n Source: particle.sourceDomain,\n //Definition: parsedProgram.root.filename + \":\" + particle.lineNumber\n SortIndex: particle.sortIndex,\n IsComputed: particle.isComputed,\n IsRequired: particle.isMeasureRequired,\n IsConceptDelimiter: particle.isConceptDelimiter,\n Cue: particle.definition.get(\"cue\")\n }\n })\n measureCache.set(parser, lodash.sortBy(measures, \"SortIndex\"))\n return measureCache.get(parser)\n }\n _concepts\n get concepts() {\n if (this._concepts) return this._concepts\n this._concepts = this.parseConcepts(this, this.measures)\n return this._concepts\n }\n _measures\n get measures() {\n if (this._measures) return this._measures\n this._measures = this.parseMeasures(this.parser)\n return this._measures\n }\n parseConcepts(parsedProgram, measures){\n // Todo: might be a perf/memory/simplicity win to have a \"segment\" method in ScrollSDK, where you could\n // virtually split a Particle into multiple segments, and then query on those segments.\n // So we would \"segment\" on \"id \", and then not need to create a bunch of new objects, and the original\n // already parsed lines could then learn about/access to their respective segments.\n const conceptDelimiter = measures.filter(measure => measure.IsConceptDelimiter)[0]\n if (!conceptDelimiter) return []\n const concepts = parsedProgram.split(conceptDelimiter.Cue || conceptDelimiter.Name)\n concepts.shift() // Remove the part before \"id\"\n return concepts.map(concept => {\n const row = {}\n measures.forEach(measure => {\n const measureName = measure.Name\n const measureKey = measure.Cue || measureName.replace(/_/g, \" \")\n if (!measure.IsComputed) roweasureName] = concept.getParticle(measureKey)?.measureValue ?? \"\"\n else roweasureName] = this.computeMeasure(parsedProgram, measureName, concept, concepts)\n })\n return row\n })\n }\n computeMeasure(parsedProgram, measureName, concept, concepts){\n // note that this is currently global, assuming there wont be. name conflicts in computed measures in a single scroll\n if (!Particle.measureFnCache) Particle.measureFnCache = {}\n const measureFnCache = Particle.measureFnCache\n if (!measureFnCacheeasureName]) {\n // a bit hacky but works??\n const particle = parsedProgram.appendLine(measureName)\n measureFnCacheeasureName] = particle.computeValue\n particle.destroy()\n }\n return measureFnCacheeasureName](concept, measureName, parsedProgram, concepts)\n }\n compileMeasures(filename = \"csv\", sortBy = \"\") {\n const withStats = this.measuresWithStats\n if (!sortBy) return this._compileArray(filename, withStats)\n const orderBy = this.makeLodashOrderByParams(sortBy)\n return this._compileArray(filename, this.lodash.orderBy(withStats, orderBy[0], orderBy[1]))\n }\n evalNodeJsMacros(value, macroMap, filePath) {\n const tempPath = filePath + \".js\"\n const {Disk} = this\n if (Disk.exists(tempPath)) throw new Error(`Failed to write/require replaceNodejs snippet since '${tempPath}' already exists.`)\n try {\n Disk.write(tempPath, value)\n const results = require(tempPath)\n Object.keys(results).forEach(key => (macroMap[key] = results[key]))\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(`Error in evalMacros in file '${filePath}'`)\n console.error(err)\n } finally {\n Disk.rm(tempPath)\n }\n }\n evalMacros(fusedFile) {\n const {fusedCode, codeAtStart, filePath} = fusedFile\n let code = fusedCode\n const absolutePath = filePath\n // note: the 2 params above are not used in this method, but may be used in user eval code. (todo: cleanup)\n const regex = /^(replace|toFooter$)/gm\n if (!regex.test(code)) return code\n const particle = new Particle(code) // todo: this can be faster. a more lightweight particle class?\n // Process macros\n const macroMap = {}\n particle\n .filter(particle => {\n const parserAtom = particle.cue\n return parserAtom === \"replace\" || parserAtom === \"replaceJs\" || parserAtom === \"replaceNodejs\"\n })\n .forEach(particle => {\n let value = particle.length ? particle.subparticlesToString() : particle.getAtomsFrom(2).join(\" \")\n const kind = particle.cue\n try {\n if (kind === \"replaceJs\") value = eval(value)\n if (this.isNodeJs() && kind === \"replaceNodejs\")\n this.evalNodeJsMacros(value, macroMap, absolutePath)\n else macroMap[particle.getAtom(1)] = value\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n }\n particle.destroy() // Destroy definitions after eval\n })\n if (particle.has(\"toFooter\")) {\n const pushes = particle.getParticles(\"toFooter\")\n const append = pushes.map(push => push.section.join(\"\\n\")).join(\"\\n\")\n pushes.forEach(push => {\n push.section.forEach(particle => particle.destroy())\n push.destroy()\n })\n code = particle.asString + append\n }\n const keys = Object.keys(macroMap)\n if (!keys.length) return code\n let codeAfterMacroSubstitution = particle.asString\n // Todo: speed up. build a template?\n Object.keys(macroMap).forEach(key => (codeAfterMacroSubstitution = codeAfterMacroSubstitution.replace(new RegExp(key, \"g\"), macroMap[key])))\n return codeAfterMacroSubstitution\n }\n toRss() {\n const { title, canonicalUrl } = this\n return ` - \n
${title} \n ${canonicalUrl}\n ${this.dayjs(this.timestamp * 1000).format(\"ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ\")} \n `\n }\n example\n # Hello world\n ## This is Scroll\n * It compiles to HTML.\n \n code\n // You can add code as well.\n print(\"Hello world\")\nstampFileParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n description Create a file.\n javascript\n execute(parentDir) {\n const fs = require(\"fs\")\n const path = require(\"path\")\n const fullPath = path.join(parentDir, this.getLine())\n this.root.log(`Creating file ${fullPath}`)\n fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(fullPath), {recursive: true})\n const content = this.subparticlesToString()\n fs.writeFileSync(fullPath, content, \"utf8\")\n const isExecutable = content.startsWith(\"#!\")\n if (isExecutable) fs.chmodSync(fullPath, \"755\")\n }\nstampFolderParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n description Create a folder.\n inScope stampFolderParser\n catchAllParser stampFileParser\n pattern \\/$\n javascript\n execute(parentDir) {\n const fs = require(\"fs\")\n const path = require(\"path\")\n const newPath = path.join(parentDir, this.getLine())\n this.root.log(`Creating folder ${newPath}`)\n fs.mkdirSync(newPath, {recursive: true})\n this.forEach(particle => particle.execute(newPath))\n }\nstumpContentParser\n popularity 0.102322\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\nabstractTableOptionsParser\n atoms cueAtom stringAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nscrollJsonPathParser\n popularity 0.001037\n description Specify dot path to data.\n cue path\n extends abstractTableOptionsParser\nscrollTableDelimiterParser\n popularity 0.001037\n description Set the delimiter.\n cue delimiter\n extends abstractTableOptionsParser\nscrollTableDataParser\n popularity 0.001061\n cue data\n atoms cueAtom\n description Table from inline delimited data.\n baseParser blobParser\nplainTextLineParser\n popularity 0.000121\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser plainTextLineParser\nBlobParser\n baseParser blobParser"}
${this.buildTxt().replace(/\\`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.sources.map((pass, index) => `Pass ${index + 1} - ${pass.name}\\n========\\n${pass.code}`).join(\"\\n\\n\\n\")\n }\nabstractDinkusParser\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n boolean isDinkus true\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.dinkus}`\n }\n defaultClass = \"abstractDinkusParser\"\n buildTxt() {\n return this.dinkus\n }\n get dinkus() {\n return this.content || this.getLine()\n }\nhorizontalRuleParser\n popularity 0.000362\n cue ---\n description A horizontal rule.\n extends abstractDinkusParser\n example\n ---\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `
`\n }\nscrollDinkusParser\n popularity 0.010828\n cue ***\n description A dinkus. Breaks section.\n boolean isPopular true\n example\n ***\n extends abstractDinkusParser\n javascript\n dinkus = \"*\"\ncustomDinkusParser\n cue dinkus\n description A custom dinkus.\n extends abstractDinkusParser\nendOfPostDinkusParser\n popularity 0.005740\n extends abstractDinkusParser\n description End of post dinkus.\n boolean isPopular true\n cue ****\n example\n ****\n javascript\n dinkus = \"⁂\"\nabstractIconButtonParser\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.svg}`\n }\ndownloadButtonParser\n popularity 0.006294\n description Link to download/WWS page.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n string style position:relative;\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.content\n }\neditButtonParser\n popularity 0.013963\n description Print badge top right.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n // SVG from https://github.com/32pixelsCo/zest-icons\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.content || this.root.editUrl || \"\"\n }\n get style() {\n return this.parent.findParticles(\"editButton\")[0] === this ? \"right:2rem;\": \"position:relative;\"\n }\nemailButtonParser\n popularity 0.006294\n description Email button.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n catchAllAtomType emailAddressAtom\n // todo: should just be \"optionalAtomType\"\n string style position:relative;\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n const email = this.content || this.parent.get(\"email\")\n return email ? `mailto:${email}` : \"\"\n }\nhomeButtonParser\n popularity 0.006391\n description Home button.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n string style left:2rem;\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.content || this.get(\"link\") || \"index.html\"\n }\ntheScrollButtonParser\n popularity 0.006294\n description WWS button.\n extends abstractIconButtonParser\n string style position:relative;\n string svg \n javascript\n get link() {\n return \"https://wws.scroll.pub\"\n }\nabstractTextLinkParser\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.text\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\neditLinkParser\n popularity 0.001206\n extends abstractTextLinkParser\n description Print \"Edit\" link.\n string text Edit\n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.root.editUrl || \"\"\n }\nscrollVersionLinkParser\n popularity 0.006294\n extends abstractTextLinkParser\n string link https://scroll.pub\n description Print Scroll version.\n javascript\n get text() {\n return `Built with Scroll v${this.root.scrollVersion}`\n }\nclassicFormParser\n cue classicForm\n popularity 0.006391\n description Generate input form for ScrollSet.\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n string script\n \n string style\n \n javascript\n get inputs() {\n return this.root.measures.filter(measure => !measure.IsComputed).map((measure, index) => {\n const {Name, Question, IsRequired, Type} = measure\n const type = Type || \"text\"\n const placeholder = Question\n const ucFirst = Name.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + Name.substr(1)\n // ${index ? \"\" : \"autofocus\"}\n let tag = \"\"\n if (Type === \"textarea\")\n tag = ``\n else\n tag = ``\n return `${tag}`\n }).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const {isEmail, formDestination, callToAction, subject} = this\n return `${this.script}${this.style}`\n }\n get callToAction() {\n return (this.isEmail ? \"Submit via email\" : (this.subject || \"Post\"))\n }\n get isEmail() {\n return this.formDestination.includes(\"@\")\n }\n get formDestination() {\n return this.getAtom(1) || \"\"\n }\n get subject() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(2)?.join(\" \") || \"\"\n }\n get footer() {\n return \"\"\n }\nscrollFormParser\n extends classicFormParser\n cue scrollForm\n placeholderParser\n atoms cueAtom\n baseParser blobParser\n cueFromId\n single\n valueParser\n atoms cueAtom\n baseParser blobParser\n cueFromId\n single\n nameParser\n description Name for the post submission.\n atoms cueAtom stringAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n description Generate a Scroll Form.\n string copyFromExternal .codeMirror.css .scrollLibs.js .constants.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n javascript\n get placeholder() {\n return this.getParticle(\"placeholder\")?.subparticlesToString() || \"\"\n }\n get value() {\n return this.getParticle(\"value\")?.subparticlesToString() || \"\"\n }\n get footer() {\n return \"\"\n }\n get name() {\n return this.get(\"name\") || \"particles\"\n }\n get parsersBundle() {\n const parserRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Parser$/gm\n const clone = this.root.clone()\n const parsers = clone.filter(line => parserRegex.test(line.getLine()))\n return \"\\n\" + parsers.map(particle => {\n particle.prependLine(\"boolean suggestInAutocomplete true\")\n return particle.toString()\n }).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n get inputs() {\n const Name = this.name\n return `\n \n `\n }\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n return this.getHtmlRequirements(buildSettings) + super.buildHtml()\n }\nloremIpsumParser\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n cueFromId\n description Generate dummy text.\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n string placeholder Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\n javascript\n get originalText() {\n return this.placeholder.repeat(this.howMany)\n }\n get howMany() {\n return this.getAtom(1) ? parseInt(this.getAtom(1)) : 1\n }\nnickelbackIpsumParser\n extends loremIpsumParser\n string placeholder And one day, I’ll be at the door. And lose your wings to fall in love? To the bottom of every bottle. I’m on the ledge of the eighteenth story. Why must the blind always lead the blind?\nscrollModalParser\n description A modal dialog overlay.\n extends abstractAftertextParser\n boolean isHtml true\n cue modal\n string requireOnce\n \n \n javascript\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n this.parent.sectionStack.push(\"
${this.code.replace(/\\`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return \"```\\n\" + this.code + \"\\n```\"\n }\n get code() {\n return this.subparticlesToString()\n }\n cueFromId\ncodeWithHeaderParser\n popularity 0.000169\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n extends codeParser\n example\n codeWithHeader math.py\n two = 1 + 1\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.content}${super.buildHtml()}`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return \"```\" + this.content + \"\\n\" + this.code + \"\\n```\"\n }\ncodeFromFileParser\n popularity 0.000169\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n extends codeWithHeaderParser\n example\n codeFromFile math.py\n javascript\n get code() {\n return this.root.readSyncFromFileOrUrl(this.content)\n }\nprismParser\n popularity 0.001929\n description A code block with syntax highlighting.\n catchAllParser lineOfCodeParser\n cueFromId\n extends codeWithHeaderParser\n string copyFromExternal .prism.css .prism.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n example\n prism javascript\n const hello = \"world\";\n console.log(hello);\n javascript\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n const content = this.content || \"text\"\n const language = content.split(\".\").pop()\n const header = content.includes(\".\") ? content : \"\"\n const languageClass = `language-${language}`;\n const prefix = this.getHtmlRequirements(buildSettings)\n const body = `${this.code.replace(/\\
`\n if (!header)\n return prefix + body\n return prefix + `${header}` + body + \"\"\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return \"```\" + (this.content || \"\") + \"\\n\" + this.code + \"\\n```\";\n }\nprismFromFileParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n extends prismParser\n example\n prismFromFile math.py\n javascript\n get code() {\n return this.root.readSyncFromFileOrUrl(this.content)\n }\n get dependencies() { return [this.cue]}\n async load() {\n await this.root.fetch(this.content)\n }\ncodeWithLanguageParser\n popularity 0.000458\n description Use this to specify the language of the code block, such as csvCode or rustCode.\n extends codeParser\n pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Code$\ndebugParsersParser\n description Print the parsers used.\n extends codeParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildParsers() { return this.code}\n get code() {\n let code = new Particle(this.root.definition.toString())\n // Remove comments\n code.filter((line) => line.getLine().startsWith(\"//\")).forEach((particle) => particle.destroy())\n // Remove blank lines\n code = code.toString().replace(/^\\n/gm, \"\")\n return code\n }\ndebugSourceMapParser\n description Print the source map.\n extends codeParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n get code() {\n const {root} = this\n const {fileSystem, file, filePath} = root\n return fileSystem.makeSourceMap(filePath, root.toString())\n }\nabstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n return this.getHtmlRequirements(buildSettings) + this.buildInstance()\n }\ncopyButtonsParser\n popularity 0.001471\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n description Copy code widget.\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n return \"\"\n }\n string requireOnce\n \nabstractTableVisualizationParser\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n boolean isTableVisualization true\n javascript\n get columnNames() {\n return this.parent.columnNames\n }\nheatrixParser\n cueFromId\n example\n heatrix\n '2007 '2008 '2009 '2010 '2011 '2012 '2013 '2014 '2015 '2016 '2017 '2018 '2019 '2020 '2021 '2022 '2023 '2024\n 4 11 23 37 3 14 12 0 0 0 5 1 2 11 15 10 12 56\n description A heatmap matrix data visualization.\n catchAllParser heatrixCatchAllParser\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n // A hacky but simple way to do this for now.\n const advanced = new Particle(\"heatrixAdvanced\")\n advanced.appendLineAndSubparticles(\"datatable\", \"\\n \" + this.tableData.replace(/\\n/g, \"\\n \"))\n const particle = this.appendSibling(\"heatrixAdvanced\", advanced.subparticlesToString())\n const html = particle.buildHtml()\n particle.destroy()\n return html\n }\n get tableData() {\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n if (!coreTable)\n return this.subparticlesToString()\n let table = new Particle(coreTable).asSsv\n if (this.parent.cue === \"transpose\") {\n // drop first line after transpose\n const lines = table.split(\"\\n\")\n lines.shift()\n table = lines.join(\"\\n\")\n }\n // detect years and make strings\n const lines = table.split(\"\\n\")\n const yearLine = / \\d{4}(\\s+\\d{4})+$/\n if (yearLine.test(lines[0])) {\n lines[0] = lines[0].replace(/ /g, \" '\")\n table = lines.join(\"\\n\")\n }\n return table\n }\nheatrixAdvancedParser\n popularity 0.000048\n cueFromId\n catchAllParser heatrixCatchAllParser\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n description Advanced heatrix.