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2 months ago
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Academic vs. Alternative Career Calculator


Make an informed decision about your career path


Current Academic Situation


Alternative Career Potential


Analysis Results



Important Considerations

  • Long-term career implications
  • +
  • Financial stability
  • +
  • Personal values alignment
  • +
  • Work-life balance
  • +
  • Future opportunities
  • +

    This tool is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with advisors, mentors, and counselors for important career decisions.

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    + buildHtml
    + baseUrl
    + metaTags
    + editButton /edit.html
    + title PhD vs OnlyFans Calculator - Career Decision Tool
    + style.css
    + body.html
    + script.js
    Changed around line 1
    + #
    + Website generated from prompt: I want a website that will help decide if I should drop out of my PhD program to do only Fans. So it should have some numerical tools and interactivity. Be creative.
    Changed around line 1
    + document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    + const calculateBtn = document.getElementById('calculate');
    + const results = document.getElementById('results');
    + const meterFill = document.getElementById('meterFill');
    + const recommendation = document.getElementById('recommendation');
    + const factors = document.getElementById('factors');
    + calculateBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
    + // Get all input values
    + const stipend = parseFloat(document.getElementById('stipend').value) || 0;
    + const years = parseFloat(document.getElementById('years').value) || 0;
    + const satisfaction = parseFloat(document.getElementById('satisfaction').value) || 5;
    + const publications = parseFloat(document.getElementById('publications').value) || 0;
    + const followers = parseFloat(document.getElementById('followers').value) || 0;
    + const marketability = parseFloat(document.getElementById('marketability').value) || 5;
    + const comfort = parseFloat(document.getElementById('comfort').value) || 5;
    + // Calculate academic score
    + const academicScore = calculateAcademicScore(stipend, years, satisfaction, publications);
    + // Calculate alternative career score
    + const alternativeScore = calculateAlternativeScore(followers, marketability, comfort);
    + // Calculate final decision score (0-100)
    + const finalScore = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, alternativeScore));
    + // Display results
    + = 'block';
    + = `${finalScore}%`;
    + // Generate recommendation
    + const recommendationText = generateRecommendation(finalScore, academicScore, alternativeScore);
    + recommendation.textContent = recommendationText;
    + // Show contributing factors
    + displayFactors(stipend, followers, satisfaction, comfort);
    + });
    + });
    + function calculateAcademicScore(stipend, years, satisfaction, publications) {
    + const stipendScore = Math.min(50, (stipend / 50000) * 50);
    + const yearsScore = Math.max(0, 50 - years * 10);
    + const satisfactionScore = satisfaction * 10;
    + const publicationsScore = Math.min(50, publications * 10);
    + return (stipendScore + yearsScore + satisfactionScore + publicationsScore) / 4;
    + }
    + function calculateAlternativeScore(followers, marketability, comfort) {
    + const followerScore = Math.min(50, (followers / 10000) * 50);
    + const marketabilityScore = marketability * 10;
    + const comfortScore = comfort * 10;
    + return (followerScore + marketabilityScore + comfortScore) / 3;
    + }
    + function generateRecommendation(score, academicScore, alternativeScore) {
    + if (score < 40) {
    + return "Consider staying in academia. Your current path shows promise.";
    + } else if (score < 60) {
    + return "The decision is balanced. Consider exploring both paths simultaneously.";
    + } else {
    + return "Alternative career path shows strong potential. Consider careful transition planning.";
    + }
    + }
    + function displayFactors(stipend, followers, satisfaction, comfort) {
    + const factorsList = [
    + `Current stipend: $${stipend.toLocaleString()} annually`,
    + `Social media following: ${followers.toLocaleString()} followers`,
    + `Academic satisfaction: ${satisfaction}/10`,
    + `Career change comfort: ${comfort}/10`
    + ];
    + factors.innerHTML = factorsList
    + .map(factor => `

    • ${factor}

    + .join('');
    + }
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