Changes to

2 months ago
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Find Your Perfect Match


Connect with tennis and badminton players in your area, at your skill level


Why Choose MatchPlay


Skill Matching


Find players at your level for competitive and fun matches


Location Based


Discover players and courts near you


Easy Scheduling


Coordinate matches with built-in calendar integration


Verified Players


Trust our community of verified sports enthusiasts


How It Works


Create Profile


Set up your profile with your skill level and preferences


Find Players


Browse nearby players and send match requests




Meet up and enjoy your game


Ready to Play?


Download MatchPlay and start finding partners today




Connecting sports enthusiasts worldwide





      Changed around line 1
      + buildHtml
      + baseUrl
      + metaTags
      + description Find your perfect tennis or badminton partner nearby. Join MatchPlay to connect with players at your skill level and schedule matches easily.
      + keywords tennis partner, badminton partner, find tennis players, sports matching app, tennis buddy
      + editButton /edit.html
      + title MatchPlay - Find Your Perfect Tennis or Badminton Partner
      + style.css
      + body.html
      + script.js
      Changed around line 1
      + #
      + Website generated by Claude from prompt: create a landing page for app that helps people to find a partner to play tennis or badminton
      Changed around line 1
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      Changed around line 1
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      + }
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