\n example\n heatrix\n datatable\n \n %h10; '2007 '2008 '2009\n 12 4 323\n scale\n #ebedf0 0\n #c7e9c0 100\n #a1d99b 400\n #74c476 1600\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n class Heatrix {\n static HeatrixId = 0\n uid = Heatrix.HeatrixId++\n constructor(program) {\n const isDirective = atom => /^(f|l|w|h)\\d+$/.test(atom) || atom === \"right\" || atom === \"left\" || atom.startsWith(\"http://\") || atom.startsWith(\"https://\") || atom.endsWith(\".html\")\n const particle = new Particle(program)\n this.program = particle\n const generateColorBinningString = (data, colors) => {\n const sortedData = [...data].sort((a, b) => a - b);\n const n = sortedData.length;\n const numBins = colors.length;\n // Calculate the indices for each quantile\n const indices = [];\n for (let i = 1; i < numBins; i++) {\n indices.push(Math.floor((i / numBins) * n));\n }\n // Get the quantile values and round them\n const thresholds = indices.map(index => Math.round(sortedData[index]));\n // Generate the string\n let result = '';\n colors.forEach((color, index) => {\n const threshold = index === colors.length - 1 ? thresholds[index - 1] * 2 : thresholds[index];\n result += `${color} ${threshold}\\n`;\n });\n return result.trim();\n }\n const buildScale = (table) => {\n const numbers = table.split(\"\\n\").map(line => line.split(\" \")).flat().filter(atom => !isDirective(atom)).map(atom => parseFloat(atom)).filter(number => !isNaN(number))\n const colors = ['#ebedf0', '#c7e9c0', '#a1d99b', '#74c476', '#41ab5d', '#238b45', '#005a32'];\n numbers.unshift(0)\n return generateColorBinningString(numbers, colors);\n }\n const table = particle.getParticle(\"datatable\").subparticlesToString()\n const scale = particle.getParticle(\"scale\")?.subparticlesToString() || buildScale(table)\n const thresholds = []\n const colors = []\n scale.split(\"\\n\").map((line) => {\n const parts = line.split(\" \")\n thresholds.push(parseFloat(parts[1]))\n colors.push(parts[0])\n })\n const colorCount = colors.length\n const colorFunction = (value) => {\n if (isNaN(value)) return \"\" // #ebedf0\n for (let index = 0; index < colorCount; index++) {\n const threshold = thresholds[index]\n if (value <= threshold) return colors[index]\n }\n return colors[colorCount - 1]\n }\n const directiveDelimiter = \";\"\n const getSize = (directives, letter) =>\n directives\n .filter((directive) => directive.startsWith(letter))\n .map((dir) => dir.replace(letter, \"\") + \"px\")[0] ?? \"\"\n this.table = table.split(\"\\n\").map((line) =>\n line\n .trimEnd()\n .split(\" \")\n .map((atom) => {\n const atoms = atom.split(directiveDelimiter).filter((atom) => !isDirective(atom)).join(\"\")\n const directivesInThisAtom = atom\n .split(directiveDelimiter)\n .filter(isDirective)\n const value = parseFloat(atoms)\n const label = atoms.includes(\"'\") ? atoms.split(\"'\")[1] : atoms\n const alignment = directivesInThisAtom.includes(\"right\")\n ? \"right\"\n : directivesInThisAtom.includes(\"left\")\n ? \"left\"\n : \"\"\n const color = colorFunction(value)\n const width = getSize(directivesInThisAtom, \"w\")\n const height = getSize(directivesInThisAtom, \"h\")\n const fontSize = getSize(directivesInThisAtom, \"f\")\n const lineHeight = getSize(directivesInThisAtom, \"l\") || height\n const link = directivesInThisAtom.filter(i => i.startsWith(\"http\") || i.endsWith(\".html\"))[0]\n const style = {\n \"background-color\": color,\n width,\n height,\n \"font-size\": fontSize,\n \"line-height\": lineHeight,\n \"text-align\": alignment,\n }\n Object.keys(style).filter(key => !style[key]).forEach((key) => delete style[key])\n return {\n value,\n label,\n style,\n link,\n }\n })\n )\n }\n get html() {\n const { program } = this\n const cssId = `#heatrix${this.uid}`\n const defaultWidth = \"40px\"\n const defaultHeight = \"40px\"\n const fontSize = \"10px\"\n const lineHeight = defaultHeight\n const style = ``\n const firstRow = this.table[0]\n return (\n `${style}` +\n this.table\n .map((row, rowIndex) => {\n if (!rowIndex) return \"\"\n const rowStyle = row[0].style\n return `${row\n .map((atom, columnIndex) => {\n if (!columnIndex) return \"\"\n const columnStyle = firstRow[columnIndex]?.style || {}\n let { value, label, style, link } = atom\n const extendedStyle = Object.assign(\n {},\n rowStyle,\n columnStyle,\n style\n )\n const inlineStyle = Object.keys(extendedStyle)\n .map((key) => `${key}:${extendedStyle[key]};`)\n .join(\"\")\n let valueClass = value ? \" valueAtom\" : \"\"\n const href = link ? ` href=\"${link}\"` : \"\"\n return ``\n })\n .join(\"\")}`\n })\n .join(\"\\n\") +\n \"\"\n ).replace(/\\n/g, \"\")\n }\n }\n return new Heatrix(this.subparticlesToString().trim()).html\n }\nmapParser\n latParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n longParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n tilesParser\n atoms cueAtom tileOptionAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n zoomParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n geolocateParser\n description Geolocate user.\n atoms cueAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n radiusParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n fillOpacityParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n fillColorParser\n atoms cueAtom colorAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n colorParser\n atoms cueAtom colorAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n heightParser\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n hoverParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType colorAtom\n cueFromId\n single\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n description Map widget.\n string copyFromExternal .leaflet.css .leaflet.js .scrollLibs.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n const height = this.get(\"height\") || 500\n const id = this._getUid()\n const obj = this.toObject()\n const template = {}\n const style = height !== \"full\" ? `height: ${height}px;` : `height: 100%; position: fixed; z-index: -1; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%;`\n const strs = [\"color\", \"fillColor\"]\n const nums = [\"radius\", \"fillOpacity\"]\n strs.filter(i => obj[i]).forEach(i => template[i] = obj[i])\n nums.filter(i => obj[i]).forEach(i => template[i] = parseFloat(obj[i]))\n const mapId = `map${id}`\n return `\n `\n }\nabstractPlotParser\n // Observablehq\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n string copyFromExternal .d3.js .plot.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n example\n plot\n inScope abstractColumnNameParser\n widthParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n heightParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n titleParser\n extends abstractPlotLabelParser\n subtitleParser\n extends abstractPlotLabelParser\n captionParser\n extends abstractPlotLabelParser\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n const id = \"plot\" + this._getUid()\n return ``\n }\n get sortExpression() {\n const sort = this.get(\"sort\")\n if (!sort) return \"\"\n let sort_expr = \"\"\n if (sort.startsWith(\"-\")) {\n // Sort by a value descending\n const sortCol = sort.slice(1)\n sort_expr = `, sort: {x: \"y\", reverse: true}`\n } else if (sort.includes(\" \")) {\n // Fixed order specified\n const order = sort.split(\" \")\n sort_expr = `, sort: {x: (a,b) => {\n const order = ${JSON.stringify(order)};\n return order.indexOf(a) - order.indexOf(b)\n }}`\n } else if (sort === \"asc\") {\n sort_expr = `, sort: {x: \"x\"}`\n } else if (sort === \"desc\") {\n sort_expr = `, sort: {x: \"x\", reverse: true}`\n }\n return sort_expr\n }\n get marks() {\n // just for testing purposes\n return `Plot.rectY({length: 10000}, Plot.binX({y: \"count\"}, {x: d3.randomNormal()}))`\n }\n get dataCode() {\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n return `d3.csvParse(\\`${new Particle(coreTable).asCsv}\\`, d3.autoType)`\n }\n get plotOptions() {\n return `{\n title: \"${this.get(\"title\") || \"\"}\",\n subtitle: \"${this.get(\"subtitle\") || \"\"}\",\n caption: \"${this.get(\"caption\") || \"\"}\",\n symbol: {legend: ${this.has(\"symbol\")}},\n color: {legend: ${this.has(\"fill\") || this.has(\"stroke\")}},\n grid: ${this.get(\"grid\") !== \"false\"},\n marks: [${this.marks}],\n width: ${this.get(\"width\") || 640},\n height: ${this.get(\"height\") || 400},\n }`\n }\nplotScatterplotParser\n cue scatterplot\n extends abstractPlotParser\n description Scatterplot Widget.\n example\n iris\n scatterplot\n javascript\n get marks() {\n const x = this.get(\"x\")\n const y = this.get(\"y\")\n const text = this.get(\"label\")\n return `Plot.dot(data, {\n x: get(\"${x}\", 0),\n y: get(\"${y}\", 1),\n r: get(\"${this.get(\"radius\")}\"),\n fill: get(\"${this.get(\"fill\")}\"),\n tip: true${this.sortExpression},\n symbol: get(\"${this.get(\"symbol\")}\")} ), Plot.text(data, {x: get(\"${x}\",0), y: get(\"${y}\", 1), text: \"${text}\", dy: -6, lineAnchor: \"bottom\"})`\n }\nplotBarchartParser\n cue barchart\n extends abstractPlotParser\n description Bar chart widget.\n example\n iris\n barchart\n javascript\n get marks() {\n const x = this.get(\"x\")\n const y = this.get(\"y\")\n const text = this.get(\"label\")\n const fill = this.get(\"fill\")\n return `Plot.barY(data, {\n x: get(\"${x}\", 0),\n y: get(\"${y}\", 1),\n fill: get(\"${fill}\"),\n tip: true${this.sortExpression}\n }), Plot.ruleY([0])`\n }\nplotLineChartParser\n cue linechart\n extends abstractPlotParser\n description Line chart widget.\n example\n iris\n linechart\n x SepalLength\n y SepalWidth\n javascript\n get marks() {\n const x = this.get(\"x\")\n const y = this.get(\"y\")\n const stroke = this.get(\"stroke\") || \"steelblue\"\n const strokeWidth = this.get(\"strokeWidth\") || 2\n const strokeLinecap = this.get(\"strokeLinecap\") || \"round\"\n const fill = this.get(\"fill\")\n return `Plot.line(data, {\n x: get(\"${x}\", 0),\n y: get(\"${y}\", 1),\n stroke: \"${stroke}\",\n fill: get(\"${fill}\"),\n strokeWidth: ${strokeWidth},\n strokeLinecap: \"${strokeLinecap}\"${this.sortExpression}\n })`\n }\nsparklineParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Sparkline widget.\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n example\n sparkline 1 2 3 4 5\n string copyFromExternal .sparkline.js\n string requireOnce \n catchAllAtomType numberAtom\n // we need pattern matching\n inScope scrollYParser\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n const id = \"spark\" + this._getUid()\n const {columnValues} = this\n const start = this.has(\"start\") ? parseInt(this.get(\"start\")) : 0\n const width = this.get(\"width\") || 100\n const height = this.get(\"height\") || 30\n const lineColor = this.get(\"color\") || \"black\"\n return ``\n }\n get columnValues() {\n if (this.content)\n return this.content.split(\" \").map(str => parseFloat(str))\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n if (coreTable) {\n const columnName = this.get(\"y\") || Object.keys(coreTable[0]).find(key => typeof coreTable[0][key] === 'number')\n return coreTable.map(row => row[columnName])\n }\n }\nprintColumnParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Print one column\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n example\n printColumn tags\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n joinParser\n boolean allowTrailingWhitespace true\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.columnValues.join(this.join)\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.columnValues.join(this.join)\n }\n get join() {\n return this.get(\"join\") || \"\\n\"\n }\n get columnName() {\n return this.atoms[1]\n }\n get columnValues() {\n return this.parent.coreTable.map(row => row[this.columnName])\n }\nprintTableParser\n popularity 0.001085\n cueFromId\n description Print datatable.\n extends abstractTableVisualizationParser\n javascript\n get tableHeader() {\n return this.columns.filter(col => !col.isLink).map(column => `${column.name} \\n`)\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return this.parent.columnNames\n }\n buildJson() {\n return JSON.stringify(this.coreTable, undefined, 2)\n }\n buildCsv() {\n return new Particle(this.coreTable).asCsv\n }\n buildTsv() {\n return new Particle(this.coreTable).asTsv\n }\n get columns() {\n const {columnNames} = this\n return columnNames.map((name, index) => {\n const isLink = name.endsWith(\"Link\")\n const linkIndex = columnNames.indexOf(name + \"Link\")\n return {\n name,\n isLink,\n linkIndex\n }\n })\n }\n toRow(row) {\n const {columns} = this\n const atoms = columns.map(col => row[col.name])\n let str = \"\"\n let column = 0\n const columnCount = columns.length\n while (column < columnCount) {\n const col = columns[column]\n column++\n const content = ((columnCount === column ? atoms.slice(columnCount - 1).join(\" \") : atoms[column - 1]) ?? \"\").toString()\n if (col.isLink) continue\n const isTimestamp = col.name.toLowerCase().includes(\"time\") && /^\\d{10}(\\d{3})?$/.test(content)\n const text = isTimestamp ? new Date(parseInt(content.length === 10 ? content * 1000 : content)).toLocaleString() : content\n let tagged = text\n const link = atoms[col.linkIndex]\n const isUrl = content.match(/^https?\\:[^ ]+$/)\n if (col.linkIndex > -1 && link) tagged = `${text}`\n else if (col.name.endsWith(\"Url\")) tagged = `${col.name.replace(\"Url\", \"\")}`\n else if (isUrl) tagged = `${text}`\n str += `${tagged} \\n`\n }\n return str\n }\n get coreTable() {\n return this.parent.coreTable\n }\n get tableBody() {\n return this.coreTable\n .map(row => `${this.toRow(row)} `)\n .join(\"\\n\")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return `\n ${this.tableHeader.join(\"\\n\")} \n ${this.tableBody}\n
`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.parent.delimitedData || new Particle(this.coreTable).asCsv\n }\nkatexParser\n popularity 0.001592\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\n catchAllParser lineOfCodeParser\n example\n katex\n \\text{E} = \\text{T} / \\text{A}!\n description KaTex widget for typeset math.\n string copyFromExternal .katex.min.css .katex.min.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n const id = this._getUid()\n const content = this.content === undefined ? \"\" : this.content\n return `${content + this.subparticlesToString()}`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return ( this.content ? this.content : \"\" )+ this.subparticlesToString()\n }\nhelpfulNotFoundParser\n popularity 0.000048\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n string copyFromExternal .helpfulNotFound.js\n description Helpful not found widget.\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n return ``\n }\nslideshowParser\n // Left and right arrows navigate.\n description Slideshow widget. *** delimits slides.\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n string copyFromExternal .jquery-3.7.1.min.js .slideshow.js\n example\n slideshow\n Why did the cow cross the road?\n ***\n Because it wanted to go to the MOOOO-vies.\n ***\n THE END\n ****\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\ntableSearchParser\n popularity 0.000072\n extends abstractScrollWithRequirementsParser\n string copyFromExternal .jquery-3.7.1.min.js .datatables.css .dayjs.min.js .datatables.js .tableSearch.js\n string requireOnce\n \n \n \n \n \n \n // adds to all tables on page\n description Table search and sort widget.\n javascript\n buildInstance() {\n return \"\"\n }\nabstractCommentParser\n description Prints nothing.\n catchAllAtomType commentAtom\n atoms commentAtom\n extends abstractScrollParser\n baseParser blobParser\n string bindTo next\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n catchAllParser commentLineParser\ncommentParser\n popularity 0.000193\n extends abstractCommentParser\n cueFromId\ncounterpointParser\n description Counterpoint comment. Prints nothing.\n extends commentParser\n cue !\nslashCommentParser\n popularity 0.005643\n extends abstractCommentParser\n cue //\n boolean isPopular true\n description A comment. Prints nothing.\nthanksToParser\n description Acknowledgements comment. Prints nothing.\n extends abstractCommentParser\n cueFromId\nscrollClearStackParser\n popularity 0.000096\n cue clearStack\n description Clear body stack.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n boolean isHtml true\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.root.clearBodyStack().trim()\n }\ncssParser\n popularity 0.007211\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description A style tag.\n example\n css\n body { color: red;}\n cueFromId\n catchAllParser cssLineParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n get css() {\n return this.content ?? this.subparticlesToString()\n }\n buildCss() {\n return this.css\n }\nscrollBackgroundColorParser\n description Quickly set CSS background.\n popularity 0.007211\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cue background\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n example\n background red\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\nscrollFontColorParser\n description Quickly set CSS font-color.\n popularity 0.007211\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cue color\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\nscrollFontParser\n description Quickly set font family.\n popularity 0.007211\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cue font\n atoms cueAtom fontFamilyAtom\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n example\n font Slim\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n const font = this.content === \"Slim\" ? \"Helvetica Neue; font-weight:100;\" : this.content\n return ``\n }\nabstractQuickIncludeParser\n popularity 0.007524\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms urlAtom\n javascript\n get dependencies() { return [this.filename]}\n get filename() {\n return this.getAtom(0)\n }\nquickCssParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description Make a CSS tag.\n extends abstractQuickIncludeParser\n example\n style.css\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(css)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\nquickIncludeHtmlParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description Include an HTML file.\n extends abstractQuickIncludeParser\n example\n body.html\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(html|htm)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.root.readFile(this.filename)\n }\nquickScriptParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description Make a Javascript tag.\n extends abstractQuickIncludeParser\n atoms urlAtom\n example\n script.js\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(js)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n javascript\n attr = \"\"\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\nquickModuleScriptParser\n description Make a Javascript module tag.\n extends quickScriptParser\n example\n script.mjs\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(mjs)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n javascript\n attr = 'type=\"module\"'\nscrollStylesParser\n cue styles\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Write CSS with Particle Syntax.\n inScope abstractCommentParser\n catchAllParser selectorParser\n javascript\n getSelector() {\n return \"\"\n }\n get css() {\n return this.topDownArray\n .filter(particle => particle.isSelectorParser)\n .map(subparticle => subparticle.compile())\n .join(\"\")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n buildCss() {\n return this.css\n }\n example\n styles\n .styleTest\n h1\n color blue\n div\n class styleTest\n h1 Hello world\n propertyParser\n catchAllAtomType cssValueAtom\n catchAllParser errorParser\n javascript\n compile(spaces) {\n return `${spaces}${this.cue}: ${this.content};`\n }\n atoms cssPropertyNameAtom\n variableParser\n extends propertyParser\n pattern --\n browserPrefixPropertyParser\n extends propertyParser\n pattern ^\\-\\w.+\n atoms cssVendorPrefixCueAtom\n selectorParser\n inScope propertyParser variableParser commentParser\n catchAllParser selectorParser\n boolean isSelectorParser true\n javascript\n getSelector() {\n const parentSelector = this.parent.getSelector()\n return this.cue\n .split(\",\")\n .map(part => {\n if (part.startsWith(\"&\")) return parentSelector + part.substr(1)\n return parentSelector ? parentSelector + \" \" + part : part\n })\n .join(\",\")\n }\n compile() {\n const propertyParsers = this.getSubparticles().filter(particle => particle.doesExtend(\"propertyParser\"))\n if (!propertyParsers.length) return \"\"\n const spaces = \" \"\n return `${this.getSelector()} {\n ${propertyParsers.map(subparticle => subparticle.compile(spaces)).join(\"\\n\")}\n }\\n`\n }\n atoms cssSelectorAtom\nscrollDashboardParser\n popularity 0.000145\n description Key stats in large font.\n catchAllParser lineOfCodeParser\n cue dashboard\n extends abstractScrollParser\n example\n dashboard\n #2 Popularity\n 30 Years Old\n $456 Revenue\n javascript\n get tableBody() {\n const items = this.topDownArray\n let str = \"\"\n for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i = i + 3) {\n str += this.makeRow(items.slice(i, i + 3))\n }\n return str\n }\n makeRow(items) {\n return `` + items.map(particle => `${particle.cue}${particle.content} `).join(\"\\n\") + ` \\n`\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.tableBody}
