ScrollHub Documentation


ScrollHub is a web server application that provides git-based folder hosting with real-time collaboration features. It's built with Express.js and provides functionality for file management, version control, and live updates.

Core Features

Main Components

Server Initialization


class ScrollHub {



Security Features

Write Permission Control

File Extension Security

Core Routes

File Management

Git Integration

Real-time Features

Usage Examples

Creating a New Folder


const response = await fetch('/createFolder.htm', {



Writing a File


const response = await fetch('/writeFile.htm', {



Subscribing to Real-time Updates


const evtSource = new EventSource('/.requests.htm?folderName=my-project');

evtSource.onmessage = (event) => {




Environment Setup

Required directories:

Security Configuration





Error Handling

The server implements comprehensive error handling:

Example error response:





Folder Structure



โ”œโ”€โ”€ folders/ # User folders

โ”‚ โ”œโ”€โ”€ project1/

โ”‚ โ””โ”€โ”€ project2/

โ”œโ”€โ”€ templates/ # Folder templates

โ”‚ โ”œโ”€โ”€ blank_template/

โ”‚ โ””โ”€โ”€ other_templates/

โ””โ”€โ”€ trash/ # Deleted folders


Best Practices

  1. *Folder Names*

    - Must start with a lowercase letter

  1. *File Management*

    - Use appropriate file extensions

  1. *Security*

    - Implement proper authentication if needed

Technical Notes

  1. *Certificate Management*

    - Automatic certificate generation for HTTPS

  1. *Performance Considerations*

    - File operations are asynchronous

  1. *Monitoring*

    - Request logging


  1. File size limited to 100MB
  2. Rate limited to 30 writes per minute per IP
  3. Limited to specific file extensions
  4. No built-in user authentication system


Common issues and solutions:

  1. *Rate Limiting*

    - Issue: "Your IP has been temporarily throttled"

  1. *Invalid File Types*

    - Issue: "Editing 'xyz' files not yet supported"

  1. *Certificate Errors*

    - Issue: SSL certificate errors

  1. *Git Errors*

    - Issue: Git operation failures


When contributing to ScrollHub:

  1. Follow the existing code style
  2. Add tests for new features
  3. Update documentation
  4. Handle errors appropriately
  5. Consider backward compatibility


Major dependencies:

Public Domain

ScrollHub is open source, public domain software.

Built with Scroll v173.0.0