Changes to blog_template33097

4 months ago
initial blog_template template
Changed around line 1
+ .DS_Store
+ *.html
+ *.txt
+ *.xml
+ *.css
+ *.js
+ *.csv
+ requests.scroll
Changed around line 1
+ buildRss feed.xml
+ // This file generates the "RSS Feed" for your blog.
+ printFeed All
Changed around line 1
+ tags All
+ // Tags are like categories
+ header.scroll
+ // Include the header
+ title My First Post
+ // The title of your blog post
+ container 600px
+ // Generate a narrowish container to hold the blog contents
+ // Blog post test goes here
+ This is my first blog post using Scroll.
+ ****
+ // A common decoration to indicate the end of a post
+ footer.scroll
+ // Include the footer
Changed around line 1
+ importOnly
+ center
+ editButton
+ scrollVersionLink
Changed around line 1
+ importOnly
+ metaTags
+ buildTxt
+ buildHtml
+ theme gazette
+ homeButton
+ leftRightButtons
+ editButton
+ printTitle
Changed around line 1
+ title My Blog
+ // Your new blog is live on the web!
+ // Write your first post in "firstPost.scroll"
+ // Sets the title of your blog
+ header.scroll
+ // Includes the header.
+ printSnippets All
+ // This prints snippets of every blog post
+ footer.scroll
+ // Includes the footer.
Changed around line 1
+ tags All
+ // Tags are like categories
+ header.scroll
+ // Include the header
+ title My Second Post
+ // The title of your blog post
+ container 600px
+ // Generate a narrowish container to hold the blog contents
+ // Blog post test goes here
+ This is my second blog post using Scroll.
+ ****
+ // A common decoration to indicate the end of a post
+ footer.scroll
+ // Include the footer