`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.subparticlesToString()\n }\nbelowAsCodeParser\n popularity 0.000651\n description Print code below.\n string bindTo next\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n example\n belowAsCode\n iris\n printTable\n cueFromId\n javascript\n method = \"next\"\n get selectedParticles() {\n const { method } = this\n let code = \"\"\n let particles = []\n let next = thisethod]\n let {howMany} = this\n while (howMany) {\n particles.push(next)\n next = nextethod]\n howMany--\n }\n if (this.reverse) particles.reverse()\n return particles\n }\n get code() {\n return this.selectedParticles.map(particle => particle.asString).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n reverse = false\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.code.replace(/\\`\n }\n get howMany() {\n let howMany = parseInt(this.getAtom(1))\n if (!howMany || isNaN(howMany)) howMany = 1\n return howMany\n }\ndebugBelowParser\n description Inspect particle below.\n extends belowAsCodeParser\n string copyFromExternal .debug.css\n javascript\n get code() {\n const mapFn = particle => {\n const atomTypes = particle.lineAtomTypes.split(\" \")\n return `${particle.constructor.name}${particle.atoms.map((atom, index) => `${atom}${atomTypes[index]}`).join(\" \")}${(particle.length ? `
` + particle.map(mapFn).join(\"
\") + `` : \"\")}`}\n return this.selectedParticles.map(mapFn).join(\"
\")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return `` + this.code\n }\n buildTxt() {\n const mapFn = particle => {\n const atomTypes = particle.lineAtomTypes.split(\" \")\n return `${particle.constructor.name} ${particle.atoms.map((atom, index) => `${atomTypes[index]}:${atom}`).join(\" \")}${(particle.length ? `\\n ` + particle.map(mapFn).join(\"\\n\") + `` : \"\")}`}\n return this.selectedParticles.map(mapFn).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n buildParsers() {return this.buildTxt()}\ndebugAboveParser\n description Inspect particle above.\n extends debugBelowParser\n string bindTo previous\n javascript\n method = \"previous\"\n reverse = true\ndebugAllParser\n description Inspect entire document.\n extends debugBelowParser\n javascript\n get selectedParticles() { return this.root.getSubparticles()}\nbelowAsCodeUntilParser\n description Print code above until match.\n extends belowAsCodeParser\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\n example\n belowAsCode\n counter 1 second\n javascript\n get howMany() {\n let howMany = 1\n const query = this.content\n let particle = this.next\n while (particle !== this) {\n if (particle.getLine().startsWith(query))\n return howMany\n particle = particle.next\n howMany++\n }\n return howMany\n }\naboveAsCodeParser\n popularity 0.000482\n string bindTo previous\n description Print code above.\n example\n counter 1 second\n aboveAsCode\n extends belowAsCodeParser\n javascript\n method = \"previous\"\n reverse = true\nbelowAsHtmlParser\n extends belowAsCodeParser\n description Displays html output of next particle in a code block.\n cueFromId\n example\n belowAsHtml\n # Hello world\n javascript\n get code() {\n // Todo: fix the bug where this will prevent buildRequirements from triggering. Refactor the requireOnce code.\n return this.selectedParticles.filter(p => p.buildHtml).map(p => p.buildHtml()).join(\"\\n\")\n }\naboveAsHtmlParser\n description Displays html output of previous particle in a code block.\n extends belowAsHtmlParser\n example\n # Hello world\n aboveAsHtml\n javascript\n method = \"previous\"\n reverse = true\nscrollDefParser\n popularity 0.004244\n description Parser short form.\n pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Def\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n example\n urlDef What is the URL?\n javascript\n buildParsers(index) {\n const idStuff = index ? \"\" : `boolean isMeasure true\n boolean isMeasureRequired true\n boolean isConceptDelimiter true`\n const description = this.content\n const cue = this.cue.replace(\"Def\", \"\")\n const sortIndex = 1 + index/10\n return `${cue}DefParser\n cue ${cue}\n extends abstractStringMeasureParser\n description ${description}\n float sortIndex ${sortIndex}\n ${idStuff}`.trim()\n }\nhamlParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description HTML tag via HAML syntax.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms urlAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n pattern ^%?[\\w\\.]+#[\\w\\.]+ *\n javascript\n get tag() {\n return this.atoms[0].split(/[#\\.]/).shift().replace(\"%\", \"\")\n }\n get htmlId() {\n const idMatch = this.atoms[0].match(/#([\\w-]+)/)\n return idMatch ? idMatch[1] : \"\"\n }\n get htmlClasses() {\n return this.atoms[0].match(/\\.([\\w-]+)/g)?.map(cls => cls.slice(1)) || [];\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const {htmlId, htmlClasses, content, tag} = this\n this.parent.sectionStack.unshift(`${tag}>`)\n const attrs = [htmlId ? ' id=\"' + htmlId + '\"' : \"\", htmlClasses.length ? ' class=\"' + htmlClasses.join(\" \") + '\"' : \"\"].join(\" \").trim()\n return `<${tag}${attrs ? \" \" + attrs : \"\"}>${content || \"\"}`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.content\n }\nhamlTagParser\n // Match plain tags like %h1\n extends hamlParser\n pattern ^%[^#]+$\nabstractHtmlParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllParser htmlLineParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.content ?? \"\"}${this.subparticlesToString()}`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return \"\"\n }\nhtmlParser\n popularity 0.000048\n extends abstractHtmlParser\n description HTML one liners or blocks.\n cueFromId\nhtmlInlineParser\n popularity 0.005788\n extends abstractHtmlParser\n atoms htmlAnyAtom\n boolean isHtml true\n example\n Inline HTML
\n pattern ^<\n description Inline HTML.\n boolean isPopular true\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.getLine() ?? \"\"}${this.subparticlesToString()}`\n }\nscrollBrParser\n popularity 0.000096\n cue br\n example\n br 2\n description A break.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n boolean isHtml true\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `
`.repeat(parseInt(this.getAtom(1) || 1))\n }\niframesParser\n popularity 0.000121\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description An iframe(s).\n example\n iframes frame.html\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.atoms.slice(1).map(url => ``).join(\"\\n\")\n }\nabstractCaptionedParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n inScope captionAftertextParser slashCommentParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n const caption = this.getParticle(\"caption\")\n const captionFig = caption ? `${caption.buildHtml()} ` : \"\"\n const {figureWidth} = this\n const widthStyle = figureWidth ? `width:${figureWidth}px; margin: auto;` : \"\"\n const float = this.has(\"float\") ? `margin: 20px; float: ${this.get(\"float\")};` : \"\"\n return `${this.getFigureContent(buildSettings)}${captionFig} `\n }\n get figureWidth() {\n return this.get(\"width\")\n }\nscrollImageParser\n cue image\n popularity 0.005908\n description An img tag.\n boolean isPopular true\n extends abstractCaptionedParser\n int atomIndex 1\n example\n image screenshot.png\n caption A caption.\n inScope addClassMarkupParser aftertextIdParser scrollLinkParser linkTargetParser openGraphParser\n javascript\n get dimensions() {\n const width = this.get(\"width\")\n const height = this.get(\"height\")\n if (width || height)\n return {width, height}\n if (!this.isNodeJs())\n return {}\n const src = this.filename\n // If its a local image, get the dimensions and put them in the HTML\n // to avoid flicker\n if (src.startsWith(\"http:\") || src.startsWith(\"https:\")) return {}\n if (this._dimensions)\n return this._dimensions\n try {\n const sizeOf = require(\"image-size\")\n const path = require(\"path\")\n const fullImagePath = path.join(this.root.folderPath, src)\n this._dimensions = sizeOf(fullImagePath)\n return this._dimensions\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n }\n return {}\n }\n get figureWidth() {\n return this.dimensions.width\n }\n get filename() {\n return this.getAtom(this.atomIndex)\n }\n get dependencies() { return [this.filename]}\n getFigureContent(buildSettings) {\n const linkRelativeToCompileTarget = (buildSettings ? (buildSettings.relativePath ?? \"\") : \"\") + this.filename\n const {width, height} = this.dimensions\n let dimensionAttributes = width || height ? `width=\"${width}\" height=\"${height}\" ` : \"\"\n // Todo: can we reuse more code from aftertext?\n const className = this.has(\"class\") ? ` class=\"${this.get(\"class\")}\" ` : \"\"\n const id = this.has(\"id\") ? ` id=\"${this.get(\"id\")}\" ` : \"\"\n const clickLink = this.find(particle => particle.definition.isOrExtendsAParserInScope([\"scrollLinkParser\"])) || linkRelativeToCompileTarget \n const target = this.has(\"target\") ? this.get(\"target\") : (this.has(\"link\") ? \"\" : \"_blank\")\n return `
`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n const subparticles = this.filter(particle => particle.buildTxt).map(particle => particle.buildTxt()).filter(i => i).join(\"\\n\")\n return \"[Image Omitted]\" + (subparticles ? \"\\n \" + subparticles.replace(/\\n/g, \"\\n \") : \"\")\n }\nquickImageParser\n popularity 0.005788\n extends scrollImageParser\n example\n screenshot.png\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|webp|svg|bmp)(?:\\?[^\\s]*)?$\n int atomIndex 0\nqrcodeParser\n extends abstractCaptionedParser\n description Make a QR code from a link.\n example\n qrcode https://scroll.pub\n javascript\n getFigureContent() {\n const url = this.atoms[1]\n const isNode = this.isNodeJs()\n if (isNode) {\n const {externalsPath} = this.root\n const path = require(\"path\")\n const {qrcodegen, toSvgString} = require(path.join(externalsPath, \".qrcodegen.js\"))\n const QRC = qrcodegen.QrCode;\n const qr0 = QRC.encodeText(url, QRC.Ecc.MEDIUM);\n const svg = toSvgString(qr0, 4); // See qrcodegen-input-demo\n return svg\n }\n return `Not yet supported in browser.`\n }\nyoutubeParser\n popularity 0.000121\n extends abstractCaptionedParser\n // Include the YouTube embed URL such as https://www.youtube.com/embed/CYPYZnVQoLg\n description A YouTube video widget.\n example\n youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO8blNtYYBA\n javascript\n getFigureContent() {\n const url = this.getAtom(1).replace(\"youtube.com/watch?v=\", \"youtube.com/embed/\")\n return ``\n }\nyouTubeParser\n extends youtubeParser\n tags deprecate\n // Deprecated. You youtube all lowercase.\nimportParser\n description Import a file.\n popularity 0.007524\n cueFromId\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n example\n import header.scroll\nscrollImportedParser\n description Inserted at import pass.\n boolean suggestInAutocomplete false\n cue imported\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n extends abstractScrollParser\n baseParser blobParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n getErrors() {\n if (this.has(\"circularImportError\"))\n return [this.makeError(this.get(\"circularImportError\"))]\n if (this.get(\"exists\") === \"false\" && this.previous.getLine() !== \"// optional\")\n return [this.makeError(`File '${this.atoms[1]}' does not exist.`)]\n return []\n }\nquickImportParser\n popularity 0.007524\n description Import a Scroll or Parsers file.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n boolean isPopular true\n inScope importToFooterParser abstractCommentParser\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(scroll|parsers)$\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n example\n header.scroll\nscriptParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Print script tag.\n cueFromId\n catchAllParser scriptLineParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\n get scriptContent() {\n return this.content ?? this.subparticlesToString()\n }\n buildJs() {\n return this.scriptContent\n }\njsonScriptParser\n popularity 0.007524\n cueFromId\n description Include JSON and assign to window.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n const varName = this.filename.split(\"/\").pop().replace(\".json\", \"\")\n return ``\n }\n get filename() {\n return this.getAtom(1)\n }\nscrollLeftRightButtonsParser\n popularity 0.006342\n cue leftRightButtons\n description Previous and next nav buttons.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const { linkToPrevious, linkToNext } = this.root\n if (!linkToPrevious) return \"\"\n const style = `a.keyboardNav {display:block;position:absolute;top:0.25rem; color: rgba(204,204,204,.8); font-size: 1.875rem; line-height: 1.7rem;}a.keyboardNav:hover{color: #333;text-decoration: none;}`\n return `<>`\n }\nkeyboardNavParser\n popularity 0.007476\n description Make left and right navigate files.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType urlAtom\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const {root} = this\n const linkToPrevious = this.getAtom(1) ?? root.linkToPrevious\n const linkToNext = this.getAtom(2) ?? root.linkToNext\n const script = ``\n return ` `\n }\nprintUsageStatsParser\n popularity 0.000096\n // todo: if we include the atom \"Parser\" in a cue, bad things seem to happen.\n description Parser usage stats for folder.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n get stats() {\n const input = this.root.allScrollFiles.map(file => file.scrollProgram).map(program => program.parserIds.join(\"\\n\")).join(\"\\n\")\n const result = input.split('\\n').reduce((acc, atom) => (acc[atom] = (acc[atom] || 0) + 1, acc), {})\n const rows = Object.entries(result).map(([atom, count]) => { return {atom, count}})\n const sorted = this.root.lodash.sortBy(rows, \"count\").reverse()\n return \"parserId uses\\n\" + sorted.map(row => `${row.atom} ${row.count}`).join('\\n')\n }\n buildHtml() {\n // A hacky but simple way to do this for now.\n const particle = this.appendSibling(\"datatable\")\n particle.appendLine(\"delimiter \")\n particle.appendLine(\"printTable\")\n const dataParticle = particle.appendLine(\"data\")\n dataParticle.setSubparticles(this.stats)\n const html = particle.buildHtml()\n particle.destroy()\n return html\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.stats\n }\n buildCsv() {\n return this.stats.replace(/ /g, \",\")\n }\nprintScrollLeetSheetParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Print Scroll parser leet sheet.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n tags experimental\n cueFromId\n javascript\n get parsersToDocument() {\n const clone = this.root.clone()\n clone.setSubparticles(\"\")\n clone.appendLine(\"\")\n const atoms = clone.getAutocompleteResultsAt(0,0).matches.map(a => a.text)\n atoms.push(\"blankline\") // manually add blank line\n atoms.push(\"Catch All Paragraph.\") // manually add catch all paragraph\n atoms.push(\" \") // manually add html\n atoms.sort()\n clone.setSubparticles(atoms.join(\"\\n\").replace(/blankline/, \"\")) // insert blank line in right spot\n return clone\n }\n sortDocs(docs) {\n return docs.map(particle => {\n const {definition} = particle\n const {id, description, isPopular, examples, popularity} = definition\n const tags = definition.get(\"tags\") || \"\"\n if (tags.includes(\"deprecate\") || tags.includes(\"experimental\"))\n return null\n const category = this.getCategory(tags)\n const note = this.getNote(category)\n return {id: definition.cueIfAny || id, description, isPopular, examples, note, popularity: Math.ceil(parseFloat(popularity) * 100000)}\n }).filter(i => i).sort((a, b) => a.id.localeCompare(b.id))\n }\n makeLink(examples, cue) {\n // if (!examples.length) console.log(cue) // find particles that need docs\n const example = examples.length ? examples[0].subparticlesToString() : cue\n const base = `https://try.scroll.pub/`\n const particle = new Particle()\n particle.appendLineAndSubparticles(\"scroll\", \"theme gazette\\n\" + example)\n return base + \"#\" + encodeURIComponent(particle.asString)\n }\n docToHtml(doc) {\n const css = `#scrollLeetSheet {color: grey;} #scrollLeetSheet a {color: #3498db; }`\n return `` + doc.map(obj => `${obj.isPopular ? \"\" : \"\"}${obj.id} ${obj.description}${obj.isPopular ? \"\" : \"\"}${obj.note}`).join(\"\\n\") + \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.docToHtml(this.sortDocs(this.parsersToDocument))\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.sortDocs(this.parsersToDocument).map(obj => `${obj.id} - ${obj.description}`).join(\"\\n\")\n }\n getCategory(input) {\n return \"\"\n }\n getNote() {\n return \"\"\n }\n get docs() {\n const rows = this.sortDocs(this.parsersToDocument).map(obj => {\n const {id, isPopular, description, popularity, category, examples, cue} = obj\n const example = examples.length ? examples[0].subparticlesToString() : cue\n return {\n id,\n isPopular,\n description,\n popularity,\n example,\n category\n }\n })\n return this.root.lodash.sortBy(rows, \"isPopular\")\n }\n buildJson() {\n return JSON.stringify(this.docs, undefined, 2)\n }\n buildCsv() {\n return new Particle(this.docs).asCsv\n }\nprintparsersLeetSheetParser\n popularity 0.000024\n // todo: fix parse bug when atom Parser appears in parserId\n extends printScrollLeetSheetParser\n tags experimental\n description Parsers leetsheet.\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"Parser Definition Parsers define parsers that acquire, analyze and act on code.
\" + this.docToHtml(this.sortDocs(this.parsersToDocument)) + \"Atom Definition Parsers analyze the atoms in a line.
