Changed around line 1
+ ../code/conceptPage.scroll
+ id aluasm
+ name AluAsm
+ appeared 2021
+ creators Maxim Orlovsky
+ tags pl
+ description AluVM assembly toolchain includes AluAsm – assembler – and ALink – linker, which may be used for producing AluVM and AluRE libraries and executable files.
+ githubRepo
+ example
+ ;; Proof-of-work mining
+ ;;
+ ;; # Arguments
+ ;; - s16[1]: input
+ ;; - a256[1]: difficulty target
+ ;; - a16[2]: limit to the number of mining cycles
+ ;;
+ ;; # Returns
+ ;; - st0: success code (0 for success, 1 for a failure)
+ ;; - r256[2]: resulting hash value
+ ;; - a16[1]: actual number of cycles used
+ ;;
+ ;; # Uses
+ ;; - a8[1]: temporary result code
+ ;; - a16[3]: zero
+ .ROUTINE mine
+ put 0, a16[1] ; putting a value into register
+ put 0, a16[3] ; we will use this later
+ loop: ; label for cycle
+ sha2 s16[1], r256[2] ; taking hash of the data
+ inj s16[1], r256[2], a16[3] ; changing the string with the hash itself
+ inc a16[1] ; counting steps
+ gt.u a16[1], a16[2] ; making sure we do not exceed $cycle_limit
+ jif exceeded
+ lt.u r256[2], r256[1] ; checking against difficulty
+ jif done ; target difficulty reached!
+ jmp loop
+ done: put 1, a8[1] ; failing since we exceeded $cycle_limit
+ ifz a8[1]
+ ret
+ exceeded: put 0, a8[1]
+ st.s a8[1]
+ ret