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2 months ago
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PhD vs OnlyFans Calculator


Make a data-driven career decision


Current PhD Situation


OnlyFans Potential


Analysis Results


PhD Path



    OnlyFans Path




      This calculator is for entertainment purposes only. Career decisions should involve careful consideration of multiple factors and consultation with mentors.


      Created with humor and algorithms

      Changed around line 1
      + buildHtml
      + baseUrl
      + metaTags
      + editButton /edit.html
      + title PhD vs OnlyFans Calculator - Make an Informed Career Decision
      + style.css
      + body.html
      + script.js
      Changed around line 1
      + #
      + Website generated from prompt: I want a website that will help decide if I should drop out of my PhD program to do only Fans. So it should have some numerical tools and interactivity. Be creative.
      Changed around line 1
      + document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
      + const calculateButton = document.getElementById('calculate');
      + const resultDiv = document.getElementById('result');
      + calculateButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
      + const stipend = parseFloat(document.getElementById('stipend').value);
      + const yearsLeft = parseFloat(document.getElementById('years-left').value);
      + const stressLevel = parseFloat(document.getElementById('stress-level').value);
      + const attractiveness = parseFloat(document.getElementById('attractiveness').value);
      + const socialMedia = parseFloat(document.getElementById('social-media').value);
      + const comfortLevel = parseFloat(document.getElementById('comfort-level').value);
      + // Calculate PhD score (max 100)
      + const phdScore = calculatePhdScore(stipend, yearsLeft, stressLevel);
      + // Calculate OnlyFans score (max 100)
      + const ofScore = calculateOnlyFansScore(attractiveness, socialMedia, comfortLevel);
      + displayResults(phdScore, ofScore);
      + resultDiv.classList.remove('hidden');
      + });
      + function calculatePhdScore(stipend, yearsLeft, stressLevel) {
      + const stipendScore = Math.min(40, (stipend / 50000) * 40);
      + const yearsScore = Math.max(0, 30 - (yearsLeft * 3));
      + const stressScore = Math.max(0, 30 - (stressLevel * 3));
      + return Math.round(stipendScore + yearsScore + stressScore);
      + }
      + function calculateOnlyFansScore(attractiveness, socialMedia, comfortLevel) {
      + const attractivenessScore = attractiveness * 4;
      + const socialScore = Math.min(30, (socialMedia / 10000) * 30);
      + const comfortScore = comfortLevel * 3;
      + return Math.round(attractivenessScore + socialScore + comfortScore);
      + }
      + function displayResults(phdScore, ofScore) {
      + const phdScoreElement = document.getElementById('phd-score');
      + const ofScoreElement = document.getElementById('of-score');
      + const recommendationElement = document.getElementById('recommendation');
      + const phdFactors = document.getElementById('phd-factors');
      + const ofFactors = document.getElementById('of-factors');
      + phdScoreElement.textContent = `Career Score: ${phdScore}/100`;
      + ofScoreElement.textContent = `Career Score: ${ofScore}/100`;
      + phdFactors.innerHTML = '';
      + ofFactors.innerHTML = '';
      + // Add factors for PhD
      + addFactor(phdFactors, 'Long-term career stability', phdScore > 70);
      + addFactor(phdFactors, 'Academic prestige', phdScore > 60);
      + addFactor(phdFactors, 'Research impact', phdScore > 50);
      + // Add factors for OnlyFans
      + addFactor(ofFactors, 'Income potential', ofScore > 70);
      + addFactor(ofFactors, 'Work flexibility', ofScore > 60);
      + addFactor(ofFactors, 'Creative freedom', ofScore > 50);
      + const difference = Math.abs(phdScore - ofScore);
      + let recommendation;
      + if (difference < 10) {
      + recommendation = "This is a close call! Consider trying OnlyFans as a side hustle while continuing your PhD.";
      + } else if (phdScore > ofScore) {
      + recommendation = "The numbers suggest sticking with your PhD program. Knowledge is power! 🎓";
      + } else {
      + recommendation = "The numbers suggest OnlyFans might be more lucrative. But remember, this is just for fun! 📸";
      + }
      + recommendationElement.textContent = recommendation;
      + }
      + function addFactor(element, text, positive) {
      + const li = document.createElement('li');
      + li.textContent = `${text}: ${positive ? '✅' : '❌'}`;
      + element.appendChild(li);
      + }
      + });
      Changed around line 1
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      + gap: 1rem;
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      + .card {
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      + }
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