\" + this.docToHtml(this.sortDocs(this.atomParsersToDocument))\n }\n makeLink() {\n return \"\"\n }\n categories = \"assemblePhase acquirePhase analyzePhase actPhase\".split(\" \")\n getCategory(tags) {\n return tags.split(\" \").filter(w => w.endsWith(\"Phase\"))[0]\n }\n getNote(category) {\n return ` A${category.replace(\"Phase\", \"\").substr(1)}Time.`\n }\n get atomParsersToDocument() {\n const parsersParser = require(\"scrollsdk/products/parsers.nodejs.js\")\n const clone = new parsersParser(\"anyAtom\\n \").clone()\n const parserParticle = clone.getParticle(\"anyAtom\")\n const atoms = clone.getAutocompleteResultsAt(1,1).matches.map(a => a.text)\n atoms.sort()\n parserParticle.setSubparticles(atoms.join(\"\\n\"))\n return parserParticle\n }\n get parsersToDocument() {\n const parsersParser = require(\"scrollsdk/products/parsers.nodejs.js\")\n const clone = new parsersParser(\"latinParser\\n \").clone()\n const parserParticle = clone.getParticle(\"latinParser\")\n const atoms = clone.getAutocompleteResultsAt(1,1).matches.map(a => a.text)\n atoms.sort()\n parserParticle.setSubparticles(atoms.join(\"\\n\"))\n clone.appendLine(\"myParser\")\n clone.appendLine(\"myAtom\")\n return parserParticle\n }\nabstractMeasureParser\n atoms measureNameAtom\n description Base parser all measures extend.\n cueFromId\n boolean isMeasure true\n float sortIndex 1.9\n boolean isComputed false\n string typeForWebForms text\n extends abstractScrollParser\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n get measureValue() {\n return this.content ?? \"\"\n }\n get measureName() {\n return this.getCuePath().replace(/ /g, \"_\")\n }\nabstractAtomMeasureParser\n description Contains a single word.\n atoms measureNameAtom atomAtom\n example\n nicknameParser\n extends abstractAtomMeasureParser\n id Breck\n nickname breck\n extends abstractMeasureParser\nabstractEmailMeasureParser\n description Email address.\n example\n emailParser\n extends abstractEmailMeasureParser\n id Breck\n email breck7@gmail.com\n string typeForWebForms email\n atoms measureNameAtom emailAddressAtom\n extends abstractAtomMeasureParser\nabstractUrlMeasureParser\n description A single url.\n example\n homepageParser\n extends abstractUrlMeasureParser\n id Breck\n homepage https://breckyunits.com\n string typeForWebForms url\n atoms measureNameAtom urlAtom\n extends abstractAtomMeasureParser\nabstractStringMeasureParser\n description General text data with no specific format.\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n example\n titleParser\n extends abstractStringMeasureParser\n id Breck\n title I build languages for scientists of all ages\n extends abstractMeasureParser\nabstractIdParser\n cue id\n description What is the ID of this concept?\n extends abstractStringMeasureParser\n example\n idParser\n extends abstractIdParser\n id breck\n float sortIndex 1\n boolean isMeasureRequired true\n boolean isConceptDelimiter true\n javascript\n getErrors() {\n const errors = super.getErrors()\n let requiredMeasureNames = this.root.measures.filter(measure => measure.isMeasureRequired).map(measure => measure.Name).filter(name => name !== \"id\")\n if (!requiredMeasureNames.length) return errors\n let next = this.next\n while (requiredMeasureNames.length && next.cue !== \"id\" && next.index !== 0) {\n requiredMeasureNames = requiredMeasureNames.filter(i => i !== next.cue)\n next = next.next\n }\n requiredMeasureNames.forEach(name =>\n errors.push(this.makeError(`Concept \"${this.content}\" is missing required measure \"${name}\".`))\n )\n return errors\n }\nabstractIdMeasureParser\n description Alias for abstractIdParser.\n extends abstractIdParser\nabstractTextareaMeasureParser\n string typeForWebForms textarea\n example\n bioParser\n extends abstractTextareaMeasureParser\n id Breck\n bio\n I build languages for scientists of all ages\n description Long-form text content with preserved line breaks.\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n baseParser blobParser\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n return this.subparticlesToString().replace(/\\n/g, \"\\\\n\")\n }\nabstractNumericMeasureParser\n string typeForWebForms number\n description Base number type.\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n return content === undefined ? \"\" : parseFloat(content)\n }\nabstractNumberMeasureParser\n description Alias to abstractNumericMeasureParser.\n extends abstractNumericMeasureParser\nabstractIntegerMeasureParser\n description An integer.\n example\n ageParser\n extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser\n id Breck\n age 40\n atoms measureNameAtom integerAtom\n extends abstractNumericMeasureParser\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n return content === undefined ? \"\" : parseInt(content)\n }\nabstractIntMeasureParser\n description Alias to abstractIntegerMeasureParser.\n extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser\nabstractFloatMeasureParser\n description A float.\n example\n temperatureParser\n extends abstractFloatMeasureParser\n id Breck\n temperature 31.8\n atoms measureNameAtom floatAtom\n extends abstractNumericMeasureParser\nabstractPercentageMeasureParser\n description A percentage.\n atoms measureNameAtom percentAtom\n extends abstractNumericMeasureParser\n example\n ownershipParser\n extends abstractPercentageMeasureParser\n id Breck\n ownership 31.8\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n return content === undefined ? \"\" : parseFloat(content)\n }\nabstractEnumMeasureParser\n description A single enum.\n atoms measureNameAtom enumAtom\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n example\n favoriteHtmlTagParser\n extends abstractEnumMeasureParser\n atoms measureNameAtom htmlTagAtom\n id Breck\n favoriteHtmlTag 2020\nabstractBooleanMeasureParser\n description A single boolean.\n atoms measureNameAtom booleanAtom\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n example\n hasBillOfRightsParser\n extends abstractBooleanMeasureParser\n id USA\n hasBillOfRights true\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n return content === undefined ? \"\" : content == \"true\"\n }\nabstractDateMeasureParser\n description Year/month/day in ISO 8601, US, European formats.\n atoms measureNameAtom dateAtom\n extends abstractMeasureParser\n string typeForWebForms date\n javascript\n get measureValue() {\n const {content} = this\n if (!content) return \"\"\n const {dayjs} = this.root\n try {\n // First try parsing with dayjs\n const parsed = dayjs(content)\n if (parsed.isValid())\n return parsed.format(\"YYYY-MM-DD\")\n // Try parsing other common formats\n const formats = [\n \"MM/DD/YYYY\",\n \"DD/MM/YYYY\", \n \"YYYY/MM/DD\",\n \"MM-DD-YYYY\",\n \"DD-MM-YYYY\",\n \"YYYY-MM-DD\",\n \"DD.MM.YYYY\",\n \"YYYY.MM.DD\"\n ]\n for (const format of formats) {\n const attempt = dayjs(content, format)\n if (attempt.isValid())\n return attempt.format(\"YYYY-MM-DD\")\n }\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n return \"\"\n }\n return \"\"\n }\n get valueAsTimestamp() {\n const {measureValue} = this\n return measureValue ? this.root.dayjs(measureValue).unix() : \"\"\n }\nmetaTagsParser\n popularity 0.007693\n cueFromId\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Print meta tags including title.\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\n buildHtml() {\n const {root} = this\n const { title, description, canonicalUrl, gitRepo, scrollVersion, openGraphImage, keywords, filename } = root\n const rssFeedUrl = root.get(\"rssFeedUrl\")\n const favicon = root.get(\"favicon\")\n const faviconTag = favicon ? `` : \"\"\n const keywordsTag = keywords ? `` : \"\"\n const rssTag = rssFeedUrl ? `` : \"\"\n const gitTag = gitRepo ? `` : \"\"\n return `\n \n ${title} \n \n \n \n \n \n ${keywordsTag}\n \n \n \n \n ${faviconTag}\n ${gitTag}\n ${rssTag}\n \n \n `\n }\nquoteParser\n popularity 0.001471\n cueFromId\n description A quote.\n catchAllParser quoteLineParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return `${this.subparticlesToString()}
`\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.subparticlesToString()\n }\nredirectToParser\n popularity 0.000072\n description HTML redirect tag.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n cueFromId\n example\n redirectTo https://scroll.pub/releaseNotes.html\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return ``\n }\nabstractVariableParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n cueFromId\n javascript\n isTopMatter = true\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nreplaceParser\n description Replace this with that.\n extends abstractVariableParser\n baseParser blobParser\n example\n replace YEAR 2022\nreplaceJsParser\n description Replace this with evaled JS.\n extends replaceParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\n example\n replaceJs SUM 1+1\n * 1+1 = SUM\nreplaceNodejsParser\n description Replace with evaled Node.JS.\n extends abstractVariableParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\n baseParser blobParser\n example\n replaceNodejs\n module.exports = {SCORE : 1 + 2}\n * The score is SCORE\ntoFooterParser\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Experimental way to move a section to the footer.\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n cueFromId\nrunScriptParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Run script and dump stdout.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n cue run\n int filenameIndex 1\n javascript\n get dependencies() { return [this.filename]}\n results = \"Not yet run\"\n async execute() {\n if (!this.filename) return\n await this.root.fetch(this.filename)\n // todo: make async\n const { execSync } = require(\"child_process\")\n this.results = execSync(this.command)\n }\n get command() {\n const path = this.root.path\n const {filename }= this\n const fullPath = this.root.makeFullPath(filename)\n const ext = path.extname(filename).slice(1)\n const interpreterMap = {\n php: \"php\",\n py: \"python3\",\n rb: \"ruby\",\n pl: \"perl\",\n sh: \"sh\"\n }\n return [interpreterMap[ext], fullPath].join(\" \")\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.buildTxt()\n }\n get filename() {\n return this.getAtom(this.filenameIndex)\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return this.results.toString().trim()\n }\nquickRunScriptParser\n extends runScriptParser\n atoms urlAtom\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(py|pl|sh|rb|php)$\n int filenameIndex 0\nendSnippetParser\n popularity 0.004293\n description Cut for snippet here.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\ntoStampParser\n description Print a directory to stamp with configurable filters.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n cueFromId\n gitOnlyParser\n description Only include git-tracked files\n atoms cueAtom\n single\n excludeParser\n description Exclude files/directories matching these glob patterns\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n maxDepthParser\n description Maximum directory depth to traverse\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n javascript\n buildTxt() {\n return this.makeStamp(this.content)\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.buildTxt()\n }\n makeStamp(dir) {\n const fs = require('fs');\n const path = require('path');\n const { execSync } = require('child_process');\n let stamp = 'stamp\\n';\n const gitOnly = this.has(\"gitOnly\");\n const excludePatterns = this.get(\"exclude\")?.split(\" \") || [\".git/**\", \"node_modules/**\"];\n const maxDepth = parseInt(this.get(\"maxDepth\")) || Infinity;\n const gitTrackedFiles = new Set(\n gitOnly ? execSync('git ls-files', { cwd: dir, encoding: 'utf-8' })\n .split('\\n')\n .filter(Boolean) \n : []\n );\n // Convert glob patterns to RegExp\n const excludeRegexes = excludePatterns.map(pattern => \n new RegExp('^' + pattern.replace(/\\*\\*/g, '.*').replace(/\\*/g, '[^/]*') + '$')\n );\n const shouldInclude = (relativePath, isDirectory) => {\n if (excludeRegexes.some(regex => regex.test(relativePath)))\n return false;\n if (isDirectory)\n return true\n if (gitOnly && !gitTrackedFiles.has(relativePath))\n return false;\n return true;\n };\n const handleFile = (indentation, relativePath, itemPath) => {\n if (!shouldInclude(relativePath)) return;\n stamp += `${indentation}${relativePath}\\n`;\n try {\n const content = fs.readFileSync(itemPath, { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'r' });\n // Skip if file appears to be binary\n if (content.includes('\\0') || /[\\x00-\\x08\\x0E-\\x1F]/.test(content)) return;\n stamp += `${indentation} ${content.replace(/\\n/g, `\\n${indentation} `)}\\n`;\n } catch (err) {\n // Skip files that can't be read as utf8\n console.error(`Error reading ${itemPath}: ${err.message}`);\n return;\n }\n };\n function processDirectory(currentPath, depth = 0) {\n if (depth > maxDepth) return;\n const items = fs.readdirSync(currentPath);\n items.forEach(item => {\n const itemPath = path.join(currentPath, item);\n const relativePath = path.relative(dir, itemPath);\n const stats = fs.statSync(itemPath);\n const isDirectory = stats.isDirectory()\n if (!shouldInclude(relativePath, isDirectory)) return;\n const indentation = ' '.repeat(depth);\n if (isDirectory) {\n stamp += `${indentation}${relativePath}/\\n`;\n processDirectory(itemPath, depth + 1);\n } else if (stats.isFile()) {\n handleFile(indentation, relativePath, itemPath);\n }\n });\n }\n const stats = fs.statSync(dir);\n if (stats.isDirectory()) {\n processDirectory(dir, 1);\n } else {\n handleFile(\" \", dir, dir);\n }\n return stamp.trim();\n }\nstampParser\n description Expand project template to disk.\n extends abstractScrollParser\n inScope stampFolderParser\n catchAllParser stampFileParser\n example\n stamp\n .gitignore\n *.html\n readme.scroll\n # Hello world\n \n scripts/\n nested/\n hello.js\n console.log(\"Hello world\")\n cueFromId\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n javascript\n execute() {\n const dir = this.root.folderPath\n this.forEach(particle => particle.execute(dir))\n }\nscrollStumpParser\n cue stump\n extends abstractScrollParser\n description Compile Stump to HTML.\n catchAllParser stumpContentParser\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n const {stumpParser} = this\n return new stumpParser(this.subparticlesToString()).compile()\n }\n get stumpParser() {\n return this.isNodeJs() ? require(\"scrollsdk/products/stump.nodejs.js\") : stumpParser\n }\nstumpNoSnippetParser\n popularity 0.010177\n // todo: make noSnippets an aftertext directive?\n extends scrollStumpParser\n description Compile Stump unless snippet.\n cueFromId\n javascript\n buildHtmlSnippet() {\n return \"\"\n }\nplainTextParser\n description Plain text oneliner or block.\n cueFromId\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllParser plainTextLineParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.buildTxt()\n }\n buildTxt() {\n return `${this.content ?? \"\"}${this.subparticlesToString()}`\n }\nplainTextOnlyParser\n popularity 0.000072\n extends plainTextParser\n description Only print for buildTxt.\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nscrollThemeParser\n popularity 0.007524\n boolean isPopular true\n cue theme\n example\n theme gazette\n extends abstractScrollParser\n catchAllAtomType scrollThemeAtom\n description A collection of simple themes.\n string copyFromExternal .gazette.css\n // Note this will be replaced at runtime\n javascript\n get copyFromExternal() {\n return this.files.join(\" \")\n }\n get files() {\n return this.atoms.slice(1).map(name => `.${name}.css`).concat([\".scroll.css\"])\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return this.files.map(name => ``).join(\"\\n\")\n }\nabstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom\n boolean isAttribute true\n description Set HTML attribute.\n javascript\n get htmlAttributes() {\n return `${this.cue}=\"${this.content}\"`\n }\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\naftertextIdParser\n popularity 0.000145\n cue id\n description Provide an ID to be output in the generated HTML tag.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlIdAtom\n single\naftertextStyleParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue style\n description Set HTML style attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n javascript\n htmlAttributes = \"\" // special case this one\n get css() { return `${this.property}:${this.content};` }\naftertextFontParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue font\n description Set font.\n extends aftertextStyleParser\n atoms cueAtom fontFamilyAtom\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n string property font-family\n javascript\n get css() {\n if (this.content === \"Slim\") return \"font-family:Helvetica Neue; font-weight:100;\"\n return super.css\n }\naftertextColorParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue color\n description Set font color.\n extends aftertextStyleParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n string property color\n example\n color blue\naftertextHrefParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue href\n description Set HTML href attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\naftertextSrcParser\n extends aftertextHrefParser\n cue src\n description Set HTML src attribute.\naftertextOnclickParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue onclick\n description Set HTML onclick attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\naftertextHiddenParser\n cue hidden\n atoms cueAtom\n description Do not compile this particle to HTML.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextValueParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue value\n description Set HTML value attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextForParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue for\n description Set HTML for attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextPlaceholderParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue placeholder\n description Set HTML placeholder attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextRowsParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue rows\n description Set HTML rows attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextTypeParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue type\n description Set HTML type attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlTypeAtom\naftertextAltParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue alt\n description Set HTML alt attribute for images.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextTitleParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue title\n description Set HTML title attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextNameParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue name\n description Set HTML name attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextOnsubmitParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue onsubmit\n description Set HTML onsubmit attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\naftertextClassParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue class\n description Set HTML class attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType classNameAtom\naftertextMaxlengthParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue maxlength\n description Set HTML maxlength attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextPatternParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue pattern\n description Set HTML pattern attribute for input validation.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextRequiredParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue required\n description Set HTML required attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextDisabledParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue disabled\n description Set HTML disabled attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextReadonlyParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue readonly\n description Set HTML readonly attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextAriaLabelParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue aria-label\n description Set ARIA label for accessibility.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextTargetParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue target\n description Set HTML target attribute for links.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextContentParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue content\n description Set HTML content attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\naftertextMinParser\n cue min\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom numberAtom\naftertextMaxParser\n cue max\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom numberAtom\naftertextStepParser\n cue step\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom numberAtom\naftertextWidthParser\n cue width\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\naftertextHeightParser\n cue height\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\naftertextDataParser\n popularity 0.000217\n pattern ^data\\-\n description Set HTML data- attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\n example\n div My score\n data-score 100\naftertextRoleParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue role\n description Set ARIA role attribute for accessibility.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextTabindexParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue tabindex\n description Set tabindex attribute for keyboard navigation.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextColspanParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue colspan\n description Set colspan attribute for table cells.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextRowspanParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue rowspan\n description Set rowspan attribute for table cells.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\naftertextMethodParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue method\n description Set form method attribute (GET/POST).\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlMethodAtom\naftertextActionParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue action\n description Set form action URL.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\naftertextAutocompleteParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue autocomplete\n description Set form autocomplete attribute.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextMultipleParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue multiple\n description Allow multiple selections or files.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextSelectedParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue selected\n description Set selected state for options.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextCheckedParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue checked\n description Set checked state for inputs.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n single\naftertextRelParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue rel\n description Set rel attribute for links.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextEnctypeParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue enctype\n description Set form enctype for file uploads.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlAnyAtom\naftertextAcceptParser\n popularity 0.000217\n cue accept\n description Set accepted file types for file inputs.\n extends abstractAftertextAttributeParser\n catchAllAtomType mimeTypeAtom\naftertextTagParser\n atoms cueAtom htmlTagAtom\n description Override the HTML tag that the compiled particle will use.\n cue tag\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nabstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n javascript\n isMarkup = true\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\n getErrors() {\n if (this.silenceErrors) return [] // todo: generalize this?\n const errors = super.getErrors()\n if (!this.isMarkup || this.matchWholeLine) return errors\n const inserts = this.getInserts(this.parent.originalTextPostLinkify)\n // todo: make AbstractParticleError class exported by sdk to allow Parsers to define their own error types.\n // todo: also need to be able to map lines back to their line in source (pre-imports)\n if (!inserts.length)\n errors.push(this.makeError(`No match found for \"${this.getLine()}\".`))\n return errors\n }\n get pattern() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(1).join(\" \")\n }\n get shouldMatchAll() {\n return this.has(\"matchAll\")\n }\n getMatches(text) {\n const { pattern } = this\n const escapedPattern = pattern.replace(/[-\\/\\\\^$*+?.()|[\\]{}]/g, \"\\\\$&\")\n return [...text.matchAll(new RegExp(escapedPattern, \"g\"))].map(match => {\n const { index } = match\n const endIndex = index + pattern.length\n return [\n { index, string: `<${this.openTag}${this.allAttributes}>`, endIndex },\n { index: endIndex, endIndex, string: `${this.closeTag}>` }\n ]\n })\n }\n getInserts(text) {\n const matches = this.getMatches(text)\n if (!matches.length) return false\n if (this.shouldMatchAll) return matches.flat()\n const match = this.getParticle(\"match\")\n if (match)\n return match.indexes\n .map(index => matches[index])\n .filter(i => i)\n .flat()\n return matches[0]\n }\n get allAttributes() {\n const attr = this.attributes.join(\" \")\n return attr ? \" \" + attr : \"\"\n }\n get attributes() {\n return []\n }\n get openTag() {\n return this.tag\n }\n get closeTag() {\n return this.tag\n }\nabstractMarkupParser\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n inScope abstractMarkupParameterParser\n javascript\n get matchWholeLine() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(this.patternStartsAtAtom).length === 0\n }\n get pattern() {\n return this.matchWholeLine ? this.parent.originalText : this.getAtomsFrom(this.patternStartsAtAtom).join(\" \")\n }\n patternStartsAtAtom = 1\nboldParser\n popularity 0.000096\n cueFromId\n description Bold matching text.\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"b\"\nitalicsParser\n popularity 0.000241\n cueFromId\n description Italicize matching text.\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"i\"\nunderlineParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Underline matching text.\n cueFromId\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"u\"\nafterTextCenterParser\n popularity 0.000193\n description Center paragraph.\n cue center\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"center\"\naftertextCodeParser\n popularity 0.000145\n description Wrap matching text in code span.\n cue code\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"code\"\n get allAttributes() {return `class=\"scrollInlineCode\"` }\naftertextStrikeParser\n popularity 0.000048\n description Wrap matching text in s span.\n cue strike\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n javascript\n tag = \"s\"\naddClassMarkupParser\n popularity 0.000772\n description Add a custom class to parent element. Provide query to add span matching text.\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n atoms cueAtom classNameAtom\n cue addClass\n javascript\n tag = \"span\"\n get applyToParentElement() {\n return this.atoms.length === 2\n }\n getInserts(text) {\n // If no select text is added, set the class on the parent element.\n if (this.applyToParentElement) return []\n return super.getInserts(text)\n }\n get className() {\n return this.getAtom(1)\n }\n get attributes() {\n return [`class=\"${this.className}\"`]\n }\n get matchWholeLine() {\n return this.applyToParentElement\n }\n get pattern() {\n return this.matchWholeLine ? this.parent.content : this.getAtomsFrom(2).join(\" \")\n }\nhoverNoteParser\n popularity 0.000265\n description Add a caveat viewable on hover on matching text. When you want to be sure you've thoroughly addressed obvious concerns but ones that don't warrant to distract from the main argument of the text.\n cueFromId\n extends addClassMarkupParser\n catchAllParser lineOfTextParser\n atoms cueAtom\n javascript\n get pattern() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(1).join(\" \")\n }\n get attributes() {\n return [`class=\"scrollHoverNote\"`, `title=\"${this.hoverNoteText}\"`]\n }\n get hoverNoteText() {\n return this.subparticlesToString().replace(/\\n/g, \" \")\n }\nscrollLinkParser\n popularity 0.008706\n extends abstractMarkupParser\n description Put the matching text in an tag.\n atoms cueAtom urlAtom\n inScope linkTitleParser linkTargetParser abstractCommentParser\n programParser\n description Anything here will be URI encoded and then appended to the link.\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllParser programLinkParser\n javascript\n get encoded() {\n return encodeURIComponent(this.subparticlesToString())\n }\n cue link\n javascript\n tag = \"a\"\n buildTxt() {\n return this.root.ensureAbsoluteLink(this.link) + \" \" + this.pattern\n }\n get link() {\n const {baseLink} = this\n if (this.has(\"program\"))\n return baseLink + this.getParticle(\"program\").encoded\n return baseLink\n }\n get baseLink() {\n const link = this.getAtom(1)\n const isAbsoluteLink = link.includes(\"://\")\n if (isAbsoluteLink) return link\n const relativePath = this.parent.buildSettings?.relativePath || \"\"\n return relativePath + link\n }\n get linkAttribute() {\n return \"href\"\n }\n get attributes() {\n const attrs = [`${this.linkAttribute}=\"${this.link}\"`]\n const options = [\"title\", \"target\"]\n options.forEach(option => {\n const particle = this.getParticle(option)\n if (particle) attrs.push(`${option}=\"${particle.content}\"`)\n })\n return attrs\n }\n patternStartsAtAtom = 2\nscrollClickParser\n extends scrollLinkParser\n description An a tag with an onclick.\n cue click\n javascript\n get linkAttribute() {\n return \"onclick\"\n }\nemailLinkParser\n popularity 0.000048\n description A mailto link\n cue email\n extends scrollLinkParser\n javascript\n get attributes() {\n return [`href=\"mailto:${this.link}\"`]\n }\nquickLinkParser\n popularity 0.029228\n pattern ^https?\\:\n extends scrollLinkParser\n atoms urlAtom\n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.cue\n }\n patternStartsAtAtom = 1\nquickRelativeLinkParser\n popularity 0.029228\n description Relative links.\n // note: only works if relative link ends in .html\n pattern ^[^\\s]+\\.(html|htm)\n extends scrollLinkParser\n atoms urlAtom\n javascript\n get link() {\n return this.cue\n }\n patternStartsAtAtom = 1\ndatelineParser\n popularity 0.006005\n cueFromId\n description Gives your paragraph a dateline like \"December 15, 2021 — The...\"\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n javascript\n getInserts() {\n const {day} = this\n if (!day) return false\n return [{ index: 0, string: `${day} — ` }]\n }\n matchWholeLine = true\n get day() {\n let day = this.content || this.root.date\n if (!day) return \"\"\n return this.root.dayjs(day).format(`MMMM D, YYYY`)\n }\ndayjsParser\n description Advanced directive that evals some Javascript code in an environment including \"dayjs\".\n cueFromId\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n javascript\n getInserts() {\n const dayjs = this.root.dayjs\n const days = eval(this.content)\n const index = this.parent.originalTextPostLinkify.indexOf(\"days\")\n return [{ index, string: `${days} ` }]\n }\ninlineMarkupsOnParser\n popularity 0.000024\n cueFromId\n description Enable these inline markups only.\n example\n Hello *world*!\n inlineMarkupsOn bold\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n catchAllAtomType inlineMarkupNameAtom\n javascript\n get shouldMatchAll() {\n return true\n }\n get markups() {\n const {root} = this\n let markups = [{delimiter: \"`\", tag: \"code\", exclusive: true, name: \"code\", attributes: 'class=\"scrollInlineCode\"'},{delimiter: \"*\", tag: \"strong\", name: \"bold\"}, {delimiter: \"_\", tag: \"em\", name: \"italics\"}]\n // only add katex markup if the root doc has katex.\n if (root.has(\"katex\"))\n markups.unshift({delimiter: \"$\", tag: \"span\", attributes: ' class=\"scrollKatex\"', exclusive: true, name: \"katex\"})\n if (this.content)\n return markups.filter(markup => this.content.includes(markup.name))\n if (root.has(\"inlineMarkups\")) {\n root.getParticle(\"inlineMarkups\").forEach(markup => {\n const delimiter = markup.getAtom(0)\n const tag = markup.getAtom(1)\n // todo: add support for providing custom functions for inline markups?\n // for example, !2+2! could run eval, or :about: could search a link map.\n const attributes = markup.getAtomsFrom(2).join(\" \")\n markups = markups.filter(mu => mu.delimiter !== delimiter) // Remove any overridden markups\n if (tag)\n markups.push({delimiter, tag, attributes})\n })\n }\n return markups\n }\n matchWholeLine = true\n getMatches(text) {\n const exclusives = []\n return this.markups.map(markup => this.applyMarkup(text, markup, exclusives)).filter(i => i).flat()\n }\n applyMarkup(text, markup, exclusives = []) {\n const {delimiter, tag, attributes} = markup\n const escapedDelimiter = delimiter.replace(/[-\\/\\\\^$*+?.()|[\\]{}]/g, \"\\\\$&\")\n const pattern = new RegExp(`${escapedDelimiter}[^${escapedDelimiter}]+${escapedDelimiter}`, \"g\")\n const delimiterLength = delimiter.length\n return [...text.matchAll(pattern)].map(match => {\n const { index } = match\n const endIndex = index + match[0].length\n // I'm too lazy to clean up sdk to write a proper inline markup parser so doing this for now.\n // The exclusive idea is to not try and apply bold or italic styles inside a TeX or code inline style.\n // Note that the way this is currently implemented any TeX in an inline code will get rendered, but code\n // inline of TeX will not. Seems like an okay tradeoff until a proper refactor and cleanup can be done.\n if (exclusives.some(exclusive => index >= exclusive[0] && index <= exclusive[1]))\n return undefined\n if (markup.exclusive)\n exclusives.push([index, endIndex])\n return [\n { index, string: `<${tag + (attributes ? \" \" + attributes : \"\")}>`, endIndex, consumeStartCharacters: delimiterLength },\n { index: endIndex, endIndex, string: `${tag}>`, consumeEndCharacters: delimiterLength }\n ]\n }).filter(i => i)\n }\ninlineMarkupParser\n popularity 0.000169\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom delimiterAtom tagOrUrlAtom\n catchAllAtomType htmlAttributesAtom\n extends inlineMarkupsOnParser\n description Custom inline markup. for\n example\n @This@ will be in italics.\n inlineMarkup @ em\n javascript\n getMatches(text) {\n try {\n const delimiter = this.getAtom(1)\n const tag = this.getAtom(2)\n const attributes = this.getAtomsFrom(3).join(\" \")\n return this.applyMarkup(text, {delimiter, tag, attributes})\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n return []\n }\n // Note: doubling up doesn't work because of the consumption characters.\n }\nlinkifyParser\n description Use this to disable linkify on the text.\n extends abstractAftertextDirectiveParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom booleanAtom\nabstractMarkupParameterParser\n atoms cueAtom\n cueFromId\nmatchAllParser\n popularity 0.000024\n description Use this to match all occurrences of the text.\n extends abstractMarkupParameterParser\nmatchParser\n popularity 0.000048\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n description Use this to specify which index(es) to match.\n javascript\n get indexes() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(1).map(num => parseInt(num))\n }\n example\n aftertext\n hello ello ello\n bold ello\n match 0 2\n extends abstractMarkupParameterParser\nabstractHtmlAttributeParser\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nlinkTargetParser\n popularity 0.000024\n extends abstractHtmlAttributeParser\n description If you want to set the target of the link. To \"_blank\", for example.\n cue target\n atoms cueAtom codeAtom\nblankLineParser\n popularity 0.308149\n description Print nothing. Break section.\n atoms blankAtom\n boolean isPopular true\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return this.parent.clearSectionStack()\n }\n pattern ^$\n tags doNotSynthesize\nscrollFileAddressParser\n catchAllAtomType filePathAtom\n catchAllParser scrollFileAddressParser\nchatLineParser\n popularity 0.009887\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser chatLineParser\nlineOfCodeParser\n popularity 0.018665\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\n catchAllParser lineOfCodeParser\ncommentLineParser\n catchAllAtomType commentAtom\ncssLineParser\n popularity 0.002870\n catchAllAtomType cssAnyAtom\n catchAllParser cssLineParser\nabstractTableTransformParser\n atoms cueAtom\n inScope abstractTableVisualizationParser abstractTableTransformParser h1Parser h2Parser scrollQuestionParser htmlInlineParser scrollBrParser slashCommentParser\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n return this.parent.coreTable\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return this.parent.columnNames\n }\n connectColumnNames(userColumnNames, availableColumnNames = this.parent.columnNames) {\n const result = {}\n const normalize = str => str.toLowerCase().trim()\n userColumnNames.forEach(userColumn => {\n // Strategy 1: Exact match\n const exactMatch = availableColumnNames.find(col => col === userColumn)\n if (exactMatch) {\n result[userColumn] = exactMatch\n return\n }\n // Strategy 2: Case-insensitive match\n const normalizedUserColumn = normalize(userColumn)\n const caseInsensitiveMatch = availableColumnNames.find(col => normalize(col) === normalizedUserColumn)\n if (caseInsensitiveMatch) {\n result[userColumn] = caseInsensitiveMatch\n return\n }\n // Strategy 3: Levenshtein distance match\n const THRESHOLD = 2 // Consider matches with distance <= 2 as \"very close\"\n let bestMatch = null\n let bestDistance = Infinity\n availableColumnNames.forEach(col => {\n const distance = this.root.levenshteinDistance(userColumn, col)\n if (distance < bestDistance) {\n bestDistance = distance\n bestMatch = col\n }\n })\n // Only use Levenshtein match if it's very close\n if (bestDistance <= THRESHOLD) {\n result[userColumn] = bestMatch\n return\n }\n // Strategy 4: Fallback - use original unmatched name\n result[userColumn] = userColumn\n })\n return result\n }\n connectColumnName(name) {\n return this.connectColumnNames([name])[name]\n }\n getErrors() {\n if (this.silenceErrors) return [] // todo: generalize this?\n return super.getErrors()\n }\n getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom) {\n if (atom.atomTypeId === \"columnNameAtom\")\n return this.parent.columnNames\n return super.getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom)\n }\n getRunTimeEnumOptionsForValidation(atom) {\n // Note: this will fail if the CSV file hasnt been built yet.\n if (atom.atomTypeId === \"columnNameAtom\")\n return this.parent.columnNames.concat(this.parent.columnNames.map(c => \"-\" + c)) // Add reverse names\n return super.getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom)\n }\nabstractDateSplitTransformParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const columnName = this.getAtom(1) || this.detectDateColumn()\n if (!columnName) return this.parent.coreTable\n return this.parent.coreTable.map(row => {\n const newRow = {...row}\n try {\n const date = this.root.dayjs(row[columnName])\n if (date.isValid())\n newRow[this.newColumnName] = this.transformDate(date)\n } catch (err) {}\n return newRow\n })\n }\n detectDateColumn() {\n const columns = this.parent.columnNames\n const dateColumns = ['date', 'created', 'published', 'timestamp']\n for (const col of dateColumns) {\n if (columns.includes(col)) return col\n }\n for (const col of columns) {\n const sample = this.parent.coreTable[0][col]\n if (sample && this.root.dayjs(sample).isValid())\n return col\n }\n return null\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return [...this.parent.columnNames, this.newColumnName]\n }\n transformDate(date) {\n const formatted = date.format(this.dateFormat)\n const isInt = !this.cue.includes(\"Name\")\n return isInt ? parseInt(formatted) : formatted\n }\nscrollSplitYearParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract year into new column.\n cue splitYear\n string newColumnName year\n string dateFormat YYYY\nscrollSplitDayNameParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract day name into new column.\n cue splitDayName\n string newColumnName dayName\n string dateFormat dddd\nscrollSplitMonthNameParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract month name into new column.\n cue splitMonthName\n string newColumnName monthName\n string dateFormat MMMM\nscrollSplitMonthParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract month number (1-12) into new column.\n cue splitMonth\n string newColumnName month\n string dateFormat M\nscrollSplitDayOfMonthParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract day of month (1-31) into new column.\n cue splitDayOfMonth\n string newColumnName dayOfMonth\n string dateFormat D\nscrollSplitDayOfWeekParser\n extends abstractDateSplitTransformParser\n description Extract day of week (0-6) into new column.\n cue splitDay\n string newColumnName day\n string dateFormat d\nscrollParseDateParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Parse dates in a column into standard format.\n cue parseDate\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom\n example\n sampleData stocks.csv\n parseDate date\n linechart\n x date\n y price\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const columnName = this.connectColumnName(this.getAtom(1))\n const formatOut = this.get(\"format\") || \"YYYY-MM-DD\"\n const {dayjs} = this.root\n return this.parent.coreTable.map(row => {\n const newRow = {...row}\n try {\n const value = row[columnName]\n if (value) {\n const date = dayjs(value)\n if (date.isValid())\n newRow[columnName] = date.format(formatOut)\n }\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(`Error parsing date in column ${columnName}:`, err)\n }\n return newRow\n })\n }\n formatParser\n description Specify output date format\n atoms cueAtom stringAtom\n cueFromId\n single\nscrollGroupByParser\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n reduceParser\n description Specify how to aggregate a column when grouping data\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom reductionTypeAtom newColumnNameAtom\n cue reduce\n example\n data.csv\n groupBy year\n reduce score sum totalScore\n reduce name concat names\n printTable\n javascript\n get reduction() {\n return {\n source: this.getAtom(1),\n reduction: this.getAtom(2),\n name: this.getAtom(3) || this.getAtomsFrom(1).join(\"_\")\n }\n }\n description Combine rows with matching values into groups.\n example\n tables posts.csv\n groupBy year\n printTable\n cue groupBy\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n if (this._coreTable) return this._coreTable\n const groupByColNames = this.getAtomsFrom(1)\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n if (!groupByColNames.length) return coreTable\n const newCols = this.findParticles(\"reduce\").map(particle => particle.reduction)\n // Pivot is shorthand for group and reduce?\n const makePivotTable = (rows, groupByColumnNames, inputColumnNames, newCols) => {\n const colMap = {}\n inputColumnNames.forEach((col) => (colMap[col] = true))\n const groupByCols = groupByColumnNames.filter((col) => colMap[col])\n return new PivotTable(rows, inputColumnNames.map(c => {return {name: c}}), newCols).getNewRows(groupByCols)\n }\n class PivotTable {\n constructor(rows, inputColumns, outputColumns) {\n this._columns = {}\n this._rows = rows\n inputColumns.forEach((col) => (this._columns[col.name] = col))\n outputColumns.forEach((col) => (this._columns[col.name] = col))\n }\n _getGroups(allRows, groupByColNames) {\n const rowsInGroups = new Map()\n allRows.forEach((row) => {\n const groupKey = groupByColNames.map((col) => row[col]?.toString().replace(/ /g, \"\") || \"\").join(\" \")\n if (!rowsInGroups.has(groupKey)) rowsInGroups.set(groupKey, [])\n rowsInGroups.get(groupKey).push(row)\n })\n return rowsInGroups\n }\n getNewRows(groupByCols) {\n // make new particles\n const rowsInGroups = this._getGroups(this._rows, groupByCols)\n // Any column in the group should be reused by the children\n const columns = [\n {\n name: \"count\",\n type: \"number\",\n min: 0,\n },\n ]\n groupByCols.forEach((colName) => columns.push(this._columns[colName]))\n const colsToReduce = Object.values(this._columns).filter((col) => !!col.reduction)\n colsToReduce.forEach((col) => columns.push(col))\n // for each group\n const rows = []\n const totalGroups = rowsInGroups.size\n for (let [groupId, group] of rowsInGroups) {\n const firstRow = group[0]\n const newRow = {}\n groupByCols.forEach((col) =>\n newRow[col] = firstRow ? firstRow[col] : 0\n )\n newRow.count = group.length\n // todo: add more reductions? count, stddev, median, variance.\n colsToReduce.forEach((col) => {\n const sourceColName = col.source\n const reduction = col.reduction\n const newColName = col.name\n if (reduction === \"concat\") {\n newRow[newColName] = group.map((row) => row[sourceColName]).join(\" \")\n return \n }\n if (reduction === \"first\") {\n newRow[newColName] = group.find((row) => row[sourceColName] !== \"\")?.[sourceColName]\n return \n }\n const values = group.map((row) => row[sourceColName]).filter((val) => typeof val === \"number\" && !isNaN(val))\n let reducedValue = firstRow[sourceColName]\n if (reduction === \"sum\") reducedValue = values.reduce((prev, current) => prev + current, 0)\n if (reduction === \"max\") reducedValue = Math.max(...values)\n if (reduction === \"min\") reducedValue = Math.min(...values)\n if (reduction === \"mean\") reducedValue = values.reduce((prev, current) => prev + current, 0) / values.length\n newRow[newColName] = reducedValue\n })\n rows.push(newRow)\n }\n // todo: add tests. figure out this api better.\n Object.values(columns).forEach((col) => {\n // For pivot columns, remove the source and reduction info for now. Treat things as immutable.\n delete col.source\n delete col.reduction\n })\n return {\n rows,\n columns,\n }\n }\n }\n const pivotTable = makePivotTable(coreTable, groupByColNames, this.parent.columnNames, newCols)\n this._coreTable = pivotTable.rows\n this._columnNames = pivotTable.columns.map(col => col.name)\n return pivotTable.rows\n }\n get columnNames() {\n const {coreTable} = this\n return this._columnNames || this.parent.columnNames\n }\nscrollWhereParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Filter rows by condition.\n cue where\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom comparisonAtom\n catchAllAtomType constantAtom\n example\n datatable iris.csv\n where Species = setosa\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n // todo: use atoms here.\n const columnName = this.connectColumnName(this.getAtom(1))\n const operator = this.getAtom(2)\n let comparisonSet\n if (operator === \"oneOf\")\n comparisonSet = new Set(this.atoms.slice(3))\n let untypedComparisonValue = this.getAtom(3)\n const typedComparisonValue = isNaN(parseFloat(untypedComparisonValue)) ? untypedComparisonValue : parseFloat(untypedComparisonValue)\n const coreTable = this.parent.coreTable\n if (!columnName || !operator || (untypedComparisonValue === undefined && !operator.includes(\"mpty\"))) return coreTable\n const filterFn = row => {\n const atom = row[columnName]\n const typedAtom = atom === null ? undefined : atom // convert nulls to undefined\n if (operator === \"=\") return typedComparisonValue === typedAtom\n else if (operator === \"!=\") return typedComparisonValue !== typedAtom\n else if (operator === \"includes\") return typedAtom !== undefined && typedAtom.includes(typedComparisonValue)\n else if (operator === \"startsWith\") return typedAtom !== undefined && typedAtom.toString().startsWith(typedComparisonValue)\n else if (operator === \"endsWith\") return typedAtom !== undefined && typedAtom.toString().endsWith(typedComparisonValue)\n else if (operator === \"doesNotInclude\") return typedAtom === undefined || !typedAtom.includes(typedComparisonValue)\n else if (operator === \"oneOf\") return typedAtom !== undefined && comparisonSet.has(typedAtom.toString())\n else if (operator === \">\") return typedAtom > typedComparisonValue\n else if (operator === \"<\") return typedAtom < typedComparisonValue\n else if (operator === \">=\") return typedAtom >= typedComparisonValue\n else if (operator === \"<=\") return typedAtom <= typedComparisonValue\n else if (operator === \"empty\") return typedAtom === \"\" || typedAtom === undefined\n else if (operator === \"notEmpty\") return typedAtom !== \"\" && typedAtom !== undefined\n }\n return coreTable.filter(filterFn)\n }\nscrollSelectParser\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Drop all columns except these.\n example\n tables\n data\n name,year,count\n index,2022,2\n about,2023,4\n select name year\n printTable\n cue select\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n const {columnNames} = this\n if (!columnNames.length) return coreTable\n return coreTable.map(row => Object.fromEntries(columnNames.map(colName => [colName, row[colName]])))\n }\n get columnNames() {\n if (!this._columnNames) {\n const names = this.getAtomsFrom(1)\n this._columnNamesMap = this.connectColumnNames(names)\n this._columnNames = names.map(name => this._columnNamesMap[name])\n }\n return this._columnNames\n }\nscrollReverseParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Reverse rows.\n cue reverse\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n return this.parent.coreTable.slice().reverse()\n }\nscrollComposeParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Add column using format string.\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\n cue compose\n atoms cueAtom newColumnNameAtom\n example\n datatable\n compose sentence My name is {name}\n printTable\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {newColumnName} = this\n const formatString = this.getAtomsFrom(2).join(\" \")\n return this.parent.coreTable.map((row, index) => {\n const newRow = Object.assign({}, row)\n newRow[newColumnName] = this.evaluate(new Particle(row).evalTemplateString(formatString), index)\n return newRow\n })\n }\n evaluate(str) {\n return str\n }\n get newColumnName() {\n return this.atoms[1]\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return this.parent.columnNames.concat(this.newColumnName)\n }\nscrollComputeParser\n extends scrollComposeParser\n description Add column by evaling format string.\n cue compute\n javascript\n evaluate(str) {\n return parseFloat(eval(str))\n }\nscrollEvalParser\n extends scrollComputeParser\n description Add column by evaling format string.\n cue eval\n javascript\n evaluate(str) {\n return eval(str)\n }\nscrollRankParser\n extends scrollComposeParser\n description Add rank column.\n atoms cueAtom\n string newColumnName rank\n cue rank\n javascript\n evaluate(str, index) { return index + 1 }\nscrollLinksParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Add column with links.\n cue links\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {newColumnName, linkColumns} = this\n return this.parent.coreTable.map(row => {\n const newRow = Object.assign({}, row)\n let newValue = []\n linkColumns.forEach(name => {\n const value = newRow[name]\n delete newRow[name]\n if (value) newValue.push(`${name}`)\n })\n newRow[newColumnName] = newValue.join(\" \")\n return newRow\n })\n }\n get newColumnName() {\n return \"links\"\n }\n get linkColumns() {\n return this.getAtomsFrom(1)\n }\n get columnNames() {\n const {linkColumns} = this\n return this.parent.columnNames.filter(name => !linkColumns.includes(name)).concat(this.newColumnName)\n }\nscrollLimitParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Select a subset.\n cue limit\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom integerAtom\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n let start = this.getAtom(1)\n let end = this.getAtom(2)\n if (end === undefined) {\n end = start\n start = 0\n }\n return this.parent.coreTable.slice(parseInt(start), parseInt(end))\n }\nscrollShuffleParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Randomly reorder rows.\n cue shuffle\n example\n datatable data.csv\n shuffle\n printTable\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n // Create a copy of the datatable to avoid modifying original\n const rows = this.parent.coreTable.slice()\n // Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm\n for (let i = rows.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {\n const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1))\n ;[rows[i], rows[j]] = [rows[j], rows[i]]\n }\n return rows\n }\nscrollTransposeParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Tranpose datatable.\n cue transpose\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n // todo: we need to switch to column based coreTable, instead of row based\n const transpose = arr => Object.keys(arr[0]).map(key => [key, ...arr.map(row => row[key])]);\n return transpose(this.parent.coreTable)\n }\nscrollImputeParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Impute missing values of a columm.\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom\n cue impute\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {columnName} = this\n const sorted = this.root.lodash.orderBy(this.parent.coreTable.slice(), columnName)\n // ascending\n const imputed = []\n let lastInserted = sorted[0][columnName]\n sorted.forEach(row => {\n const measuredTime = row[columnName]\n while (measuredTime > lastInserted + 1) {\n lastInserted++\n // synthesize rows\n const imputedRow = {}\n imputedRow[columnName] = lastInserted\n imputedRow.count = 0\n imputed.push(imputedRow)\n }\n lastInserted = measuredTime\n imputed.push(row)\n })\n return imputed\n }\n get columnName() {\n return this.connectColumnName(this.getAtom(1))\n }\nscrollOrderByParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Sort rows by column(s).\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom\n cue orderBy\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const makeLodashOrderByParams = str => {\n const part1 = str.split(\" \")\n const part2 = part1.map(col => (col.startsWith(\"-\") ? \"desc\" : \"asc\"))\n return [part1.map(col => this.connectColumnName(col.replace(/^\\-/, \"\"))), part2]\n }\n const orderBy = makeLodashOrderByParams(this.content)\n return this.root.lodash.orderBy(this.parent.coreTable.slice(), orderBy[0], orderBy[1])\n }\nassertRowCountParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Test row count is expected value.\n atoms cueAtom integerAtom\n cueFromId\n javascript\n getErrors() {\n const errors = super.getErrors()\n const actualRows = this.coreTable.length\n const expectedRows = parseInt(this.content)\n if (actualRows !== expectedRows)\n return errors.concat(this.makeError(`Expected '${expectedRows}' rows but got '${actualRows}'.`))\n return errors\n }\nscrollRenameParser\n // todo: add support in Parsers for tuple catch alls\n catchAllAtomType columnNameAtom newColumnNameAtom\n catchAllAtomType newColumnNameAtom\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Rename columns.\n example\n tables\n data\n name,year,count\n index,2022,2\n rename name Name year Year\n printTable\n cue rename\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {coreTable} = this.parent\n const {renameMap} = this\n if (!Object.keys(renameMap).length) return coreTable\n return coreTable.map(row => {\n const newRow = {}\n Object.keys(row).forEach(key => {\n const name = renameMap[key] || key\n newRow[name] = row[key]\n })\n return newRow\n })\n }\n get renameMap() {\n const map = {}\n const pairs = this.getAtomsFrom(1)\n let oldName\n while (oldName = pairs.shift()) {\n map[oldName] = pairs.shift()\n }\n return map\n }\n _renamed\n get columnNames() {\n if (this._renamed)\n return this._renamed\n const {renameMap} = this\n this._renamed = this.parent.columnNames.map(name => renameMap[name] || name )\n return this._renamed\n }\nscrollSummarizeParser\n extends abstractTableTransformParser\n description Generate summary statistics for each column.\n cue summarize\n example\n datatable data.csv\n summarize\n printTable\n javascript\n get coreTable() {\n const {lodash} = this.root\n const sourceData = this.parent.coreTable\n if (!sourceData.length) return []\n return this.parent.columnNames.map(colName => {\n const values = sourceData.map(row => row[colName]).filter(val => val !== undefined && val !== null)\n const numericValues = values.filter(val => typeof val === \"number\" && !isNaN(val))\n const sorted = [...numericValues].sort((a, b) => a - b)\n // Calculate mode\n const frequency = {}\n values.forEach(val => {\n frequency[val] = (frequency[val] || 0) + 1\n })\n const mode = Object.entries(frequency)\n .sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])\n .map(entry => entry[0])[0]\n // Calculate median for numeric values\n const median = sorted.length ? \n sorted.length % 2 === 0 \n ? (sorted[sorted.length/2 - 1] + sorted[sorted.length/2]) / 2\n : sorted[Math.floor(sorted.length/2)]\n : null\n const sum = numericValues.length ? numericValues.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) : null\n const theType = typeof values[0]\n const count = values.length\n const mean = theType === \"number\" ? sum/count : \"\"\n return {\n name: colName,\n type: theType,\n incompleteCount: sourceData.length - values.length,\n uniqueCount: new Set(values).size,\n count,\n sum,\n median,\n mean,\n min: sorted.length ? sorted[0] : null,\n max: sorted.length ? sorted[sorted.length - 1] : null,\n mode\n }\n })\n }\n get columnNames() {\n return [\"name\", \"type\", \"incompleteCount\", \"uniqueCount\", \"count\", \"sum\", \"median\", \"mean\", \"min\", \"max\", \"mode\"]\n }\nerrorParser\n baseParser errorParser\nheatrixCatchAllParser\n popularity 0.000193\n // todo Fill this out\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\nlineOfTextParser\n popularity 0.000289\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n boolean isTextParser true\nhtmlLineParser\n popularity 0.005209\n catchAllAtomType htmlAnyAtom\n catchAllParser htmlLineParser\nopenGraphParser\n // todo: fix Parsers scope issue so we can move this parser def under scrollImageParser\n description Add this line to make this the open graph image.\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom\nimportToFooterParser\n description Import to bottom of file.\n atoms preBuildCommandAtom\n cue footer\nscriptLineParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptAnyAtom\n catchAllParser scriptLineParser\nlinkTitleParser\n popularity 0.000048\n description If you want to set the title of the link.\n cue title\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n example\n * This report showed the treatment had a big impact.\n https://example.com/report This report.\n title The average growth in the treatment group was 14.2x higher than the control group.\nprogramLinkParser\n popularity 0.000531\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\nscrollMediaLoopParser\n popularity 0.000048\n cue loop\n atoms cueAtom\nscrollAutoplayParser\n cue autoplay\n atoms cueAtom\nabstractCompilerRuleParser\n catchAllAtomType anyAtom\n atoms cueAtom\ncloseSubparticlesParser\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n description When compiling a parent particle to a string, this string is appended to the compiled and joined subparticles. Default is blank.\n cueFromId\nindentCharacterParser\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n description You can change the indent character for compiled subparticles. Default is a space.\n cueFromId\ncatchAllAtomDelimiterParser\n description If a particle has a catchAllAtom, this is the string delimiter that will be used to join those atoms. Default is comma.\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n cueFromId\nopenSubparticlesParser\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n description When compiling a parent particle to a string, this string is prepended to the compiled and joined subparticles. Default is blank.\n cueFromId\nstringTemplateParser\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n description This template string is used to compile this line, and accepts strings of the format: const var = {someAtomId}\n cueFromId\njoinSubparticlesWithParser\n description When compiling a parent particle to a string, subparticles are compiled to strings and joined by this character. Default is a newline.\n extends abstractCompilerRuleParser\n cueFromId\nabstractConstantParser\n description A constant.\n atoms cueAtom\n cueFromId\n // todo: make tags inherit\n tags actPhase\nparsersBooleanParser\n cue boolean\n atoms cueAtom constantIdentifierAtom\n catchAllAtomType booleanAtom\n extends abstractConstantParser\n tags actPhase\nparsersFloatParser\n cue float\n atoms cueAtom constantIdentifierAtom\n catchAllAtomType floatAtom\n extends abstractConstantParser\n tags actPhase\nparsersIntParser\n cue int\n atoms cueAtom constantIdentifierAtom\n catchAllAtomType integerAtom\n tags actPhase\n extends abstractConstantParser\nparsersStringParser\n cue string\n atoms cueAtom constantIdentifierAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllMultilineStringConstantParser\n extends abstractConstantParser\n tags actPhase\nabstractParserRuleParser\n single\n atoms cueAtom\nabstractNonTerminalParserRuleParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\nparsersBaseParserParser\n atoms cueAtom baseParsersAtom\n description Set for blobs or errors. \n // In rare cases with untyped content you can use a blobParser, for now, to skip parsing for performance gains. The base errorParser will report errors when parsed. Use that if you don't want to implement your own error parser.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue baseParser\n tags analyzePhase\ncatchAllAtomTypeParser\n atoms cueAtom atomTypeIdAtom\n description Use for lists.\n // Aka 'listAtomType'. Use this when the value in a key/value pair is a list. If there are extra atoms in the particle's line, parse these atoms as this type. Often used with `listDelimiterParser`.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n tags analyzePhase\natomParserParser\n atoms cueAtom atomParserAtom\n description Set parsing strategy.\n // prefix/postfix/omnifix parsing strategy. If missing, defaults to prefix.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n tags experimental analyzePhase\ncatchAllParserParser\n description Attach this to unmatched lines.\n // If a parser is not found in the inScope list, instantiate this type of particle instead.\n atoms cueAtom parserIdAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n tags acquirePhase\nparsersAtomsParser\n catchAllAtomType atomTypeIdAtom\n description Set required atomTypes.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue atoms\n tags analyzePhase\nparsersCompilerParser\n // todo Remove this and its subparticles?\n description Deprecated. For simple compilers.\n inScope stringTemplateParser catchAllAtomDelimiterParser openSubparticlesParser closeSubparticlesParser indentCharacterParser joinSubparticlesWithParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue compiler\n tags deprecate\n boolean suggestInAutocomplete false\nparserDescriptionParser\n description Parser description.\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue description\n tags assemblePhase\nparsersExampleParser\n // todo Should this just be a \"string\" constant on particles?\n description Set example for docs and tests.\n catchAllAtomType exampleAnyAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllExampleLineParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue example\n tags assemblePhase\nextendsParserParser\n cue extends\n tags assemblePhase\n description Extend another parser.\n // todo: add a catchall that is used for mixins\n atoms cueAtom parserIdAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\nparsersPopularityParser\n // todo Remove this parser. Switch to conditional frequencies.\n description Parser popularity.\n atoms cueAtom floatAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue popularity\n tags assemblePhase\ninScopeParser\n description Parsers in scope.\n catchAllAtomType parserIdAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n tags acquirePhase\nparsersJavascriptParser\n // todo Urgently need to get submode syntax highlighting running! (And eventually LSP)\n description Javascript code for Parser Actions.\n catchAllParser catchAllJavascriptCodeLineParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n tags actPhase\n javascript\n format() {\n if (this.isNodeJs()) {\n const template = `class FOO{ ${this.subparticlesToString()}}`\n this.setSubparticles(\n require(\"prettier\")\n .format(template, { semi: false, useTabs: true, parser: \"babel\", printWidth: 240 })\n .replace(/class FOO \\{\\s+/, \"\")\n .replace(/\\s+\\}\\s+$/, \"\")\n .replace(/\\n\\t/g, \"\\n\") // drop one level of indent\n .replace(/\\t/g, \" \") // we used tabs instead of spaces to be able to dedent without breaking literals.\n )\n }\n return this\n }\n cue javascript\nabstractParseRuleParser\n // Each particle should have a pattern that it matches on unless it's a catch all particle.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\nparsersCueParser\n atoms cueAtom stringAtom\n description Attach by matching first atom.\n extends abstractParseRuleParser\n tags acquirePhase\n cue cue\ncueFromIdParser\n atoms cueAtom\n description Derive cue from parserId.\n // for example 'fooParser' would have cue of 'foo'.\n extends abstractParseRuleParser\n tags acquirePhase\nparsersPatternParser\n catchAllAtomType regexAtom\n description Attach via regex.\n extends abstractParseRuleParser\n tags acquirePhase\n cue pattern\nparsersRequiredParser\n description Assert is present at least once.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cue required\n tags analyzePhase\nabstractValidationRuleParser\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType booleanAtom\nparsersSingleParser\n description Assert used once.\n // Can be overridden by a child class by setting to false.\n extends abstractValidationRuleParser\n tags analyzePhase\n cue single\nuniqueLineParser\n description Assert unique lines. For pattern parsers.\n // Can be overridden by a child class by setting to false.\n extends abstractValidationRuleParser\n tags analyzePhase\nuniqueCueParser\n description Assert unique first atoms. For pattern parsers.\n // For catch all parsers or pattern particles, use this to indicate the \n extends abstractValidationRuleParser\n tags analyzePhase\nlistDelimiterParser\n description Split content by this delimiter.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n tags analyzePhase\ncontentKeyParser\n description Deprecated. For to/from JSON.\n // Advanced keyword to help with isomorphic JSON serialization/deserialization. If present will serialize the particle to an object and set a property with this key and the value set to the particle's content.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n tags deprecate\n boolean suggestInAutocomplete false\nsubparticlesKeyParser\n // todo: deprecate?\n description Deprecated. For to/from JSON.\n // Advanced keyword to help with serialization/deserialization of blobs. If present will serialize the particle to an object and set a property with this key and the value set to the particle's subparticles.\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n cueFromId\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n tags deprecate\n boolean suggestInAutocomplete false\nparsersTagsParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n extends abstractParserRuleParser\n description Custom metadata.\n cue tags\n tags assemblePhase\natomTypeDescriptionParser\n description Atom Type description.\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n cue description\n tags assemblePhase\ncatchAllErrorParser\n baseParser errorParser\ncatchAllExampleLineParser\n catchAllAtomType exampleAnyAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllExampleLineParser\n atoms exampleAnyAtom\ncatchAllJavascriptCodeLineParser\n catchAllAtomType javascriptCodeAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllJavascriptCodeLineParser\ncatchAllMultilineStringConstantParser\n description String constants can span multiple lines.\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser catchAllMultilineStringConstantParser\n atoms stringAtom\natomTypeDefinitionParser\n // todo Generate a class for each atom type?\n // todo Allow abstract atom types?\n // todo Change pattern to postfix.\n pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Atom$\n inScope parsersPaintParser parsersRegexParser reservedAtomsParser enumFromAtomTypesParser atomTypeDescriptionParser parsersEnumParser slashCommentParser extendsAtomTypeParser parsersExamplesParser atomMinParser atomMaxParser\n atoms atomTypeIdAtom\n tags assemblePhase\n javascript\n buildHtml() {return \"\"}\nenumFromAtomTypesParser\n description Runtime enum options.\n catchAllAtomType atomTypeIdAtom\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n cueFromId\n tags analyzePhase\nparsersEnumParser\n description Set enum options.\n cue enum\n catchAllAtomType enumOptionAtom\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n tags analyzePhase\nparsersExamplesParser\n description Examples for documentation and tests.\n // If the domain of possible atom values is large, such as a string type, it can help certain methods—such as program synthesis—to provide a few examples.\n cue examples\n catchAllAtomType atomExampleAtom\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n tags assemblePhase\natomMinParser\n description Specify a min if numeric.\n cue min\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom numberAtom\n tags analyzePhase\natomMaxParser\n description Specify a max if numeric.\n cue max\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom numberAtom\n tags analyzePhase\nparsersPaintParser\n atoms cueAtom paintTypeAtom\n description Instructor editor how to color these.\n single\n cue paint\n tags analyzePhase\nparserDefinitionParser\n // todo Add multiple dispatch?\n pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Parser$\n description Parser types are a core unit of your language. They translate to 1 class per parser. Examples of parser would be \"header\", \"person\", \"if\", \"+\", \"define\", etc.\n catchAllParser catchAllErrorParser\n inScope abstractParserRuleParser abstractConstantParser slashCommentParser parserDefinitionParser\n atoms parserIdAtom\n tags assemblePhase\n javascript\n buildHtml() { return \"\"}\nparsersRegexParser\n catchAllAtomType regexAtom\n description Atoms must match this.\n single\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n cue regex\n tags analyzePhase\nreservedAtomsParser\n single\n description Atoms can't be any of these.\n catchAllAtomType reservedAtomAtom\n atoms atomPropertyNameAtom\n cueFromId\n tags analyzePhase\nextendsAtomTypeParser\n cue extends\n description Extend another atomType.\n // todo Add mixin support in addition to extends?\n atoms cueAtom atomTypeIdAtom\n tags assemblePhase\n single\nabstractColumnNameParser\n atoms cueAtom columnNameAtom\n javascript\n getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom) {\n if (atom.atomTypeId === \"columnNameAtom\")\n return this.parent.columnNames\n return super.getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom)\n }\nscrollRadiusParser\n cue radius\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nscrollSymbolParser\n cue symbol\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nabstractColumnNameOrColorParser\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\n atoms cueAtom columnNameOrColorAtom\n javascript\n //todo: cleanup\n colorOptions = \"aliceblue antiquewhite aqua aquamarine azure beige bisque black blanchedalmond blue blueviolet brown burlywood cadetblue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflowerblue cornsilk crimson cyan darkblue darkcyan darkgoldenrod darkgray darkgreen darkkhaki darkmagenta darkolivegreen darkorange darkorchid darkred darksalmon darkseagreen darkslateblue darkslategray darkturquoise darkviolet deeppink deepskyblue dimgray dodgerblue firebrick floralwhite forestgreen fuchsia gainsboro ghostwhite gold goldenrod gray green greenyellow honeydew hotpink indianred indigo ivory khaki lavender lavenderblush lawngreen lemonchiffon lightblue lightcoral lightcyan lightgoldenrodyellow lightgray lightgreen lightpink lightsalmon lightseagreen lightskyblue lightslategray lightsteelblue lightyellow lime limegreen linen magenta maroon mediumaquamarine mediumblue mediumorchid mediumpurple mediumseagreen mediumslateblue mediumspringgreen mediumturquoise mediumvioletred midnightblue mintcream mistyrose moccasin navajowhite navy oldlace olive olivedrab orange orangered orchid palegoldenrod palegreen paleturquoise palevioletred papayawhip peachpuff peru pink plum powderblue purple rebeccapurple red rosybrown royalblue saddlebrown salmon sandybrown seagreen seashell sienna silver skyblue slateblue slategray snow springgreen steelblue tan teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat white whitesmoke yellow yellowgreen\".split(\" \")\n getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom) {\n if (atom.atomTypeId === \"columnNameOrColorAtom\")\n return this.parent.columnNames.join(this.colorOptions)\n return super.getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom)\n }\nscrollFillParser\n cue fill\n extends abstractColumnNameOrColorParser\nscrollStrokeParser\n cue stroke\n extends abstractColumnNameOrColorParser\nscrollLabelParser\n cue label\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nscrollSortParser\n cue sort\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nscrollXParser\n cue x\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nscrollYParser\n cue y\n extends abstractColumnNameParser\nabstractPlotLabelParser\n cueFromId\n atoms cueAtom\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\nquoteLineParser\n popularity 0.004172\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser quoteLineParser\nscrollParser\n description Scroll is a language for scientists of all ages. Refine, share and collaborate on ideas.\n root\n inScope abstractScrollParser blankLineParser atomTypeDefinitionParser parserDefinitionParser\n catchAllParser catchAllParagraphParser\n javascript\n setFile(file) {\n this.file = file\n const date = this.get(\"date\")\n if (date) this.file.timestamp = this.dayjs(this.get(\"date\")).unix()\n return this\n }\n buildHtml(buildSettings) {\n this.sectionStack = []\n return this.filter(subparticle => subparticle.buildHtml).map(subparticle => { try {return subparticle.buildHtml(buildSettings)} catch (err) {console.error(err); return \"\"} }).filter(i => i).join(\"\\n\") + this.clearSectionStack()\n }\n sectionStack = []\n clearSectionStack() {\n const result = this.sectionStack.join(\"\\n\")\n this.sectionStack = []\n return result\n }\n bodyStack = []\n clearBodyStack() {\n const result = this.bodyStack.join(\"\")\n this.bodyStack = []\n return result\n }\n readSyncFromFileOrUrl(fileOrUrl) {\n if (!this.isNodeJs()) return this.getInBrowser(fileOrUrl)\n const isUrl = fileOrUrl.match(/^https?\\:[^ ]+$/)\n if (!isUrl) return this.root.readFile(fileOrUrl)\n return this.readFile(this.makeFullPath(new URL(fileOrUrl).pathname.split('/').pop()))\n }\n getInBrowser(key) {\n return localStorage.getItem(key) || (window.inMemStorage ? window.inMemStorage[key] : \"\") || \"\"\n }\n async fetch(url, filename) {\n const isUrl = url.match(/^https?\\:[^ ]+$/)\n if (!isUrl) return\n return this.isNodeJs() ? this.fetchNode(url, filename) : this.fetchBrowser(url)\n }\n get path() {\n return require(\"path\")\n }\n makeFullPath(filename) {\n return this.path.join(this.folderPath, filename)\n }\n _nextAndPrevious(arr, index) {\n const nextIndex = index + 1\n const previousIndex = index - 1\n return {\n previous: arr[previousIndex] ?? arr[arr.length - 1],\n next: arr[nextIndex] ?? arr[0]\n }\n }\n // keyboard nav is always in the same folder. does not currently support cross folder\n _includeFileInKeyboardNav(file) {\n const { scrollProgram } = file\n return scrollProgram.buildsHtml && scrollProgram.hasKeyboardNav && scrollProgram.tags.includes(this.primaryTag)\n }\n get timeIndex() {\n return this.file.timeIndex || 0\n }\n get linkToPrevious() {\n if (!this.hasKeyboardNav)\n // Dont provide link to next unless keyboard nav is on\n return undefined\n const {allScrollFiles} = this\n let file = this._nextAndPrevious(allScrollFiles, this.timeIndex).previous\n if (!file) return undefined\n while (!this._includeFileInKeyboardNav(file)) {\n file = this._nextAndPrevious(allScrollFiles, file.timeIndex).previous\n }\n return file.scrollProgram.permalink\n }\n importRegex = /^(import |[a-zA-Z\\_\\-\\.0-9\\/]+\\.(scroll|parsers)$|https?:\\/\\/.+\\.(scroll|parsers)$)/gm\n get linkToNext() {\n if (!this.hasKeyboardNav)\n // Dont provide link to next unless keyboard nav is on\n return undefined\n const {allScrollFiles} = this\n let file = this._nextAndPrevious(allScrollFiles, this.timeIndex).next\n if (!file) return undefined\n while (!this._includeFileInKeyboardNav(file)) {\n file = this._nextAndPrevious(allScrollFiles, file.timeIndex).next\n }\n return file.scrollProgram.permalink\n }\n // todo: clean up this naming pattern and add a parser instead of special casing 404.html\n get allHtmlFiles() {\n return this.allScrollFiles.filter(file => file.scrollProgram.buildsHtml && file.scrollProgram.permalink !== \"404.html\")\n }\n parseNestedTag(tag) {\n if (!tag.includes(\"/\")) return;\n const {path} = this\n const parts = tag.split(\"/\")\n const group = parts.pop()\n const relativePath = parts.join(\"/\")\n return {\n group,\n relativePath,\n folderPath: path.join(this.folderPath, path.normalize(relativePath))\n }\n }\n getFilesByTags(tags, limit) {\n // todo: tags is currently matching partial substrings\n const getFilesWithTag = (tag, files) => files.filter(file => file.scrollProgram.buildsHtml && file.scrollProgram.tags.includes(tag))\n if (typeof tags === \"string\") tags = tags.split(\" \")\n if (!tags || !tags.length)\n return this.allHtmlFiles\n .filter(file => file !== this) // avoid infinite loops. todo: think this through better.\n .map(file => {\n return { file, relativePath: \"\" }\n })\n .slice(0, limit)\n let arr = []\n tags.forEach(tag => {\n if (!tag.includes(\"/\"))\n return (arr = arr.concat(\n getFilesWithTag(tag, this.allScrollFiles)\n .map(file => {\n return { file, relativePath: \"\" }\n })\n .slice(0, limit)\n ))\n const {folderPath, group, relativePath} = this.parseNestedTag(tag)\n let files = []\n try {\n files = this.fileSystem.getCachedLoadedFilesInFolder(folderPath, this)\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n }\n const filtered = getFilesWithTag(group, files).map(file => {\n return { file, relativePath: relativePath + \"/\" }\n })\n arr = arr.concat(filtered.slice(0, limit))\n })\n return this.lodash.sortBy(arr, file => file.file.timestamp).reverse()\n }\n async fetchNode(url, filename) {\n filename = filename || new URL(url).pathname.split('/').pop()\n const fullpath = this.makeFullPath(filename)\n if (require(\"fs\").existsSync(fullpath)) return this.readFile(fullpath)\n this.log(`🛜 fetching ${url} to ${fullpath} `)\n await this.downloadToDisk(url, fullpath)\n return this.readFile(fullpath)\n }\n log(message) {\n if (this.logger) this.logger.log(message)\n }\n async fetchBrowser(url) {\n const content = this.getInBrowser(url)\n if (content) return content\n return this.downloadToLocalStorage(url)\n }\n async downloadToDisk(url, destination) {\n const { writeFile } = require('fs').promises\n const response = await fetch(url)\n const fileBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer()\n await writeFile(destination, Buffer.from(fileBuffer))\n return this.readFile(destination)\n }\n async downloadToLocalStorage(url) {\n const response = await fetch(url)\n const blob = await response.blob()\n const text = await blob.text()\n try {\n localStorage.setItem(url, text)\n return localStorage.getItem(url)\n } catch (err) {\n if (!window.inMemStorage) window.inMemStorage = {}\n window.inMemStorage[url] = text\n console.error(err)\n return text\n }\n }\n readFile(filename) {\n const {path} = this\n const fs = require(\"fs\")\n const fullPath = path.join(this.folderPath, filename.replace(this.folderPath, \"\"))\n try {\n if (fs.existsSync(fullPath))\n return fs.readFileSync(fullPath, \"utf8\")\n console.error(`File '${filename}' not found`)\n return \"\"\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(`Error in '${this.filePath}' reading file: '${fullPath}'`)\n console.error(err)\n return \"\"\n }\n }\n alreadyRequired = new Set()\n buildHtmlSnippet(buildSettings) {\n this.sectionStack = []\n return this.map(subparticle => (subparticle.buildHtmlSnippet ? subparticle.buildHtmlSnippet(buildSettings) : subparticle.buildHtml(buildSettings)))\n .filter(i => i)\n .join(\"\\n\")\n .trim() + this.clearSectionStack()\n }\n get footnotes() {\n if (this._footnotes === undefined) this._footnotes = this.filter(particle => particle.isFootnote)\n return this._footnotes\n }\n get authors() {\n return this.get(\"authors\")\n }\n get allScrollFiles() {\n try {\n return this.fileSystem.getCachedLoadedFilesInFolder(this.folderPath, this)\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n return []\n }\n }\n async doThing(thing) {\n await Promise.all(this.filter(particle => particle[thing]).map(async particle => particle[thing]()))\n }\n async load() {\n await this.doThing(\"load\")\n }\n async execute() {\n await this.doThing(\"execute\")\n }\n file = {}\n getFromParserId(parserId) {\n return this.parserIdIndex[parserId]?.[0].content\n }\n get fileSystem() {\n return this.file.fileSystem\n }\n get filePath() {\n // Note: we currently do not support files with spaces in their filepaths\n return this.cue\n }\n get folderPath() {\n return Utils.posix.dirname(this.filePath) + \"/\"\n }\n get filename() {\n return Utils.posix.basename(this.filePath)\n }\n get hasKeyboardNav() {\n return this.has(\"keyboardNav\")\n }\n get editHtml() {\n return `Edit`\n }\n get externalsPath() {\n return this.file.EXTERNALS_PATH\n }\n get endSnippetIndex() {\n // Get the line number that the snippet should stop at.\n // First if its hard coded, use that\n if (this.has(\"endSnippet\")) return this.getParticle(\"endSnippet\").index\n // Next look for a dinkus\n const snippetBreak = this.find(particle => particle.isDinkus)\n if (snippetBreak) return snippetBreak.index\n return -1\n }\n get parserIds() {\n return this.topDownArray.map(particle => particle.definition.id)\n }\n get tags() {\n return this.get(\"tags\") || \"\"\n }\n get primaryTag() {\n return this.tags.split(\" \")[0]\n }\n get filenameNoExtension() {\n return this.filename.replace(\".scroll\", \"\")\n }\n // todo: rename publishedUrl? Or something to indicate that this is only for stuff on the web (not localhost)\n // BaseUrl must be provided for RSS Feeds and OpenGraph tags to work\n get baseUrl() {\n const baseUrl = (this.get(\"baseUrl\") || \"\").replace(/\\/$/, \"\")\n return baseUrl + \"/\"\n }\n get canonicalUrl() {\n return this.get(\"canonicalUrl\") || this.baseUrl + this.permalink\n }\n get openGraphImage() {\n const openGraphImage = this.get(\"openGraphImage\")\n if (openGraphImage !== undefined) return this.ensureAbsoluteLink(openGraphImage)\n const images = this.filter(particle => particle.doesExtend(\"scrollImageParser\"))\n const hit = images.find(particle => particle.has(\"openGraph\")) || images[0]\n if (!hit) return \"\"\n return this.ensureAbsoluteLink(hit.filename)\n }\n get absoluteLink() {\n return this.ensureAbsoluteLink(this.permalink)\n }\n ensureAbsoluteLink(link) {\n if (link.includes(\"://\")) return link\n return this.baseUrl + link.replace(/^\\//, \"\")\n }\n get editUrl() {\n const editUrl = this.get(\"editUrl\")\n if (editUrl) return editUrl\n const editBaseUrl = this.get(\"editBaseUrl\")\n return (editBaseUrl ? editBaseUrl.replace(/\\/$/, \"\") + \"/\" : \"\") + this.filename\n }\n get gitRepo() {\n // given https://github.com/breck7/breckyunits.com/blob/main/four-tips-to-improve-communication.scroll\n // return https://github.com/breck7/breckyunits.com\n return this.editUrl.split(\"/\").slice(0, 5).join(\"/\")\n }\n get scrollVersion() {\n // currently manually updated\n return \"172.0.0\"\n }\n // Use the first paragraph for the description\n // todo: add a particle method version of get that gets you the first particle. (actulaly make get return array?)\n // would speed up a lot.\n get description() {\n const description = this.getFromParserId(\"openGraphDescriptionParser\")\n if (description) return description\n return this.generatedDescription\n }\n get keywords() {\n if (this.has(\"keywords\"))\n return this.get(\"keywords\")\n const tags = this.get(\"tags\")\n if (tags)\n return tags.split(\" \").join(\", \")\n return \"\"\n }\n get generatedDescription() {\n const firstParagraph = this.find(particle => particle.isArticleContent)\n return firstParagraph ? firstParagraph.originalText.substr(0, 100).replace(/[&\"<>']/g, \"\") : \"\"\n }\n get titleFromFilename() {\n const unCamelCase = str => str.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, \"$1 $2\").replace(/^./, match => match.toUpperCase())\n return unCamelCase(this.filenameNoExtension)\n }\n get title() {\n return this.getFromParserId(\"scrollTitleParser\") || this.titleFromFilename\n }\n get linkTitle() {\n return this.getFromParserId(\"scrollLinkTitleParser\") || this.title\n }\n get permalink() {\n return this.get(\"permalink\") || (this.filename ? this.filenameNoExtension + \".html\" : \"\")\n }\n compileTo(extensionCapitalized) {\n if (extensionCapitalized === \"Txt\")\n return this.asTxt\n if (extensionCapitalized === \"Html\")\n return this.asHtml\n const methodName = \"build\" + extensionCapitalized\n return this.topDownArray\n .filter(particle => particleethodName])\n .map((particle, index) => particleethodName](index))\n .join(\"\\n\")\n .trim()\n }\n get asTxt() {\n return (\n this.map(particle => {\n const text = particle.buildTxt ? particle.buildTxt() : \"\"\n if (text) return text + \"\\n\"\n if (!particle.getLine().length) return \"\\n\"\n return \"\"\n })\n .join(\"\")\n .replace(/\\n\\n\\n+/g, \"\\n\\n\") // Maximum 2 newlines in a row\n .trim() + \"\\n\" // Always end in a newline, Posix style\n )\n }\n get dependencies() {\n const dependencies = this.file.dependencies?.slice() || []\n const files = this.topDownArray.filter(particle => particle.dependencies).map(particle => particle.dependencies).flat()\n return dependencies.concat(files)\n }\n get buildsHtml() {\n const { permalink } = this\n return !this.file.importOnly && (permalink.endsWith(\".html\") || permalink.endsWith(\".htm\"))\n }\n // Without specifying the language hyphenation will not work.\n get lang() {\n return this.get(\"htmlLang\") || \"en\"\n }\n _compiledHtml = \"\"\n get asHtml() {\n if (!this._compiledHtml) {\n const { permalink, buildsHtml } = this\n const content = (this.buildHtml() + this.clearBodyStack()).trim()\n // Don't add html tags to CSV feeds. A little hacky as calling a getter named _html_ to get _xml_ is not ideal. But\n // <1% of use case so might be good enough.\n const wrapWithHtmlTags = buildsHtml\n const bodyTag = this.has(\"metaTags\") ? \"\" : \"\\n\"\n this._compiledHtml = wrapWithHtmlTags ? `\\n\\n${bodyTag}${content}\\n\\n` : content\n }\n return this._compiledHtml\n }\n get wordCount() {\n return this.asTxt.match(/\\b\\w+\\b/g)?.length || 0\n }\n get minutes() {\n return parseFloat((this.wordCount / 200).toFixed(1))\n }\n get date() {\n const date = this.get(\"date\") || (this.file.timestamp ? this.file.timestamp : 0)\n return this.dayjs(date).format(`MM/DD/YYYY`)\n }\n get year() {\n return parseInt(this.dayjs(this.date).format(`YYYY`))\n }\n get dayjs() {\n if (!this.isNodeJs()) return dayjs\n const lib = require(\"dayjs\")\n const relativeTime = require(\"dayjs/plugin/relativeTime\")\n lib.extend(relativeTime)\n return lib\n }\n get lodash() {\n return this.isNodeJs() ? require(\"lodash\") : lodash\n }\n get d3() {\n return this.isNodeJs() ? require('d3') : d3\n }\n getConcepts(parsed) {\n const concepts = []\n let currentConcept\n parsed.forEach(particle => {\n if (particle.isConceptDelimiter) {\n if (currentConcept) concepts.push(currentConcept)\n currentConcept = []\n }\n if (currentConcept && particle.isMeasure) currentConcept.push(particle)\n })\n if (currentConcept) concepts.push(currentConcept)\n return concepts\n }\n _formatConcepts(parsed) {\n const concepts = this.getConcepts(parsed)\n if (!concepts.length) return false\n const {lodash} = this\n // does a destructive sort in place on the parsed program\n concepts.forEach(concept => {\n let currentSection\n const newCode = lodash\n .sortBy(concept, [\"sortIndex\"])\n .map(particle => {\n let newLines = \"\"\n const section = particle.sortIndex.toString().split(\".\")[0]\n if (section !== currentSection) {\n currentSection = section\n newLines = \"\\n\"\n }\n return newLines + particle.toString()\n })\n .join(\"\\n\")\n concept.forEach((particle, index) => (index ? particle.destroy() : \"\"))\n concept[0].replaceParticle(() => newCode)\n })\n }\n get formatted() {\n return this.getFormatted(this.file.codeAtStart)\n }\n get lastCommitTime() {\n // todo: speed this up and do a proper release. also could add more metrics like this.\n if (this._lastCommitTime === undefined) {\n try {\n this._lastCommitTime = require(\"child_process\").execSync(`git log -1 --format=\"%at\" -- \"${this.filePath}\"`).toString().trim()\n } catch (err) {\n this._lastCommitTime = 0\n }\n }\n return this._lastCommitTime\n }\n getFormatted(codeAtStart = this.toString()) {\n let formatted = codeAtStart.replace(/\\r/g, \"\") // remove all carriage returns if there are any\n const parsed = new this.constructor(formatted)\n parsed.topDownArray.forEach(subparticle => {\n subparticle.format()\n const original = subparticle.getLine()\n const trimmed = original.replace(/(\\S.*?)[ \\t]*$/gm, \"$1\")\n // Trim trailing whitespace unless parser allows it\n if (original !== trimmed && !subparticle.allowTrailingWhitespace) subparticle.setLine(trimmed)\n })\n this._formatConcepts(parsed)\n let importOnlys = []\n let topMatter = []\n let allElse = []\n // Create any bindings\n parsed.forEach(particle => {\n if (particle.bindTo === \"next\") particle.binding = particle.next\n if (particle.bindTo === \"previous\") particle.binding = particle.previous\n })\n parsed.forEach(particle => {\n if (particle.getLine() === \"importOnly\") importOnlys.push(particle)\n else if (particle.isTopMatter) topMatter.push(particle)\n else allElse.push(particle)\n })\n const combined = importOnlys.concat(topMatter, allElse)\n // Move any bound particles\n combined\n .filter(particle => particle.bindTo)\n .forEach(particle => {\n // First remove the particle from its current position\n const originalIndex = combined.indexOf(particle)\n combined.splice(originalIndex, 1)\n // Then insert it at the new position\n // We need to find the binding index again after removal\n const bindingIndex = combined.indexOf(particle.binding)\n if (particle.bindTo === \"next\") combined.splice(bindingIndex, 0, particle)\n else combined.splice(bindingIndex + 1, 0, particle)\n })\n const trimmed = combined\n .map(particle => particle.toString())\n .join(\"\\n\")\n .replace(/^\\n*/, \"\") // Remove leading newlines\n .replace(/\\n\\n\\n+/g, \"\\n\\n\") // Maximum 2 newlines in a row\n .replace(/\\n+$/, \"\")\n return trimmed === \"\" ? trimmed : trimmed + \"\\n\" // End non blank Scroll files in a newline character POSIX style for better working with tools like git\n }\n get parser() {\n return this.constructor\n }\n get parsersRequiringExternals() {\n const { parser } = this\n // todo: could be cleaned up a bit\n if (!parser.parsersRequiringExternals) parser.parsersRequiringExternals = parser.cachedHandParsersProgramRoot.filter(particle => particle.copyFromExternal).map(particle => particle.atoms[0])\n return parser.parsersRequiringExternals\n }\n get Disk() { return this.isNodeJs() ? require(\"scrollsdk/products/Disk.node.js\").Disk : {}}\n async buildAll(options = {}) {\n await this.load()\n await this.buildOne(options)\n await this.buildTwo(options)\n }\n async buildOne(options) {\n await this.execute()\n const toBuild = this.filter(particle => particle.buildOne)\n for (let particle of toBuild) {\n await particle.buildOne(options)\n }\n }\n async buildTwo(options) {\n const toBuild = this.filter(particle => particle.buildTwo)\n for (let particle of toBuild) {\n await particle.buildTwo(options)\n }\n }\n get outputFileNames() {\n return this.filter(p => p.outputFileNames).map(p => p.outputFileNames).flat()\n }\n _compileArray(filename, arr) {\n const removeBlanks = data => data.map(obj => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).filter(([_, value]) => value !== \"\")))\n const parts = filename.split(\".\")\n const format = parts.pop()\n if (format === \"json\") return JSON.stringify(removeBlanks(arr), null, 2)\n if (format === \"js\") return `const ${parts[0]} = ` + JSON.stringify(removeBlanks(arr), null, 2)\n if (format === \"csv\") return this.arrayToCSV(arr)\n if (format === \"tsv\") return this.arrayToCSV(arr, \"\\t\")\n if (format === \"particles\") return particles.toString()\n return particles.toString()\n }\n levenshteinDistance(a, b) {\n const m = a.length\n const n = b.length\n const dp = Array.from({ length: m + 1 }, () => Array(n + 1).fill(0))\n for (let i = 0; i <= m; i++) {\n dp[i][0] = i\n }\n for (let j = 0; j <= n; j++) {\n dp[0][j] = j\n }\n for (let i = 1; i <= m; i++) {\n for (let j = 1; j <= n; j++) {\n const cost = a[i - 1] === b[j - 1] ? 0 : 1\n dp[i][j] = Math.min(dp[i - 1][j] + 1, dp[i][j - 1] + 1, dp[i - 1][j - 1] + cost)\n }\n }\n return dp][n]\n }\n makeLodashOrderByParams(str) {\n const part1 = str.split(\" \")\n const part2 = part1.map(col => (col.startsWith(\"-\") ? \"desc\" : \"asc\"))\n return [part1.map(col => col.replace(/^\\-/, \"\")), part2]\n }\n arrayToCSV(data, delimiter = \",\") {\n if (!data.length) return \"\"\n // Extract headers\n const headers = Object.keys(data[0])\n const csv = data.map(row =>\n headers\n .map(fieldName => {\n const fieldValue = row[fieldName]\n // Escape commas if the value is a string\n if (typeof fieldValue === \"string\" && (fieldValue.includes(delimiter) || fieldValue.includes('\"'))) {\n return `\"${fieldValue.replace(/\"/g, '\"\"')}\"` // Escape double quotes and wrap in double quotes\n }\n return fieldValue\n })\n .join(delimiter)\n )\n csv.unshift(headers.join(delimiter)) // Add header row at the top\n return csv.join(\"\\n\")\n }\n compileConcepts(filename = \"csv\", sortBy = \"\") {\n const {lodash} = this\n if (!sortBy) return this._compileArray(filename, this.concepts)\n const orderBy = this.makeLodashOrderByParams(sortBy)\n return this._compileArray(filename, lodash.orderBy(this.concepts, orderBy[0], orderBy[1]))\n }\n _withStats\n get measuresWithStats() {\n if (!this._withStats) this._withStats = this.addMeasureStats(this.concepts, this.measures)\n return this._withStats\n }\n addMeasureStats(concepts, measures){\n return measures.map(measure => {\n let Type = false\n concepts.forEach(concept => {\n const value = concepteasure.Name]\n if (value === undefined || value === \"\") return\n measure.Values++\n if (!Type) {\n measure.Example = value.toString().replace(/\\n/g, \" \")\n measure.Type = typeof value\n Type = true\n }\n })\n measure.Coverage = Math.floor((100 * measure.Values) / concepts.length) + \"%\"\n return measure\n })\n }\n parseMeasures(parser) {\n if (!Particle.measureCache)\n Particle.measureCache = new Map()\n const measureCache = Particle.measureCache\n if (measureCache.get(parser)) return measureCache.get(parser)\n const {lodash} = this\n // todo: clean this up\n const getCueAtoms = rootParserProgram =>\n rootParserProgram\n .filter(particle => particle.getLine().endsWith(\"Parser\") && !particle.getLine().startsWith(\"abstract\"))\n .map(particle => particle.get(\"cue\") || particle.getLine())\n .map(line => line.replace(/Parser$/, \"\"))\n // Generate a fake program with one of every of the available parsers. Then parse it. Then we can easily access the meta data on the parsers\n const dummyProgram = new parser(\n Array.from(\n new Set(\n getCueAtoms(parser.cachedHandParsersProgramRoot) // is there a better method name than this?\n )\n ).join(\"\\n\"), this.getLine()\n )\n // Delete any particles that are not measures\n dummyProgram.filter(particle => !particle.isMeasure).forEach(particle => particle.destroy())\n dummyProgram.forEach(particle => {\n // add nested measures\n Object.keys(particle.definition.cueMapWithDefinitions).forEach(key => particle.appendLine(key))\n })\n // Delete any nested particles that are not measures\n dummyProgram.topDownArray.filter(particle => !particle.isMeasure).forEach(particle => particle.destroy())\n const measures = dummyProgram.topDownArray.map(particle => {\n return {\n Name: particle.measureName,\n Values: 0,\n Coverage: 0,\n Question: particle.definition.description,\n Example: particle.definition.getParticle(\"example\")?.subparticlesToString() || \"\",\n Type: particle.typeForWebForms,\n Source: particle.sourceDomain,\n //Definition: parsedProgram.root.filename + \":\" + particle.lineNumber\n SortIndex: particle.sortIndex,\n IsComputed: particle.isComputed,\n IsRequired: particle.isMeasureRequired,\n IsConceptDelimiter: particle.isConceptDelimiter,\n Cue: particle.definition.get(\"cue\")\n }\n })\n measureCache.set(parser, lodash.sortBy(measures, \"SortIndex\"))\n return measureCache.get(parser)\n }\n _concepts\n get concepts() {\n if (this._concepts) return this._concepts\n this._concepts = this.parseConcepts(this, this.measures)\n return this._concepts\n }\n _measures\n get measures() {\n if (this._measures) return this._measures\n this._measures = this.parseMeasures(this.parser)\n return this._measures\n }\n parseConcepts(parsedProgram, measures){\n // Todo: might be a perf/memory/simplicity win to have a \"segment\" method in ScrollSDK, where you could\n // virtually split a Particle into multiple segments, and then query on those segments.\n // So we would \"segment\" on \"id \", and then not need to create a bunch of new objects, and the original\n // already parsed lines could then learn about/access to their respective segments.\n const conceptDelimiter = measures.filter(measure => measure.IsConceptDelimiter)[0]\n if (!conceptDelimiter) return []\n const concepts = parsedProgram.split(conceptDelimiter.Cue || conceptDelimiter.Name)\n concepts.shift() // Remove the part before \"id\"\n return concepts.map(concept => {\n const row = {}\n measures.forEach(measure => {\n const measureName = measure.Name\n const measureKey = measure.Cue || measureName.replace(/_/g, \" \")\n if (!measure.IsComputed) roweasureName] = concept.getParticle(measureKey)?.measureValue ?? \"\"\n else roweasureName] = this.computeMeasure(parsedProgram, measureName, concept, concepts)\n })\n return row\n })\n }\n computeMeasure(parsedProgram, measureName, concept, concepts){\n // note that this is currently global, assuming there wont be. name conflicts in computed measures in a single scroll\n if (!Particle.measureFnCache) Particle.measureFnCache = {}\n const measureFnCache = Particle.measureFnCache\n if (!measureFnCacheeasureName]) {\n // a bit hacky but works??\n const particle = parsedProgram.appendLine(measureName)\n measureFnCacheeasureName] = particle.computeValue\n particle.destroy()\n }\n return measureFnCacheeasureName](concept, measureName, parsedProgram, concepts)\n }\n compileMeasures(filename = \"csv\", sortBy = \"\") {\n const withStats = this.measuresWithStats\n if (!sortBy) return this._compileArray(filename, withStats)\n const orderBy = this.makeLodashOrderByParams(sortBy)\n return this._compileArray(filename, this.lodash.orderBy(withStats, orderBy[0], orderBy[1]))\n }\n evalNodeJsMacros(value, macroMap, filePath) {\n const tempPath = filePath + \".js\"\n const {Disk} = this\n if (Disk.exists(tempPath)) throw new Error(`Failed to write/require replaceNodejs snippet since '${tempPath}' already exists.`)\n try {\n Disk.write(tempPath, value)\n const results = require(tempPath)\n Object.keys(results).forEach(key => (macroMap[key] = results[key]))\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(`Error in evalMacros in file '${filePath}'`)\n console.error(err)\n } finally {\n Disk.rm(tempPath)\n }\n }\n evalMacros(fusedFile) {\n const {fusedCode, codeAtStart, filePath} = fusedFile\n let code = fusedCode\n const absolutePath = filePath\n // note: the 2 params above are not used in this method, but may be used in user eval code. (todo: cleanup)\n const regex = /^(replace|toFooter$)/gm\n if (!regex.test(code)) return code\n const particle = new Particle(code) // todo: this can be faster. a more lightweight particle class?\n // Process macros\n const macroMap = {}\n particle\n .filter(particle => {\n const parserAtom = particle.cue\n return parserAtom === \"replace\" || parserAtom === \"replaceJs\" || parserAtom === \"replaceNodejs\"\n })\n .forEach(particle => {\n let value = particle.length ? particle.subparticlesToString() : particle.getAtomsFrom(2).join(\" \")\n const kind = particle.cue\n try {\n if (kind === \"replaceJs\") value = eval(value)\n if (this.isNodeJs() && kind === \"replaceNodejs\")\n this.evalNodeJsMacros(value, macroMap, absolutePath)\n else macroMap[particle.getAtom(1)] = value\n } catch (err) {\n console.error(err)\n }\n particle.destroy() // Destroy definitions after eval\n })\n if (particle.has(\"toFooter\")) {\n const pushes = particle.getParticles(\"toFooter\")\n const append = pushes.map(push => push.section.join(\"\\n\")).join(\"\\n\")\n pushes.forEach(push => {\n push.section.forEach(particle => particle.destroy())\n push.destroy()\n })\n code = particle.asString + append\n }\n const keys = Object.keys(macroMap)\n if (!keys.length) return code\n let codeAfterMacroSubstitution = particle.asString\n // Todo: speed up. build a template?\n Object.keys(macroMap).forEach(key => (codeAfterMacroSubstitution = codeAfterMacroSubstitution.replace(new RegExp(key, \"g\"), macroMap[key])))\n return codeAfterMacroSubstitution\n }\n toRss() {\n const { title, canonicalUrl } = this\n return ` - \n
${title} \n ${canonicalUrl}\n ${this.dayjs(this.timestamp * 1000).format(\"ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ\")} \n `\n }\n example\n # Hello world\n ## This is Scroll\n * It compiles to HTML.\n \n code\n // You can add code as well.\n print(\"Hello world\")\nstampFileParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n description Create a file.\n javascript\n execute(parentDir) {\n const fs = require(\"fs\")\n const path = require(\"path\")\n const fullPath = path.join(parentDir, this.getLine())\n this.root.log(`Creating file ${fullPath}`)\n fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(fullPath), {recursive: true})\n const content = this.subparticlesToString()\n fs.writeFileSync(fullPath, content, \"utf8\")\n const isExecutable = content.startsWith(\"#!\")\n if (isExecutable) fs.chmodSync(fullPath, \"755\")\n }\nstampFolderParser\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n description Create a folder.\n inScope stampFolderParser\n catchAllParser stampFileParser\n pattern \\/$\n javascript\n execute(parentDir) {\n const fs = require(\"fs\")\n const path = require(\"path\")\n const newPath = path.join(parentDir, this.getLine())\n this.root.log(`Creating folder ${newPath}`)\n fs.mkdirSync(newPath, {recursive: true})\n this.forEach(particle => particle.execute(newPath))\n }\nstumpContentParser\n popularity 0.102322\n catchAllAtomType codeAtom\nabstractTableOptionsParser\n atoms cueAtom stringAtom\n javascript\n buildHtml() {\n return \"\"\n }\nscrollJsonPathParser\n popularity 0.001037\n description Specify dot path to data.\n cue path\n extends abstractTableOptionsParser\nscrollTableDelimiterParser\n popularity 0.001037\n description Set the delimiter.\n cue delimiter\n extends abstractTableOptionsParser\nscrollTableDataParser\n popularity 0.001061\n cue data\n atoms cueAtom\n description Table from inline delimited data.\n baseParser blobParser\nplainTextLineParser\n popularity 0.000121\n catchAllAtomType stringAtom\n catchAllParser plainTextLineParser\nBlobParser\n baseParser blobParser"}